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— A RECORD OF PROGRESS. 37TH ANN UAL MEETING. 1 The 37fh anniversary of the Gore Preshyterian Church was celebrated last Sunday when Bev. W. Gray Dixon AI.A,, of Boslyn, Dunedin, officiated. There were packed attendances both in the East Gore Church in the morning and also at the “Forward Movement’ ’in the Princess Theatre in the evening. Mr Gray Dixon took for his subject in the morning Haggai lE, -! and o, and in the evening 11. Corinthians IN'., 18. The offerings for the new church were liberal. Special music was rendered by a large choir. A beautiful anthem was rendered in the evening. The soloists were Mrs A. E. G. Lyttle, Miss Boss and hr Matheson. The 37th annual meeting uf the. members and adherents of the church was lie Id in the church, East Gore, last evening, and was moderately' well attended. Bev. J. M. Simpson, H.A., presided and opened the meeting with the custdhiary devotional exercises. The reports of the various avenues of church work and the balance-sheet were taken as read, the various sections being submitted for confirmation in .succession. The chairman said that the attendance proved that the time of their meeting was not propitious, so it was proposed to hold the next annual meeting between the Communion ami the anniversary. They all held copies of the booklet issued by the church officehearers and he would like to compliment the printers on the good job they had made of it. At the same time there was one regrettable omission from tinwork in question and that was the names of four of those entitled to go into the roll of honor, making a total of 18 killed instead of 14. Those names were D. Stevens, Len Bowers, Walter Scott and Lindsay, and lie hoped the publication of their names in the press would help to obviate his fault in omitting them. He had to apologise for the unavoidable absence or several of their office-bearers, notably Miss Douglas and Messrs Speden and Watts. the session report. Mr W. Boyne, in moving (he adoption of the session report, said it disclosed la. very satisfactory state of affairs considering the drawbacks of wartime. Their membership roll Had increased from 385 to 424, a gain of 39. This was encouraging and he trusted this record of progress would ho eclipsed this year. Between the Bible class and Sunday Schools they had a total of 383 young people receiving religious instruction and (his was very encouraging also. They as a- congregation had much to la* thankful for in (heir minister who moved constantly in and among them, was always on the alert and left no stone unturned in Ins efforts to get people into the church. Working altogether, a good year s work had been accomplished and lie sincerely hoped all would continue to do their part and make ibis coming year even , better. Mr Hugh Smith seconded flic motion, which was carried. THE 'MANAGERS’ REPORT. The adoption of Hie managers’ report was moved by Mr das. Boyne. Ah must admit, he said, that the report: came out very avcll this year. An or- ( dir ary colled inn o! 9 113, sustentai ion collection oi £22 < and special collections £9l were figures that spoke for themselves. The morning congregal ions in particular could he highly complimented on their excellent giving as they were •much fewer in numbers than the evening congregations. .Mr .las. Blaikie'considered (In' report showed a really sal islae'ory pe:-ai je.n and it gave him great pleasure in seconding the motion, which was carried. LADIES’ SEWING GFLLD. Mr Joseph Tinnier moved Ihe adonfion of the report of the Ladies’ Sewing Guild, which,-Im thought, deserved every credit for the sale of work", widen realised Hie magnificent sum of UldS. Apart from (hat meritorious effort the Guild had not done much church work', (he calls of the various patriotic associations of the town absorbing ail members’ energies. The report was inded a most satisfac 1 ory one. Mr P. L. Campbell seconded the motion, v.hich was carried. SABBATH SCHOOL WORK.

Air .). Hunter, ns superintendent id the main Sunday-school, moved the adoption of the report. I lie work, he said, had proceeded smoothly although they wer' deplorably short-handed i" their I ear-hi an stall'. tie had looked round the classes last Sunday and had found only two of the right size—all the others were two or three times too large. They needed more adequate l accommodation for their scholars hut that matter would have to stand over until aider the war. The majority of their scholars were hoys and yet they had onlv two nude teachers in the .school. He would repeat the previous year’s apt) a I for teamlmrs. Air Hugh .Smith seconded the motion ami in eleung so said he sympathised with Air Hunter hut probably rue Roll of Honor would account for the smallness of tlie male portion of lim stall’. The hoys and girls of to-day were the men and women of to-morrow and tiie wort: of instructing them in the higher things of life was imperative. Afr Andrew Aitken, in speaking to the. motion, considered that the only successful way to acquire more ieaehers would he to bring in conscription.— (Laughter.) He stated that Afr Smith was quite eligible lor the loug-scrvice diploma, as he had been teaching lor go or A(> years and he deserved decoration.— i Renewed laughter). Air S. IT Ferguson stressed the importance of the' work as Ihe Sahhalhschool of to-day was the Church of (onmrrmv. and detailed some of tin l disabilities under which the work was carried out at present. Rev. .). AI. Simpson also spoke and recounted some' of his experiences in endeavoring to secure' se-hol.ars and te'aehcrs for the Sahhai h-selmol. After A losses Hunter and A ill.mi had spoken fnrtht'r on the- leipie the meitiem wets put and carrie'd. YOUNG AVUAIFN’S 111 RLF. CLASS. Tim report, of this (ioiirShing organisation was adopted <m the mot ion ol .Messrs .las. Ruvim and das. Blaikic. who both paid a very high mood of praise In Idle' snlendid maimer in whHi Ali-s Demghis aeeennplislied the work as leaden - . r.AV.Ai.C. Tim adopt ieui ol ■ tin- rop-.n-i oi ilm Preshvterian Women's A I i■ a i( 111 a r\ Union opened up a d is< I Issioll on the Posi means whereby Mm oongrona I ion collhi help on the umld-wide cause' oi missions. All - Hinder, in moving iho ."dopMon A ULFSSINC TO AIOTMFRS. Nothing is more' distressing to parents Mian to se>o tlmjr ohiidron silliermg from ennghs and colds. Act a roallv ('lleed.ive mm'ilv is easily available' in Rax tor’s Lung Hreserve'r. the' unrivalled healer of bronchial f. (lections. fliildren take it readily and R contains nolliimr harmful. I*l very elosc has a soothing, healiim e'll’e-fb on the (liroai, arid bronchial passages. Tne tickling mid sorcness aiv quickly allayed, and tlie cough or cold overcome. “Baxter’s” is also a strengthening tonic, and vitalises the whole system. Is 10d hnvs a large' bottle from anv Chemist or Store. d

~f the' report, said how sorry they ai 1 were- to know how ill Airs Simpson was. Sim was preside'iit eit the' I.A .AH . ami it was largely hem self denying work for that and kindred objects which had n neh'rm ineel hew strength, hut Mm> a I pravt'd she would seam he' resLmvd te health. The* church which <1 iel ueit supoort missioitaries was moriloiml. and t< lighten the labors of the lady e-oliecfom it- worn now s.uggesteel lirst that a nus-dnn-liox should always stand at the cimrch eh.or; second that missionary envelope's he' give'll out at a spe'CUU'ei t imc. . , , , , R('V. -). AU Simpson said that il each -,f Mmir nu'inhcrs gave Ad weemK Mie'\ won Id raise- over CUCO insu-'d of Led. Mrs Sinwart and Mr N. !'-. I'ce-gnsem -d-ei OMil;.' to the motie-11. winch w;i! M'cendml by Air -I. Lock and carrie’d. ( KURORTS. Tim report of Mm Young Ale-n’s IVihlc Class was adopt e-el on Mu- motion eh Ale-’srs •! . l.oe-k and A . Corbel I . Tin- ri'porl of the- Girls’ Bible ('lass mlnpted on the meitiem of Aliases M-K in n am I i\ i rhv. Tlie i-opur: of tin' .Innmr Bums’ BihU ! 'kiss was mlopled on the' motion of M:i;icr itoug;las Simpson anei Air R. L. ( a 111 plr 1 1 i. GF.N URAL. Ale'ssrs A. M. AiMsim. .1. AV. Drown. Cmiie-tt, R. L. Cam phe'll. .1. B. I'-ddeT. W. Re •i-k 'n s and R. (Ja rd iner. i-.lio had re-Mrcd from tin' list of mnii-•lge'l-s eiwillg to the' t' (I U N iei 11 eif time'. ;,11 re-elect e'd . and Ale'ssrs IT ( ' den. Tln-tdore' Alnmv ami Aelamson were' ae 1 1 i e'{ I (ei the nim'be'r of manage-rs ()I, j!m mill imi of Air d . Bhiikie- and Mi-.-) Mn nl o'-l i a vote of thanks was ae- • •nrded in Mm chure-h olfi'-e-r (.Mr Mlivlock) fur Ids faithful se-rviem during tlie Vea i'. A hear'v vote' of thanks in all Mu weirki'i-s in Urn various depart meuts of i’is>sl )\ 1 e’da n Chureii hie- at Gore'. Ale\ah. ami Croydon was propose'il hv He".-. . AI. Siinp'-im and earrie'el hy 'na! :on. a- was alsii a \'ote e 1 Mmiiles to the- ladi“s who superinl emleel i he* gaMmring -'lid handing round of Mm cimer which loilowi'e! the' husiimss pari of the> mee'ting. Tim singing of the- National Anthem ■me! the' nremouncing of the' Rmne'dietion hv fhe> chairman I'nm-hnle'd the' mei'i ing.

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Mataura Ensign, 17 August 1917, Page 5

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GORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mataura Ensign, 17 August 1917, Page 5

GORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mataura Ensign, 17 August 1917, Page 5