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The ordinary mooting of tho Gore Borough Council was held last night in tho liore C ouncil Chambers and attendod; hy ilio .Mayor (Air I). AlcFai lane) and Councillors Korr, Baker, Holland, Rhodes, Burnnvs, Christie, (iray ami Brownlio. leave of absence on account of sickness was granted to Cr. Alurray. Tlio secretary ol tho (Joro Brass Band wrote asking for an abatement of tlio rent of tho Town Hall for its honorary monitors' concerts. T1r':;o wnwrto wore not promoted for financial gain, but Micro for tho purpose of creating ail interest in mnsii anions tho public of Core. It was decided to inlorni' tho writer that tlio Council cannot make a reduction in tho ront, Imt will hand over a .similar amount to tho hand's funds.

J. A. Hodge (Traford Street) wrote asking that something he done to improve the street from opposite hi* property to Richmond Street. About yards <.f gravel would prevent tlio street from being im Mailable. The matter was referred to the foreman to liavo a lew loads of gravel put down. •John Noill (Napier) wrote asking if the Council had considered hi:) nroposals for a transfer of his interest ill tho allotment;; for which' ho had boon rated. It was decided, "that tho Council's previous resolution he adhered to." • AY. Shore and eight others ]H*titioiiod the Council in respect to xlie formation and gravelling of the footpath south sido of Devon Street for its wliolo length. Tho petitioners also drew attention to the fact that when the spoil v:as .scraped off Devon Street two or throe nooks ago it was car toil away and deposited at some other part of the town, when it could have been used to till up tho hollow between the re:ndenoeo •of Alossrs K, Fwdier and Jas. Wright. Cr. Holland stated that ho opposed tho .motion which hud icon nioml at last mooting, ''That tho wliolo, footpath bo formed and gravelled, as the coat would be about which ho had considered too groat an expense at the present time. By gravelling the footpath to Air Fisher's gate tho Council was, in his opinion, making fish of one and flesh of another and ho would move, "That tho whole of the* footpath l>o formed and gravelled." Cr. Christie seconded tho motion. Crs. (iray, Brownlio and Burrows spoke in favor of tho motion and Crs. Korr, Baker and Rhodes against it. Cr. Rhodes, as mover of dm motion. carried at la.«fc meeting,- '"That gravel bo kid down to Air Fishor'n gate," said lie had done so as tho cost of forming and gravelling tho whole street wan too groat an expense at present, and' a sprinkling of gravel would given Air Fisher access in tho meantime. The motion wa« thou put awl carried', Crs. Rhodes, BaJier and Kerr dissenting. The , Under-Secretary for Public Works forwarded a 'Gazette' notice declaring Miro., Rata and Rimu Strootn, town of Ciore. to ho under tho care and jurisdiction of the Borough Council."Tho loiter was received, tho writer to l>o informed that! tlio Council refuses to tako the streets, over until the laws relative to the,so' streets is complied with.

A. J. MoCredio (district railway engineer) wrote oil July 0 in reply to tho Council to th'o effect that ho had given instructions to have the fence between the railway and East Gore domain repaired and on July 17 ho a<*ain wroto stating that he had cancelled his &rmer instructions, as he had found that tho feme had not been erected by tlio Railway Department. It wjik decided to reply that ns the property Ix'lonu.s to the Railway Department, the Council will hold it'roinor.sihle for any damage done to the trees.

A. J. McCredie I'distrirt railway engineer) wrote with reference to culverts at East (lore. He considered that if tlie outlets of the culverts were filled with -stone so as to block ay. inrush of water when the Waikaka River was in flood it would prove satisfactory. A Hood gate .was not satisfactory. Tho Department could, not accept any liability as to cither tho erection or maintenance of flc-od gates, but there would be no difficulty in getting permission lor the Council to do aa. It wa« decided "That rhe general manager for railways'(Air Hileyl Ise written to urging him to have flood gates put on ami that the member for tile district (Mr 0. J. Anderson) be also written to asking him to hark up the Council's ior;tir,<t." ,T. M'cLachlan Secretary of tho Wnimumu Railway League) wroto forwnrd.itig a copy of a resolution passed at tho last meeting of the League, asking the More Council'.-, co-oneraiion in regard to the construction of the Gore-lledgo-liope railwat.v. The letter was received' and' it. was deride, d' that the member for the district (Mr (>. J. Anderson) bo telegraphed to requesting him to urge Upon the Government the necessity for pushing' on the Core Hedgeho»e Railway.

Wallio and Waddcll wrote applving for. a sanitary connection from their nvctniscs in Merrey Street to the sower. The request was eranted on. the usual conditions'. ,T. 0. Ward and Co. wrote stating: that it was intended to erect fSMitions to the staMes and in the near future to extend them to Irk Street where a brick front and shops would be erected. At the moment the firm wished to ere; t a temporary end with iron and asked the Council's permission to do so. The request was granted. The following applications for electric installations were granted subiect to the usual conditions :—ll. Ross. Mary Street, one .'0 c.p.. one 32- and <me 2"i; Hatting and Greennill. .Medwny Street, one hor,:e-yower motor and two 32 c.p. lights.

REPORTS. The manager of the abattoirs reported that for the month ended .Juno fi) cattle, 371 sheep and four calve* had been slaughtered at the abattoirs, and a 1 were found to be free from disease. Tho report was received, '1 he Finance Committee recommended : (1) That accounts amounting to £826 lfij Otl bo passed for payment. (2) special order regarding loan.'': That the special rale he fixed at 2d' in the £, rate of interest five per cent., sinking fund one per cent., and the term of tho loan 21 years and that a special meeting of the Council l>e -hold l in" the Council Chambers on> Monday, Auini.t 2.1, 19U, at 7.1.5 p.m. for the purpose of confirming- the special order. Tho report wati received. The Works Committee recommended (J) Itrgardhi.g Fleming and Co'a iailw.iy siding: That a mud-tank Ihi put in ;;nd the owner., of tho property "asked to carry the (airfare water into the drain. Regarding the National Mortgage and Agency Co., Ltd.'s a»>nlication: That a Gin sever be laid from- (lorton .Street along Stratford' Street to the railway houndarv. Tho report was received. .The reports as a whole were adopted. GEXEKAL. Cr. Holland drew attention to the stale of the west side of the tr. ; a!l"'o and the north side of Mary Street., and it, iras decided, "That the matter bo n f.'i red to the foreman to have a few lo.vl: of gravel laid do'.in. NOTICE OF MOTION*. Cr. Holland pave notice to move at the next tueet : ng of the Counc:i, "That the cre.tit balances of the electric l'-jht siccount be annually set aside for' tho purpose of forming, a fund for the <v>tablishinent of an elect:-':' lighting plant for the borough of G i : e on the expiration of the present arrangement u ''th! the comj-aii.- at Mataura." Cr. Holland stated thai the revenue derived frftn tho electric light mount was at present' spent in maintenance work on the streets, wbi.a be ,on;-ider-cd t» be a wr.T'ir c.nirse He had onKii l «£t B Tf , :Ti k,,h * d

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Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 4

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GORE BOROUGH COUNCIL. Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 4

GORE BOROUGH COUNCIL. Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 4