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0 General Notices c A Terrible tough. r A Terrible Cough. " A Terrible lough. 94,\Coumierciul Road, : Ptckham, July 12. "Dear Sir,— l am a poor bond at expressing my feelings, but I ehould like to thank you. Your Jozeq|^| huTO done woudore in relieving-xoy terrible cough. Since I bad the operation of • Tracheotomy ' (the same as , the late Emperor of Germany, and uuliko him, thank God, I am etill alive) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could possiby have had a more violont cough ; iD was bo bud at times that it quite exhausted 1 me. The muoous, which was very copious and hard, has beon aoftoued,) and I havo beon able to get rid of it! without difficulty. — I am, eir, yours truly, J. HILL. A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. A DOCTOii'S TESTIMONY. A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. " liouth Park, Cardriff. South Wales Sept. 28, 1893. <f I have indeed great pleasure in adding my testimony to your excellent preparation of Cough Lozenges, and 1 hare prescribed it now for tbe past eight years in my hospitals and private practice, and found it of great benefit. I often suffer from Chronio 1 Bronchitis ; your Lozenge is the only remedy wbioh gives me' immediate oaee. Therefore I certainly and moat Btro -gly recommend your Lozenges to the public wbo may Buffer from Catarrh, Bronchitis, Winter Cjugh, or any kind of Pulmonary Irritation'— Yours truly, A, GABRIEL, M.D., L.XC.P. and L.M., Edinburgh, L.R.C.S. and UM,, Edinburgh. Use Keating's Lozenges. Ifee Keating's Lozenges. Use Keating's Lozenges. " It is 75 years ugo " since KEAT» ING'S COUGH LOZENGES were first made, and the Bale is larger than ever, because they are unrivalled in the relief and cure of Winter Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis; one alone gives relief. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. UTTEELY UNRIVALLED. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. Keatirg'a Cough Lozenges, tbe unrivalled remedy for COUGHS, HOARSENESS and THROAT TROUBLES, are sold in Tins by all Chemists. jS^&jSSsff If SYONCY.MEI.eOVRHS.Ci] St^^ttff frJp'^'vS. [C ADiLAIDE. OUNSOIN. /£?*i«?\\ fFSa M> \i ChrtisTcmmcH j/ /^w^vJA UW^X \ rtftST WALfTY ffltJZZfvi )|||P^ STKANdS' MAORI BRAND COPFKBI, a universal favorite with all consumers. SI'HANG'S TATSNT BOLUSLE OQff. FEE, a new production, mado simply with boiling *water or milk. STBANGSS SILE DRESSED PEPKBI|£I host bingaporo quality only. Abso* utely Pure. . STBANQ'S SPICKS are Pure and of the Best Quality only. Note — The highest compliment is paid 'to me by my opponents who are imitating my brands of renowned Coffees, Beware ook.f k . unscrupulous imitations, CAUTION— Some unprinoipled manufacturers are adulterating their Peppers to such an extent that buyers of same might safely make rice and other puddings of it. Beware of such rubbish of peppers, and ask for STRAWS PEPPERS, which are pure and of best quality only. GREAT Victory for Japan ; Port Arthur captured.— Harvest approaching ; old Beapor b beets want mending. If now sheets arc wanted for any machine except Wood's, send old shetts for measure. Reduced price for New Sheets, £1 2s Cash.-X. CHRISTENSON.

; General Notices 1 COMMERCIAL UNION JNSUR 1 ANCE COMPANY, LTD,, LONDON. FIRE AND MARINE. CAPITAL (fully subscribed) ... £2,500,00 TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS ... £3,000,000 TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME ... £1,600.000 NEW ZEALAND BRANCH. Hbad Office ... ... Wbllikgton. F. ALLEN, General Manager. SOUTHLAND AGENCY. J. E. HANNAH, Jun., Agent, luvercargill. Scb. Agents : Gore ... ... ; It. S. Macdohell & Co. Winton ... B. Jumieaon Wyndham ... B. Pau!l. B9oa J. R. STEVENS, OF THE BED SHOP, BEGS to APOLOaiSK to those Ladies and Gentlemen wbo have called at the Shop and found it closed. On and after this date, MBS M'EvENS will resume and attend to all Patrons, who will find a COMPLBTifi STOCK of Artists' General Material?, Gilt MoaldiDgs, PAperhangiDgs, Mixed Paints, cto. PICTURE FRAMING done on tbe Premises by a Thoroughly Practical Man. \ THE BED SHOP FOR EVER ! GORE HAIRDRESSING SALOON, MAIN STEEET, GORE. GEO. SHAVE HAVING Leased from Mas Glbeson the Bnsiness carried on by her late husband for many years, hopes by strict attention to business, combined with civility and cleanliness, to secure the Patronage of Residents of Gore and Surrounding Districts, Best Stock of Pipes, Tobacoos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Snuff, Walking Sticks, Perfumery and H»ir Nets. Hair Frameß and all othor Hair Exquisites in Block. NO WAITING ON SATUUDAYd. Two Chairs Going. Note the Address— GEO. SHAVE, Opposite Eastwood 1 /-, MAIN PTBEET, GOBE. NOW PUBLISHED. STONE'S QTAGO & SOUTHLAND Commercial, Municipal and General DIRECTORY and NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL, 1895. Twelfth Year of Publication. Edited by John Stone, Jun, Demy Bvo. size, containing over 900 pa^es, together with numerous Maps corrected to date, the whole handsomely bound in cloth, gilt-lettered, PBICE : 12a 6d STONE, SON & CO., Printers and Publishers, Crawford Slruot Dunodin. NOTICE. LARGE PHOTOS Of the First Qaihering at Bi&taura of . OLD IDENTITIES OP SOUTHLAND MAY BE OBTAINED AT CIAYTOim PHOTOGRAPHER, GOBE. The PhoJoa show grouped together all thoße who mot on Wednesday, 27th March, 1805, CLAYTON, PHOTO., GORE. 506 a

FOR SNFAIgTS AND INVALIDS, MELLINS LACTO-GLYCOSE OR MILK FOOD. VEGIAUY ADAPTED FOR COUNTRIES WHERE FRESH COW'S MILK CANNOT BE OBTAWED, Zteit QooibarefmjrmAnimaiamnttmdkteoaiiodin a>w GHwtte. TvlicobtainedfromaUDrumiUltanAßttit* Agents — Wardcll Bros, and Co., Keinpthorne, t Prosser and Co., and P. Hayman and Co., Dunedin. fror Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind aid Ml Itt the Stomtch, Si A headache, Giddiness. Fulness, and SweUing after meals, Item *^ D£»»CMd bulls, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costwc^S«WiS^. O SSSSI«» as directed qaickly restore fem.l^ to health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the^system. ¥ot^ * Weak Stasaaoh: Impaired DigestUm; Oisoidewft idm*, to«^ to msjSe?£n«i will *&* wona«. UpS tb. ViW Org»n. , 8t«£8* h »Sg I^L"S~ n < £ A?lv££%M»?™>"*orl4. FnlldimUonowliaoMbboi., > <* »raa«rM MllV l»y THOMAS MRIOHAMi tfi. Nvfen^lactOMtllr* WlfffSSWi

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 17, 3 May 1895, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Issue 17, 3 May 1895, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Issue 17, 3 May 1895, Page 2