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Wcdnt'sduy, November 211. The annual statutory meeting of the Council held at |]iveiean>il) yesterday was at (ended by Councillors Stuart (chairman), (Jieei), Flcmiiie;. Mi(Jiieen, Robertson, McCallum, Ituymond, and linnnld. Coiineillor Himillon apologised for absence owing- to ill-health. On the motion of Councillors Raymond and Robertson. Councillor McCullum was elected chuirnuui for the ensuinn- year. Councillor fireen, in movinjr that a vole of thanks lie accorded to Coiineillor Siuarl for the satisfactory inanner In which he had dischu.i;r,'l llie duiiis of chairman duriiie- the past term and that a sense of the Council's appreciation be cinhodl.'d in lee minutes, said Councillor Stuart had carried out the work attached to his position with the utmost satisfaction lo both the ratepayers and • the, Council, lie misled Councillor would continue lo display as much interest and enthusiasm in County affairs.--Councillor Robertson seconded the motion, and said that although Councillor Stuart must have experienced difficulties in the work (that hciiiu- his first term as chairman), he had acquitted himself with the utmost credit. The speaker entirely approved of the ollice of Chairman beiii'4 made a rolline one, as il ",u\'e each member an opportunity to j>uin ail insielu into all details of County immurement. -Councillors .MeC.illum and Ronald also supported Ihe motion, which was carried unnnimoiil... In acKnowledsfinif (he vote. Councillor Sluart said nlthouuh they iuid undertaken some very important business during the year. ihc.v had come through without friction or iinp'cnsantness of any kind. Considerable stir had be<-n made by the new Coui.i.v movement, but he thought now they would not hear inneh of it for some time io come. Ho asserted that there wee mil 201 > ratepayeis in the u'vu aliecled who were in favor of the new Count v. Tic people generally .ipj.-ic eian-d' the c.00.1 work done by .lie Southland County Council and w,re not anxious for a change. The overdraft stood at tI7>IHI. which was much the same as at that lime last year. .Manv thoiieht the rai.s were

too hieli. I'mt I raffle nil tin: mails inclrasill" anil more money than rM.r was needed lor maintenance, lb(hanked members for (heir court -y all( l support towards him. which I.ail enabhd iln-Mi 10 an alone nio-; hninioniouslv lordlier. Coiinrillor McCullnm suitably returned lluuil.s for liis election as chairman. Councillor Monnld was appointed chairman of tin- l-'innuce Commit I ■■•■. Councillor Stuart chairaiali of unicral committees. Councillors Green, Uohertson. Hamilton anil I'leuim- to represent, the Council on the Southland 11. ami C.A. Hoard. Couii<-i:i <r McQueen to ivprcsr..tit the Council ..n the Sontlilainl Hospital Trust. Councillor Konnld on the Wallace ael I'ionl Hospital Trust. Mr U. McDor.ell on the Wakatipu District Trust, and Mr Thos. McDonnell on die Arrow District Hospital Trust. 'I he chairman and Councillor li.mald were appointed to coiiiitcrsi".n cln'.|iie-. and CHMi was voted to (he ineonii'iiv ehairmaii lor Irnvelline expenses during' the year. OKIHXAUV MKKTING. JVescnl The Chairman (Councillor MeCnllutii) anil the oilier Councillors stated above. It was resolved to inform I. ('. lle-e and others who complained of the state of the Mokui.ta road thai provision had already been made lor Air "|{. li. Hews. Mokor.tu. sU;-d that the road leading; from liU pU , ; towards Mr W. 1,. Mitchell's was in a disgraceful state, the bridge aso being daiiL'-erous.- The Kiig-inecr recommended that a Government rote of CI 50 be asked for to repair I lie worst parts of the road. A. Ward. Waikawa Valley, apolhd for the right to cut llax on the Comity road lines between Wail.awa .mil Mohorna survey district... Apj.'.i ■:ilion held over for a icport on the value of llax bv ill- siirfae. man. .1. Walker, (itara. applied t" pur chase a strip of roadlia block 11.. (Kara, being seventeen chains long by hall-chain wide. Kngiliecr to repot I. Miss Mary Burns (Wyndham) again asked that the road leading to h. r propertv be made. To l.e informed that the road is of little district i;-e. and therefore no action can be ta l ■„. Aim I'.ros.. Wvndliain. wrote ashing that the road in the vicinity of their propertv be repair, d liv having (lie ruts lilied In and some gravelling iloiie.-Surfiiceinaa to report. James Martin (l.umsdcu) drew al tuition to the local practice of depositing niglitsoil alongside a pe.lir street about two chains from a d. I line. There were' (wo .lead liorses ly inn- on the Hal creatine; a m..-l objectionable nuisance, to inspector, to see (o covering the ('-ad liorses. T. A. Ciinidneliam. Caroline, n-'■>) that the Government "thirds" acruin- from his land |in addition to a further small sum) lie expended in gravelling the road leading from Mr Mcl.eod's corner to opposite his house. Held over (111 ncM spring : II" thirds available. The matter „t deidine re (he ado cation of the CHMI subside grauV.l to (he Tuluraii Koad Hoard was referred to the member for the ri.tai" "illi power to act. 1.. N. Iladliehls (Kdcitdalel cmplained of the stale of Tramwav road. Left In the hands of th m In r for (he ridiurr. The General Manager of Hailw'ays wrote siitt il>(v that the Depart incill would be nimble to supply the C >u:ieil with 311 ill cubic yards' of serened gravel for repairs to main roads lliroujli Kdendale Kclllcmcnt.- Uec ivcd. It was resolved llml the Council is willing to construct that portion of the Waikaka Kelso road Iving on the north side of the Waikaka Vailed \o. I dredg-iug claim, section l.">, block XIV.. Chalton survey district. on condition that llie company undertakes to pay the cost. Hie work to be proceeded with on receipt of reply arrrccing to same. Denis Corcoran and seven other Waikaka ratepayers on section i'\ t\<\.-t] (hill something be dime (o the dl'c:'( running through thai subdivision— , Kngincer to report. ! The Olago School Commissioners asked the _ Council to allow the Kng'incer to inspect and rojiorl on proposal to build protective works oil the east side of Wuikaia Jiivei, on blocks 2 and l 1.-Grunted. Accounts amounting ( () CSBO Ss Id were passed for payment, and the Council adjourned till Tuesday. I.'llh December, at .'{ p.m.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 6

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SOUTHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 6

SOUTHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL. Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 6