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The Ensign. FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909.

Tin.' Mukurc'ta Dairy Factw.v, which uas cri'ijtid by .Mr H. 10. liiuc'ii, (.i«ro, somi' eight yai's, liai l.n'fit sold by t;liai n> thf si'iik'l'a o] tii'o districi, wlui iniA'tid ii as- a 1:0oin'rattvu faclory. ".SiK'ciiao,'' Kays J<hli Killing, "ilnn'i coiibist in iii-u'i' ma king Ijituiili'ivs, but in in 1 vit 111 a king tiu> aanio out' hi ii-c.'' on nil! make no mistaiii,, liiuvrvi'r, ij' yon entrust (In, .\i.« Ziaiand ICntnt-*, Co. with your enslonis and uoili, Ki' lias over Ih-i'ii parauiiiunf v. ith tiioin, w hetliii' in lenioving 1 ill niiiiro, jjassing entries, dis! l ibmiiir t'diioigimifhts, or oooda. •Mr A. Vi . v.lio arrived at ■ lueiiland iroiii Hie W'aikato on 'J'liuisda.v eienin-, ua, iii'eonleij what- lie des.i.'i'ilied as tlie oreatesl reeeiitiou ol' ii;.-, lile on alighting ti'iiiu l!ii, i rain. lie »as lui't. liv a ll'eeplion eouunittee lonnc.'l by (lie Labor hilly, and the (iarnsou ({and was specialiy engaged tor tiie oreasi'iu. Mr • Hoy;: was escorted i lirinigli a rroivil ol' people to a fiii'ria#', and a jtroceSiioii, lieaded l,v 'be band and hiipported by banners, tiled iornied, and tliib proceeded up <. J lit'* 1 11 'Street; ;uid hack by slrei'is io the Star Hole], where 31 r and Mr* iJogj; iiave lakell lip their i|ii,!:ier.s. In retiiiniuo thanks, .Mr lio';e; said that lie was (piito elieei'lul ini'ler the altered (■ireiimstaiiee.; that ha.l taken plaeo since his last visit, ..■""''I'll to .Smokers.— I iio Antidote Catalytic Pijjt-> —no more nicotine iiiualed, beiny absorbed in tlio bowl; snnjk'i's V"iy rool and is a splenMinoked hy rloctors and tliiiitiuhoul the Dominion, who s[ieai: very < i it-, make. In »I 1 sliap, >. .\;.;ei!i ior (jore : \V. Duuliins, iia lriiresser and J obaeeonist. Main Sireel.—Advl,

[/ i he tor t;v in-w dairy lactory •jJU Maill;:nu h ;i v. • la-r;! r<unj>)«'U"|, an.l ii't tin* < < > 111 -1 • <>i' ,-i «lay or two .Mr 11. ! ui tin' 'M'ir<' hairy l\n lory. u i|j ih-tM-fi f{ v, nil : I;*■ wiuaiul ion-. Tm«' w i'|i »n> ri.-'-l f in i.! u' lull '.! tVlJU'lll IsOrill liVlMt'l, v. iiii IHm .-iti'i. ;,,(••( .1 ii ifini ro/.t. A ivj-ih'i s---}i:;W ''!■:!ii l r am! w >ll )><• iM>itisicii [•» ;n: n;>-i i !j,.< moiiv't- ] • V. I li"' t:t! L'<;-y |, crt'rlrJ 'I! •■»!r)i a w a v i si:t r i; r;» n be <-j*v]]. n :u>n i,'\'\u- v:u\ - ■ . t-'Ht;;;, I'-I'l ]-,y 1? 1 f"i , ;ui ; J i;u' < ;>■ iv. , mom, i-y Mi>, ;:;v IciiU caio M" ! '■) i rNteiwon. Tin- ih• ilt• i' ismni liltii M- Mit. :i ii, j : i ache 1 ts a r-alt : Thi' v ii} !..• nj' rr' 1 ?»- 1 htw.l r«ut. As pr^v^Yu^j;-,j lit- . !nou>ry is v i ry f-Hivtiic-nUv <\ruiiU'[, i-<j;H: v. ! ilj' it a t'irow of i 1' *• { p : t I •: mcl r.i'luav j tor J'ill take Woods' Great j Pegpormint Cure. Never fails. Is 0d

Tito successful tenderer for the m»kitiun of buildings for Wainiunnt Dairy Factory Company arc Mr David Cook, ft (iorc, for thi' dairy factory, and Mr W. I'. Thorn, «i M,'i.inr.t, )'•»> cliuoseniakor's residence. j The weekly niortn •- d the <>ttad-| rdle Party, Hi'.vdom. have been we|l attended during ih" • i-mi (writ's ; COm-!spOU<Icll! I «i»l i> > i-Mi-ildi'd iiip. will I'c held ill . A ! f • - • "'ill probably lie aim- t tin- Ih>l oi iln• i ■ • -'am. Suits to measure, to ,'u . |„. .. . Sim-, arc not. factory-, ui, i-u' aiv cut | by our own oxpt-rt cut: i. am! •, i allien good work ail'! |d|oi ie . I : patterns to choose tr..;i„ -!i. 1 and Co., oppobitu - Olii' i . i I tent jnll is d''."'- ' i ;h.. ..p. , i,i liu- j try of horses to bo 'jit'ep-d at the (, : oiv j I Horse Bazaar to-inen,o>. Snine icallv out! sorts ivill )«> «>SIV..»I, an ! ail tiioso .-l SCal'l'll of useful al-lleals l"t tall" »"i'k should make a t <>iisi ol allend]]'" tile sale, which Hill I'l-.■■■.• a- I-.. I'.in. sharp. Cp to previous i ' jjoiiij; i<« there had hneii no iv , ,» w»' invitation of the local >h«i v <. ■ »m...,. ■ tec of tin? Seddon Men :-,,l Hospital in assist in planting tin- tree- nciicrotish donated (..• Cure resided ■ to-da\. The trees and shrub-,. oi v, Inch iiicre are ■MKI, "i pirn-, ni;• ;iI.•. ; 11111-. bench, cabbage trees, native ilax. iiolly, b'l'cli, rhododendrons. < t'., and ;m< ing planted by the earetakd' and 111assistant. In the New Zealand (oizetlc' o! .March IS there appeared a reiitru showing tile estimated yield ;•. ■■■ ; ere of wheat, oats, and barlev !',,i i:i.Dominion—viz.:—Wheat, d.'l bushels . oats, IL' bushels; and bailey. ;!l bnshid.s. Tile actual yields now to .band are afollows: —Wheal, 0!.,"' Mi-he], per acre; onts, -Hi. iti; bariev, d'l.di". The area of wheat fur thre.-v,i'e■; »:e ".kV.kApl

iiens. and the tolal y .ei;i is (Mi'.pnted ai S."7!i,TCII blldlel-. Are you a Cmmi'i rcial TiaveUer (b----airou.s of tnaliiiie a tnplilaxiliniiii results, in iiii;n ii in Hnny: Tlieu got into toueh n'llli tee New Zealand Express C., Ltd.. and you're on the road to success. Ibey'll clear vour samples, deposit duty, transmit your from place to place I lu'onein,at. tin. Domiuioiii, providui!/ ai e,™ : mi, splendid, convDiiieut, sMinn],. ruoins. Offices throughout the Dominion. I Recognising the great importance ~f teaching morality to tii.. ehildrcn u habeen decided, with (he eoiisenl ol the collilllil tees ;md leaehei's, in ;:ive imrely undenominational liible teaciii.i;; liv tile niiujsters of taun al lie' (■ore and I'.a-i fdu'e <<-e ■ ...eini' mi liiur.sday next, 21.. iii iuM., ior ,>ne half hour per week. 1] any pai' in- 01,. jeet to then- ehildien recemnj; Mieii icachiu;; it " ill he uec. , ,aiy for ihe oh. jcelion lu be seal to the headmaster oi the school, and he will continue the ordinury in-tiucimn oi tlioae [,*upii . Hie hour of service at the (ion. school will b" I'roM !),;)() until 10, and ai (iioui ll.ljl) j.-, oV!<,.riv. '{'ii' l iii'. jjunjlirj- iiawks the eounliy districts nei'e reponed to ibe council of tile Auckland Acchlnaiisation .Society at its luM nieeting. Aii H. -lioyuoids, of Cambridge, in him. ii.'ti *"1 the htlbjoct, ,iaied' that u Ilea tile association pjiid for Ji.Hvj,-' heal ii had a K.nxi eli'eci, i,itt n, ...uout. a year alter ji ceased jia\'tn;;- the hawkHere pie.': '..ful and I In, writer'-, -'.in had counted no lci.-r than -til in pil'ldoek, nhile one 0 i met! .ecu (hit -i ili.iiii i,.nee, n: tvlneh, on iin'c-.ii;_'aLioi'. a cu'-b )ihea,aii I was ioi.tnd lo he taking refuse. Ai ihc iiiimtiil.v iiii-cti'ig <,f ili,Scilool (. riniliii:..,!,,!],., . ;l tj,,, lancer on tile ajij'.ljoaia.n I roiii it. \| ■V'.-irtm, lessee of secti,,,,, jjs, ''lock in., AVemloii'-iiie. t»i Iv t'livards sinhinc f v| . w .,, vr u r ,„ and adopted. A lepoli ll'"-[, li;i 1,1;; oil 1,. Alelvenzl" I'or.ijjl:, :c i III,! tile Hallway l/'cparuii.-ni - 1 •!- -a'i;:; 111- aceci 1 ; to section 1 ij. .1. 1., \V.-,e Kaia, H-a.s receiied. A i-por; 11., a 'iia.n;;cr on a eoinpla::: ii-..,] .( .. Mri'mie. Ic.'se,. ,it' «.ci>..|| ', a, |_, j Weii'hili. that the Muddy l'"i, .1. e Slnic ! ii's Company is sioj-ic V u, , | ~,, l-.i'iae and reniavinc cra\el'o iccei-. cd. Mr MacCil,!,o„ v, p>,■>,.,( irn !■." a yearly lease oi -eel ion I?. Mock XI-. luwn, at L'l ]ier auiiuin. ibis v, aa v | > 111 c\ cd. .), A. McLean. Ic'.yac of (ireenviile Hun, wrote a-kina' leal (he ian;.',er be m-ui up , ■ lix the boundary. Consideration 'v-e deterred. Wavetly Sc'ott. lessee ci -ccinw, I 1, Idoek 111., Tiiturnu disnict. « role statin t; that Air Hughes, less,.,, ,-i adioiuiue land, section 2 of I, Has dammili,': back the wafer on to his land, and askine; if tile Commissioners v..mid a-sc-t hiin in preventing lluclies troni doinc alo app'yinc for L'OO drain pipes, r.:,, or din. and one truck of lin, din, and -1:1 uleTliese are ui be supjilieil, and Ics-ec oi •ceiiun l! 01' 1, I,loci. 111., ailed upon to clean oiti ditches in terms oi

At the monthly mcetiiii.' ol tho South-' iaml Laud Hoard J. W, I'. ( hapmaiiV application lor 1(3 acres, blk. 7, Hokouiii district, was referred to the rniTj;ci

j"i a ivpuri. Tlif loljowm,; apjiji-a-tious to iransiVr u\iv iv<o]nn.oiul»-<;l i:«r the approval oi tlit' Minisirr:—>iv. 7-0 {«8.l jk'lVj), o'.t, Holioiiiii, J. IT. 13rowu t<> W, K. (!ain-r; >»•.;. 7 7t> (!'J Hi'lVM, HokoJUti, Hubert H iriia {<».}. .1. SU'vrn^oii; set*. Ma 01 ") jirrc- 1 . J lilk. li, (ileiihani Settlcmcni. l'iiiricl, Mevereaux 111 u. McLennan and S. I l '. Dray; sir. |-|s,. (j iicro), Undone vilI'lLO', I'Maie oi' \V ill ia ill Wiiliallls t.» \ n>!ei Aij/v if. W . J- lemma's apple-,i-tmil lor subdivision and ri':in.-.t<■ I' <il 1(1!) acres <il mt. ;)Si' ('jilt a.rcsi, ■ 11'!; ii<■, 10 William J-'K'niin;.', Has !j>>i<] over Inr i'<"iion as in suitability lor subdivision. Isabella MeKeiizic'v a|i[ilii'ai ion in s'.ilu l"asc L' ai'i'cs 2 rood-, of .v'v. ', l'.'i (.'i'JU I>lk. I, Vivluloil dislrn'l, 111 til,. Muddy I ciTace t ,iiii;,anv, ua .. lemseil. an l ! nicy Ut'it' ■l\i t. • i lu Mill . id an application !i,r subdn-Mmi tratisli-r. .'M.'ycu Knant ■, rail, ii uj.,,'!i l;i Uliro' cuiisff, wriv grained I'Mfii-imi-j ■ I time in winch Hi i'llV'l necessary imi,i. Assistant tfaiH'.T C-iin- , ci'on lcpnrtvd i!ia! 3iis- 3 ,\. A."l{obiiis"ii ' bail taken Up 111'!' residence on si-e. Ola, ' t., li'llliaill Si'i lli'llll'l! i. 'I In- tvpoli li a - ■ 'I cvi ve,l. Tlii. Solllt)i -i>111 ( ' ilin'.y (, nun-! ' il I'iifwarded li-i oi a i. a . 1,1 ■i i ii'a i' vviia rate . >oiii-is a--.. 11 '■!> vein in accorda nee Willi tin- | r.i. isioiis «f i in.' Act. I in' < »ii>iiii'.ii.igi<-r i ill lili'l':ri.l tiiai in l iiail ai'i'i |>: i'(i livhard .'M'lvinaii s |i-iiiii'i' ;.l L'l_* - [ a r annum 1 "f f,'ia/.ii:;'. i-i-iiii o\v; mi-,, l-li'i aii'l ;.| a. ir>i, bik. ::i, .Mankind \ ili.ii.l.'l. 'On-- ua-- approvt'd ami the iltwil'il adinuni'd lili .iu;l. lab Klivouta;',o imal iudu;-;ii>-. ii i., giMK'l'ally admitted tiial any locai ,u dustry thai • < itl]>li>ys a number oi hands is a oieat, iactor towards I! n- pro-prriiy a town. T. l-revii and coalmine may be classed a-. i,in' ni ihv.o iii'liistrii'.s. A large number ni li.mds an," I''d in iiiiil al,out i'.." n;.na, lo;;t'tlK'r witii liof.;cs and calls, aim t!i« iunollilv [jay-aiioi'ts a i-'-ii-.sidiTiiiil,' siuii oi lumioy, ail oi \rhioij i.s ■)>' ill. kirally, T. larc.-n ami to. dciiviT caal at fj;ii'atly-indui'L'il ['l'lCi'., in an\ (|il.illtily. Colli quality and unanlity ain ;;uaraiii.i:<jii. Cvnti'm c, laln-n anil iiatt'k J"tj .-1-111 to any i.idm,.: on liio lni'.-. Urtier.> 1"R- nr mhi in ino Hiaiio v.'ill ii'i'"ivc proiiij.'t. atlcntioii. i v!e;>liony Ml.— I. Ijiixn and Co.- Advt. Dear MuUani,—l-'!eaic noie Uial i.' w dsr to allow our workroom employees : a wcll-uained holiday wc have decided : io cioso the roonii during (ho month of Augubt,—Youi's faithfully, MACGiaQON AND CO., LTD., The Main Slreat's Du;i' Corner, , I!'ic!,jniii 1,..;■ 1-picr-. v. \ \ (riiij" \\.m;a»i ;• fn • • t ,. : ,r. i'M-ii'-h 11 1 ! ic! I rnw.-y t v : ; .I'liif ' I* i IllJi; ! . -!i:i >< I : !'Uis.'ral oi lan* Liour! low. ; i ? rel]in;ii <it Loyai 1 r»"-|Ut. i st<'«l irj artfii'i hintTa! *>i tu»* la!«- ' i/iwiu l 'iayh»r I'l-iMont-u . i-i:> Wrnkai.: l| 'lav Tin,:x.lay. I ''■'U Ml' M:i' i- »"t ;. t Claw;* ai T'-m- 1';.! I J Po}»p«'rnnnt Curt-. Xev*tT iails. is G'J i • and 2> (-tl. 11 !!-■ ■ ' : \

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Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1909, Page 2

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The Ensign. FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909. Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1909, Page 2

The Ensign. FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909. Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1909, Page 2