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COURSING. j GO HE CLUB'S MEETING. The sccoud meeting held under the a uspices of I ho Gore Coursing Club was commenced at the plumpton on tin? Gore Racing Club's property yesterday. Tii« weather though 'cloudy was fine and there was a fair attendance ol Ihe public, the fair sex being well represented. Competitors spoke highly ol the improvements made In- the club since last meeting, the erection oi the ience inside the training course being highly approved of. . The gate taking* amounted to £'lo J Us. The hares on the whole ran well, but not quite up to expectations. The judge (-Mr T. Kett'i gave entire satisfaction, and his decisions in all casts were mif)Uestional>!e. The good work ot th« slipper (Mr A. Ait ken) was »U<> responsible fer some »*eelienf sport witnessed. The nciin<;-secreiajy (Mr •fas. Mitchell), together with the strong, hard-working eonnnii iec 0 is deserving of the hijjhosl praise for the capable manner in which tin' meetiii" w.i., eondnctcd.. ilr 0. .1. MiicKay had ;1 n(reshiueiil booth en the eioiind. where a capital repast could he obi allied. The results were as follow:---LADY'S fIRACEI.ET. First Do.; tar.. Second D 0... !:17 I.V. Two Doe* at ..e.") eai-h. Three a; >:'•*> each. Six at t'- 1 2* e;ich. FLItST IUH'NI).

Mrs A. T. Price's Arrah Na Pt>j*u*, by - Puzzle, iwat Aiss Owen Keily\ Dark hy Caniinal —Snowdrilt. Mrs (J. 1). BairdV \'ic" ['re-id.-4it. The Pia shient —'l he Witeii, hoat Mia Alary laicy Cr»rdiiial---Si)oW(ii , ifi. :s\f* 0. .Mill., 1 Mis* Advance, hy Darkie—Waireka. bear Mi's A. K. iieihert's l'slm v rle.a, hv Tim A\*hii .Kleot. Mrs (Kvi'ii Kvlly'ii Kilcoo. hy Jviiniainhal—Liiulun Princiw.. heat ?di>; Marks' IkiUle (.'all, hy tingle ( all - - Da rtmoor. Mrs I{. I'oiihiMcMerry Mytile. hy I Mrrry Hoy—Mvyile (Imvr. hr-M Mr:> j A. D. Dnnioij',; Pe];pereorit. hy (iainr-* Lad-- Pcppor.

Aliss J. Mitch'li':-, Drunnni-r Itov. hv Merry hey—Star .Rose. i»e»\i Mrs l.vearn'fc Manxman. )»v (hnncM'-r-Heaiilier ileil. Miss M. flatp ! .•'•» Kin.L', Pepper. '»y Kin;'; Dick—lVpp r, heal Mrs ('. P,. Haines' Cirand Chewier, hy hraddoiTs i Hot —Xap. Mrs ('. 15. Kaiiie,-* Pouhtte. i*v Wait—Nii|». hear Mrs A. K. Herhon's Miss J-'itK. hy Pisine, lh?;>. Miss Iv MefJraih's Da hinjj, Heart, hy Great I ieari--Tyue Maul, h.-nt Mrs .1. Dowdall's Tri\oy, !»v pau;;h-a-tiai- — Xeily. Airs A. K. Iler : M'i t'- ITyin./ S' o;: i;mati heal Mia A. Mehandierti';-. (Mania Lass, hv Ladv I^ahel--Sprin^. Mrs A. Johnston',, I) hy rauidi-a-ljalia^])—Vuy.yav, heat Adelaide C'uriis' Lady Klixabotli, hy ivittv —Sweet Ale. J aek-o' - Diamond*--ha rceh ma. heat Mit, •J. i!iihai'ls' Tracker, hy lilack Tracker Mrs S. Pt'tilow'-, f'i»n u ndtann. l»y Fau'th-a-15a!hijih- Puzzle, hear Air:. 11. (r. Mehail'cy's .\Ueino)ll■. hy Meny hoy -•-Dorothy I>"ds. Mrs A. Jenklri.i' I* h-eiv.-■ n<l, hy Kurnnui. he;ii Aiics J. ?di{fheH'.s hriyhit l\vcs, Merry P>oy-- Si :ir Po; ". Mi.-'; V. Stewart's Xelty (-ray. hy f'nti! --I»nlvy. hear Mra A. .ii»hn>[on's Maid of tlie Mi-t. hy iJi; i 3111 Pol.— Xcll. Mrs ]lciinie\-; i-'h-ra MeDoi'altl. hv - Kxpand . he;i» M e-s Tracey'.s Master Harry. hy Cardhad —Snowdrill .'

Mi:*.l. Wilkitu" Dunrohiji. he Kiltie Aiav, hy Toiiic—Ped i. ail lau h. Mrs 'O'Jit-ion's Step (Pit. hy (ad<" , t hv Jack (>' Dia icoials-- P-a^'i-ehMifi.

Mra v». on l in'.'.hajp.'s Pi'o' i-m. Hv r«ii»i;h-a-lJalla;'.h- -ihr/./h-j l»ear Mrs (i. O'Neili'v S l . John, hv St. Michael--Lady \\ ilie!.. Mr.; ila\ v (.'np : ain ''o«»l;. hy l\epsp.a —Ai id^'i. heai. ?dr.-. {•. \T iii Ili iu's Delonater, hv Sjgiial dau'y. .Alr.- S. redhiw'-- ' ,v I'Oieha IJalhie.h. h-a(. Miss Mallon's Pli-ht Away, by Jnn Jim —Flywheel. Mi.' • MrC'oh's Maranui, i«\ Dani:«-r Siv;iud - l.udy, I" at Mrs A. D. Dunlop's Ycliow.-Uone, hy Hbick'.ione— Montrose. Mrs fi. W'iiii i iueh.ani's EuK-rald 1. ; ,1\ hy Fait^h-a-|jallau,h—Puz?".je. b-at D. Walk"r's Red Cress, by

—Soul hei u Cross. Mrs 1"). Walker's Merry Pad. hv HarMaoii l>oy, by Aleiry P>oy-- A! yrlh(ij'ove. Mrs D. Palerfon'.-, D-Tando, by Kilty—Nellie Steivarl, a l>ye. Arrah-iiH-Pogne led up by a couple «.l lengths, and got in tv.'o turns. Dark Angel then came in for u:i". and the former came in for another. Vice President led up hy louf length* ;rad won easily. Aliss Advance i"d up by pe;i' h-ii;;' h=. and ;;ot two tun-.- in, \v!i -n, Piue Ple« t came in I'or one and the hare escaped. Rattle Call ied up and securd lirst turn, wimiite 1 ; oa.sily. Peppc.'corn up, and uou oji a good course with points to f.paj • . Pepper led Up and heal his Opponent on a ;:ood course. Alauxnniii led up aed snu.d live inrns. when Dnimm-'r Poy (-cine in for tlie hula I'l e of th" Woj k on a lo!l;» eoni'rte. Roulette led up. £ it { {t!' > i tIT 111 and Wo!i on a shor! course. 'i'ri\»'\- led '! ■' to wit hi n I'". 1«-«t;m its o; the eauie. whe't D.eJiir.:.\ Heart raC'-d pa-r and turned f, .vice heior.- puss escaped. rdyin;', ScMtchman led hy M \ {"ipith-s. si'curoti im'ii turns and did all the work. i.adv liilixahelh h>d up to a pood hare hut iifetl. nil'.! Donnybtv.nk did Ihe balance of the work on a loiur course. Ri;',»it PxiWei' led Hp hy p'l." - length:, •aiid v. 0)1 --a->ilv. killinp; Ihe hare just heiore it reached home. Couuiidi'tim led and did practically all tl.'e van!, on a rdiort. coUJ"-e, Meet wind in a *hort course h-d l.y two huigt lis ami secured it conpla of tin us.

Mae] oi tiie M:st ivhr.ed I" run. and Nellie Cray raced on her own, killing Uv hare. Flora AlrDou,'ild led up and got the iiiv•;. three turns, when the 'io;,; came in and killed. Dliurobil' led on ;i very sport «'o!'r-.e. got one turn and then Que'-n May came in for ou»\ and the loriner (ante in again and Lilh'd. Bower b % d up <o the e.M-apev wh'Te lie turned the haiv. after which Step Out came in for a ;.'ood deal ( f uork and outclassed his oppom-m. Problem led up to a ;.'e,.-,d har-- and did all the work, the haiv e>capin/. Capta in Cook in a short course h-d up and did »d! the work. Sp.iejjjv.c I"d Up hi uino hue.'.l h . "[ol j! i oil" fti | ii. i'hyht Away car-!" in lor a trench ami the hare pscap>'d. A! arinui hd Up hv a rouple of leu;.,lb*. ttirn"d twice, and kilied. p."I Cross led ii}) by pair lon;-TV on' 1 near home, where Fnteraid J.-le rae- .J past and turned and did pr e - t i.-ailv all ihe \vu k* Mdrrv Pad l-'d hv a foupf' len' vi h iand fu'ind limes hejore }»u--r 1 evc.'ped. Dorajld" ran a h\»s

SKCOXD ROrXD. tee pr<*--.dent In at Arrah-iia-Poguc. Kiler-o bear Mi-A .'V'lvaoee. A'en \ Alyrele bea' Dntmtm-r Boy. Riiuleice he.ii. Iviii;.', j\pper. l-'iviu;: S'oichtnan heat Hearl. J l'.'eiwing b-:-ai Conujtdrtun. i-'lora Ah']Htnahl h.-at Xelhe Cray. i>unrohi|i heat Step (int. Cap;i;i ( ook I'cat ;.i. Alaraiiet t«e »i So.m u!;-;--. c'iiiera.h t Id'* b aU >\ :■ is ,-j. Me,TV Ijo V . il hv-s v;.,. "idem l.'d l.y 1i,!.,. i.'-..,h-. ;,i 1.-,,, i 11,!,., i.iid , inn.- ui f. > r ill-' hay. , l,"i up Hl'.d 11111,..|| I M'ii' * ; ,he «!ut ill lor on.' an,l i>'ii>;>■•, 1 ihha !'v. lv|.'. .i nindiii'; in :«i i !:,■ !:ii 1. >: l:.- Mli'll.- ill' ;. mi- • I up. 1 1 and l.iliid. !:.||,l'-||. !"d l.y fS; }•■ i,• "11 -. till *! ■ ni, ■, and ii e Si.r.■ .-.v-iii-ed. I' 11,n h-d tin iih'l sc- r.-',! n i .d 1111'''i. !, liil'l' p-.'s- n-.-api'd, iliiiht ISwr l-'d bv 1111■ .■ Hi-nlis and dill 1.-.u-ti'-illv a!i till' T' -.'l i'.iii'l h-d bv s": i. ffood hare, which e.-cap-. d witbniit beiiv turn-.d.

Horn McDonald li;d up 10 » lair I hare. anil did m«i of ibf work in n dlol'l course. Duill'ohiu led In tl it! (■ i hi; i"! :■ i 11! rdiowed superiority, 1.. inji Dili. Captain Cook led up to a hare wbi»h went straight throiii.'.!: ihe ■ -«<;>) Muramii led up. tin -! — un» - • ! in'.! kilhvl. ; Emerald Isi* ;n'r! f> 'v.i»i'i.' r;i' *.<! i<■ , tiler 111 a optcm11 1 ! . Tli»' I"!": •r ■ , lived superi'iinv aid v.i'ii , .-i • '■nurse. I Ol'iOX STAKE. W'nii. r J.ii. id:i,i,..'-j up £5, Two D- ■ .ii .. . , FIIiST iJ< 11 M>. ! .Mr W. Maple-toil's V. oil.- k'CPna p; 'iy Cold Link—J'hum r.-iii' ii. in at i Messr* it. 11. and .1 \V. Jh»•••** Cei,: , Band. by Gold Link—i- anU.v S*;11 ncli. Ml' L«wo. MML ' iiiiJ'.ii.i, ' D.irk • • WaU'fM. beat. Ai\s>Ts K. ii. 1 •' <•'« •:< Price's Mather .M.e f: ; -\ '•> {■ I ■ hallagh—Puzsk:. _ ; \Y. ami K. .V n ;«'w'- Po-n---I,as*. by De Y/ifie- i,: 1 1 '> a' t Hay's IJUceUfrburv. b\ i - Erin. i Mr 0, Mjiis' Lav« •• W;\i> r '-v : (»1" 1i t 'IT Waiivka, beat ■> N* ■•.'! . i i-'arl.'T Crovc. i>v Ah\ : .; -Aiy: : e (iriivr. Mr (i. OW>i!IV Mi,, i.i: •. by ['."«!! : Ruhy, hear A;es.-M> W. ; ao 1,. M. ; i l'<\\\ h\ B!a R PP- : Mr fi,,iC ,• i; ;:i. ■ v "! : ,i itl i—' 'r-m -It v, 'I, Mr <•. Willi-' ' Ingham's '! hou-htlid. »v 1; i; 1:-:. ihd ; heji---Puz;:h\ » W. 0. Riiiih Faiilh Id. IJi ilri'i"!!':, p'|o! - > ap. . I '/ • i WollV* Schnapp- I' ' '• •• • v .on- f bee-dbs and did praeiica. !;• a'! ;!;■• i ill :i i II a rata ninl Mailer .M 'cr "/n.. :' ! 'i.-si fii'irsi" ni ill" 'lay. ii * 1 1 ;ui aii'i 1 nnn'ii tS : <] j i!:c haM 1 'li'i\« it ;•• • • 'ii'' ii' ; pi-r'f-! tthrlV si'.-' U'l! !•!-■, iui'ij'.o!' (Hi! aVi tiit- :< >f" 'i' ; h'M'r in l!u v - '-'itn'M' v•- j li.'svc <-■-;■;)iiii!;. !' ■' «!'•■■" ; from his f'.vi'r, Romnoy I.i"i-; : »vri»iv witji Qtioenshnry on a ■-••••- •. sin- 1 ; !:■ \ ori H Cla ■ f'jrni« % r, v fa:*.' ii' ilm kill. Lavpii(l«»r "Wator lorl r; 1 all flu' A.'oii-.. Miss Olivr 10.l ll(f :11 r i «',ai 4 H|: a work tn Uev . i Tnpoiti '!!> a 1i won easily. l.a'ly Fnirft l hi rait :: !>y< AXXVAL At.. | T!„- a n !:iia! )\M i-» Mr| li.Tiliani's r<!«"Miw In ; r• \* t»j ni x , w !:«.!• hilly fil'l lu-'intM'!'., <»!' :) • :-kiS c^wi- ! ;><•; iito s we: r )>; • a-nl 1"! * (Mr <»'N«*xii) piv.-iu' •!. :i!i i : "Tho Knm." Mr pr■»:> ■ t-t| j " i'lir C".iMu;-; (. lub an! pr.-.iulah-j :ii" r!uh uw il • rapui pr"-; its I'liimm'iK'f inom. 'l'!:.' (.'hainnatt i't-pl:«"! <m b<.!ialt" of«* cail> am! taul t Wi-w tla'-ir Ik->i tin* jut cr.' is <\i :nul iliuiil.'"! tli** vishinj; i. oiiipMitmv. t't:r ihyir ■-n ; » pon. Mr O. K(.'ll\ pr(;pi» •«'•! < and »u dom,; » \prt"s»: d pleasure ;u ><> niany presi n a)ii->iip; thehi, thi'ro c<tiiip«'U'n>p ln>i!) :!n> t-uds of . ului h u\n anunnu <»i j muTt'st thai was taken in <t mt-i 11 . v.liif'h ho ?«nid r>in« of the fi<-an«-; spf>i i,* in. Ho hopt-d ha-! t'lijoyrd their visii to (iojv and woukl ; return <m iut nie oiva^w l :!-.. M(.- : si - < : Mili> (\U!'k!an-if and Ja-. Prln* (Dime : dim, in h.n ;i in liN of tre.;; men! h-d cinvi'd r.\ tin- hand-- o) jh.> tloro Cln'r. ■ and hotlt ui-l:.'d t!n» t•!u -» pro?jx.M i;y. ■ ?d «• .f. Crnufiird pr:»po--«'d rnsi.r- . I'.-'.tnd C'oiiijK iiinrs." ! > WISM-M Ml*®*: - f- Mills, Price, (i. i\el!y, and AV ! O'llliel! N'plif-d. Other |o;ihls hot i ' - uui' "Tiie ami Slipper" and: •The Hook-makers." During ilio ewe ' .n,:.' Min;; r wi'ie rendfi'ed hy Mc-nj - .l.j r.:e«a:n, W. Whilla. ))-ral). .\. I'i.tA 1 hud \\ . O'llnen, and W. Sherry. !!> ; I it-- Mii<-ntsi w-n'e dhpeiiM.-d and lie, ; IjH)!-:.- tip wit'i the ; -:in f :in,; of , "AuM Synf'.'' ; CHICKiiV. r>KAi>LY VMS, i-lX;. huNhiiN, Jul'. ■'! Tananf \ihe v.h'» pla i i"m' MX'.C.u p[« r in;; StiV,vV, ! . took *ix ~-:, for em «.»' a nn^n ot r(.!<s, Ha- la.-i iiii* i'J, the ''hrtl ' tnvi;. ' HOCKEY. iJAL( l.r'j'tl.i \-. \. | A team il'ojii j LVaija'ana V| [ C'ltJ) jotirneyed t.o Jh:!r!uiha on ! : ! lay K»r 1 !i«* \.i ii''j ecf -la;j:,e; a lna:elr! . file h->JU" dllh. T .1' \ :>ii >■- wri' ,«. .. 0.-:, cd a Tu, . :n;:. u liii-li pi n'. <"1 a r.-ri-ui- \ .-.U I'dav liii. miilrli \i;r; j. 1;i-•. ■< | anil) . u.i- (■ ] - II! l: I !i y fiillr l-j ;■' lII' J 1"' (.'H i- I'lllf i-i., IVI Ul'lli'd !i,)n. ' i»" ill lllH'lll.'s uikl ;I, I lnt; i.v i'ojii]iliui-.-m a I'v ii-rnirt ul' liioi i nviinii.,| Hi, |.]. i 13 il A(J G! ITG. 1 G!ii:s. v. iu\ i-;i!si>.\u;. ; lliivil U-al,;. ic-.|..-ci" (i r 11. 1 pin\i>.t ii..,;.;.:! ii.' Il* !)|I !! !lll[| <■ ■! lli 'l. r 1 j | j- . a win 11.1- i:.'irr, i.v ni,.. . 111. ~ ' \ VI! 11l . . ' ' . 1 ; i'Mi. na-ly 1,ar,1-i,,u.:!i; i.m-, 1 ni.> •- • . ....... t .: ti"' loea i ■in : i ■ J n o.i ; ., i , Ll , i., ■> . • .* i r •»,«• mm..; -|i!i ■! ai;,; ; i, :! n 1,. '-i 1 'VIIHII- li;, a,| ' I'l"|....|||| j,;.,,. , \ , , j :>•!. M.l':;,;. . : -K,v. !•, j 'y NI"! t". C -ill ~,, j 'ini.v*.' v.,.,-,. ,-ir: < i 5.1.1.U- iv «,.!| r, n-i,-iv>l li.. .\lo:->,is .) Ai liarii.ii, .1 IMr 1 • r, ] "' 1 U "- MK 'lK'll.vll, ;l ,!,( "ii i, " L«r(>->»rtl \\ in, a,'" !, v |. t | j j,, J ""'I ii'l'il.iii-.i " ri,,u-.i,.i !' :i 111 I'lf SJ..I liiii-:," I,V MI- \\ 11.1 '• mpli-ii.!!, and • ('aid,,,, •••'" "i t.V-KK-ii-," I,y Mr IJ. • v. ni;n ' ii! 1 1rihii 1...J Vol,-, id i i,..,,; f- «ii..i.. propt,,,,! \i; v,!:;;!; V"', : ' l "' '•> 1 ■•':aiiiii:i(i i«y A! r (.! -vii'Si i-M ii, mi,! ti,, „j ••«. ■.! SVH..- a,i! il!,. .Nai1,,111,1 A i'l- I ■ t.H'lii <-|..,M-d il pin, S|.11l and 11 u-i;,ll\ | J-'.iliii-. ■\ ppl-llJnl I-, |j|p SP.II'I-I - | .... idVi.UMiAI.!:. j D.'mw-, I 0 V, . Mi:K,iiiri i) .1. Viu,!.,,.], ' I II P. ('. t.iall ,1.1.; ~ , ~ ; 1 11. Mciv.y ii I'. ('nil..,i (I K. Joint 1..m I (.1. ! \ II Jbri'-- ), i. i: I .1. il. I'mii..!, II p. JI,, ;, . ~ " 1 ; - -'.lliii:i.-...1l .. \l'. .. ' <« . I lU> II .1 . ("f-, .I; I ! J- i'«--11-.1l II .1, T"i a I '• 'l'lmi,ii | j|.'| „ 1 (i. T.-iv|.. r ■■ p M c K.r' ; . I 1 * l * I J . - o>n» w \\ v .\,| : i" 3 i:

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Mataura Ensign, 22 July 1909, Page 4

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SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Mataura Ensign, 22 July 1909, Page 4

SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Mataura Ensign, 22 July 1909, Page 4