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Mataura Ensign GORE : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 39, 1893

Three spielers who were found lajing tetulisator odds at the Southland race meeting were removed . from the course bj Sergeant Macdonell, who acted on instructions received from tbe Club, An account of the trip lo Milford by some of our townspeople, if* capital reading, but the " imperishable inK" that so much is heard of is not to be tbo only reminder of tha journey. Mr G F Allen has already commiud some of the grandest scenes to canvass and submitted them to us for inspeation: they show that conception for the beautiful which rises uppermost in tbe true artists' mind, and do infinite credit to a gentleman who made one of what mubfc have been a merry party. Explanatory of a paragraph amongst our cables regarding the W.Z. Loan and Mercantile this message received at a later date should be published :—•' Mr Stewart estimates tbe gross labilities of the N.Z. Loan arid Mercantile Agency Co, at L 5,440,000, of which, it is expected that L 2,250,000 will rank. The total r ssets amount to Li.194,000, feom which is deducted the sum of L 1,370,000 for debenture-holders' claims, leaving L 3,123,000 to meet the L 2.250.000 liabilities whlba are expected to rank, thus giving a surplus of L 873,000." To Wednesday's meeting of the Ota 20 Land board the uuQer-secretary wrote that the application?' to surrender the license of pastoral Bun 212*', Greenvale, held by Mrs J. 1\ Kirk, bad been approved, and tbe board was requested to decide as to how the land should now be dealt with— Simeuder was accepted, and it was agreed to recommend tbe Govcrnor-in-Council to offer under pnstoral license for 10 years at an up3et rental of iid per acre, with valuation for improvements of LI 'JO. Nineteen blocks of a total area of 270,665 acres axe now under .offer to the Government. The Commissioners are at work investigating offers, beginning at Marlboiough, whore four blocks, containing altogether 80,300 acres, have been offered. In Ojintorbury there are Hix blocks, one of them 111,000 acres, and the total 119,175 ucres. In Otago six properties of an area of 11,090 acres have boen offered; in Southland two ol 17,000 acres 5 in Hhwkos Bay ' 110,000 acreß. It i 3 found that Lho reduction of selections to 320 acres prevents some desirable land being acquired, because the area allowed settlers, from the nature of the land, would be too small to be profitable. Nearly 10,000 acres in South Canterbury and Otago, lately acquired, will shortly be opened under perpetual lease. Ths Kamo Coal Co. 'B property, noita of Auckland, is also under offer to the Government, Mr Thomas Mayne, the police constable stationed at Waikaia, has, we arc informed, been removed to Port Chalmers, and Mr ,Herlihy, of Dunedin, takes his place. During his sojourn at Switzors, Mr Maync haß always shown that he was fully acquainted with the duties required of him. Whenever he has felt that decided action was necessary he has always dono his work with the true zoal of a good guardian of the peace. He has done something to suppress that large element of larrikmism found in most, if not all, of our up-country townships ; has shown himself the enemy of any who treat animals cruelly, either wilfully or ignorantly, and has .proved himself the friend of the temperance party on more occasions than one. Sunday trading has always met his severe displeasure. Mr Alayne'n numerous acquaintances will all, we are sure, wish him every success in his new sphere. A fairly representative meeting o£ the settlers in the Mataura district took place in Mr Humphries 1 Hotsl on Wednesday last. Mr Culling, the convener, introduced Dr Henry lo the gentlemen ptesent, and explained that Borne time uyo he had been corresponding with Dr Heniy and had informed that gentleman thai he was of opinion that there was a good opening for a medical man in the district, and he had now come tp see for himself. Mr Culling hoped that tha meeting would speak freely with the doctor, and he had no doubt that he would speak ag freely with them, The matter was fully talked over by the gentlemen present, after which Mr, Cdlling proposed a vote of thanks to Dr Henry f t attending the meeting. The latter gentleman in reply, stated that unless he ohanged shis mind he would most likely settle in the district. The liiversdalc School closed for a fortnight on Friday, the 21th inst. The chairman of the cemmitteu (fiir John Ge ) addressed the children, aud presented good attendance certificates to tb'e following pupils :— First class: Roderick Stewart Craig, 399 attendances (the maximum) ;' Bertram Clearwater, the same record ; Janie Kolliher, 397 ; Elsie Kollihcr, 307 ! Kthel Heenan, 397. Second class : John GrcenalJ, 396 ; Frank Clearwater, 39(j ; William Grcenali, 395; Edmund Kelliber, 391, A bag of lollica and busciuts was presented to each of tho 120 pupils present, after whtoh the chairman wished them all a HappjT Now Year, and declared the school closed. /The Disciples of Christ, Mataura, held annual picnic on Christmas Day, at the Maori Bush, which was kindly lent by Mr tfourlcy for the occasion. The weather was all that could be desired up ti)l about halfpast three o'clock, when tha clouds began to gather, Traps were running from the township to the bush all day. The sports were under the management of Mr Frydo and Mr Gait, who did their beßt to please the children. The greater number of children who took part in the sports were Sunday School scholars belonging to the congregation. Tea and eatables of all kinds were s&jiplicd by the members, to which full justice wk&jlong. After spending a |pleasant day the BortN»l parties proceeded home well pleased wittftheir outing. / A hack meeting at Cattle Fiat on Monday was unfortunately marred bj/bn accident to a rabbiter fromGlenuro nanred John Warren. He was riding in one q£ the flat race,?, and going at ft hard pace, when one of his stirrqp leathers broke and be parted company with his 'horse. The thing happened so suddenly that the rider of thp animal following could not puU up, aad hi 3 horse struck Warren on the leg, causing a somewhat bad fracture, Mr Daplyn, of Wajkaia, was fortunately on the ground, and did all that w«s possible for the sufferer, who was afterwaida sent by train to the InvercargjU Hospital. The sympathy of the peoplp was expressed by a subscription on the course of 16 to meet preseing reqahements. Holloway's Pi lla.— Dismiss your doubts, let no one be knger oppressed with the notion that hir> malauy is incurable till these purifying Fills have bad a fair trial, When ordinary preparations have failed, these Fills have been used with the most marked success. A. course of .phis admirable medicine clears the blood from all -impurities, and improves its quality. The wnole system is thus ' benefited through the usual channels "without reduction of Btrehgth, shock to {be nerves, or aDy other inconvenience ; in fact, ! health is renewed by natural means. For ■ coring diseases of the threat, windpipe, and chest these Fills' have pre-eminepply estab- 1 lished a world wide fame, and ia complaints I of .the stomach, liver, and kidneys'they are i equally efficacious. They are composed of i rate balsams, without a single grain of | mercury" ur any other dejeterjeus sul^ance. «

me Fanners Alliance and Sopply Company uto be voluntarily wound up. Mr F. &. Cory has been appointed liquidator. Court Pade of Hokonui, A.0.F., met on Wednesday cv c mng, and nominated its officers far tbe enmm c term. The election take place on tbe lOfcb J muary. T n »ie l lu°u P r* lii y n iD res P ecfc of iha chief chair, which Bro. James Christie will assume ia due course, / The « Courier 'reports that at the lapanui J,P. Court on Friday last Alexander Officer, of Kelso, was charged with lunacy.' In- ( formant gave evidence to the effect that B he was frightened of accuaed-be used horrible language, and threatened her life. H«j tad' been m a lunatic asylnm for three months. He represented that he had a lease of the Smarts inland, and he profesaed to be the leader ot theAntirctio eipedition. D? Trot ci' gave evidence Chat Officer professed to ba tbe leader of the Antarctic expedition. He constdered him ineane ; temporarily at any rate. He was m a state of chronio delirium tremens. Dr de Lautour gave evidence to the effect that the accused had bacorna temporarily insane through drink. Without calling any further evidence, accused waa committed to Seacliff Asylum. An inqueat on the body of Win. Mud»e who was killed in South Donedin on Sunday night, was formally opened on Tuesday and adjourned to Wednesday next. Bichard Dobson and J. E. Kufner were brought up at the Police Court and charged with the murder of Mudsje. The hearing was adjourned to Saturday and bail was refused. In connection with tha tragedy ifc appears that Ashton, for some reason or other, went past his own house and round to the back door of the house of a woman named Greaves where Dohson bad stayed on Saturday night and where he had visited on Sunday, The woman says that Ashton and Mudge tried to to force their way in. At this sta^e Dobso n appeared on the scene and a seruffle ensued , Mrs Greaves slipped out of the house to go to her brotbsr, close by, to send him for the police and the latter brought Constable Dale but the mischief had been done by that time. We have been shown one of Collefci. and Winn'a ''Lightning Rabbit Traps" for which a patent has just been obtained by tbe inventors. Theße traps differ very materially from tbe old kind, and we propose to point out some of tho aavant ges claimed. Ihc spring is the lower part of the trap, an<J when set is held in position by a clip »t the end of the jsws instead of at the side, which with auotuer clip at the other eDd throws off all Btones and obstructions when the trap goes off. When set, toe piate lies underneath tho jaws of the trap instead of above as in other traps, thus making it almost impossible for the rabbit t 0 skid off when striking the plate, and whea the trap goes off this plate being fi\xed to the spring inßtead of the body drops with the spring aud a much higher grip is therefore obtained of the rabbit. The tr»p take 9np very little space, ant lies flatter than the ordinary trap iv use, the depth when set beiDg barely 11 inches. A thorough teßt of ifc was made by one of the moat expert rabbi Isrs on the Waimca fains for four months last winier on all kinds of ground, stony and gravelly and it never failed to catch a rabbit every time it went off. Other exports hive examined it and expressed the mo3t favorable opinions about it, acd intend to supply themselves with a fuU set for the next trapping eeasoo. We wisli tho mvmtors all success, and hope they will make their «• pile " out of it.

EdWara Lloyd issues a. manifesto to residents of Gore and surrounding districts. General servant advertised for. r?i vo ,n ltibbou Sooiefc y ou Tuesday— after tho meeting uncolSeste • I ' eCCUtIy f ° rlUed t0 W " tch 0Vel " Tem P er " Partuership-McNubaud Watsou, solicitors, luvorMataura's dog tax registration fee fixed. Drainage contract at Wyndbaui. ToiTßoarl I ' litCS rCQtscalld U P b^ th ° Mataura Wright, Stephcuson und Co. Lave a Waikaka farm r O »ta rC ?°™ Ü B^ Council want an early settlement of reuts and rates in arrear. c Cilendnu for sale or leusc~^yright, Stephensou and timGS CUOnCCrS U ° fcify Sal ° ttrrttn S cments during holiday Buggy rug lost. thel° 6 t.fjarar;. AgCUOy ° 0 ' "" lrtw( * ° fc Golc « Board aui resid'enco for a lady. wooi feasonTV 0 ' 1863 nrransemcut3 «*«*n»B the HnKM? S^m 1 ?^' 0 ' 110 known is A. BANDKR & li?^? 11 EXTKAOT. Test its eminently P «T s^f a t ffe ° t3il \ CoUg^' oold8 ' inaaenza, the relief kinTfl hi^li m ' ln Berioua caßes and accidents of all o™s™ •♦ • y^ wounds, burns, soaldings, -bruises, 1* 1S Eafe3t remedy— no swelling— no ' ISSS^?^ ike '""Prttog efleotg produced in S«'« ?w therm » broaoW «B. inftainmation o£ tho SSKM weUing |' et ? ! diarrhoea, dysentery ; diseases o£ »«h ? ?y8 , aU v V mary or eans. In use at all hospitals nf JR3^ Q lto^? ail over the S lobo S Patronised by Jf^KS!^ h * Q *? l^ e i of Italy ' cr °wned with medal and diploma at the International Exhibition, Amsterdam, Trust in the approved article and rojeot all others

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Mataura Ensign, Volume 15, Issue 1352, 29 December 1893, Page 4

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Mataura Ensign GORE : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 39, 1893 Mataura Ensign, Volume 15, Issue 1352, 29 December 1893, Page 4

Mataura Ensign GORE : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 39, 1893 Mataura Ensign, Volume 15, Issue 1352, 29 December 1893, Page 4