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Weak Men' I _IVE us a Man who is Nervous, whose Brain an Body are \Uik hli sleep I tlh ind n\akc more tired than when lie goes to bed, who i easily discouraged, and inclined to brood over iningin ary troubles, who h <• lost ii lb n i ml cneit \ to tackle hard publuns who 1 <_!• s uii 1 *— Electricity, and in Unci. M I tli 1 lJ c t inent we will reorganise his entire system, build up where Z. '^ rr he is broken down in\n,or """" 'O ate his circulation mll limp ~ - —-~ vr his system full of New I lie i~ ~ *— ✓ New Energy and Nlu \ 1., r ' — y *^> Dr. McLaughlin t> / Electric Belt => h' , back the Natural Element "~~~Z-^~ that constitutes life. Eketricily applied by ourmelliod -~- 'Sy cannot fail. Every day new tr__"3v/ testimonials prove that it ~-^~Ai cures that read like miracles an Sciatica, Weak Joints, I.iver. Ki Insomnia, Varicocele, Rupture, i MKM Bad Back, Functional Weakness have given it out very slice* ~*....... „.j ullvft B „ entirely gone, and I've had no losses since I § c started to wear the Belt. Yours faithfully, E J I'. NICIIOI.. tl - Sure Cure top Ruptup The dr. Mclaughlin go. Willis St., Welling-ton.

CARBOLIC SOFT SOAP OINTMENT For Horses, Cattle and Dogs. An excellent remedyContains 10% Carbolic, and is most useful In summer for Sure Kyes and Sunburn. in hot climates to keep awav flics, and to Inwinl'rrf " '"' ■-• ■ cure Mange. Itch, or exterminate fleas and At all tinn other parasites on animals. Scalds a,,,. „m,i,,, ~ „„„,„,. CARBOLIC and 2 lb. Jars or Tins ulk. F. C. CALYBRT & Co., Manchester, England.

Hearne's Bronchitis Cure ■?■—» C0 «?™ Hra v^w A * AWAW f()r CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken this medicine at) amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis Cough, difficulty of Breathing, Hoarsens, Pain or Soreness in the Chest experience delightful and .mmadi-ito relief; and to those who are subject to C .Ids on the Cheat it is invaluable, as it effects a complete eonlt i"mo°t comforting inallaymg irritaation in the throat and giving strength in the voice, and it never allow* a Cough or Asthma to become ohronio or consumption to develop OouVumntlon :ist where Coughs i i been properly treated with this medio HEK DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY ILL. SPITTING UP BLOOD. THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE. CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. and complete cure is certuin. CONSUMPTION. THREE CASES COMPLETELY CURED . HFR nATTfIRTFR HAn j BY ONE BOTTLE OP HEARNE'S HER DAUGHTER HAD TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED 1 BRONCHITIS CURE. ! A COMPLETE CURE. j SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OP VOICE, l SPITTING UP BI I CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. ' ' mm? nOTM ak 7^~*, nn Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l am writ- | , vnu*. ; THE DOCTOR SAID NOI ing to tell you about the wonderful cure yom j A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE ! COULD BE DO medicine has effected in my case. At first ; IN ENGLAND. ; rTTRI?n RY P the cough was not 6evere, but it gradually got j OUtfUiU UX H&ABNh. b I worse, and I became very weak and troubled | »Elenwellyn, Katunga Vic, ' CURE. with night sweatf, pains in my chest, and '" Mr Hearne. ' ' ' I great quantities of On several occa- ; - Dear Sir,-I am very much pleased with ! T°*rT sions there was blood in the expectorated ; the effects of your Bronchitis Cure. Last : ,t' , I , L 0M ' l ?"? matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who : winter three of my children had very bid !i, \... RV ° fo .!;y eara - \ ™ pronounced my case to be consumption, and i coughs, and one bottle cured the three of ! b , r ° no ° ltl3 m November, but various other treatments hud been tried but , them. The housemaid also had such a j Cure was again success without benefit. It was at this stage that I ! seve.e cold that she entirely lost her voice I W '" T "t* T° '° W " f6el ' heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to but half a bottlo cured her. I always keep it I ?.1 St aßk ? m t0 s s ni you for a course of the medicine. When it in the house now, and recommend it to any- i ""■?.'?,' h . e hD T^T e 'f*"i ' arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I ! one requiring a lomedy of that kind. BUp F y ln T h ° U *\ A commenced taking it at once, and gradually j « I now want you to send at once four JfjJX , up her ? and let . m ' improved. lam glad to say that the two 1 bottles to England to my mother, who is "o" 10 toB«8 what ho could do lots of medicine you sent have effected a com- suffering greatly from Bronchitis. The ad- thlS WOok he ca " m *¥ n °' h plote cure, for which accept my very best dress is enclosed. i n T r Baw , a . n^ lD ß ''k« »* »■« thanks.-Yours faithfully, .. Yours rmiiefnllv I only 0M thin 8 ">r me to doJ. BLAIR, "JOHNS MORTIfIEB" ! I never kept in bed , Westminster, Bridge Road, S.E., London. The relative in England, who is 80 y'ears j old was also cured b, Hearne's Bronchitis £ oo" cTTTTWTjri r>mTnTj ! _ . . , . . , , vs a Cough or Asthma to become ohronio or consumption to develop. Consumption No house should be without it, as taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient | tis Cure.emainior most respectfully, WILLIAM CROCKET, Baker's Swamp, P. 0., via Dripstone, New South Wales. | A FIVE YEARS' CABE. I CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. "Elenwellyn, Katunga, Vic. j , Mr W. G. Hearne, Dear Sir,-Kindly send « iw'Jlr' r „,„ „. m i i i -,1. I The ext ™ct runs as follows :—" As for my. I™b one large bottle of your Bronchitis Curt. ,h„ *, T 1 am J ery vr h <? leMed r di \ > self, thank the Lord, lam feeling stronger I I <"" more than pleased with the results ol » B ""* f ™ IVI'" V* - ! if**." ? -"J-* Betbanga, Viotoria. .EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND MATTER. COMPLETELY CUBED. SEVERE COUGH. A FIVE YEARS' CASE. RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETE LY CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Dear Sir, —I suffered from ,i severe cold on the cheat, with cough, for five years, and during that time pot treatment from different sources, but derived no benefit until 1 used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and completely cured me. I am delighted with it. It is a really wonderful " I now want you' to id once four Zt '"m* Ch9 S ta ! i.™ ' BV ™ ™. ' 0A58,,„, ~„, . , „ , ', . ': v " vu "•* bottle to see what he could do. He tells me —' i&X E paiiy 'from Z^'tl b °J this ™ k he can maka drws ifenoiosed flum Blonch " ls - The ad - never saw anything like it before, so there is MATTER. •• vm,™ „,.,to(„!!„ | only one thing for me to do—send for more. " innw I MnßTiflpTJ » ' J have ,lever ko P« in one day since I COMPLETELY CUBED. Th« rnimivn i,. Fn!i.n/wl„ itfln ™.». commenced to take it. I used to be in bed a Mr W. G. Hearne, oMwl »™d r; ,n 8 nJhftw tortni e ht ttt « «•»* »lwv«. *"* *"<* thmt for Dear Sir.-Your medicine has oured m. of old, was also cured by Hearne s Bronchitis months I was as weak as I could possibly be. Bronchitis and Asthma, from which I and was always taking ood liver oil, so you suffered for upwards of seven years, during will see at once it is quite worth while send- which period I was soaroely ever fret from toac a ing for it such a long distance. coughs, and frequently the difficulty of breathWAS A IxliliAl HUil'liltElv. i "Something more I must tell you. Char- ing was so distressing that (or nights la rj»r. ww miTv-^T-mi> , n i lo'io has been very ill sinoe I wrote you. Her succession I had to sit up. I write you tbil had wui WAbiiiLU I'UU 12 MONIHS. j cough was so cad she never had a night's aoknowledegment from a sense of duty, as in .TUT.™ m.rrDTir,,, Tn „„™„ I rest, and was spitting up blood very muoh. my case every other treatment had fail»d. ALWASb WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE Thedocior told her husband thet there was For a year previous I had been getting vary WELL. j nothing more he could do for her. So on the much worse, and at the time I obtained your „„„■„ or™«xTrr^^"r^r,, v ~„r rr. t , i Sunday I sent her half a bottle of tbe Bron- medioine I was oonfined to bed, suffering from 1-ELLS STRONGER THAN .SHE HAS j chitis Cure, and told her to try it, and if she a most violentcough, expeetoratlng blood a d DUN*. I'OK lliAUb. jdid not use it not to waste it, but send it matter, and apparently beyond hope of ren m bac ' t a Sain. She had suoh confidence in her covery. The first dose of the medioine gave 'B, Watson street, Burton on-Tront, I doctor that I thought she would not try it. me welcome relief, and I steadily iraprofed a* \v ntj ' b J tt "" rdßUlre > England- jOn the Wednesday I sent over again, and she I eontinued the treatment, until I beoame M •' Mi;\\. Q. Hearne, Geelong. was much better, the night's rest was very lam now, quite well.—Yours sinoerefy, "Dear Sir,—Your letter and Bronchitis good, and cough and bleeding from the lungs H. WALKER, WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. "8, Watson street, Burton on-Tront, " Staffordshire, England. ' Mr W. Q. Hearne, Geelong. lighted with it. It is a really wonderful .. d„ iU . S ir,-Your letter and Bronchitis good and couehTand bleedi™ from the lnnm lKokod. -Yours euceiely, | be glad to know your Bronchitis Cure has on the following Sunday sent over to say that Modewarre. Victoria.*" TBEUELLBN - ■ «»'te »«? d "IffLr,Z?„ shß wftß cu « d «i«a not reauire" an. Modewarre, Victoria. A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD. A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. i a week I only took it twice a day. and then CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE'S ' only every night for a week, as I was so much be glad to know your Bronchitis Cure has on the following Sunday sent over to say that quite cured me. I was very glad when it she was quite cured and did not require any came, as I was suffering from a seveie attack mor e medioine. So jou see what great good of bronchitis when it arrived. I had sent for it has done, and showisheß to have some of my own doctor, but had not had one night's my next Bupply " rest for a week. I started taking the Bron- ■ ____ chitis Cure three times a day as directed, and was very much eased at once. At the end of I TWELVE YEARS' AGONY. BRONCHITIS CURE. Balmain, Sydney. PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. a seventeeFyears' CASE. CURED BY THREE BOTTLES. Mr Alexander J. Anderson, of Oak Park, , ; bis blessing, I was quite well, and walked into Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Kindly for- j town and back without feeling any fatigue, ward ine a small bottle of your Bronchitis i I had not done that previously for 12 months Cnre as soon as possible, as I chnnot speak i —always went in the omnibus—as walking above a whisper, owing to a cold. I bad a | caused me such pain and distress in the bottle from you before for my little girl when j chest. I always walk now, and never feel it, she was seven months old. She had been i and I am stronger than I have been for better, when, thanks to the Lord for adding DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY | (Jharleevllle, Queensland, writes:—"After COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVBD .uffcrlng from Asthma for 17 years, and BY FIVE DOSES. having been under a great many different treatment without benefit, I was induoed to SO OTHER TREATMENT COULD try Hearne's medicine tor Asthma. After EVEN EASE IT. thaking three bottles of this medioine I quite got rid of the asthma, and slnoe then, wnieh Sir, —My wife was for twelve years a was in the beginning of 1888—fifteen yean NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT. suffering from bronchitis from her birth, and j years. I thank my son for sending the msdi- sufferer from a most distressing, suffocating, ago—l have uot had the slightest return of now she is three years old, and has not had a | cine, and am, dear sir, dry 00 ugh that oould not be removed or even it. The medioine quite oured me, and I have return of it since. It is a splendid medicine ; " Yours very truly, eased by any remedy, doctors' prescriptions much pleasure in reoommending it" for bronchitis or colds of any sort.—l remain i "M. MORTIMER." and patent medicines having been tried; but Writing again on the 4th April, 18W, he yours truly, I Extract from a letter since written by the lam happy to say that the cough, pain in I states:—" lam keeping very well now. MRS H. RAMAGE. same lady to her son, Mr John S. Mortimer, the cheßt, and difficulty of breathing, etc., Never had the slightest return ol the Violet Town, Viotoria. I Llenwellyn, Katunga, Victoria. were entirely removed by the fifth dose of j asthma.* BBWARE OP COUOHS PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. Q. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GBELONG, VIOTOBI Small eiza, 2c.Cd ; Large, <fa Cd, Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Wholesale Agents (or N.Z., Kempthorue, Prosier and 00., hi/1., and Sh.ula.nd tud Oo M Ltd. OBTAINABLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM E. EVANS, OHEMIBT, GORE.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 3