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Tlie " Marlborowgh Express." PRICE THREEPENCE. Published on Wednesday Evening , and Saturday Morningi . riIHE following are the soIe;^GENTS JL for the Express m Blenheim.:-^ . ;'"- -H. ELBECK, AlfredHßtreet. ,.'.. ; ■'. ALFRED DOBSON; Market-street. ! ;j.'. "■SCOTT, Baker, Market Place: : T. COLLINS, Storekeeper, Maxweli-roftd „ F. HILLMER, Tobacconist, Picton^ TT|:LX 0W A YS' P LLLS ■m'%^:-—^--. ] -■-■.: HoUoway'B &iMs are the best remedy m the world , • for. the folowing diseases :■ — : . ■•, FOR ALL DIskASES AFPBCtZQ THE STOUADH . LIVER, KIDMBYB, AISTD BOWELS. These pills can be confidently recommended as the most simple and certain remedy for all diseases affecting the stomach, liver, and bowels: They do not' distress thd ,'aystem, or weaken the frames but thoroughly invigorate the digestive organs, gently excite the stomach und liver, stimulate the kidneys to perlorra tileir functions efficiently, and act upon i the bowels without griping or any other annoyance. '.■'"']. '.'"' DISEASES PECULIAB TO WOMEN. There is no medicine equal to • Hollowy's Pills for correcting the ailments pecnlair to females. Their very mild and' painless action highly; recommends! them to every household, as they may be taken with safty for any irregularity of the system.' Any mother/ nurse, or young person, guided by the -directions which accompany each box of Holloway's Pills, has at once avail able means for checking disease, purifying the blood,' and expelling from the system all gross humors, '.. •■ ■;, > -;•,-.■:■ . _■•..-. -„: . : ■'.-, WEAKNESS, LANGUOR AiTD i^BILTEB. r ' These, famous Pills will immediately remove all Bymptoms of debility, langWor, and weakness, no matter the cause, as they quickly eject all impurities from the system, give tone and energy to debilitated coriatitutions, ' arid brace atid strengthen the nervous system m a most Wonder' manner. BILLIOUSNESS, ,, LOSS JOE APPETITB, AND LOWKESS OP SPIRITS. The Pills effect a wonderfal change m persons subjec to bilious attack, as they create a healthy appetite, ' correct indigestion, remove great'exceas * of bile, and eftectually cure jaundice) bilious' remittents, and all the varities of disease generated by an unhealthy, condition of the liyer. s ' ' ' THE KIDNEYS— THEIR DERANGEMENT, : , •i AND CURE./ , :■ • .. .! '.' If these Pills ! be used according to the printed directions, add the Ointment rubbed over the region of the kidneys for at least half an hour at bed-time, as salt is forced into meat, it wil, penetrate the. kidneys and correct any derange* ment. Should the affliction be stone or ; gravel, it is' particularly recommended that the Oint. ment m such cases, be used night, and moring as by its judicious application the most astound" ng cure may, be.pejfermed. ( ■'. .COWtoKSiipOLDB, AND ASTHMAS. No inje^^f' will cure coughs and colds, when • long dii^aWßv 'ol 'Settled on the chest; or even thbiiglf ib% have asaumed the first stage of- aith ma^§^¥tiV^ly as these'' Pills; they may be' relied on ■ali'a^Cfiftain and iiever- failing cure, particularly t if this' Ointment be Well rubbed into the chest nig%apd morning^ 'The same treatment applied equally well, tor curing sore throatei, diptherii, bronchitis, and influenza. Ague •! Scorfula (King's Female Irregn Astjuaa "•-■ Evil) . larities- „ 'Billion* Com- Stone and Gravel Fevenof all kind ;. l plaints ;Becondaryßyinp- ! Fits., .Blotoheß on the . , toms • ■ Oont " , ■ 4- sTtin Soreshroat Headache -ttpWel Complaint HPumor •• Retention of lOoiloBar ;. :■.■■. /Indigestion . • Urine „.',-- ,ft§nltip^tion, of: lnflamation Venereal Affe^ Slhe •'tepyjel^ . , Jaundice ■ . tton,- ' . ■ Conpampt'lbn ' ~ Liver Complaints Worms of : all Debmw. . \- Lumbago , J tindi - OropVy : Piles ; Weakness, from >Tjv rtttUri^ < ' 'Rheumatism.. I -whatever sans e $mfoifa*U* ■ Ulcers.-. ...v.. [ „ &o.,«». r .,, t :> Tiie-plllB! and Ointment are 'sold at Professor HoLtowAt's Establishment, 583, Oxford iSlreei, jtonUpu ; aldo by nearly every respecatble Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised; World, m Boxes and Pots, at Is. I£., Is 9d., 4g6d., 11s., 225., and 335. each. , . „. , Each'!pot land Box of the Qefanlne Meflidine 0 bears the BrjUsh Government Stamp," with thy words " Hblloway's .Pills and Oi'ntme'fit/'Eoiif." don, " engraved 'tHefreon;' '' On the La^el is the addresßj.SSS, Okfofd. Street, London where! v a?o^ they are Manufactuded. ' -;<ar '."Bgware of all componnds,«tyled, : HOLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT . With a' ' New .Yob* ?' La?bl. „ 20 "EIIRBWOOD. will ;bc* r supplied by. the dB" 1 undersigned, after this 1 date, • for tfiS<H'onl&.:.; ■; ;^.^ ; .;:;:' '[;■ :l' :.:^- General Carting done io.&ny pare.elf town; Or country. , :; Grove Road,s Oct. 21, 1876 36 Printing! PrintintX! Prtotinfflt • ■ V.''*', " . • ■ ; " _m^^*'--'- i '-■ . -' "\ .<t-f': c- r E: : N.V'B > » r r A"Ii ,?;I^ W/^i^N G . ' OE iEVBRY: DESCRIP^riON, EXECUTED AT THE "EXPRESS" l (> I PICE, AT MODERATE RATES; sSamuel iJpHNSON.iPrpprietor.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XIII, Issue 1052, 17 August 1878, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Marlborough Express, Volume XIII, Issue 1052, 17 August 1878, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Marlborough Express, Volume XIII, Issue 1052, 17 August 1878, Page 8