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[ Reuter's telegrams to Press Agency. ] London, Dec. 28. * In a letter the Queen expreasses heartfelt thanks at the universal sympathy in her affliction. A plot has been discovered to assassinate the Emperor of Austria.' Difficulties have arisen in the British jurisdiction at Cyprus, Italy contesting. Bismarck has written a letter to the President of the Federal Council, advocating a protectionist policy. December 30. The report of the arrival of Yakoob at Jellelabad is confirmed. The Duke of Connaught’s marriage is to take place on March 13. The Chimborazo has arrived at Plymouth. Turkey makes concessions. The British Troops advance on Candahar City of Glasgow Bank Call. Correspondent of the Post. .London, Dec. . 31. The Pope appeals to the German Bishops to inculcate the duty of obedience to the laws of the land. His holiness also directs the -bishops and clergy to pray for the welfare of the secular powers, including the temporal sovereigns of Europe. Another intended assassination of a European Sovereign has been disco vered, a plot to murder the Prince of Servia having beua detected.’ " ■’VssTw ■ ' ■ • ; Ml

The report of the liquidators of the City of Glasgow Bank is ox a very unfavorable character. January 1. General Hill has, for the present, stopped all traffic through the Kyber Pass. Four of the Ameer’s regiments have deserted his standard. Three-fourths of General Biddulph’s division have taken up a position on the plain of Oandahar, and there is a general advance of the British troops on Oandahar, January 3, One of the Bi-ton guns on board H.M. turret-ship Tnunderer exploded, destroying the turret, killing seven men, and wounding forty others. [special to press agency.] The Pope inculcates obedience to secular lawsPlot to kill the Prince of Servia. Blockade of the Kyber Pass.—Wholesale Desertion of the Ameer’s soldiersLondon, December 31. The council of the Engineers Union has resolved to resist the threatened extension of working hours. A secret manifesto has been published at St. Petersburg, urging young Russia to destroy the present yoke. The rumoured appointment of Mr Pope Hennessy to the Governorship of Sydney is not confirmed. January 1. It is understood that the Government have arranged with the Roman Catholic Bishops of Ireland a scheme for university education. Calcutta, January 1. General Stuart advances on Oandahar today through Gwaja Khojuk Pass. It is stated that the town is weakly garrisoned. The Khan of Khelat has expressed his desire to co-operate with the British in their advance on Oandahar. The Governor of Candahar is preparing for a vigorous defence. Constantinople, Jan. 1. The British fleet returns to Ismid, as provisions are unattainable at Artaki. London, Jan. 3. The call made on the shareholders of the City of Glasgow Bank realised £BOO,OOO. The secretary was released, and becomes Queen’s evidence. The revenue returns for the December quarter show a large increase over the previous quarter. The Turkish Commissioners appointed to consider the question of boundaries have agreed to surrender Podgaritza to Montenegro. The Glasgow Bank will pay 5s in the pound on the 3rd February. Official correspondence in reference to reforms in Asia Minor has been published. Lord Salisbury, in a despatch, applauds and accepts the concessions of the Porte as an adequate instalment, and as a guarantee for the complete execution of the promised reforms. The American Secretary to the Treasury holds forty million dollars of gold. , There will be a resumption of specie payment. The Turkish Commissioners appointed, surrender Podgoritza and Montenegro. Khan Khelat is desirous of co-operating with the British advance. The Candahar official correspondence in reference to reforms in Asia Minor, published by Lord Salisbury in a despatch, applauds and accepts the concessions of the Porte as an adequate instalmeixt and complete execution of reforms. The Glasgow Bank call realised £BOO,OOO. The secretary has been released, and becomes a Crown witness. The bank pays a dividend of 5s on February 3rd. Bombay, Jan. 1. Stuart advances on Oandahar to-day through Gwaja Khojuk Pass. It is stated that the town is weakly garrisoned. The fleet returns to Asmid. Provisions are unobtainable at Artaki. The revenue returns for December quarter show a large increase. The Governor of Candahar is preparing a vigorous defence. America, Jan. 1. The Treasurer holds 40,000,000 dols. in gold for the resumption of specie payments. London, Jan. 4. Sir M. Hicks Beach, speaking at Gloucester, said the reports regarding the distress throughout the country has been much exaggerated, partly for the purpose of maintaining peace. Lord Derby, in a speech at Rochdale, also stated that the reports were much exaggerated, although the distress was undoubtedly severe, owing to the state of trade. Berlin, Jan. 3. The Government organs here regard the political horizon as clearer than for a long time past, and confidence is gaining ground in the strict execution of the Berlin treaty. Constantinople, Jan. 3. At a reception, by the Sultan, of the European Ambassadors, most friendly assurances of amity were exchanged on behalf of the powers. London, Jan. 3. Consols 95 7-eighths discount rates, and general security also, wheat and flour unchanged. Sydney, Jan. 6. The A. S. N. Company’s strikers have resumed work. The Exhibition Commissioners begin their sittings to-morrow. h• 1 h r

Wellington, Jan. 3. It is notified it to-night’s Gazette, by order in Council, that the old tariff rates, by which the evening papers were allowed five hundred words at evening rates, between eight in the morning and five at night, is extended to fifteen hundred words during the same hours. Another schedule notifies that any proprietor or publisher of a newspaper, or any persons, corporation, or company, carrying on the business of Press telegraph agents, or any business, the object of which is to obtain and transmit news, may have the use of the special line, but not at a less sum than £2OOO per year, and if an extra copy of any such telegram be required for any newspaper, five shillings must be paid for every such copy so supplied. G. M. Waterhouse, M.L.C., W. T. L. Travers, "ancTThoinas AlasouP*have been re-appointed Governors of the New Zealand Institute. The amount collected at the cricket ground gates, on New Year’s Day, during the Caledonian games, was over £lO5. The last Frisco mail took away eighty-tbree nominations for Government immigrants ; this is about the usual monthly average of nominations. Government estimate the proceeds from the sale of the reclaimed land at five hundred thousand pounds, with which they purpose constructing the West Coast railway line (North Island). The establishment of a high school for girls in Wellington is being agitated. The whole of the female immigrants by the Hermione obtained situations at good wages almost immediately on landing. It is suggested that the Fernglen immigrants, for Nelson, shall be sent over here, where there is so great a demand for them. As soon as the Glenelg comes.mff the patent slip, she will attempt to tow off the Hyderabad, being assisted by the Hinemoa. Mr Young, the coach proprietor and mail contractor, ran his first regular mail coach between New Plymouth and Hawera to-day, by the mountain road. ' „ January fi A juryman was excused at the Supreme Court to-day, on the ground that he was bail for olio of the persons against whom a true bill was foundj'his Honor said he did not think it was altogether a valid objection, but he thought that perhaps, under the circumstances, the juryman had better not serve. MilPascoe, the brewer, was fined £lO to-day, for refusingTo serve as a juryman when summoned. A civil case for the recovery of wages in the Eesident Magistrate's Court to-day, expenses were allowed plaintiffs, as i hey had been detained in town three weeks. At an inquest held on the body of Mr C. H. McEhvain, the tail, v, wb-> was committed for trial on a charge of arson, ’!'• K»vesten said the deceased died of a bruLt-.i neart, partly through fretting over his troubles, and partly through drink. All the organs were healthy, but the left venticle of the heart was ruptured. At the Supreme Court, William Watson alias Sutton charged with stealing a watch pleaded guilty and sentence was deferred. Sarah Ann Jacobs, a married woman, pleaded guilty to attempted suicide. Asjtheoffence arose outof her drinking habits, she was liberated on a promise of amendment in future. The trial of Kate Dawson, another married woman, Tor a similar ofience was postponed till Wednesday next. Geo. Webb, alias Geo. Smith, charged with

forging a cheque was found guilty and reeom mended to mercy. Sentence was deferred till to morrow, S The Hon. John Martin M.L.0., has pur chased the Hon. Mr ft .AT Wnf.prhmiap.’H sta tion at Waitunga in the Wairarapa district, Seven miles from Featherston, with stock and improvements for £BO,OOO. The estate contains about 34,300 acres freehold ; £30,000 of the purchase money is to he paid in cash to-day. Jas. Gilligan, who died at the Occidental Hotel this morning, was a man of very full habit of body and was touched with heart disease. He had been under the care of Dr Von Mirbach for the last three weeks. Last Saturday he complained of impeded breath as well as intense pain in the legs, and kept his bed all yesterday. He went asleep last night as usual, but early this morning he complained of the severity of the pains in his legs, and Dr Mirbach being sent for, afforded the patient relief by injections of morphia, he then drank some soda water saying be felt better than he had for some time and lay down going to sleep again between 8 and 9. His attendant who slept in the next room found the body in the same position as when he last saw deceased. The immediate cause of death is said to be apoplexy. Mr Giliigan recently sold his Tauru estate and purchased a stud farm in Canterbury, but it is stated the purchasers of the Tauru estate declined to complete the bargain owing to some informality which is supposed to have worried Gilligan a good deal. It was the intention of the deceased if his health had permitted it, to have returned to Canterbury in a few days. Wellington, Jan. 7. At the Supreme Court this morning, James Murphy, who last night was found guilty of attempted rape on a little girl, was sentenced to three years imprisonment and one .whipping of 25 lashes; George Webb, for forgery, to 12 months ; and William Watson, for robbery, to three years imprisonment. A robbery was committed last night at the Anchor Line Shipping office of a packet of notes, amounting to £265, which was left on the top of the safe. It was found that the window had been left unfastened. The Grand Jury intend bringing in a presentment reommending that in cases of attempted suicide by women, on account of domestic troubles, &c., the ends of justice might be served without the necessity of compelling the attendance of the unfortunate women at the Supreme Court. Charles Schmidt, indicted for stealing £2OO from Robert Cooper at the Empire Hotel, has been found guilty, after a long trial ; he will be sentenced to-morrow. • | ' In a few days the Stella will visit Kapiti, Mana, and Stephen’s Islands, relative to the pro-, posed new lighthouses in Cook Strait. • The police have not yet found any clue to the robbery at the Anchor Line Company’s office. It was theofficoboywhoiorgot to put the bundles

of notes into the safe, when he locked up the cash box. It appears that the window had never been fastened inside. It is conjectured that the burglar must have been in the office on business during the day, and observed the parcel of notes. J. Frost, of this city, has applied for letters patent for his invention of a self-inking rubber stamp. The mail steamer Australia, with the December colonial mails for London, arrived at San Francisco on the 2nd inst. Messrs Levien and Co. are advised by telegram under date London, Ist January, that the s.s. Chimborazo arrived at Plymouth on 30th Dec., and the s.s. Garronne sailed thence on 31st with 407 passengers and full cargo. Auckland, Jan. 7. William Maples, of the Occidental Hotel, for a second offence was fined £lO and costs, for permitting gambling in his house. The Inspector said the men who were engaged in gambling on the night in question were all professionals, that the system had a very bad effect on the young men of the city, and many were drawn into the vortex of ruin through its influences. Arrived to-day the City of New York from Sydney. She was delayed by strong easterly gales. Passengers for New Zealand :—Hon. J, Wilson, Mr and Mrs J. L. Graham, Hon. Tarlton Waterhouse, T. L. Richardson, with 36 saloon and 26 steerage passengers, and 40 tons of cargo. Melbourne, Jan. 1. At Gardener’s sale of cattle Matilda’s double Brunswick was bought fox New Zealand for 100 guineas. At the Victorian meeting the midsummer Handicap for three*year-olds was won by Aconite 1, Drum Major 2, Savanaka 3. In the Champion Stakes races Vulcan did the running for the first mile, and then fell back. Calamia and Shodce were well up. At the finish Wellington took the lead from Vulcan, and was never headed the whole way. The schooner. St Hilda collided with the barque Seagull, off Wilson’s promontory, and the latter was abandoned. The crew were taken on by the St Hilda. Sydney, Jan. 1, A disastrous fire has occurred. Park’s eleven buildings were totally demolished, incluning the Commercial Bank. Loss £7OOO. [? £70,000], Napier, January 6. The Hon. Mr Sheehan is expected to be in Napier during the commencement of the week from Cambridge by special coach. There was a heavy fall of rain yesterday, and last evening the rainfall registered two inches. This has improved the prospects of the farmers. The annual meeting of the Good Templars’ Grand Lodge opened this morning in the Protestant Hall'; the Hon. W. Pox presiding. The following officers were present : The Hon. W. Fox, G.W.C.S. (M.H.11.), Brothers Speight, P.G.W.C.S., Dowlis, G.S., Wenkins, G.S., Johnston, G.W.W., Hall, G.C., Jacques, Lyell, G.W.G., Piraui, G.M,, and all the following representatives fi'ora various lodges throughout the colony :—Brothers Jacques, Hoskins, and Treat, Christchurch; Polk, Taranaki; Johnston, Wellington ; Hutchins, Porangahan ; Anderson, Taradale ; Higg, and Sisters Cousin and Troy, Napier; Sisters Hemus, McGregor, With, Robb, and Phillips, from Auckland. A man named Cartwright, a carter, has just been killed through a fall of earth on the reclamation works, and another man has been severely injured. Dunedin, Jan. 7. The following sentences were passed in the Supreme Court this morning : —Margaret Barret for larceny, four years penal servitude ; Robert Angus for larceny, four years penal servitude ; Hyatn Lyon Mitz for forgery, two years; James Morgan for forgery, twelve months. The Hon. Mr Stout addresses his constituents on Friday evening.

Bluff, Jan. 7. The trip of the s.s. Rotorua has been a com' plete success, no accident marring the enjoy' ment all through.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XIV, Issue 1095, 8 January 1879, Page 5

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"EXPRESS TELEGRAMS.” Marlborough Express, Volume XIV, Issue 1095, 8 January 1879, Page 5

"EXPRESS TELEGRAMS.” Marlborough Express, Volume XIV, Issue 1095, 8 January 1879, Page 5