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: ;ie first con:-!:;;mn<>iu. of niuUo;d; : i\ls from islands south of Stewart inland arrived at the Mluff on Sundav. Some 20,000 birds were landed and these v:cn; quickly disposed of. A. sinal! consignment reached Gore yesterday and .another to-day. As the' weather lias not heen good in the .southern Latitudes, tho supply may lie somewhat erratic. 'Jhero are about 1:00 niuttonbmiors at work on the islands and reports show that the birds arc fairly numerous.

Last night tho* brethren of Lodge Mataura. trave a "ladies' " evening in the lodge-room. A large number <;t brethren with their wives and ladv friends assembled, and AY. Bro. Milne, Worshipful .blaster of the lodge, presided. An excellent supper was provided and >rr:>rai toasts were honored. A concert was aJterwards held, tho brethren proving that there is considerable? vocal talent among their number. The concert was followed by a few dances, '.wo of the lady visitors providing the ciance music

The contractors for the Mataura drainage works (Messrs Seddon and Rothwoll) are making good progress with the work. The drains havelioon laid down on the Wyndham Road from the. corner of Lome Street to the Kami Street corner, and several drainage connections have been made with the houses e.n route. A start was made yesterday morning with the outlet ao the Suunro into the river. This portion ol the work will necessitate blasting operations to remove the rock so as to get down to the required depth.

The Ulimaroa shipped a Largo consignment of cheese at" the RJulf yesterday for transhipment to Home' liners at Lyttelton and WoiliiuUon. In all 4080 cases were sent* away, 2!).",' i being for London and the balance of 11 .'ju eases for West of England ports. Tho shipments for the season to date are 7.'1,(i22 eases a,s against 75.0'b'6 cases for the same, period last year. The main factories concerned in tho consignment are Edendalo 615 eases, Mataura Island 110, Mataura 100, Otara 100, Wyndham 175 oases, Seaward Downs 130, Orepuki 121, Woodlands 114, Whiterig 101, Dominion 100. and Mataura 100 cases.

Says tiho Sydney 'llon/ng Herald' —That the whole of New Zealand will at the next polls go "dry"—that is, that Dominion prohibition'will bo carried —is tbo confident belief of oxJudgo Button, of New Zealand, who is at, v resent on a visit to Sydney. Ho pointed out in conversation yesterday that the banishment of the liquor traffic from New Zealand would already have- been an 'accomplished fact had' it depended on the vote of the majority, for a majority had declared in favor of it at the last election ; but to enable prohibition to be carried a. throe-fifths majority was required. This would, he thought, he secured at the next poll. He was of opinion that the Dominion, option issiie bi'd rather hindered than helped the prohibitionists, as when the isx-ue was local option only there was more concentration of work on single elector-) ates. Tllo districts where prohibition had been carried were remarkably free from crime, and very prosperous.

We understand that it is the intention of the railway authorities to plant trees and shrubs at the east end of the Mataura railway station. This is to be done with the intention of relieving the oppressiveness of the unsightly outbuildings which have been given pride of position at the approach to the station. While the Department is to lie commended for endeavoring to amend its mistake in laying .out the station, we do not think this proposal will be altogether efficacious. A well-kept shrubbery is a delight to the eye at all times, but shrubberies on railway premises are not always well kept. It-de-pends upon the taste for horticulture possessed by the stationmaster in charge generally. That officer has so many other duties to perform at the average station that he has no time to devote to the horticultural side of the station yard. It would be a more common-sense and business-like method if the Department acknowledged its error and removed the buildings to a spot more in keeping with the fitness of tilings, and did not waste its, time and money upon more or less adventitious makeshifts.

Tho local police officer", are frequently culled out ou wild goose chases (says the. 'Poverty Hay Herald'), hut the experience which h'efel a constable the other night probably reaches the limit. While. the officer was on duty at the watch-house shortly after nine o'clock, two .apparently nrueli-agitated men hurst iii upon him, and .breathlessly exclaimed, "For heaven's sake, come quickly, a woman is being murdered." The reason for their request was quickly told. As they were passing along .1 street they heard what seemed to them tho agonising screams of a woman. They went to see what was wrong, and although they knocked and kicked at tho door they got no response. Henoo their call on the police. Accompanied by his informants, tho constable hastened to the bouse. In reply to a gentle knock at tho back door came a, request from within, in a small voice, with frightened tones, as to who w>as there. "What was all the noise about?" enquired the ofiioer. "My brother watf crying with toothache,'' ca.nio a pathetic response. When the door was opened the constable came face to face with a. six-y<•ar-old girl, from whom lie learned that she had been left r.t homo with her nine-year-old brother, and ho had been crying with toothache. The mother was out ■at a. friend's place.

A Wanganui resident suffering from consumption has in communication with Dr. Friedmann respecting the latter's treatment, and has arranged with the German specialist to go to Berlin to be treated there (says the 'Dominion'). On the matter being brought under public notice by friends of the patient tho public were quick to realise that it was a ease not only deserving of help on its individual merits, but that it would confer a boon on "tho Dominion at large in that, for the expenditure of a comparatively small sum," it would be practically demonstrated whether the cure is likely to he efficacious or not. While encouraging other sufferers, if successful, it would save them from the exnorise and disappointment if it proved otherwise. There was consequently a steady response to an appeal for funds, | this response taking the shape of &| benefit entertainment, and the necessary sum has been raised and vested in a trustee. The latter has communicated with the Chief Health Officer on the matter, asking him to arrange that no difficulties be put- in the way of the patient in regard to travelling and landing at ports en route. Dr. Valintinc has replied recognising the value -f the venture as a demonstration for the benefit of other New Zealand patient? and stating that if certain precaution r are taken no difficulty will be put ii the way of the patient's journey to Ber lin.

•■■>■■ (.verge's Day, April 2,' i, will be as a bank and legal holiday throughout New Zealand. Auckland l,a. cxi „!■;,.<! :}£o\;r:K te S QA ,f , b,l . ttrr th 's i -- as against last season. Still ano'Vr Candida:.- ;. ,- -, M - u ;1 1 the fSorough Council t:'i.:.> ~s a .North Ward js announce d, .Air ■'•IV 1 othenok liaving intimated- his willingness to p ]. u . o j lis scvrvi( . ( , s . lt ,i 1 (, disposal of the. electors in this direction.

1 ■'■:< t:MVI (•!,:■]; stat:v! ;il h*t light's •V'ftinK o: the Con, Homugh Council i.v'u the :,upi)!oniont:-iy Mavoral roll < ):.bujiod :i,J names, which' made a t'T'ilot \.;.i, a,, against l;]ll last year, l-ie War;! roils will It- mad,- ir from the- Mayoral roll.

The Land Pi,,vhs> ( , |?„. (r | W:ls t() cue hold a nnv-ling !U !>„ il( ,|; u 10 . day It will he inter. ,i; n g to ascertain wnothor any proporti, , m S:»,ithl,nnl are recommended for ounhase- Sevor:il are un<ler offer to the (iovernraent at reasonable prices in this distn'.-t. 4 - though properties in the Upper Wai-in.-a, Tutujau and Wainiahaka districts havee been re-nute-d in.'tm during the past two years none have been ini£ ehasHd. Vho Hoard now has others vin-o«-r consideration, antl many • I t.!i ( « public anxiously await its deeis::.n.'

Ai the C'lutha Sheep Dog Trial.; on ttcdiu'srlay and Thursdav last -Mr .M<(«dl Hro'.m's Tip won the .Maiden with Air_ .). ."iirdiie's Keinbel Jed soceinel an.c Mr Ja.. May third, and i r , { \J'- ' Vi;,,, ' i - - lf aud fourth. -Mr J. \\ . I-'enlock's i'.d) won the All<oni(v; i-.-ii.-i Air R, Houliston's l-au seeond; Mr H. Stalker's Need third: Mr J. Purdues Glen fourth; and Mr I). Morgan's Tip fifth. Mr R. Twit d's -Maud won the Lo.-al event with 3lr \ 'I weed's Wag second; Mr W. McNeil's (jlon third. Mr J. \y. Polka k'.s Sharp won the Concolation with 3'r 1). Morgan's Tip second; Mr j \\'n.ght's May third.

Iho seventy o!' th,. earthquake at .Yl.astcrto.ri recently caused several women to feint in lint street, and tliey wero carried into adjacent houses and attended to. Two woiiicn went into hysterics, one rushing out of her house into tins roadway, screaming loudly. In many other instances women clung to men tvho wore, strangers to thorn." In (;:]0(:;:si! a lady seized hold of a iiiiin | was undecided wiie.iier it was an earthquake or not, for ho asked, "Was that an earthquake " On receiving a reply in the alhrmiativo lrom tiio lady, ho flung her aside ■:» nd cried, "Lot go, woman; 1 mint go to my wife!"

"I .H'.st want to show that there are two sides to every story,"- said MrWUford when defending "in a Territorial case at the Petone Magistrate's Court the other day. Accused was charged with having failed to render personal service. Mr Wili'ord explained that accused was perfectly willing to serve. He and his father night and morning milked oo cows, and it was impossihlo for him to get anyone to take his place at such odd intervals. He was perfectly willing, however, to put in parade at camp when he could got someone to take his place during such time. His Worship adjourned the case till June IS to give accused an opportunity to attend the Oringi camp.

Tlicro wero several extensive washouts in t':o Waimumu Sludge channel during tho la to floods. This channel if. now under tho charge, of tho Southland County Council, and its engineer will shortly be called neon to jnako a report on the probable cost. The county has power to levy sueh lat.-s as are necessary for tho proper l iiintcnanee of tho channel neon the onrcumsenbed district specified in the Reserves and Other Lands Disposal and Empowering Act of last session. The channel should Ik< repaired as speejiiy as possible as in its present condition it is a menace to tho lower-lying lands in the tow:\ and suburban area. No doubt th<, Council will have the work put in hand after its next m<>eti:ig. Owing to the Mines Department 1.0 l giving that body notice of the in management much valuable tij;m has boon lost.

During last year the Dominion gained more than twice as many people by excess of arrivals over departures as in the preceding year. According to a return furnished hy vh > Government Statistician, the population gain by excess of arrivals over departures during the 12 monti:s ended March 31 ia.a,907, the arrivals numbering l(i,S;)2 and the departures 3-L9-}>. The population gain for the preceding y< ar by excess of arrivals was ."iSi'd. The gain from the I'nited Kingdom in the year just closed is tlitiwi as 11.(>■>"). and the gain from Australia as si::. 'Arrivals from the i'nited Kingdom mmibavd 14,169, and departures 2!54. Arrival:from Australia numbered 29,"wC. a;ui departures for the Commonwealth 29,">7(). Assisted immigrants during 1912-1913 mimberod 340T, details being as follows (says the 'Dominion'): Domestic servants, 1008; farmers and farm laborers, 929; wives coming out to join husbands already in New Zealand, 534; children, 9SO.

Girl wanted. Wanted, cook. Ditchor wanted. Boarders wanted. Wanted, insurance agent. Wvndham jnonthly sale, Thursday, April 24. Bay gelding impounded at Gore Pound. ■.Speaking Pictures at Theatre Uoynl, Friday evening. Hibernian Football Club meet for practice to-morrow. Mutton birls «nd fresh fish at Whytoek and Tinnock'e. A. H. Aitken inserts notice re candidature for North Ward. J. E. Pethorick inserts notice iv candidature for North Ward. Meetings at Knapdalo and Otania re daily mail on Thursday and i'nd.iy.

An attractive and interesting selection of Neckwear for Women which has just come to hand por post from our London Buyers will give pleasure to those who take tho opportunity of inspecting the show we are making on our Fancy Department counters and tables. Tho showing comprises Jabots, Peter Pans in net and lace, Lace Collars, and somo really smart and pretty stylos in Bows made from various textures. In addition to the above we have just received a very desirable selection of those warm Woolly Motor Scarves that are so comfortable on cold evenings. Our stocks in all departments are ! complete. TJntil further notice our premises will close at 5.30 p.m. except on Saturdays.— Mac Gibbon and 00. Lid Indigestion with its uncomfortable symptoms—dizzy heads, bad eye* impure blood, torturing pains, eto if curable. Baxter's Compound Qui'riinr Pills cure this maladv quickly unlail ingly. and permanently. Try Just on* box and nrove it. 1p 6d at ohom'sts' and stores. Look for tho Silver-coatin« md Ke sure they're Baxter's. J

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Mataura Ensign, 22 April 1913, Page 4

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 22 April 1913, Page 4

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 22 April 1913, Page 4