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S- . .'■, r ■;•.(•--...• [ Mails for the United Kingdom and North"' • and South America, the West -Indies, etc. s . via 'Frisco,, close at .the Gore post office toi. day at 12'npon. ' The disease on board- the- Androcles at Manukiu is dropsy. Two of the crew died at . sea ; six others ftre' illy and will.: probably" be' , received into the Auckland Hospital. . A child, about four year* old, named..Brogani, was drowned on Monday afternoon in Waiwera Creek. 'It had been seen by the mother 10-minates previously to beiug.Jrovuirl . dead by her, and" is supposed to have iScct'r playing on the ice. : " ' T ' Captain Mackenzie ha,s presented to Parliament a petition signed by a number of' settlers iu the Wyndham and Mokoreta districts urging a continuation of. the Eden* dale and W yndham railway as far as Mokoreta township, ultimately to VJe carried to Clinton, to form the main trunk ljiie to : Dunedin. • :' ' ' A meeting of those interested in tlie Knapdale ploughing match was held at Mr Morris' on Tuesday. Mr : B. Gumming 'was Voted to the chair, and on the motion of Mr Morris, seconded. by Mr D. . Ar.chiba.ld, . ,the balance, ; sheet as read vras adopted. A discussion .then took place in regard to having a , matoh . this year, and ; a good many motions were made? i but owing to the small attendance they all' were allowed to lapse in favor of a motion ' from Mr Morria> seconded by Mr A. Cruickr shanks : — " That this meeting be adjourned until [puesday, 24th inst., to afford the settlers an opportunity of deciding the future owner-, ship of the cup at present held by Mr W". M'lntyre, also whether the present association 'shall be dissolved or carried on." The proceedings at the usual meeting of the Gore Literary and Debating Society on Wednesday were' commenced by Misa Dora Sullivan playing * pianoforte solo, whiGh was much appreciated.' ' The night had ;been Be* apart for leadings from Shakespeare's works, selections being read by Messrs A. Mansford, Nome, Fletcher, Palmer, and Symes. The criticisms on the readings were of the mildest description. Interspersed between the readings were the vocal efforts of Mrs A. Mansford, Messrs Boyne and Macpherson ; and the latter gentleman played the closing instrumental piece. In the absence of the Bev. J. Uobbs, the chair was occupied by Mr Douglas, who intimated tfcit at next meeting papers would be read — by Mi' Gr. JJonaey, on the "|salvatio» Army ;" by Mr W, Gjlchrist on " Phonetic Shorthand," and a third one by Mr E. Dewar. Xh« Wyndham Farmers' Club held its annual meeting in Leahy's Hall on Thursday evening jagt, Tljiere was a large attendance and the election of ofj^ce fearers resulted as follows: — President, Mr Jas. Jiiimsden ; Vice-JFresident, Mr Jas. Cushnie. The debate for the eveniug was, Whether agricultural or pastoral pursuits were the most remuneratiye ? Mr Pjjshnje fpr the former and .Mr Aysdntov $h§ latter djd §ome gi?P4 , arguing, but on the rote being tafceu the pag. Moralists' carried the day. During the 4iscuss.ign there was some warm debate creating mucii amusement). Ou jyednesd^y eveuing last a public meeting wan.iieiaju the Prebbv lenan Cnurcii, uordon, in order lo hear on Bible Society walk, Hie gathering iormiug one uf a series) cpnuectiou with tne Utag'o ISociety, , tlie sjecietary *t wnich (ijt;y. J. occu- ' chair, and opened tjje meeting with ! phiyer. Mr iSiven having stated the object ot the meetings introduced the Rev. W. G. Baker, who epoke at' some length on. " India ana its Jfeiopjes," In the course of his remarks Mr Baker referred \o the work dont bv Bible JSocieties in India, and urged the cjaipj p| &uc# societies on the liberality of . his audijencg, The $ev. Mr Niven then'spoke ' of the work Bible Societies, and especially British oues, had done in the syorld. He aiated thui at th«- beginning of this century aljout nfiy a', ifcf.ations of the Scriptijres oxi^Lta, .but. turoa^ti .the' metujs of Bibit o.^fdWes ll&fu were now upwards of 330, and. tuat'auaug thu contnry upwards of '210 .ailiions of c pieo ol the 'ticrfptjures had been ••■we in'di^aliiUm; fttiu' there xcniained' 800 ".^ ii^i.ii(ina oi. lUy liuuiau rave wiuiom tue '' B ule^ uu bUa laugua^tS iuiO which the i »»iu;J h^U. uyL yvb i>J.ef!Lt translated ; but the t .rt'Qirk was goiug. on. The Bjb.Je was the <■ liovk for.the world, and notwithstanding the , 8 prophecies .indtofr"o.its Kit- such men as Voi- \ \diTo', it was still 'bei'ug circulated ,• ! and ; would s ooutinue to be till the whole earth was filled t ■•'it tlie kuuvi-led^e ol God. A collection in £ • ;.- .M.. .o ui tyo octtL^ was made, and X < yuc iu^uuu^ utougut /Xfi a, clgci^ by fylj: jSiveu. q pronouncing the beaedictioji, ji

A disastrous fire is reported from Sydney, where Button's tobacco-factory and contents ha?e been destroyed. The stock ot tobacco f ff valued at LlQ,oooy v -";>frX 0. J&n&^o'n, ; ,tW Matauriv regishas recleiVed offlqip.l notice 'to .gdft the rievn electoral \ rolls ready; ' as the ; writ* Wli] probably! N be issued ' i next ive.k. /It will be observed from adveitisernents appearing elsewhere that the Waimea Plains Railway Company have decided upon levying a rate of tkree halfpence in the. £ upon - th e.rateable values of, the .rateable properties in fhe Railway 'district/ '^Th\s is ifoivthe year ended. MarcU 31, 1884. - . The members of the Gore Football £lub play their first match on the new ground (Mr Thos t fer4on''s ,\padd'ock, neifc cv&kefe ground) to-morrow afternoon, when it is ex-" pected them.wjitibe-a full muster.- , In view of challen *6 toHhV Barely^h.a. r bi db 4or the' .28th inat. being &cc\>pQdi~k l: is*?i(&P'a,ti' „w.illfs^deivdr( Q b'd 'prei/jrf. '• >l ! - '> - '■: 'W. '! - Much a nusetnent has' ; be'eft' : 'eause^U in : 'tne House of Commons by the discovery of the manuscri]>t of j^igupdelivgred; speech oa,the Reform Bill accidentally dropped; j>y a member, in addition to a verbatim report of the remarks which the gentleman intended to offer. Tljie manuscript' Was 'plentifully' interspersed with "hear, hear," "cheers," and " laughtdr." : The 're-port was apparently prepared for a local {newspaper, aud the circi instance • is 'regarded as' ''throwing some ligit' on the ih'te'rin:hal>le length of' speeches fin the House of Commons;' iJ ' The O Dago Land Board met on Wednesday f when Rahger Hughan reported on t-ke application by Mr- fronnell,, ' for James -'Holmes, that a portion ojE the bush land -on the reserve in block IV, Tpi Tois, be offered for sale, fle recomuiended tttet th« application be granted. Settler* in the district sent. in. a petition against the granting of the application. To be offered for sale as land 6i special value, having* been withheld from aale r at 31s per acre. — Ranker Hughan reported on "the application by G. liiarwaker,' through Mr Oonnellj to take up sections 7 and 8, block IV, Utarft, 1 ., He ..staged ,/thafe •■: G^qlanj /thg present | licensee, had left the r coiony, and that thjere were ncj improvements. . -of, ,any kind on! the sections. He recommended that the license be forfeited and the land .ibei.fQi offered.; License forfeited. — The following application was made to purchase under deferred payment; Alexander M'Jiay, section 21, bloJjk'lX, Waipa'hi.. Approved.— A. '4. Barle. applied for leave to surrender his de-ferred-6aymeh*tf license over section 6, block I, Wendon. License forfeited. — Adam Swan applied to have the price'* of) sections .6 aud H. f ,blook I, Wendonside, reduced from L2 10s to JLI- lUs per acre. ,-jQeclined, . • , , . , What niax Th'appen ' t"e' a settleV in New Zealand 'Was 1 strikingly illustrated' "at the iu'-Qtiug of the liaiid Board yesterday, -says ..tijO. lufvercargiU evening t paper, when a -uefe'rre ( d ; pay iA'ciit selector, -after a long struygieCagainfafrrfid verse. . circumstances, was compelled to at>k the members to forfeit ,hia land. The climax- of his misfortune was reached jth^e.ptherr day, when attack of wheat 500. bushels,, and another of i Oats , containing ,709 bushejg, i were destroyed by fire — caused <in the- first , ictitance, it is believed, by lightning, the iiamea 'being first observed on the. top of. the; stacks,: Mr Jno. Dickson, of H,okonui, the settler jin questiop, had his request complied 'with, but if will' J ho't be given effect to for tvvo mbnths, during which time it is unders.tood,! he will -'be aliowedi to .dispose oi '"his: remaining crop's to the best advan:tj«ft.- |, ■■ .-■•.,: .-.. -. .. *. '. " „ . John "Dickson, a deferred-payment settler appeared afc yesterday's nieetin^of the Southland Land Board i^. regard to the arrears on Bection J 605, : Hokonui, . He had lost everj particle of his grain — wheat and > oats — bj lightningj and asked the Board to value 'hii improvements and sell the land for cash. I< was explained that the selector had paic a.bout;l4 an acre more for his selection t thar the rest of the' setters ifi. the djstfic't, Ii was agreed to forfeit the land, h«ve the improvementsValued—the land tb be put u| at an upset of LI an acre, and the f orfeiturt not to take effect till the expiry of tw; moiiths. Applications were granted as ' fdl :lowa :'— D. M*Gregoj?, section , Jlßj HokOnu (application to. : capitali«e) ; George. Curtis', section 2, block 2, Mossburn (cash villag< allotment).'. 1 ..--- I ''" 1 - >: -'- - - - p •'■■■ --'•■'' Major Atkinson was 'to have made t JB"inanc|al statement in • the Home las night, but when the opportunity arose, M; O'Uallaghaiij the 1 member for Linooln moved in the direction of bringing about s change,, of the; Oppoaition b'einj apparently greatly incensed at ; the idea'o: the Atkinson Government going, to. the.coun try ,with all the privileges attaching to office this motipn of course intercepted Supply and *ve last heard from Wellington— about 10:30 p.m.— it Was doiibtfa} whetHei an opportunity would occu/ for theMajoj delivering his Budget speech. Mr and "Mrs Oti Brett insert a card. ' "Adamastor," Dunedin, announces a race consujiation. Mr W. M'p^rtney "has been' .elected a member of the Tuturau Road Board. The Tuturau Road Board' want tenders for bridge and approaches, at Waraikiki. Those interested in the - Knapdale i'loughiug Match meet at .Mprris' next 'X'uesdiy. r . r I'wp legal notices regarding rates are inserted by tft§ Waimea Plains Eailway Company. ' Aquations, are made tp fifreen -and Souness' acivertisemenf yegardjng hprse sale ntjxt fcjaturday. : ■ • • ' An alteration is made in the date of sale of MrT.A. .Dawson's farm, this now being fixed for the 27th inst. . Y , . I£(Mpwqy\s jPills.-rLiveT Complaints and Disorders of the Bowels. — It is impossible to exaggerate the extraordinary virtue of this medicine in' 'the ,trea£menji of ail affections of th'e liver 'or irregularities of the bowels. In of 'depraved '#r 'superabundant bile these t ills, taken freely, have , never been known to fail. "In bowel complaiats they are equally efficacious, though they should then be taken rather, sparingly, for every medicine in the form of an aperient requires caution when the 'bowels are disordered, although at the same time a gentler or mca-e 'geniai aperient than, these Pills in moderate doses h&s never yet be discovered.' It: taken' according to the printed instruction they not only cure the compla;a£ but improve jthe whole system. ; Glorious success oi the British troops in -he doudan ! Numerous Arabs slain J John ■VIACGiBBON & Sons, in thanking ihe public tor the most liberal patronage accorded them, beg to state that they are just unpacking their new season's goods, comprising, a large aud 1 'c^efully selected stock ©f . dolmans, ulsters for ladies and children, ladies trimmed hats in all the' latest shapes (about fifty to choose from), failings in endless vark y, Japanese silks in all shades, .crewel silks aiid stamping in all the latest designs and shades, i lowers, feaT^rs, flannel tartan,' and'brocaded I satin ribbon '(a splendid 4saortm;eat), woollen squares (a,;, specialty, from 2s, large .sizes), aabies' hoods/ kid gloves, &e', &c. " 'These 1 joods having been bought at a great reduc.ion for cash, we are determined to give our iustomers the benefit 'of it. Come and see yir, pricgsisnd^luej^never befoie equalled n Gore,

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Mataura Ensign, Volume 7, Issue 367, 20 June 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, Volume 7, Issue 367, 20 June 1884, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, Volume 7, Issue 367, 20 June 1884, Page 2