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»- ijHK.SM 19s 'id, probably the biggest amount ever represented by a piece of paper in Hawke's Bay, was issued by the Xajiier City Council last week in- payment of debentures held in London and due on the first day of Jul v.

'At a. meeting of the recently-formed branch of the Southland Leainte at Wyndlnun held on Tuesday,evening Mr S. Shaw was elected chairman and Mr D'Arey Raymond secretary and treasurer. Nine new mornbeiw were added to the committee and several gentlemen were appointed to undertake a. canvass for new members.

A novel argument for move totalizator permits was advanced bv a. prominent member of the Cheviot Racing Club at the annual meeting of t!ie chib.» -He said tli.oy wanted all the race meetings they (culd get—the more the better. With: the number of motor-ears that were getting about, the only way to keep n;» the price of chaff was to breed racehorses.

A sitting of the Juvenile Court was held at the tlore Courthouse, this morning, when two lads from the country, aged respectively 15 and 12 years, were chartred with breaking ami entering a dwellinghouse and stealing therefrom a. gold 1 locket and chain and 7s in cash. The laife pleaded guilty, and after Sergeant Burrowes had .stated the particulars of the casei the magistrate, severely admonished the boys and discharged them. The magistrate, also ordered a refund 1 of the goodb and the money, which was made.

Mr A. Fairbairn has not yet decided how to distribute the sum- he obtained as damages in- the ])«_ brought against tho 'Otago Daily Times' for. libel (states the 'Lytteltoiii Times')- The court awarded him £B3O. A large: part of that sum will bo needed 1 to meet ,the expenses of the trial, but the exact amount will not be known until a stater, mo'.it has been received from the lawyers. In- the meantime, Mr Fairbairn find's that t.'l'-o promises he has made already represent- more than.- the sum that, probably, will be available, it will not bo given in charity, but for public purposes. At .present be. is considering pifks to the Summit "Road, the. College; Library and a Druids' Lodge- at Dunedin. *

A familiar figure in and around Wellington some yearw -ago iw the person of "Ceorgie" Lett died at Auckland last week (states the 'Lvttelton Times'). Of .recent years "Geo.reie" had hecAmo almost asi familiar about Auckland, and lie died at the hospital there, under somewhat peculiar circumstances. As a result a post-mortem examination was to lw>. held there on Saturday, and am innuest in tli.e. afternoon. Shortly after five o'clock ore Friday afternoon' Countable 'Randall saw f.ett. hang'na on to a window-sill of a Queen Street, shop. He was 1 apparently the worse for drink, and. as confluence the officer tcok him to the 'watch-house. It .\v:w then discovered fiat, though he had hecv drinking, there was something radically wrong wiih, him.'-Dr Goldstein was summoned, and ordered his immediate removal to the hospital, where he died' at 11 o'clock.

Oijf of the mo-st impudent ,iynpdi ! - e-nts yet heard of for sinking- tijc thirst 'w.a = adopted hv a young mar. in La.mbrmi Quay, Wellington, on. .Sunday nitrht about 11 o'c ock. A nf glass' whs heard- outside Barretty'Hotel and" a passor-by saw a men Vnlfc across the read-froni the bi'ttle department of the I rote J <ifl : the ton of a hot-tie of beer ami coolly i fytV.'iienee drinlung the contents. He wa-s' still standing on the kerb) tig pouring the I'OUor down his throat when-the licensee of tlio b n tel nnpoarod on- tlic <-.eor,«. I lie pane of whiih.wap broken was an expensive one. One of the ex-, traordi-nnry (-irrnnretnnces of the affair ' was, Hie extreme boldness witli wliieh the theft was executed. There w'as no attempt at flight, and' no notice was taken- of people who were passing along at the time. At tlio court next da.y William Coo-ne-r gave as bis- rea-son for the act that- "he was a bit dry." The- magistrate ordered 'him to pay £3 18s, the cost of the window.; .nikleHf--30 one > month's detention, also to pay one for the- beer, or. the alternative of three days' -imprisonn.ont.

Speaking at Christch-urch the other night- Mi' Dan- Orawford v a-, ltucsionarv from. Africa, said l that on emerging from the. interior of the .African wildshe wept on seeing railway train-. Referring to Africa, lie said t'luvt a letter-carrier took one a.nd a-lialf years to a place- jus-t oppb-.sitc Zanzibar. This delay was cau-s : «li by the fact that lie had stopped on, the way to grow a crop of rite. In Africa, a. British Consul might, in regard to the •powers lie possessed, bo. termed Great Britain in breeches. The speaker was | married bv a- .Con-sn]—a seitmkvr marr,ijge ' Crawfordi said lie was not asiamed to say—but- after the eeremony he- persuaded- the- Consul to kneel w'ubi him in prayer, and to consecrate the -contract. The roeakor arked th« audience to put themselves in the place of his wife, who had only five small boxes to hold her things. -8-ip, had worn on.e straw h-at in- the- wi'dV for nine years. There was not much room tor 1 rocks and frilfo, and- the more .lobbied tb.e skirts the better. The selection as to what they should take u ltln the in- in th& five boxes was no easy rnatter. If one took tea instead oi quinine one's temperature w«s- apt to rise t-o as much a-s. from 103 to 105 degrees. Nevertheless, liir, wife managed to squeeze in -some tea. On. one day they had had as many a,s seven Hiftwwßis from the. same fanvos and wha't with' subsequent infusions' the tiavor te-ame merely a- memory.

A well-attended meeting of those interested in the meet of the Bircbwood hounds at Gore next Wednesday was j held in Mr J. Latham's office last evening. iiie committee appointed to secure- a. suitable course (Messrs 11. T, cg ?; ■T-. 1 -anib, M. E. Lawlor. and- H k. Martin) reported having inspected several- -courses, -the choice lyiimr between that at Messrs Han lev a and Cooper's properties- and tihe other on, Messrs Terry, .Aitken. 8. Fletcher, H. Martin, Bad-man. a-ndi Domdgan'is p'rt>pertiefl at Coutts' Road. On a vote being taken it was decided to bold the. nunt; on the latter properties by -14 votes to nine. Messrs J. M-unro, J MeT'Ven, H. E. Martin, J. Lamb, J McMurray. A. Scott. I. Martin, ft. L. ■>egg and 51. R. Lawlor were appointed a. committee to ma Ice the lecossary arrangements in connection with' the hunt. Those "resent ,were very enthusiastic in regard to the meet and a successful gathering should eventuate. A meet of the Birchwood Hounds w-'s held, jit Balfour om the farm, -of Mrs. S. Keown. a.r„d Son, during the progress of the- ploughing m-atoli yesterday afternoon. A good course was marked out which took in- some good country. Mr G. Hea?.ey en Uppercut. was, eteisen master for . the ru,m a.nd Messrs W. LedcWtig?,-am, om Lady P:vt-r-ck and: 0. Church -on- Black :sen. acted as hnn-tsm-an. and whip respectively. T-he- others following were Messrs IT. H. McLea.-i on Silvevtop, D. iMcß.ae onTim, ,T. Groves on Tommy, D. Hume oiv Eeclefechen, It. Cameron on- Royal Child, A. Orr_ «n -Miss l Imperator a.nd G. Greer on- Nigger. A r-ouple of runs were held 'and, a- few -spills occurred, but -without any injuries being sustained.

IDEAS MEAN MONEY. The whole world is looking for "improvements" and' will pay handsomely for them. Any little device for doing things a little better —for saving time—for saving money—is eagerlv sought after. Do you know of any?— if so, make it bring cash returns! Write for Free Book, "Advice to Inventors." Henry Hughes, Titd.. Patent Agents. A.M.P. Building I Princes Street, Dunedin. 65

Tho fund 1 raised! at.Duiiedin for the memorial to the poet Thomas Bracken now stands at over i'KKiO.

A .Winton resident -informs the local paper that he saw a heifer milked for the rst tint ethe other day which gave milk from'sis teats.

Letters of administration in the estate of William Ma realm, kite of MeN-ab, were granted hy his 'Honor Mr Justice Sim mi July 17 on the motion of Mr K. C. Smith.

As indicating the. phenomenal values that are hemp; paid at Gishorne for fat cattle, a choice lot of some 70 fat bullocks was sold during the week (says the 'Times') at. an average of £l3 per head. This means close on £IOOO for 70 head. <jf cattle.

The Southland Building Trade and •General Laborers, Wool and Grain Store Employees and Drivers' Union* has filed two applications for tho- Conciliation iCou-ncil, one relating to builders' laborers 1 and the other to laborers employed by local bodies, contractors and quarry owners. _ The Coitfmassibner will hear these disputes oni August 14. at Tnvcr•cargiM. The claim is for 10s a day.

"Politically speaking, L hope tho Gaming Amendment Bill will pass," said Hon. H. D. ./Sell to a deputation last week, but added that personally he rather dreaded tho experiences that would be imposed upon him under it. .(Laughter.) The Minister said that when lie, -as Minister for Internal Affairs, wont into the country ho was generally taken to all the old -unused grandstands and shown their pathetic loneliness. (Laughter.)

The installation of the ponny-in-the-slot telephone has engaged the attention of Hon.. It. H. Rhodes (Postmaster General) for months nasi (telegraphs our Wellington correspondent). The Minister informed a reporter yesterday that lie gave directions to his Department six months ago to manufacture experimental machines. In company with Departmental exports he had recently inspected these machines and selected one that, was considered to bo tho most suitable. ■ From this pattern •machines were now being manufactured in tho Department's workshop. Mr Bhoclcs hopes soon to give ihern a trial .ill the four cities. Mr Anderson, has asked that one ho placed .in. Main Street, Goro, at the intersection of Street, or at the railway station.

A young man- named Chessworth, residing near C'ombaning OT.S.W.), is ndw an- in'mate of a, hospital -stiff erkitr froira a broken leg. After the accident, the victim, who was working al-one in the biwo, crawled' to his tent, where be remained without -succor for three days. While lying in agony Jus horse came daily to the tent for Teed. Slaving a rope handy, set a. loop on tho ground to natefi iKe animal by the feet, but '.iis not successful mild t;!ie third .-'..y. Then- he held the , rC® wM'° no managed to saddle and untile- it. • With- the aid of a. log he t .'imfoci on. to the horse audi rode several' miles to a- doctor, ivho found that "fortification had sot in. While Chess-' worth was trying to catch'his horse his brother rode within a couple of hundred yards of the tent without being aware of Jjiis brother's presence therei The injured man is married, and: lia.s aj young family.

Tn answer to questions in the House of Representatives last evening Ministers said there was nothing to 'prevent any industrial unionists or trade unionists who desired to use funds forpolit,£i4 so by "legirstprmg, as societies for 'the : purpose under the Incorporated Soeic- /[?' t' . iT ]l ° Mfnistor for Defence (Hon. J. Allen).said he had no reason to , think there .was any grave unrest ae regards the Territorial service in anv part of the Dominion. On tile cgnt'rarv, he had every reason to believe that It was proceeding most- satisfactorily. In some places the'trainin.c of the general training sect:ou, 'was being carried out T'ri 1 .satisfactory reeults, but there were difficulties in tljat connection, a.nd the wholo question of the training and administration of the general training section wa« now receiving special consideration.' Sir lan Hamilton's recommendations were being carried out. and full rarticulaie jn connection therewith' were contained in the. annual report by the general officer commanding, to be. presented to Parliament shortly. Inspections incidental could be adequately carried out bv officeia appointed under tlm Sale of Foods and Drugs Act in the course of their ordinary duties under the Act, and instructions had 1 been given to enforce the Act,

. _ A thick-set young man named William Lyttlo was charged in the Police , l'aro Lyttle was,charged in i;I>o Poli e Court yesterday with (l),-havi ig' "ml . obscene in a railway carriage between Milton and Clinton; and (2) with having behaved in an offensive manner in the same place (eta-tes the 'Southland Times'). The accused, for whom Mr Mitchell appeared, pleaded guilty. The prosecution stated that the case wa.s an exceedingly bad one It appeared that accused was singinf lewd songs in the railway carriage ant generally misconducting- himself. Tip guard spoke to him and lie then wen, into a first-class carriage with a second class ticket and made himself a utiis ance to the passengers there. A length he was put off the train a Clinton. His Worship: Why wasn't ]i< fired off straight away? The rxilici could give no information on the point Mr Mitchell pleaded for leniency. Hi stated that accused was a married mai living a t Wvndliam and nothing wa< known against his character. He hat been up to 1) lined in seeing his parent and had met some .friends and iia'd < few drinks. He was not altogether t< blame because it appeared that same one had annoyed him 011 the train Ir knocking his hat off. He regretted till" circumstances very much... His Wor ship said that, as the police had said the case was a very serious one. Tin language used was particularly ofl'en sive and particularly so when used ii a railway carriage where people conk not gee away from him. ''You are 1 dirty ruffian, and I have decided ti convict you and sentence you to tw< weeks' imprisonment with hard labor,' said his Worship.

| Lad es' Underclothing., in Combination? and Camisoles, nicely trimmed, selling in tile ordinary way at from 3-i lid to_Bs 6d per garment, Jr one of the bargains at Thomson and Beattio'a sale. They are slightly soiled and to clear quickly have bean marked at. 2s lid and 43 (id. This is a genuine chance to save money, so grasp the opportunity.

Pictures, Theatre Royal, to-night. T.asb tlays of Sopps' clearing salo. Pictures, Princess Theatre, to-night. T. Green 'and Co. hold skin sale on July 30. Send your'produce to T. E. Sliiel and Co., Dunedin. T. Green and Co. liold sale at Rialto on Saturday. Reliable timekeepers at a low price at T. A. Christie. The latest in novelties at T. A. Chr'stio's, Medway Street, Demonstration electrical appliances, Town Hall, July 25 and 1 27. Geo. Kerr and Co. hold sale at Gore Auction Mart on Saturday. Your artistic taste is well satisfied witli Federal Hardware's pictures. Intending members of St. John Ambulance Association enrol .on Mondnv.

Great sale of jewellery at 25 per cent. wliT-Mon at T*.'ilter's. "Camp" Coffee, a preparation of the finest coffee grov/n, never goes stale, never wastes. A perfect boon to all! Tlj_o Gore fireboll will be rung this evening at 7.30 o'clock for testing purposes.

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Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1914, Page 4

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1914, Page 4

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1914, Page 4