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L'l lil.K- MKKTJSU OF SKTTI.KIfS. The meeting convened liy several r.-ilepiiyess ill connection with mat!.'in i (Inline to tlie Otumitu bridge was held ill the Otumu Public Hull last I'Miiiiij. There were upwurds of twenty ratepayers present, and Jlr Ola* in l):c kson wiiß voted (o the chair. The ( hail-man said the mooting I nd been called to fully explain the situation of affairs relating to the Olami tu bridge. Tliey were under the impression a short time ago that iTii'y were to have a bridge, but such, however, was not the case in ' lie meantime. ft appeared tliui the County Council was obliged to se.fe(juard itself against any likelihood of litigation for compensation in- re trnrd to the bridyc. Mr Wavte hud rs'ied tlie Counrii to indemnify for any loss lit' miftht sustain thron »h tho Council's action. It was for the n:ort : ni/ to suy-post any modo o£*doul- - with tho diflienlty, and it v.its o "idont that unless something .doiio ut oik-c I hoy would have no Mr A. Wuyte road a draft of llio doemncnt drawn up between hiuv'olf | nml tho Countv ConneU relating to | tho (jnostion of eomoenKation, whioh had not yet born sitrniHl by hiui. Tho Comuvl offered Imr Cl2 in oonsid»T>»t : on of Ms indemnifying the Conneil r f«II tin'i. a»»a«nH i§ll that ho might hemdtor sustain bv tlift

erection of the bridge and protective work's). The engineers plan w ag t<, take a lino from the Otama Hide of the bridge, over the washout, across the original channel of the river, end across the shingle bed right to' Sir Crombic's, the river to go down iehind the hotel. It was intended to throw a groin across the old channel, and lie wrote the Council Mating thai such a course would throw the river on to his property. It was desirable, he thought, to point <yit the advantage of the site chosen by the settlors when they held a imeting, al which the engineer was present. H e ), Q( | consulted a lawyer in regard to the document, and he was advised that lie Mould be foohVli to sign it. lie was quite willing to indemnify the Council in any way so long as it did not block tho old channel, but it was the intention to place a groin right across.

'J'lie Chairman said the document was a curious one. Hy it the Council agio dto give Mr W'ayte liberty to erect whatever ho chose so fur as they were concerned at his awn risk. If he did so lie would do it on County property, upon which Hie Council apparently had not power. .Mr A. McLachlan reviewed the pust actions of the Council at length. He suid tin* settlers went to considerable trouble in obtaining the services of un engineer, who recommended protectee worhs. The Council pooh-poohed the idea, but had adopted similar w< r\.s in protecting the KivcrsdaleSwifzcrs bridge. A grant had lum applied for and granted by the Government, but it had not been lifted. If the Council had done its duty llum would have been no necessity to as'c Mr Way<e for an indemnity, ami the very fact of the Council's getting ail indemnity would constitute a splendid case against it by others for compensation. He thought Mr Wayte was .ill lille.l ill liot signing the docuin'nt. The t hairmun agreed with these remarks re compensation, 'l'he Council would have no guarantee that otli'.'E*_ would not sue for compensation if (lie,' were interfered with. However, a bridge was badly wanted. It appeared that the more the engineer saw of the site chosen by the settlers the le s In- thought of it. There was a diflcmice in the estimate of the cotl of Clout) between the two.

Mr Mci.aehlaii asked if the river was making any further headway.

Mr H uytc said it was always taking awa.v some ground at the bi'iid. 'I In- Council hud intended taking ip tlii- old bridge und cm-ting a very long bridge in iw„ placid, and uh ft'r as lie could learn tho old site wan »u chi-upci tlinn th« ni'w om>. At the Ideality of the washout a big brHjfe would In- reijuired on the old site, He would like to sec the hridgw ('! from lii hind the old hotel to th'' ii'ar of l-'ortune k. Thin, ho thought, would make a |x-i inaiieiit jol|,, and Would i ft'oul th • lieller protectiou. 'l i.i *ll - giiH*" - « i i'ii cost of Clin 111. He (th'i s;«itlir) eoiild Hot see where tlifi u.M ti ,1 ,d c ost ranie in. us two bridli" * v\.'ulfl lie iv<|iiired on the old Kite S'r'iip' to early n ti'uctim irc'ii.' The consideration with th'! ( :e:luil w ; ,s tho amount of road rojuir id, lut by using this site no groin would It' necessary.

The Chairman said something would have to be done. At present Mr Wayte wan _ tic only bar to the bridge If lu" sigm-d tho indemnity the engii would procml with the work : if not they would have no In idge Mr Wayte said that if the Conned j piiisnitl the.course it wished the river I would go right through his inland. Mr 1). liruec said he thouah Mr Wayte should say whether ho v,o dd ii. or not. Mr Wayte said I.e. thought the I oiuiei. was asking him to do an unreasonable thing, und no if he ' d sign it th« Council would lind some other loophole of osc-ape. Mr McLaehlan said if Mr Waytn considered the bridge more valuable than the island he would suggest that ' tin- idemuity be signed and the island uiveu up if necessary. The Chairman suid Mr Wayte must consider the value of the luidge as compared with his ov,n risk, lie did not think there was much risk, but at the same time he would not advocate a man doing what he would not care t () do himsplf. Mr Bruce said lie was of opinion that the Council, did not intend buildim;. hut would continue to lind excuses The ( haii'inati said he had the Blew- ■ b.-r's word of honor that as soon as the indemnity uas signed the engineer ' would tuke up his plant and »'ork would be commenced. I To Mr 1). Archibald Mr H'ayte I stated th-it he did not know what" ; compinsution lie would require—£l2 i was certainly not very much. ] Afte- further desultory discussion, • Mr Dillon proposed that they ask the Council to erect a bridge at 'iound Hill. As far as ho could see there j was little or 110 chance ofi tho Council I crivting one elsewhere.—Seconded by | Mr 11. Horrnll. I The ( hairnian said lie had no ob--1 jcctioii to the motion if the tlound Mill site was conveyed to StoUcy Creek They could fall back on the rating district, which would .lot be hard put to in ruisi'ng jCI'KIO. Mr Wayte propositi as an ameu linont tliAt tliev suggest to the Council the f rdvisalvility of putting u bridge on ' the new site and constituting tjhera-s-lves u rating urea for the additioni!t CHKiO. He would suggest that siiih a district include the old boundary—Seconded by Mt HyainMr M<-Lachlan said this, would require a poll. He would like to the Uridge on the new site, which would suit the Chalton people, who. lie thought, woukl be ugritidbk' !o I*' rated for the bridge. ' Mr Horrell said they favored l!ound Hill site on the ground of lew Wj* pen-e. A bride- there could he erected for half the money.

Mr liruee objected to the reference in the amendment relating '<> ratiniy area. Ho. though! that £I'H)U was far 100 much to !*• wwldled on u small district. Afte,- further discussion it w#* nirriw 1 to delete this part of joe amendment. On the amendment **'- in* put it was eanied, t«o "ol'iiH nirainst it. , Sulwcfjiientlv the motion l>y those iu favor of it and an ipp" l '- tunity will also be given those wu<> were not present at the meeting i doinj bo. I The liicclini* closed with the customary vole to the eliuir.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1418, 1 December 1904, Page 2

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OTAMA BRIDGE. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1418, 1 December 1904, Page 2

OTAMA BRIDGE. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1418, 1 December 1904, Page 2