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'■:■ < '^^^3^E^Gp:^.Xi : ':;s3:Da?EiS J /; Pi?c»p3?ietpii: FOB TBAyELLEJBS A?f D FAl^lLl'lj LOOSE. BOXES FOR MOSSES: ' ■ ' ' ; ; _ . : ...'•••(•'.■•, •..!; , . ..; v■ . ■ ■ •;.' ..• , Wines, Spirits, nd Ales of the most approved Brands. ■' ■ • .'• ' • ■ ■■.. ■'1 | ; ■'•'" : • : ■■' '' ■•■■■• ■ ; ■••'•' ' • - 1 " '■■•■ Oobb and, Go's Boyal Mail Coaches . P k aily to and from Dunedin and Invercargill. ,, . ' TH^E^OTA'MET R'HQ'T'ELi-i'. ,"'... .-^V'iAyMfig 6^-'..- '.'■".' .. ,',. ', .', ,. '' (^EAB.GoiB.) ■ ' ' kUCi'ION MABT, ! 'QORE. :mmc«™ss^.. ...^roprietol^ '■*■*■'*"*£s*-'" »'- 8 !' •■■■..■•:; .•.■>! •...'.■ ■•n " .•••..'!■ ■"■'"■ ■ ' 'AUOTiOI^EERS, ' THK above Hotel so well known :as I LAND,< ESTATJBj AND GENERAL COM.favoriteap^couritry house offersßpecial - I ' mmOS '-^^l^ ) BTOOK advantajges to 1 anglers,' the Otamete cree^: "3OB|3.''' ', ''',?'"-"' having rebentiy' been opened' for fishing. ■ "'pf ■ ' " ■•?• ■:,'-■•■ •' • " ■:"■• i^ood Cattle and SSheerp r Yards, . with; every . . „ , ■,: ,■, .. . . convenience Ibr drafting: 'v ' \ Comfortable rooms, a good, table andn^ne y i^ir^\^J^^i"ti4w „ but the best brands of liquorp. „ ! Station. " ' * ' 'v i • , •; :■ — rrrr-,,- ; ; -, ■; ! ' ' ! ,A«entßfqrtiie #ew Z&aUp^'%arji(i&tnA\ OH ABGES MODERATE. ' Company (Limited), anil " Viiitoda fnsuranQe C 593 DI7NCANROSB.: .^P^^-^)^_ ; ; „• •TH A 8 1 A: K. HUX& h, , E[orse»ad Cattle s%s, every, ;fprtn^hr,. on ; WAIK'AKA. ' , , every alternate Saturday. . c7l ij -Ji^a •-«■'.«««« ~^" ■■M i " i»' T HE f^ORE -^ATSTOTION^^ MART. GI!O."HAEIipP,' 'v..". .■..■.' J Propnetor..LL -..-.. ;-..iu- imU*., = •,. .:; ■ - , LatebfinTeroargiil. ■ F. S. CAKMNG v& ;CO., ■■ ; - a. H.'begs> respectfully to annaunce. to vdAti^V^A**^^^' I*1 '* j; ik • . hi. L*L AM.; yd ■*.. T^ -"^'S^^P?** 1 "^ telling public in general that he has takefa irmn'J.—'"^ ""-■ Y ' f! ' I J: '" !i v ° ! :^cu > stBHi .wa,,^^ ■ a ,;, SSS:sSS .Waikaka,. known aa^he Stab JTpt^l, and. will perties.fqt vSALE ( orI^BASE,.in i ay, r be .entered endeavor to maintain ; and, if possible, imprpve, JV on OMMej^is^ i |^of (Jhargey _ ' clßs. upon its. well«knotfn" reputation iftß.aa npj-i ■O'»TT A'TWXrd" ■■' 'A"TCTT*' 1)1 ' 1< D l *Jiyt>S ' ■country HbteK ;•- y';<> ' -'■: ■■■•.- ;■ j :;iQflfiTO^?, vM.ft ,J4P|.; G. H. co nsidera further fcomtbeht unneces AUOTIONiBEBS^ ' ■'■•■•■'<■ •>: j sary^ as he conside^ii|. fourteen yea^ s'iand- ; . ; ;, gtbck/Wobl/GFraitf "and 'm&l k ' .ingi^lnye^caVgill'asuffijSsjent^uarah^^ •.■; .:>' ;<--';■:•, an] ■,-.■ ;,;•?;•;, -.v-i-.! aud t '\-.'O , Visitors favoring [hiia.yfiiii a call may rely < a Commission., Agentß.i" v- im. -/y upon receiving every .oonifortandjattpntion, of • i::)Vii ' i ' ! ;' : ' : •"-"' ;"" ; a welliorderedjHome. 'Age'nis fdr 'he' New Zealand Loan 'ana 11 ; Meif , ;!! ■ .'■ : a .::>. ■■'•»«. ''vi-.i. ■ • ;■ . cantile Agency Oomfpany, Mataura, and. .; • .■ Superior,. Stabhttff. .. ■■■•<«'; .-lwrn <S%'i£^ .U^v.r, i-'msui -■■: ;>■ ■■■-■-)ii.;i. j w . „ JNew Zealand Insurance Gomnanv ■-„. m PIRS^CLASSBILLIABD TABO, ..^^'mT^ o^^f v^ 'i; Thi-^eß^LiqWre^epf oh ; 4e r Promises. " ' ' Afctentf dfc I W^d'n&& .WJibil^ednesd'ay's.' | , CHAHaKS^Moderate, . . „ „., . ,-., : <n .<(,.. t^T ..■..:■•■:■'■' ' ... „-., Loans Negotiate^ and Liberftl '-„... ..GBOBiajI^HAJWE,,; .;.!,., : '" i ;: "" 1 ''oasl A^ypjß.:,' "'..l":, ;;/' " S9 . ■ : -r,.:. .. ■■■^■:??P ) PPety et< y-;:..J Made upon Stock, Wool; L,! 'te ' ' r^"^T"""T::rr 1 """" 1 """-"" 1 -I' '.- ••^v.^-;>-- -- ;i h ';■■<■ ■;•-' .•-:(,j:«,Qßattling'.; Storey ' >■>■■»■.■ ; ; "|Cf" fl . . rl <i''; i -'- 3}'";" Sl I "" 0 " : 'E .-n-.. . „ „? Don^Stjeieet,-. . „.-■.--■-- ■-• -CELEBRATED CAT BBAND. '; " '- ■" \ mVERPARGtLL ' ,' '"' ' ">^ "'. c '',' "" ','.'. ' ,' ' ' ' .. In pjemfeeß 9.cq^ invite the .special attta .V^P^J*;*^ M^WSf.^'^H Kmh nimi<pj-£ ■«•'..-".' "■■ 1 '?. • .'v ! 'firm's business will 1 Be carried on' byihe ii ...ri. ,-^ 1 ? 110 .;, f !H», taw*:. .', Tlie ! -" ! ■••"•-" ■•■-'•' 'abdv^ ; e'c)nipah^- ; «-i^ - ! deman9l n iß.aloneßufacient guarantee, of ; t le. » ' a'riagiiVg Director "(Eb'ndon); : i „ high estimation it has attained. All. go6d' ■ •' '-■ v/.i r H. J.\ GtBBSiiiEBQ. ■ .■> ■■■■•[ JIJ iudges agree,^notwithstanding dte modera be ! Gh^irma'ri of Board in N^w Zealaridj jy) „... . „,. . , , .'.,•'■•= ; ' : ' ? . . E. B, v nARGHiji, Esq. ; ...... ....;• ; »'■ price, that' it^s not attrpassed by any in/tiip . •, . (^w,^alar,d) . ... | -ii market; It' can M be' 1 ordered ■ wholesale Gboppe JpfCHiM^EsQ, „. ,' 03 thtou'gblany meroiia'nti' and i 4 kept by all "' ' -'— \ ., f > V ; ! ;; - ; --v^i'-f.j'' "'- iV v l/ i - ;••■/•■:■■ > : 'The ' Company act asAuctumeurs^ Stock and Btore.and in town and; countiy; station. A flfi nts, '^oql,, and,, .Bakers' ;i ■:' • !"•■. H. HABGAN; & CO., HVW^T^!* 8 ?^ Station^ Jarm^and: , , . . . other properties, at lowest rates df "Interelst, i. Bottling Store, Staflford-stftiet, , ; alsb, : a J d'vamie against' Wool, •Qrain, i arid "every a9q , -h.,ii^L ' ' r de*'o'rip'tion of r ßarm Produce entrusted to their ' ' '' '• '•■' ;i ''' ""•''•'•' •'■ ■■' ' ' ;; ' ; ■■'. ' ' •<■' •I '" o'oari foriaale in t9e T liqoal,jA.u9<(raliftn,.|Loißdpn, j w T < ?f? IM *' M<a ' l **"f.'^.', T" ■or l pt.her,marketß, ( for I ,the,^Hprae^and Bale; of 1 '"V T ■»#»«»«+« t™a '■''■' which,,the Company Bave special fioiJitieß.! jy f |lon^toLend. -v " ',:-..' ■ ■' - : i MQNEY TOLEND. , .■' '■■ GHOpVING , CROm^i, ; ioLIBS^ dli !,,. j „ ',....- ; ,rr— r ?.,..■' ' Adv.ancefl madeon Stock by] Way . of' Mortv j. '","'", '.'," ' .-'..., gage ; also temporttfy 'advafceH '' : .-. ::.!/-.•= >r <:.'...; f.-'r.- .0 :■ . . ■• . ■■[ • Either privately or by. Auction. .: '" '•'•■' /'•! i '-'ntWi'A/i l A'-»iAT' i i-'' •'■ . J ULAB' i S^ES/6y. i i II6BSES 1 ;. | HAVlfl, cdßXOi(i-( f )CJ ;^QiLE?rD . , At the.Bazaar. UoV street; every >• ■•■ ■ ■■■'{ r~^i r.^V-.Vf 7^ •■ ,■ ',' '■ ;''-:SATURD'AY, aiiiaim.' ' ; ;■ "■ r^n^^^^upward^'upon'Jv- „ t ," ,?M^^X'^- -T \'^ 1 ;'• •' v ..• 1!- '/' 11 " i ■ 'I 1 '' T '! -I Shpip and Rabbit Skins, Hides,STallow^ Farm: proved security at low, rates: of Interest, j .., „i ;il »roduce,,&c; , m: ^ores,,ppn, street. ; „, L!" 0 :"'' 1 .■.',■ '','.■'■'■."",' f -- ;i ,;. !>i '.?. '■•" ■:"' i■' :''N : v.' ; i;Mi.^AT J .sspc^..s^B,. f ;^ 1 ;.... ; ;A , "Adyakoes made. upon, growing Caoi?Si! A. fc^be Junction.. Yar^B. (WallacetoVn Bail->, '^' „"• ' '■.' "■ ".•••■ . ( ■; • • " way Crossing)' 11 ' ■ • "' ' • ?' :V \:/^,i^ < ' l ,:Wo'dL 1 &0.'" 'I'-'*'. V ! 'j I' EVERY'ALTEBJNATE WEDNESDAY. !: ';']:'' "" ' '''"'" - : ' i;; -^ ' : " , " ' - \±; i The, Company .have; always ;qß!hand a good ".. ,' ' i -.: .supply, of general, merchandise, including -..: Colonial investment; &AGENOX earm and station stores! fencing \j company o^ ; new Zealand; ,"; MA*ERiA%ya.o'i:pAOKs, ; cdBN . v, ; .' : (Lptmsp). ' . :. ;i-v " :•- ■ '' ! '• '■• ;-' ''' ii|; SA'CKS/'W' ■■ f '■■ -■ ' ' ''' %PiT^ ..■■;-f£V: £500,000 -'^BS'ffi^W^fc'' 1 i. Head Office ... EDINBURGH. I ; Maldon Inland Guano land Bone Dusfc. ! " Head ' Colonial Office ...DUNEDIN i ' ' A ! , ' "'■ '^-r.- ■; „; : : — — ' ! , Ample Storage at Invercargill and Bluff. ••' Money advanced on approved securities . ■ . - vV ' • ""^ ■> ourrentrates. ' ; m: ; ; ' '• v ! Fure and Marine Insurance Agents. ! ' Having; a^Yaluatpr residing in Sloutlilahd, , ' J. .0 M'ABDELL; applicants for Loans' can have their securities Manager, Southland-Branch, examined and reported on for a moderate •• Don street, July, 1882. i -...,;, „ • feeii and without loss of time. J ' ' ' , r. — ...... „,,,. — ; t . ' ' ■ ..,-T.,T. RITCHIE. - \ (^ARSWBLL, WHITE, AND.iCO, 1 Water street. . . .• m„, i. ....... , ,I^"* ■■" '"' '" Dunedin \: LAND STQCf, AMD STATION AGENTS, . , '-— WOOL AND GRAIN , BROKERS, ■ Agents for Southland— \ THE . CBESCENT, INVERCABGILL. '• ' ;; .' I ''"dA^SW^LI % %ITOB ! *Od., " . . ■•- — w , •'..■! ' ■ ....*' . * ■ ' . _l___ a " kinds of Farm and Station Produce placed ' - MONEY ' MONET ' in. their hands for sale either in the.lobal ' ._* .'/"'. ' market, or .for shipment to Australia or . . , „ N London. ' . ' TIAfOKEI "in I^UMS>f £100 and upwards : '.•>'■• : : JLVJI ".' to LEND on Good Freehold , Sepikty •< . o^^ *de& of Sheepskins, Hide?, atldireitrateioflnteaest; . ; | Tallow, &c, ; ; i .Land .and. Wa«te Lands Board business at- : ' Mbney to lend on freehold securities at )tfndedto. : : ; ;•. ■ -;. .-;; ■ ■ ' ■■■■'■/' .' current tates. : '■ •'• ■ ■ > ■•■ ;)■ < GILLIES, i S3DBEET, & HISLOP, Agents for the 'i .:<.■■'•-. : :.tionea Mi , Land and Estate Agente, °° lonial InTestme J lt "J A gency Company - > m . ,v ■ i i '':.-• ew Zealand, Limits b3?B /. ;t Bond-»treet Dunedu, ' X- ■'

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Mataura Ensign, Volume V, Issue 229, 13 February 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Mataura Ensign, Volume V, Issue 229, 13 February 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Mataura Ensign, Volume V, Issue 229, 13 February 1883, Page 1