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The Waipapa lighthoure h being , rapidly erected;' ;( l- - *»"•' >'■/■' ■• •> '■-■'■ ';■ '\ Wo are informed that surveyors are at work in the, vicinity, v bf Kelso laying off inline , iqi the Keleo to, Gore railway. ,; . , , ... •' We haveto thank Mr J. W.J Wilkin, Chief Postmaster,' for a neatly arranged combined No" w', Zealand and Australia^ Postal Time Table, >,', ; ,'< "... '.■; "....' '.'> -, ' ■,'. . . •>,. ,' ; )„. In the' House of Commons a bill'forbidding the use', of pigeons at shooting matches has been read* a^sepond time. . „,;, „■,,, ; ■Nos.' I. and' 2- vol.- 11, of the ' New, ? Zealand; Settler,' 'a monthly agricultural ; magazine published at Auckland, are to hand, and contain a mass of information, very, useful to farmers. ; . , :<-..■■ ; /< Fallow deer are now to be seen in berds^of ; from sevan to twenty in the neighborhood of Brooksdale, and although the illicit sportsman^ has been there, they are thriving and in* oreasing steadily in the Blue Mountain fast nesses. • To Whiti and Tohu have arrived at Parihaka, where they were released. At several points on tbe road between' Opunake and Parihaka were numbers of natives, who heartily wel-. corned the return of the prophet and his henchman. „., . ; The English mail arrived at, \ 4 l fpkla. t ?d on Wednesday and was despatched' from Dunedin , to IhVer.jargiir by special train oh Sunday night. The portion) for this district was delivered at 'the Gore Post Office yesterday mornipg. ' r ' ' • ■ : /Throughout the district the w,hir of the threshing ,m\U. . may now. be, -hea^rd and in a few days, l probably, the grain will be ,on its way tO t 'the goods sheds at Gore and Gordon. We have 'some sort of rocbllection that a promise was made by the railway authorities that a man should be placed, ijv charge of the shed at Gordon, daring the grain season. There is at present, however no appearance of this much looked for and needed assißtanoe. We hope the department has not lost sight of this very important matter, , , • ' It will surprise not a few ..of our readers to learn that the well known shop in Gore presently occupied by ; Messrs Willcocks and Co., has been sold, for £725, casb, by Messrs J.^ Stouk and Co., of Invercargill to Messrs Shanks and Barr, acting „ Messr3 Mac Gibbon and Sons, who have ! for some time been on the look out for a suitable field for the extension oi their already large bußines8 f We . are glai to learn that, such a central and important stand is now locally owned and will in future be occupied by the firm named. Messrs Mac Gibbon and Sons were contemplating large additions to their Gordon establishment, but in uew of their purchase these will not be carried out at present, although some much needed improvements in the appearance of the building "will soon be effected,

We>undOTßtans|.that ei&rtß arejpeing naado %J^uce?li|r^ ted war corf espbhflent, V|bo; visijb?; .Gole^aod deliver one of his; populjjs lecbiii&es in ib^opt threp^el^s. ...; y\> ' I )M \ $4 I K &jsi the'pl^h^di^r^^^wfliFe? s een that a good day 's sport irf to be vided by the Jockey Club at Mandeville for Saturday next (St. Patrick's Day). A special tmn will leave VJore at 11 a.m., returning at 7p.m f , ", , , ( /On Hit that t'be 'GordpnS -T^wn $Mk. bankers refuse to .recognise cheques signed by Mr Simson, as chairman. It is also rumored that the Begistrar of Dogs experiences considerable d{ffisftljty < IS fl^lejHTng^ue .ta^' Wha|t next ?"""'" ■-'-"-*-*■-*- ''-■•; More trouble. A correspondent writes anxiously to . know if Mr . Smaill has ever been; relieved of |he dhaiManship of the Gordon Town Board, and 1 , if "not* asks if he i& not still, chairman of ( the Board ? „.,,,,, , r Yesterday V issue of ihe ' Southland" Times ' has another leader on the Bible in Schools qiasefcivH] svn^ Vfe?r« w^ f t an alQeotlW. in. itii_ really, not oue ! The thirteen adjectives addressed by that journal to the .Ensign are, , we notice from oar exchanges, on a tour up ■*Nprth. •' -.■-.:..»",■■ f-, ::: ■ i -.-I ' „ The f6Hswinlf te'aahas been selected^^ the Gore CO. match committee' to play against the Mataura O.C. at Gore on Saturday next:— Messrs ''BiartW, 'Douglas, Hoaking) Henderson, Mallaly, j. W. King, Sin- 4 olajr; McCullocb, Ford, G Dun, and Seoullar. i ' s'J i v .' Mi' 1 j/. A ,Chnstchurdhtelegi&W ' states' tna i fc t> 'tiroi ! ceedirgs for false preteno'es have 'been taken' Mr Milner Stephen. 'A judicial investigation of the powers of-the miracle healer wojilcl^Jrobably : form 'a ' cekbte 'iti 11 iihtehiatdry of our colonial laW'ltourits. 1 ' ""' " I%(j ' :f; The Southland Ctouiity Oduncil' hav*e"now Pn hand the constrUGtion of a road from Ofcara to W^aika'wa ; 'the 1 woik' ( Being ' earned out under a t'wb-tb-on'e subsidy from the^pverpment out of the Goldfieldg. Roads Grant of lasS session. :'.Thisiroa ! d 'will^g'ive teccegs to nn almost unexplored trsofe >bf c6iiniry r > ! ''the < scenery id 'some parts of-wliidH Vdesc^ib l^ to us b^'f^Y^^or tp^tbjeplpo^aUty as^r^allin^ | the beauty of ihe SVunds. Mr Steele. of [Ma^ur^ Jiai^o^ got , #b fa| as-pastle Rock with hjs, .exterminator, an| here, jit, will be^subj^cted^tp^p. mterestjpgi test by being brought) into comparison with the somewhat cumbrous method adopted, by those ' jSrK^ f pin" ; 'tiSHtf M (riith (^b^the machine' 'pafontecjtby, Messrs A. an 4T. Burj;, of Dunedinr One pf these is now being used on.Oastle Eock estate. ■ Thaotherdaya covered' van belonging to 1 Mr Whi taker, Dipton, and driven .by a man ! named M'Ooy, was' caught by the Kingscon ;trainj near Athol;! ; The'horfle'wtiswtorn ; f.oro the trap and killed. M'Coy .was knocked from the seat, and fell iia tih'e cowcatcher, to which he clung, and was car Pied some distance .sus.tainin'g' trivial injuries. He >had^pioked' up' a woman named Mrs Patter&pn, ,Parrow.a,i to'gijire her a ( lift. on ;the,r ( pa4, shortly ;^efor,e. l ßtie was thrown out on'the road, and received ihjutjiea to the knee and face. McOoy says fhedtd not hear .the ; whistle, if .sounded, and' 'the vegetation at' the place prevented a clear .view of the line, r .We were glad lp notice in. thiadisfriQfc. the other day a South Australian farmer "spying pub the land." Should his i 'report' b'e a favorable' one— is Uttle'dojabt will ; be— he will Bettle amongst us permanently and probably njany ofjhis friends will dp likeAnslr?Jia,. geta' a bad "name 'atnotfgst tho farmers.^. New Zealanrl. on the othd/hand,' etanda p^rric«!iarl^ h 3 igb in tlioir pafcim^ion; and whilo oar- friends over Lbe water only produce four bushels' to the acre, vide, oißciaf'rgiVtra^P^hliahod in aaoihec. column, we think nothing of preduaing. thirty or forty bushels to the acre. Much of South" Australia seems miserably suited for settlejrnent, and no wonder that we read in a recent p^peir of the 'existence bf poverty there and of ■a .dfesire'Jdn'ihe'pa'rfc'.of the settlers' to- ;make, hbmeßin'falrer 61imea?- A contemporary says : ''.'.Nine hundred and fifty'-one'ap^lications for 'remission of interest under' the (terms of the Land Act of la&t session . have' bee» received "fro[n selectors, by the 3.outh Australian Goyt 'erdment, and 293 applications hava,, : been sent 'in for the surrender of sections under clause 7.'[ . :. - „• . .-,.,. *.i «^A few .days ago Mr Bree called upon us and 'proceeded to Dile'upon the editorial table vegetables' of all descriptions,' grown in his own ' garden. He desired us specially to note that the eauliflpwers, ' carrots', 'parsnipsi ■'&&:', were left wi'hus, and nob merely brdiight/ for our inspection ; we took a note of-the' fact, and also' took the vegetables, 1 which "were of lexceeding fine quality: 'Expressing ! ePme surprise* that suoh fine specimens 1 weife 'ld dally grown,* Mr IBree invited us to pay/ a i visit to hip garden ; we did so and are bound to Bay its appearance reflects credit!.' alike upon his 'skill* and 'lndusiry, and says much the productive qualities of th'e 'soil, heraabout. Vv|ith'Buch evidence b.eforetiß"off( the '".richness ofithe land in the township; and tpe readiness. ,with which .it; can. ibejbrpjtjghtfiinderfpuUiva' it is matter for surprise; that there are not more, flower j\ and kitchen,- -gardens; in Gjbre. ' ' .-.-•■ , |The Board- of !ReviWerß r appointed under ,lhe PropertyAss'essment Act for the South' |land district have; ridtified'that. ithey will ait at* Invercargill.on' Monday, 26, th , March, for I the purpose of hearing and determining objections to the aßse^Bments/ made in this district. That day being a recognised ,puiblie holiday (Easter . Monday), w,e , imagine that it jwill be f o^nd/very ln^odyenient by .farmers and others, who desire to mike' ob« jection to their assessments — au/d w,e .under- , stand there ara a' large number of objectors ' „—^and s who would prefer, to visit Invercargill, upon'sbme day wheii places of business will be open, ao that they may— to use a thread-'. !bare expreyion"— kill 'two birds : with one spone. Possibly the Board may * be' able I 'to make some arrangement by -which the con>« v'enienco of residents in, the.. country districts may be better served, and with ttys hope., we draw attention, tp the matter,"( ' J

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Mataura Ensign, Volume V, Issue 237, 13 March 1883, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, Volume V, Issue 237, 13 March 1883, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, Volume V, Issue 237, 13 March 1883, Page 2