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[From Press association I London, May 4. TNWan and Gorman newspapers show I he ,^ : JL to England, in connection with the triply of peace. ■ Mes&ss Weddel have chartered the | steamer Southern Cross, to carry 700 head of cattle from Australia. At the wool sales prices are irregular, and range from par to £d lower for crossbreds and merinos. French buyers are quiet. : Wool is still Buffering from the effects of the undue depression in colonial markets last year, and it is feared that there will be no improvement till the stocks in the hands oE direct purchasers are further reduced. The advance in wheat and barby is maintained. Great Britain will accept the .guarantee of San Salvador to pay the indemnity due by Nicaragua within a fortnight, if the latter confirms the payment. Tenders for the Western Australian 3-| per cent, loan of three-quarters of a million, with a minimum of 99, were opened to-day. There was heavy tendering, and the amount subscribed was L 2.860.800. Tho loan realised an average of LlO3 Is 44. The special correspondent of 'The Times ' reached Chitral before the troops. In a graphic account of the state of the besieged garrison, he describes how dying officers discussed plans for the defence of the fort with their last breath. Dr Eobertson was utterly worn out with anxiety and the strain of watching the movements of tho enemy. Eodgers has instituted proceedings for divorce against his wife, Minnie Palmer, the well-known actress. The cause of action is her alleged adultery with Jarrad, manager of "My Sweetheart " Company. The Pope, in a political testament, asks tho cardinals to hasten the election of his successor, bo as not to afford any time for intrigue. His Holiness says although he has not gained temporal power, the Vatican is able to dictate conditions when it is opportune. The New Zealand 3£ per cent, inscribed stock is quoted at 103£. The rise is attributed to the Hon. Mr Ward's statement regarding the colony. The jury in the case of Oscar Wilde and Taylor baying disagreed, a fresh trial has been ordered for the 20th inst. Oscar Wilde has been admitted to bail, himself in L 2500 and two sureties in L 1250. The Bank of England has reduced the charges for inscribing and managing colonial loans by LIOO per million. The saving to two Australasian colonies alone is estimated at L4OOO a piece per annum. Russia, Britain, and France will shortly present to the Porte a scheme for reform in Armenia. The Countess of Russell appeals against the adverse decision in her suit for the restitution of conjugal rights* The Duke of Orleans is improving. As a precaution against invasion, the Chinese Government cut the embankment of the river near Pekin. Miles of country were flooded and hundreds of people drowned. It is reported that Japan is willing to renounce territory claimed on the Continent:, if sho is permitted to recoup herself where Itussia has no interest. Japan has placed largo orders in Europe for munitions of war and small swift cruisers. The ' Times' states that Bussia will declare war if Japan remains obstinate. The • Times ' correspondent states that the Emperor cf China ratified the terms of the treaty of peace on Thursday last, and that negotiations are proceeding concorning the protest of the Powers to Japan, on tho basis of outside compensation instead of territory on the mainland. A Victorian wheat crop ex William Tiliie, has been sold at 253 7id. A South Australian cargo ex the Halinejnann sold at 255. ' The Times ' states that the advance in the price odwhoat is ascribed to the active speculation of German and American buyers, based on adverse crops in those countries. Butter (Australian choicest) is increasing in demand. Tho price is quoted at 80s. The ' Daily News ' denies that Lord Hosebery retires from the Premiership. New Zealand long-berried wheat is firm at 26s Gd ; Adelaide and Victorian is also firm at 26s 9d and 26s 3d. New Zealand mutton: First quality, 3£d ; second, 2&d. Lamb average quality, 3*d. Now Zealand hemp is unchanged, Two hundred of the Banffshire's sheep sold at 43s each, the others at 38s. They were put on the market at s£d per lb. Pabib, May 4. Seventeen French soldiers died at Vitry, through eating tainted American tinned meat. Thirty-four others are in a critical condition ; St. Petersburg, May 4 Prince Uohtoniski, the Czar's companion during his Asiatic tour, and his close friend, declares that Bussia claims Asia, and woe to those opposing her advance. Calcutta, May 4, Tho Afghans are willing to surrender tJmra Khan to the British when it is desired, and it is expected a claim will be made shortly. * Washington, May 4. By a cyclone at Sioux Falls, 52 people were killed. In some instances children were carried half a mile by the force of the wind. Ottawa, May L The Canadian deficit amounts to four and a-half million dollars. The Government propose a duty of i per cent, per lb on raw sugar. Melbourne, May 4. The Victorian Postal Department saves L3OOO per annum by reducing tho commission on the sale of stamps from 61 to 4d in the pound. Tho Protection Association are protesting against a reduction of the tariff on a number of articles recommended by the recent commission, on the ground that such aotion would kill native industries. During the last three months 80,000 tons of wheat have arrived from the Malice country, which up to two years ago was declared to be uninhabitable. The railways derived a revenue of L 60.000 from this trade. At the opening of the Anglican Assembly at SHlarat, Bishop Thornton said he belie veJjpe was voicing the sentiment of the whole of the members when he said that, while they hailed with joy the reunion at Home that was again uniting with the original Christian Church the non-Papal or Protestant English bodies, they would consider any union with Borne (which would in effect place the Church of England once more under the authority of the Pope) to be absolutely objectionable as it was hopelessly impracticable. The revenue for April shows an increase ofL2B,OQO over last April, Of

this the railways contributed LIO,OOO. For the 10 months of the financial year there has been a comparative decrease of L 198,000. Treasurer Turner estimates that the deficit at the end of the financial year will be L 112,000. Sydney, May 4. Upwards of 30 Viotorian farmers have settled in the Culcairn district, and 50,000 acres have been taken up. Others are arriving in the Wallawalla district every week,, and the clearing of new land is progressing rapidly. News per the steamer Chang Sha reports tho plague of cholera to have reappeared in Canton and Hongkong. Smallpox is raging in Calcutta, and the epidemic has reached alarmingdimensions. Two hundred and thirty-three deaths were reported in one week, and the death rate has reached 68 per thousand. Adelaide, May 4. An interesting operation under hypnotism, which turned out successfully, was performed by ft local doctor. A lady suffering from a calcareous tumour in the breast refused to be placed under the influence of anesthetics, but consented to be hypnotised. For some weeks previous to tho operation being performed sho was repeatedly hypnotised. Tho operation took 35 miautes to perform, and the tumor was removed without a sign of pain or trouble. Towards the finish the woman laughed at some remarks made by the doctor. When demesmerised, she displayedjgreat curiosity as to what had been done, and could hardly believe that the cause of the pain had been removed. She walked out of the house unassisted and in excellent spirits.

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Mataura Ensign, Volume 17, Issue 17, 7 May 1895, Page 3

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CABLEGRAMS Mataura Ensign, Volume 17, Issue 17, 7 May 1895, Page 3

CABLEGRAMS Mataura Ensign, Volume 17, Issue 17, 7 May 1895, Page 3