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(Continued.) " i'areiits,'' writer Mi' -J. l*heruood, Shirrock, L.l).£>.» Knyland, "do not , n 1 host* modern time> attend to tin* c«piirements in <*c»tn rn<ii^i iu<-1 ion to lJi«* wants of th<*ir chihln n a* 11n \ did i Heretofore. ... A dear rmuMiittou ; is needed oi ihe fact that a knowledge, nf the teeth and their ran- and preservation is an essential fa< i<>i in u , l-lijM's edueat ion. if llif child could! be educuted from tin* curliest period i when it is able to irra-p fin t:-. and the necessity f*>: thorough cure of its teeth, the health, wealth, anil prosper- , ity of schools would be established." No doubt a certain proportion of bud teeth mv ilue to heredity, to constitutional illness, and the like, but certainly lit'' vast majority of cases can be traced to neglect, want of prophy lactic treatment, and, as Monsieur Gabronskv poin'< out. t*» " the false conviction of the public that stopping for milk teeth is unnecessary, because they must fall out, and their places are immediately taken by healthy teeth." It is only too true that par ents do habitually take notii*- of tie condiHoii of the leeth of their children only when decay hu- done its work. There may be. and undoubtedly there arc, a variety of predisposing cau«e-«. but, a< compared with parental hct, all others fade into I now come to tlie second of the causes to which I referred to above. namely. ueneral ignorance «hi tin* part ol the public of the principles of den* tal hygiene. There call be no M u. - tion that parent-* and children alike arc .shockingly ignorant of the «\ilattendant upon tie- ncu'lect of their leeth, and so cli'olt to enlighten then, by making thetn acquainted with tin fact* i> imperative. "The instruct ion ot parents is an urgent matter, boin with regard to projer i'ecdhej and tie uecessitv tor uioui h-cleaning'. At pi l • eat, c\ en when tiieir cliihlren > condition is pointed out they Ireipteri Jy JU'L'lect the warning. "At nl

I'VOIIlS," I. >tl tiII Ml • Ml Syilln-V >|iulm-. from whom I am i[iiolintj, " if tin-pal nils m'r to ivinaiii ii, li-l Un rhil.livn iviviiv al si-liool -mm- insirii, ti<>n a* tn ill'' i111j"* t■ 11 h*' 1 nl | ii'l'm111■ ■' liyuii-ii'* and tli>' lai'-l"' i ivaltin-lit " Ih.-ir iri'tii." Wlu ll «■' i.-nlis.' t _■■■ urinous num!i< r nl -ci.oo! rluliir ■■ ti'rnuiii-.i ii(i in ii'ii>tituii* tin- Hii'ti licr thai tiny (\ill ll' t!'. |,r<..j.',i:l. i of \i't anolh.-r at h 'il of tin linm an \x>- 'aimot lint jti liti i l tlii* > ; i pri-nn- important-'' of lining .-. ri ytliiiu in poui-r tn mat..' lltfin sonm! aiw li.'uill'.y, ami I" in-1 il in tli.-ir miii'l tln 'Si' "i,i. .>ii< nl.hi- I'l'in i|'l' ■* >'f liyuii-1"-. <il)si'i'\ at inn nf \\ li it'll ran itlon.- msirllml mil' ili-s.-rinlants shall nut iv " ilium iw tin' l>".iiM.- i«'l-r"iv<'li llmt o lln s.Hisllllrss ni' Mil' "«n t". isli Il"r v • '.TtlVl- 11.. lllnlljllt t'l ill"-'' IVI'IT t follow lis. I luiv■ ■ now il.'siiilii'il tn yon tin- i'' 1 tail-' .'f uln.t i~'. I think. il 1 anil alai'ini!i[_' -tiitr "f things. I I'a' llisllls-i'll ill -"i'i'' I' li !11l I 1"' tlh-i'i-iif, am! I I'm.- inuii-.itiil mhiii- "I the i-niisi'ijili'in-rs. I'.-rtiap-' a frw fir lli.-i- r.mail.s in i.'.-'i l ti. ill.- liiM. Illa\ ll"t l>r sil| >'-ii 11 :> "i -. I'll'l ti-i'tll i Hiiiiliininl must, I'f roin-si-, »J.-ti-imil. il.-fi-.-l i\<■ ili-nlition in iil'ti-r \i'.irs. f ''■ -.tali- i.t tin- t."-th in 11;.• army in \M ions I-- "nilri. 1 - in.lutiiliiliK .l. ni.'i' stratrs 111 i-. In lii-' 'T 'l' lli.iim- of t'omnion*. on tUr inlroilu'' t i..11 of 111.. Army K-l iinat. -in l|„. Si-I'i-I'tary of I-'I air for \\ii>- «a'nl " lli- was -i .rry In -il>" I lint I" ■" ri'iit. of ilin-i- "li" '.H'T'-iI 111<-in-i'i \' Wi'iv 1-ti-il oil nii-dii-nl !.'ioiiinls. 11 • mnn\ of til" r.-j.-ct - U'f.- .111.- t" l-a.l t'-. tli. unit it liii'j.- nnmlici' to t'i ■ lad. of Li.-m ral <i.-v'-l<'pim-nt. Il i-nrrt-.l to liim liial in .-1. I*ntin' 1 . -Hiui.U sitji|lort.-II l.y I'iililii- finals. i! mi-jlil not In- iniposs iii h ■ to 1 i-itili t!:' rliiltlri*ii to t:il.•- rl. ni.-ntary piv.'.i.i lions lor tin- pri/sri vat ion of tln .r ti-ctli." Dr. -1.-ss.-n, whom I liav.- al n-i'.ily i|iioi.'il in you this .'\ i iii 11 ii. sup plit-s Miinr inl.-iv-linti slatisii.-s. Aironliiiii to liim. I'niiniiiiiliaiii fonml m iln- Kmrlt'-ili army '.Hi p.-rnut. of ni.-i, with l>ui! t.-.-tli-. tin- n\.-rnii.- nnmlici' ol carious i.'-lli p.-r li.-a.l lii-int: ...». I" tlit- (li-rinan iinny tin' pi-rc.-ntimi- o'in.n ali'.-i-li'il s.-t-ins lo Mill from 7' 1 P'l- 1-1-nt. to !!."| pi-r r.-nt.. anil tin- mini 1,,-r of 1,;.. l from (i.'.l to •-•■ Hit. Anoiln-r .on-.-.|iii-nr.- of tin- ni-i;li-il of 1.-i-lli of siliool i-l'il.lri-n is tin- M-; i■ .us .i-ononin- loss in s.-hool tilni' ov\ ini.'' lo nlist-iHv on a.'.'onnl of tnolli ai'hr. In .-l.'iiii-iitniy si-liools at lloim . 17 pi'i- r.'iil of si-lioiiir.- an- daily ul -.-nl. V, i- max n-t :n-siir.'il llmt ;■ \i-r\- ii 'iisiili-ralil.- port ion of this ali -.-ni-.- is .iir.vtlv .In.- t" 1.-.lli ti-oahl «.r to - t" iniil.-i't o: I In- li-i'll'. anil t lint il tt.nilil lir 01. win- tin- ti-i'tli propi'i-lv lool.i-I .-.11,-r. 'l'll,- i-\t''lit of tin- loss nuiv 1,,-st In- r.-iilis,-.l li\ ii piiliitio.i mail.- I.V Dr. 11. 1.. Anilil.-r, of < 1.-iv liiml. Ilino. aml i. f. ii.-il l)>' liim i" :l paper ri-a'l l». for.- ill.- Imll'tll lllt.'lllu lional lli-ntal <'. 'iiv.r. -s on Car'- of tin- l.rili of tin- I'oor. ii|i_' ilii- nninli'-r ol ilnlilri-n of scl.oo il "l-(li\.- Mills lo tw.'tltV in tin ( nil,',l Stati-s at oil t ln i oili-rali- ii--ninptioii llmt <m'ti i-liiln I ,m-s om- lioiir in 1 In- si-lioo l v.-ar, '■ al lln- .-ml of lli.- srlnnil vi-ii! tli< *'■ v. ill liav.- I ii-in lost," says Dr. Ainlil r, " nit'iv i liiiii I I .MUD -.(in uil yral's. >1 i not n-asona'-l'- t<» |»iv>uiih- thai •• .»,• | |m»i i'.-hi, thi- titni' l««<t mi arr.mnt nf \<» cottihM'hi 1«» l"' I l.av.- aliva.lx sju.!..*!! "f th«1 1;11<11 li«a!tli. hut it may W.-H to «.f tii« • it»n. Tin* a'j»- ol' <*liatJL!»' of i< a \«-i\ critii -tl tiim* in rliild lif«' "Ii i> a tini«-," -:»> •- om* autliorilv. •" \\ht>ii il)-- rliilil . :il. i- lie M'hool. .iihl L; i«'fa rlailli-; ;uv lai<l upon his l;oii and mind. Only a -lr«»nur. Ih'uliliv I'ody r|H;'l \ W*\, lical L !>\ tni'id ran * .I*l \ l>c foiintl I" ; •'•■ tiler with lln- fonii'T. Tin- ihimi'.li • niu-t In- ln:dtli\. that i- rut rainv lo tli-' l"»d> Ili-altli) te-'tii an* iujain tin- lirvt condition «'l' a l]«-altliv mouth, Clii'oni'' «li«'Ms'i-d \'i tl»«- and ar<' lai"<'«\ railed l»\ l>nill\ tniKt'K'ut.■d f<„,d. and IWtUon tli;>t " mati> of ilu- illu-of «-ltool rh\\ i't'cii, sni'li as hrnda<'!"\ lohol a|)pi*titf % , and vsant < »1 Mood, can I" irar.'d iiriiK-ipallv 1" di<«*i<rd If ! MUTOIM-; rapid)'." bri'i'd in an uurlran m.outh, rnd, t" . -jlln't- wilh • *llH'!' pro<)nrl<, ar.* rarrii'd l>y t!f I«r«*ath ntid flalivu into

the lungii and Htomafh, and lhf*nw» l>y wny of tin- lymphatic into lhe l»o«ly. '!}»,. ivp.if i~f (it,, inii'i JJi-part-ni'titiil <'..ftimiti<-«. on I'liyficnl ]M«ti"rati<m ij ( Scotland, wt*t up lawt y»*nr, nays liiM. if I,lit ;tll (li(iirntii)n of fl<~ u>*nerut ion, ij !( . |,|t'vif'u( romlitiou of tilings (hi- ffth of the |Knp|. i.» the chuw'B pro 'luciliL! liy tile poinon whirh <)"ninl rurii'K iit(i(x]ii''a'h into Um» i-vMriit unij the (linol'li'-fri (Lftt uri*»- tlnrrirom. (To Ih' < "iiiimnni )

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1599, 3 February 1906, Page 6

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CHILDRENS' TEETH. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1599, 3 February 1906, Page 6

CHILDRENS' TEETH. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1599, 3 February 1906, Page 6