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NEW ZEALAND CASUALTI.EB 79. ! .: ? \ Wounflecl. ~ ■ -j '(Not Proylously Rep.^cd.) i'Ty (Arrived at-Malth, Juno TL) MOUNTED RIFLES. . ■ ( SeriioaDt. Win. Harold Petrie, LanccCdrpdriiT ‘"Bon jainiu Aldridge, Trooper . Bat-ly, Private Mervyn T rancife *n«aiins ( >; Private Charles L. N.. Taylor.. Arrived at Malta, wounded, June 7, bpt ■ now fit. for service and proves ding loifegypt. CANTERBURY INFANTRY , : BATTALION. , i ' Servant Llewellyu Gordon Wood. MOUNTED IIIFLEnS. * Tcoopor Richard Lloyd Lee.s. WELLINGTON MOUNTED Trooper George Mabey, Trooper Wat ter ! William Yickciy, Trooper John Rail ton, Trooper William Hope Smith, Trooper Charles Walker, Trooper Robt. A|es. Cooper, Trooper Michael Eric Lynch. WELLINGTON INFANTRY ' •i- BATTALION. Private Robert Merritt. Arrived at Malta Juns but new fit for service and pnraedlng B EgypL W T ELLINOTON INFANTRY dT BATTALION. B. Cooke, 10-1213, Lance-Corporal. Arrived at Malta June 14, but now fn for eervice and proceeding to Egypt. B. Woodhead, 10-1 IS, Sergeant; Major.: . ' J. E.-Hastings, 10-1. >2O, Corporal. < tY. A. Moselv, 10-074. Corpora.!.’. j • . ,• Ben ham, 1(4281, Corporal. ; T 'WELLINGTON MOUNTED ->■- • REGIMENT. T. Favcott, 11-6*23, Corporal. L. R. Young, 11-1412, Corporal: J. Stewart, 11-717, Corporal. H. M- Jackson, 11-298, Corporal, CL Al.Stacey, 11-982, Corporal. - ' G . TG Smith, 11-855, Corporal. AUCKLAND MOUNTED REGIMENT. at Malta, June 1. L. Jj Armstrong, 19-'). C. W. Nesbitt, 111-411. Arrtvlli aC Malta June io, but now fit * and proceeding to Egypt. AUCKLAND INFANTRY BATTALION jpF! McEwau. 12-187. Taylor, 12-1809. - /J. ,L. Rawlings, 12-1190. ' Arrived at Malta Juno 1. E; AVallor. 12.-. 1522. F. \V. Guiuibort. 12-1.1 S. CL C. Wright, 12-954. G. H. Jliley. 12-818. AUCKLAND MOUNTED REGIMENT. ’ a: H-Black, UM92. ' E. M. Dickey, 19-009. A. Hell, 13-500. . AUCKLAND INFANTRY BATTALION Ncty fit for service and proceeding to Egypt, June 14. A. J- Andorson, 12-081, Sergeant. W B. Maboy, 12-2370. G. -V. Cramp, 12-1601. |2. Corfield, 13-1928. •! WOYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. K. Morris, 3-125. NPWV ZEALAND FIELD ENGINEERS Sapper E. F., Baker. 4 372. Sapper'C .E. Maguire,' 4-1505. Sapper J. R • Moriarty, 4-38 ' ‘ Sapper E. C. 'Turner, 4-1350. Sapper J. B. Horne, 4-411. Sapper R. C. Honvell, 4-547. Sapper, J. Buckley, 4-689. Sapper L. C. Hyde, 4-7 So. “ (Proceeding to Egypt, June 1.) H. G. Piuel, 4-007, Corporal. F. ■S. Welsh. 4-857, Bugler. D. Campbell, 4-097, Sapper.

(Proceeding to Egypt. June 9.) HOWITZER RATI-FRY, FIELD, ARTILLERY.' A. W. Olsen, 2-1073, Gunner. (Now fit for service and proceeding to Egypt, June 9.) HOWITZER BATTERY, FIELD ARTILLERY. Henry Walker'Pawoc, 2-1084 (transferred irom Canterbury Battalion). {Proceeding to Egypt, June 1.) Kenneth, Robert Rigby, 2-930, ARMY SERVICE CORPS. (Transferred from " Wellington ••■ Infantry.) lloriiee Gribblo, 10-1162. (Proceeding to Egypt, Juno 14.) Eric Bowlev, 14-99. Sergeant,. . John Landlord Easter, 5-161 (the latter transferred from Wellington ■■.Mounted' Regiment). Alexander Merrick, 12-172 (transferred from Auckland „ Infantry). LIST No; 80. Reported Missing. (Now rejoined Canterbury Battalion.) Corporal George Leo Basil Foster, Died of Illness. (Smallpox). (June 15.) AUCKLAND BATTALION. Private Edward Llewellyn Harold. LIST NO. 81. Died of illness. (Enteric.) CANTERBURY BATTALION. Private Albert Ernest Jackson . (in Egyptian Hospital), from enteric following wounds received in action. Died of Wounds. OTAGO 13 ATPA LION. Private John Adams (at Kasr-el-Ami Hospital), from won rids in chest received in action (next of-kin, Airs J W. • Adams,' Marshall: Street, Opawa, Christchurch). LIST No. 82. 4 ' " Wellington,•'■ June. 21. The 82ml casualty- ; list was issued it 10.15 to-night, and is as follows: Died of Wounds. r CANTERBURY BATTALION. (June 5). Handley, Harry, 6-1555 (William Handler, Church Lane, Poiikridge, Staffordshire; father.) CANTERBURY MOUNTED RIFLES (June 18). Kidsou, Francis George, 7-120 (Albert E. Kidsou, Tui, Nelson). FIELD ARTILLERY BRIGADE. (June 18). Howie, William; 2-223 (Mrs Helen -lowie, 6 Sydney Street, Invercargill). OTAGO BATTALION. , (June 18). Crossan, Gilbert William, 8-10311 (Mrs W. Crossan, II Loom S>rcot, Tlpslyn, Dunedin, mother). ; AUCKLAND BATTALION. (June 9.) AVilhamK. George, 12-1074 (.Airs. A. Jibbs, 34 Oertruuo Street, Chelsea; •London, S.W., sister). Convalescent, (Previously reported dangerrrsiy 111 now convalescent.) Gibbs, George Arthur Charles, 0-160 -Mrs Jano AlcJ n tosh,. 57 Alatilda Street, Tiniaru, mother). ... “ Rejoined, "**' (Previously reported missing, since rejoined.) Grant, Albert AVilliam, 8-1480 (Mis .Elisjaiboth- Grant-, Renfrew Stroll, Bailutha, Southlaud,•-mother). , ; Dangerously iii. AUCKLAND BATTALION. Webster. Frederick; 12-1039 (A. S. Webster, .Richardson Road, Mount Rqs-.-till, Auckland, 'bniiher). j (Amputated thigh, June 19.) Ben uott, Leonard William, 12-195 f-R. Bennett, 7 Alina- 'Street, Parnell,. Auckland). Killed In Action, A UCKLAND BATTALION. (May 23.) Allen. Lawrence, 12-1139 a (Airs M. Alien. Grange Road, .Mount Eden, Auckland). . Reported Wounded, - AUCKLAND BATTALION. Brownlie, John Lawrence, 12-318, (Mrs B. G. Brownlie, 5 Hall Street, Clifton Hill, Melbourne: mother)”. Hail-Jouos, Frederick Geo., 12-14-1, corporal (Sir AVilliam Hall-Joncsj AVcllington; father). Hill. Claude - Russell, 12-764, (Thos. Hill, Whonuakura, 'Taranaki). H,owo, Herbert, 12-1437 (AVilliam Howe, Hopkin Street, Western -SuperMore. Somerset, England; father). Johnstone, Edward Hope, 12-142 (Mrs Sarah Johnstone. Feltham Home. Bangor, Sussex). Lenoel, Noel Edward, 12-581, (N. ,7.

C. Lenoel, Matakohe, Auckland 1 ' Milgrew; Sof ton, 12-171G, C'Jr.s P. Box. Tokomaru, Mamnvatusister). Pevrcal, Alfred John, 12-1761, (G. Pevrcal, Desmond Hoad, G'.siionie; lather). io i "rn> o Scott. Rouert -Morrow, 12-li9i. S. M. Scott, schoolteacher, Xyaramea ; lather)- . Tuke, Hugh Latimer, 12-4 /o, (Canon C s L." Take, Napier; ■ father). , Yorkc." dins.’ Daniel, 12-669 (J. I). Yorke. Te Kopuru, Northern Wairio; father). AUCKLAND MOUNTED RIFLES. Smitli,' John, 13-738'. (T. ,Smith, 1 Market Hill. High Street, -Sheddal, England ; father). ■ ' ATePhcrson. John AVhytc, 13-392, (H. 'McPherson, Westmorland, England). BACK TO THE FRONT. WELLINGTON. June 21. the following list was issued tonight- oh wounded .soldiers who have recovered and have been sent to the front: s .AUCKLAND BATTALION. ■Sutherland, Kenneth Mathe.son. 12-639. , , Underwood, Ernest. 12-602. Crum, Win. John. 12-708. Hill, 1 Jas. Leslie, 12-566. Romms, Joseph .Rukangi, 12-142. Middkra : a«,. Noel Allan, 12-ftOL Roberts, Chas. Patrick, IT2*6. (Jrahtharn, iU’vicl M., Ba.skerville, Walter Jno. K-90-L Prosser, Leonard. 12-024. _ Edmond. Ernest Geo.. 12-4 L. Adams, Win. Henry, 12-077. _ Broderick, Henry Apamu, 12-01/. CANTERBURY BATTALION. •. t Siiritli, Wm; Emanuel, 6-549. Smith. Sidney, (L 54 6; ; Boland. Frank, 6-855. Reid, C. F., 6-533. Stitt, A. D.. 6-849. Davidson. Will.; 6-611. -Bessels, Jack, 64334. . ; Pearce, James AVilliam. 6-926. Reeves, Jas. Rannsi, 6-532. • Blake, Sydney Conrad; 6-588. Kellow, Archie, 0-906. OTAGO BATTALION. Cross,. Arthur Jas.-. 84155. 'Phillips, Wm., 8-1146. • 1 Wilson, Herbert Patrick, 8-1366. Wdodfield, Charles Thornds John, 8-1088, Lieutenant. Valentine, A. CL, 8-1661, LicutenDonald Win.. 8-764. Allen, Norman Thus.. 8-317. Walter*, Sidney* 8-122. McMillan, Jolm Forrester, 8-256. Robertson. Angus. ; B-94. Tallkc, Louis Leslie, 8-1648. Doyle, Jas., 8-365. WELLINGTON BATTALION. Bowker, Geo. Allan, 10-424. Morgan, Henry Jas.. 10-99. _ Okev, Svdney Mcliville, 10-737. TJoyd. George Maitland, 10-1036. Ball, • Samuel Reginald, 10-1060. AUCKLAND MOUNTED' RIFLES. Sharplin, A\ m., 13-077. OTAGO MOUNTED RIFLES, Walsh, Edward, 9-98^ Keamcv, Wra., 9-407. ' N. Z. ARMY M EDICAL CORPS Carney, John, 3-102. A LATER LIST. WELLINGTON. June 21. The following additional Army hospital lists were issued (o-uight: Convalescent. Sick and wounded' discharged as convalescent from hospital.

C ANTE RBURY I N FAN THY BATTALION. Hoy, Alexander Brown, 6-257, PriHorsemaii 1 . Gordon 6-1570. Private. Ninmio, Thomas, 6-687, Prh r ate. . Shan’, Edivard Alfred, 6-721, Invate.

Blackwell. Reginald, 6-415. PriJohn, Abraham, -6-279, SorS °Rumniel, Constantino Fritz, 6-1209, Private. ~ (<)Q . AVanter, Augustus George, 6--I-S. Priv-ale. , 4 .Turner, Ooulroy, i)-luOj Laiicc-C-orjforal. ~• „ ~Q Q McKenzie, James Donald, 6-6bb, Private. OTAGO INFANTRY BATTALION. Hossack, John, 'B-52, Private. _ 51 i Lsou, Ro he r t 'Ed mo ml so 11, «- << b. Private. Miller, Thomas. 8-128*, Sergeant. Marshall, Coviot Dundee, 8-884, Private. .. ‘t Drydcn, George Henry, 8-186, 1 1 1Elstoue, John - Albert, 8-3' - Privat(n Jones, Robert Thomas, 8-111, i n.Beek. I'homa.s Jamerf, 8-1192, Private. . Scott, James Arthur, 8-1038, Private. i. * i AVilson. Robert, 8-1682. Private. Doro, Albert, 8-356, Private. AVELLINGTON-. INFANTR Y BATTALION. Pei-ey, Frank, 10-1053. Private. Brooke, CTaudo, 10-1367, Lauee-Cor-poral. _ , Christie. Augustus, 10-r6o, 1 nvato. Miller, Henry Reynolds, 10-430, i viva te. AUCKLAND INFANTRY BA'T- ; TALIGN.

Billing, Heurv Archibald AAilliams. 12-498, Private. ' , „ . Dalzoil, Ronald James, 12-/7, InVt Kparke, Wallace, 12-1508, Private. Skellern, Sydney Elliot, 12-463, Private. . , Farrer, AVilliam. 12-97, Private. ■Smith, Harold Herbert, 12-869, Piyva te. , . Ritchie, John, 12-445. Private. Baldwin, Frank, .12-1143, Private. Berridgo. AVilliam, 12-316. .Price,-. William Arthur, 12-433, PriCraig, Duncan Hill, 12-1183, Private. Kelly, Joseph Edward, 12-778, Private. , , . Buswell, Gordon, 12-957_, I nvate. Crawford, Edward Haywood. 12-73, Private. _, Bethell, John Gordon, .12-5/6, Q.M. Sergeant.

OTAGO MOUNTED TIiFLES. Hastic, Matthew, 9-558, Trooper. CANTERBCRY AIOUNTED RIFLES Watson, John, 7-558, 'Trouper. AUCKLAND MOUNTED RIFLES. Finn, Patrick Allen, 13-56, Trooper. N.2. FIELD ATmBULANCE. Sparrow, Stanley Morloy, 3-226. Private. FIELD ARTILLERY BRIGADE. ■Blake, Ernest. 2-845, Gunner. Buckley. AVilliam, 2-851. Gunner. Qeorgotti, Augustine, ' - 2-799, Gunner. Walsh,. Spencer, 2-246, Gumicr. Buridiam, -Roger, Gunner. FIELD COMPANY ENGINEERS. 1 S'di-polickl, John Harold,'. 12-1189 a, Gunner: ' ’ r ajimv service coups. Just in, Harry AVilliam- 8-588, Private. COMFORTS FOR SOLDIERS. "CONFLICTING reports.. AVANGANUI, June 2.1. A reply received here by Lieutenant-C-olonel Hughes, in answer to inquiries cabled to- Cairo, does not bear out- the reports received by the Governor and Hon- Jas. Alien with regard to comf-drts for wounded ,' New Zealanders. The cable .states that no •funds are available for Mounded soldiers in Cairo and financial assistance is urgently wanted. A similar letter has been previously received here from Captain-Cha plain Blamires, on receipt of' which'- £IOO w-as cabled.

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Mataura Ensign, 22 June 1915, Page 7

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THE ROLL OF HONOR. Mataura Ensign, 22 June 1915, Page 7

THE ROLL OF HONOR. Mataura Ensign, 22 June 1915, Page 7