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A branch of tho Southland League was formed at Alosslmrn. yesterday afternoon with a membership of 28 members. A delegation from luvercargill consisting of Messrs A. l'\ Hav/ke, J. Gilkison and H. W. llojds delivered addresses and Mr E. Scobio acted as 'h';i< - m;m.

"Po you {• .i,;u r.sp.i-nsi'.s?" the itM.-'v.ralf v,Alr 0. U. A. C.:• oj>or) of a wiin u, ««'••« brought by the Soliuiy lor the I'revotition «f Crwli; i<> Animals in the Wellington Ai;t;,;istr;. lV Cjiii't the other d-ay. "Ye.*,'" vjg <j,o rq>ly, "J <!••> •"«'! ' will ]W>riicin into tin- society's hinds." wore ■v ranted.

At last meo_^. 4 <!f the Walla.-o Comity Co , u "l'. ! '"A!r T. A. Uuckiugiiam was <'nui)-:!i's riipro.t-uuvtiv© to; procswith (sUiw (lecljia&K from the Sontbbiud Omuiv •' *' tl< r to promote the plaoiii;-, on *--ne j aVAiuo book of i' Dr.t s:,:p- Act applicable* to Southl:<,i<l. ilr iUr. king,ham was voted £2O |;>r ins expenses..

A remarkable series of coincidences rogi:\iling the number 13, which is regarded by superstitious people as unlucky, has been brought under notice in connection with the, Cornish United Mine, Be.ndigo. After having been closed down for several months the company was reconstructed', ;I nd operations were ' resumed on August 13, 1&13. Work was oomraenecd with 13 men at tho No. 13 level. The first crushing wws treated at, tli? No. .13 battery <>t the Koch.'.? J'ioneer mine, and the milling yielded l.'wz. Further" the first, dividend wan declared on June 13, J'JI-!.

A bay named 1 -Cooper was hurried front D.gby to the Hamilton Hospital (Victoria) the other day by a motor-car. A piece of meat had stuck in his throat, and he was threatened with suffocation. About two miles out from J)igby the car bumped vidently, ami tlio l.oy cried, "It's gone, father." Tho delighted parent stopped tho car, and gave a drink of water to his son, who recovered immediately. The. car was turned round, and tho boy was soon kick home sale and sound, and! in 110 need of a doctor.

At the last of the Knapdaje MuLual IpiijS&vement Society the president (Mr A,* presided (writ&s a oprrespondeiit-).' _ A debate on the quas.tioii, "Is gambling a greater evil than ■intenic-pr-nnce?" the subject for t-be evening. Mr.'R. Frebble, sup:"ortad'"'by Mise Wiiite, took the affirmative, while Mr S. Dun, supported by M.iss -McDonald, .took Hie negative. The fipeakore on th-c affirmative side showed, among other things, that gambling was tcud-iiig. to spoil- all kinds of sport, and those for the negative dwelt on the moral itnd physical effects of intemperance. After the pa.e.eis- had been .read a vote was taken, resulting in a win for t'no negative side by six to five. During- the evening a recitation .was given by Miss M. Dunn and a solo by Miss Hicks.

Tho members of the Auckland City Fire Brigade, found Lhcin<-:eU'cs in ail awkward predicament tlio other evening. The previous fortnight there had not been a single fire, to call them away from headquarters, but .just when they were dreiis-ed in their best attire for a fortnightly danco iii the, social hall at the Central. Station thV- alarm' bell rang. Instantly there., was «, general scatter to posts of duty, pai-tnem for the first dance being left to their own devices, lamenting the ill-timed interruption. Many of tho firemen stayed no longer than to change into their uniform Jackets and helmets. Tho result was that they arrived at the fire partly m the dress 1 of office and party garb-j ed for the ballroom! Some of thespectators were sui prised to see the firefighters plunging into the burning building shod in dancing pumps and with, clean starched, corrare encircling their necks. Some of the. men w-ent to work in .new trousers, designed for less damaging ur-age. On their return, to the station, drenched to the skin half an hour later, they had perforce to change into dry garments- of a more ancient character.

The report road at tlio .annua] meeting of Core Presbyterian Wonvan's Missionary Union stated that under the leadership of the. genial president (Mrs Simpson) a happy and successful year had been completed. Increased interest had boon manifested throughout in missions and the sum oi £6l 7s 6d was allocated to ike various Mission fields, the total amount raised for missions throughout the year being £139 16s lOd. Tho following office-bearers were elected for the ensuing year:—President (Mrs Simpson) re-eleetod); vicepresidentsl, Mcsdumes W. D. Stewart (re-elected) and Inglis; lion, secretary,: Mrs J. 15. Ca'.der (re-elected); treasurer, Mrs MeAra (re-elected); committee, Mesdames B.nvler, Rhodes, Hiaikio, Patorson, Deal, Campbell, Boddy, Brookett, E. M acGibbon and Miss Mntanra MacGibbou; Maori Birthday League secretaries. Misses Bowler and M:chels;m- (re-elccted) and Miss Divk'.e. .1 he Maori B.rtliday League secretaries' yearly collection amounted to £2 3s Gd.

| . -ifc last. night',(j meeting of the Cloro j liorough Council a demuation consisting of Messrs Boyd, Young and Nicholson rrom Croydon Bn«h, waited on,the Council relative to the royalties cn posts and firew.-od on the borough reserve,;. Mr Boyd explained that they had to pay 3.5 per cord for wood and &s lor posts and in addition the wood had to be stacked twi :'c. He considered Is lor firewood and 4s ifor posts would lie sufficient. Their 1 censes only no.rmitted I hem to cut sft iwsts (.1 x " 3). This was a-difficult size and the farmers required bigger. Ho thought all posts should bo charged at one price. Mr Nicholcm endorsed tho remarks of the previous speaker, and the deputation then thanked the Council and withdrew. The matter was briefly discusmi by tho Council. The Ma vor staved I hat tile men had he-en cutting G x 4 l>o.-ts but the ranger wmikl not pass them. Tho men were agreeable to pay a lineal measurement on the posts, but they wantcdprovis'on mads ior cut-! ting' 6 x 4. Regarding the royalty 'on j firewood Mr Mc-Farlane thought this ought to be reduced. The matter was referred to the Reserves Committee to bring up an amended scale J

i Projito of tlie will of..the late Mary I Ann uieve was granted to the execuj tors hi M r Justice Sim on July 17 on tin. m&on of -Mr E. it. Bowler!

Owiij to the indisposition of Mr 11. A. Vo'ng, S.M., tht'- sitting of the court la pa iviii this afternooni was preside! over by two justices of the peace. ;

The lore Borough Council street scraper, was at work in the Haiti .Street this morning and tne street crossing were swept for pedestrian traffic.

An aiftfilance class lias been started at Pukcau and promises to be a decided . c veess, jJB members already being cnrcled (writes our correspondent). Br Hogcs will be the lecturer and Mr K. A. Anvnian, practical demonstrator.

It is pt often that titled' gentlemen appear awing tho list of tljose gazetted to appo-tfcineiiLs. under the Government in Jealand. Last week's 'Gai'.ette' states tla:t Count Rene, du Moutaigu has beoasippoiuted an officer under the Fisheries Act.

The fechcoming visit of the. Birchwood Hcnndis to Core is causing a great deaf of ijterest among local sportsmen, and .it ij safe to say that provided a. convenieit course is selected there will be .;i: veir large turnout at the meet. Already several of those who purpose •folloniingthe hounds are hard, at work getting, themselves and' their mounts into forn.

The nmd>ey of working men at Gore who are seeking employment is greater at present than- has been tile case for some tine. Threshing operations are finished the gardens are tno *v"t foi work to bo carried in. wiii'o t;,i operations »rv> «'.-i is. t t hi •> "tands; '.' . • to i !••• miijo r> !»•%•«• :'i ' ; -,i are ~u! ti f . ■,. i. 'i'ne Ini ;rjf h.-i* »wi i.i jnlufk !(•. .■ as U»■ ■ • >:< isr for « ' ring an imiimv. »l in lhi» >;sr. - tioll. At ll'.S't .uiullt';. ill, ci ill;, llu- (: •• Borough 4'otitic!! Cr. ■!o letters whVh ! 'i i: 'iinf-ign' iv'la"!: in;; raised in Mie kw.w i. i.e speaker contended tint iiie writers of the letters v, :r In ihoir wrong places, and (stafrd i'ii -.y they should have a seat at i'.e Uitwieil table. He would be quite willing to give any one' of them his scat. It was well known that the, borough would have to face a heavy expenditure this year oil account qf the sinking, fund, work, litigation, etc., and thie w;is responsible for the rates being raised.

A noticeable feature of the railway traffic far the last two months is the decrease in i;afisengor.=t and goods carlied. The quantity of tiriiber conveyed at present from the Southland mills northwards is only a shadow of its former Proportions, while the trrain season is practically over. In conversation with .a railway official whose business takes' him over the greater part of the Southland railways an 'Ensign' rc■portcr learned that at 110 period during'tho pa«t 20. yeais has there been so many tracks lyin-K idle at the various railway sidings. The! lime, and manure season lias scarcely commenced yet but increased trade in this direction will no doubt improve matters.

Your attention in drawn to Thomson and Boattie's large advertisement /in page 3. The about their Genuine Sale are true in every particular. They want to clear all surplus stocks, and make no-secret of it. The endorsement of tbis pol;py will be the ready response to the many bargains they offer.

Per si!o, cow. jssyfss. Waiited—Good general.. , 'Wanted—Rabbitskins,. eta. • Fresh bargains at Lewis' sale. LumScTon stool; sale on Friday. Football, Showgrounds, to-morrow. Social and dance, Theatre Royal, tonight.

Oranges for marmalade at Burrows and Co. Wm. Lei.shman, opposite Rialto, for boot rerairs.

Annual meeting and soe'al of P.A. on Tuewlav next. ' Wind-im Otama Euchre Parties tomorrow n i glit. "A Message from Mars," Theatre Royal, Thursday.

■Funeral of Into Charles Gc-ddes at Mata.u r» to-morrow.

Core I'.irough Council inserts resolution re special loan. An assemblage in-Jomparablo bargains at Wall's Bros.' sale. N.Z. Loan Co. holds sale of borough !oa;e at Mataura on Monday. Lands .Department offers sect'on for sale in Waipahi d'strict. Gore Presbyterian Church Ladies' Guild holds gilt afternoon on July 29.

N.M. and A. Co. hold .sale account Andrew and Pannett at Clinton on August 14.

Great sale of jewellery at 25 per ervit. rpr!notion at Baker's. >■ Morning, evening, noon or night Camp's the coffee- fefe yen rif*ht;

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Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 4

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 4

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 4