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The following (from the ' Melbourne Age '■) would seem to indicate that there is considerable room, for reform in the provision made for country teachers by the Education Department of Victoria: "No wonder the girl is pasty-faced and white " is a sentence in one of the reports of Mrs Woods, supervisor for the housing of girlteachers in the country, to the Minister of Education. Mr Sachse has received the first batch of reports from Mrs Woods, who was recently appointed to exercise a motherly supervision of young female teachers in the country, and the remark quoted was in reference to a ease in which a small country school was held in a most unsuitable building. Taking the reports as a whole, Mr Sachse finds that in the largx: majority of cases the accomodation appears to be fairly sufficient. Mrs Woods finds a general disposition on the part of the residents who house the teachers to provide indispensable requirements lor ihe comfort and general sanitary convenience of tho young women. In a few cases the accommodation has been found to be very bad. Mr Sachse is impressed with the alarming prevalence of anaemia among female teachers stationed in the country, and he is advised that this is largely due to impro|jpr food and lack of healthy sanitary conditions. Recently he had before him 26 applications for leave of absence owing to illness, and of these the cause of eight cases was anaemia. Attention to details of diet, ventilation, and the general comfort of teachers will, he believes, largely reduce this, and also bring down the heavy bill the Department has to pay for sickness.

A SAFE MEDICIXE FOR CHILDREN Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in a safe medicine. It always cures, and is not only safe, but pleasant to take. For sale by G. E. Wharton, Chemist. —Advt. Farmers who want to make sure of getting the Donagliy's Gold Medal Binder Twine at 4Jd per lb cash for coming season had better send in their names early to Morrow, Hasselt and Co., Dunedin.—Advt. A rul.urn has been presented to the L'cderal I'arliament showing the number of Japanese and Chinese residents in the Commonwealth. In New South Wales, at the time of the census of 1901, there were 64 Chinese and. 10 Japanese holding- certificates of naturalisation ; and since then two J apanose have been naturalised. In Victoria, also, at the time of the census, there were 7- Chinese, and three -Japanese naturalised. There are no means of ascertaining uie number now lesideut in the State, but there are names of SKI on the electoral rolls. Many of these are. however, natural liorn ilriLish subjects. In South Australia there are 115 Chinese and no Japanese. hi West Australia there were four Chinese naturalised, and some were British by parentage : live Japanese by naturalisation, and three by parentage. In Queensland and 'l asmania no return.-: were compiled. Complete returns cannot be compiled, because the Commonwealth has no statistics, and the States have not kept them. Te Whili, the "prophet" of I'arihalui, according to latest reports, ha< recovered his health, and i*. in fact, -aid to be renewing his youth, so hale and vigorous has the veteran become. He is bright and cheerful, and has taken up again his role of !>rophet. a part he has not p'layed for •ome years. Te W'hiti still retains his bitter feelings towards the I'akelia generally, and tho missionaries particularly. His latest, prophecy (a gentleman who lias just come down from the Parihal a district informed a Tost' representative) is to tee effect, that all Europeans and missionary's are blackberries, and within a short time they would all be exl"rminai'-l ! Evidently To Whili has .been impressed with the agitation regarding noxious weeds, and has made a topical prophecy for the encouragement -4 his followers.

The Melbourne petition for tin- release of Worthiugton, of " Temple of Truth " notoriety, who is serving a sentence for fraud, on the ground of ill-health, will be considered tit next meeting of the Victorian Cabinet, the prison meilical report confirms ■ the serious condition of the prisoner. BliTTJili 'I HAN PILLS. You will never wish to take another dose of pills after having once used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easier to take, more mild and gentle in their action, and more reliable, as they can always be depended upon. They also cleanse and invigorate the stomach and leave the bowels in a natural condition, while pills are more harsh in effect ant] their is usually followed by constipation. .Just What Yon Seed." Only Is fid. Sold by G. K. Wharton, Chemist. Holloway's Ointment and ('ills. — Never at fault. In. all irriiati.ris of the skin, sores, ulcers, burns. enlargements of the glands, ••101l wnv's Ointment presents a ready ind cashpoints the liiosl favorable expeeUitrreans of cure, which never disaptions. It manifests a peculiar power | in retraining inllammation, removing stagnation, eoolintr the heated blood, and checking all acriiuonotis or unhealthy discharges. Whilst thus acting locally, the pills are 110 less remarkable for their power in improving the general condition and habit of body, which renders the cures complete and permanent. Under the L'cn- ' ial influence of these potent remedies, the puny infant becomes the robust child ; tin' pale and emaciated regain color and rotundity and the dyspeptic eats freely without fear. —Advt. Prior io her departure For Palmprston North (reports the 'Western »tar'), Nurse Shanks was presented on Monday evening with a handsome travelling bag front her many friends in Kiverton. The presentation was made by the Mayor (Mr W. li. Pankhurst). who referred to the esteem in which Nurse Shanks was held in Riverton, and in conclusion trusted she would be happy in her new promotion. On behalf of the hospitni stulF, I Dr Trotter then presented Nurse Shanks with a handsome gold brooeh, «et with diamonds and sapph'res. "He referred to the excellent work, both practical ami theoretical, which she had carried out during; her period of live years in the institution. At the nurses' examination held in December last she had taken fourth honors in the colony, and if she advanced in the future as in the past would soon attain the position of matron. Nurse Shanks suitably returned thanks.

BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. The fault of giving children medicine containing injurious substances is sometimes more harmful than (he disease from which they may be suffering:. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Rciuwlv is perfectly safe. Tt contains no opium or other narcotic, is pleasant to take, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsurpassed. For sale by G. K Wharton, Chemist. Wo( ids' Great Peppermint Cure (or Coughs and Colds ntver fails, la fid. —Advt.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1539, 14 September 1905, Page 3

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COUNTRY TEACHERS IN VICTORIA. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1539, 14 September 1905, Page 3

COUNTRY TEACHERS IN VICTORIA. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1539, 14 September 1905, Page 3