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Friday, September 7 th, The usual fortnightly meet'ng of _ the Borough Council was held last evening, and was attended by His Worship the Mayor, Crs Jellyman, Sinclair, M'Artney, Green, Ching, Bytbell, Houlds worth, Parker. After the minutes had been read and confirmed, the rc-elected councillors (Urs M'Artney, Tiouldsworth, Sinclair) made the usual declarations, and took their seats.

The Mayor said he bad great pleasure in welcoming the old councillors back. The fact of their being re-elected without opposition showed that the ratepayers had plenty of confidence in tho members referred to. In these hard times, the ratepayers bad showed their good sense in returning the old members unopposed, and thus preventing an election. The three gentlemen were all members of committees, and that was one of the reasons why ho (the Mayor) welcomH them h ick to the Council Cr nclair, on behalf of himself and the i.r :t- two conncii'ors. he; r ii» tl an His ". ersbip the Mayor for the c;t m nt he Ls.d ottru-cr- od towards thorn j;na:-;ce committee's re.-ort. "Your Committee report that they have considci sd the letter received from the Audi tv r- General refeiriugto interest on the v'., works loan and read to the Council to -tj i.. a., and are pleased to find that they will Ik- able to repay tho half y-.-ar’s interest. objected to back to the Gas "Works Loan A..vouni • * the end of this month out c : Gas h'up.plv Account, thus dci-ig a wav «vi:h tin- objections la'sed t) p.~ sin;.' tv balance she- and Would recommend t- at authority bo given to-night. " Jj • n • an i Beit’.- account. —Wo h r.*gone rough, all correspondence and th. niinuti- bo ,k in ref-.rencj to this matter aorderee'. by the Council, and have to report that emmet see that Messrs Holiaet and Bed have any claim on the Couacii with i eepeot to the loan,” The i o counts as laid on the tame have been examined and approved or. WEED EXTERMINATOR Me? arts Mead and Branson wrote

ing before the Council's notice a specific recently discovered and patented, which would most effectually destroy all noxious weeds, scrub, briars,gorse, etc. Numerous tests of the preparation bad been made, not only in a private manner, but also iu the presence of members of different shire Councils and Municipal bodies, practical farmers, graziers, and others, and in no single instance had it been known to prove ineffectual, cadi successive experiment tending to prove it a complete success. For a local testimonial they referred tho Council to J. D. Busby, Esq., of Blairich, who Imd used some largo quantities with complete success. The cost of tho preparation was very trifling, and to Couueils and municipal bodies the exterm'nator was invaluable in cleansing side-walks, gutters, etc , from grass and weeds. The writers then went on to describe the modo of application. which was very s’mple. The Mayor did not think it would bo of much use to the Council at present, but he rawed that the letter be acknowledged. aud kept in the office for reference, as it was possiblo that the preparation might be of use on somo future occasion Cr Jelly man pointed out that thero were some gorse bushes in Southside, ou which au experiment might bo made The motion was carried A REQUEST J. B, Green wrote stating that as he wished to remove a building from Southside on to his property in High-street on Monday next, ho asked tho Council’s permission to pass along tho streots necessary,—Granted CONFIRMATION OF RYE-LAW The Mayor said the meeting was a special one called for the purpose of confirming the bye-law in reference to footways and channels. 110 said it wi a merely a matter of form, as ho did not think the bye-law could be enforced. Of course it was no harm to havo it in existence, but lie understood ibat in other places no attempt was ever made to enforce it Cr Moulds worth wished to know whether His Worship had mado enquiries regarding the bye-law in Wellington The Mayor said lie bad: and was informed that tho bye-law was never enforced NORTH WARD WORKS. Tho Committee had visited the different places in company with tho deputation, anrl reported : ‘•'(1) With respect to tho bank at back of Earll and MTvonziu’s property, it is a bank erected by the Lower Wairau River Board, and that with part of it being on private ground, cannot recommend the Council to interfere wi ll it, but would suggest to tho property owners interested that they should make application to the River Board to maintain their bank and flood gate.

“ (2) The same recommendation applies to the flood gate in the batik at western end of Nelson-street, with respect to ati iron trapdoor asked to be put iu, ‘‘(3) Permission was asked t-a bo allowed to form a bank across Grove Road, opposite Messrs Earl) and MTCenzie’s stables, and tho Committee would advise that same be granted, provided (1) that it bo done to tho approval of tho Inspector of Works, (2) that tho approaches extend one chain on each side of centre of bank,. (3) that no opposition is made by adjoining property owners. “(1) St Audrews-strcet Bridge: Tho Committee recommend that the Council raise th<* bridge ono foot, and renew the batik on the street originally mado by tbe property owners. o (5) The attention of tho Public Works Department should bo called to tho state of their fence in Nelson-street, which has fallen into the ditch ou tho side of tho road.”

The Mayor, in moving tho adoption of tho report, explained several matters iu connection with it. GAS COMMITTEE’S REPORT.

“Your Committee beg to report that tho Borough have been in possession of the Gasworks 12 months, ending the :31st August, and furnish the following statem nt of the gas supply account, and think the Council and Manager of Works are to be congratulated on tho efficient and economical way tho works have beon carried on.

"Gas supply account.—Recoipts, for gas t-> March 31st, L39G 4s 7d; receipts to August 31st, LlOl2 9s 4d ; amount due for residuals, L7O 4s Gd ; amount duo for gas, Ll 9 Is Gd ; Council due to Gasworks for kirbing, L3B ISs 9d ; estimate of gas for August, L2OO ; total, L23OG ISs Bd. Expenditure of manufacture, Ll2ll 16a 8d ; estimated cost of manufacture for August, LSO 9s Id ; balanco with which to pwy annual interest, LIOH 12s 8d ; total, L23OG 18s Bd. Your Committee, in its last report, stated that they would tako into consideration the question of meter rents, and now recommend a reduction as follows : —No of lights 30, present rout 2s9tl, proposed rent Is 9d, 20 at 2s 3d to la Gd, .10 at Is 9d to Is 3d, 5 at la 3d to lid, 3 at Is to 91, 2 at 84 to Gd. All meters to be charged rent whether tho persons in pjosso.ssio.i of them are consum-

ing gas or not. "The Manager, in concluding his report to the Gas Committee, says re tho residence " I should like to draw tho attention of your Committee to the place I live in. There are five of us, and all tha accommodation is a bed-room and kitchen. The house is also about two foot bilow tho level of the Gasworks yard, and tho wholo of the drainage finds its way under tho house. You might before deciding, inspect the house and satisfy yourself that iny statement is coirect. I trust that your financial position will allow of something being done to make tho place more labitable.

" Your Committee, with respect to above, have arranged to m et on Monday week next, with a view of devising the best means of making additions, and will report at next meeting,” The Mayor explained tho matter in i connection with tli; reduction of meter rents, saying that the commits e had somo difficulty in arriving at a < e.-Ron on the question. He hoped ;hat tome day the Council would be a 1c to nbtlish meter rents altogether. He moved tic adoptkn of the report. Cr Sinclair, in second ng lhc motion, said he could bear out all that 1 ad been mentioned in reference to tho unhealthy state of the manager’s residence. He aho pointed out that at a previous m eting of the Coun ;il it had been suggested that tho l-eaidcnce was too close to the largo gasometer, and that in the case of tho rouse or chimney taking fit o, tho result might be very • eriotts. He hoped the committee would ■ ake that net into c:n--.'du'aiio i when tl c-y visited tho on Monday, and th- ught they shoul 1 go carefully into tho j ros and cons of tr.o matter, in conjunction w.lli tho manager himself, because it was vi-y evident R at s ane action was ncce-sary. The report was adopted. WORKS COMMITTEE’3 IZTiV.T, ' ‘Nelson-street. The Inspector of Work g has r .;,.d on the >; >u ..tion of this street and i ii-.s !• S , t!io wcrlc until tha ettled. In the meautini C-..m1" o vo instruct him to 1,.:,;' . -,v lie os and to place a culw:, ut -h : jui: ! lion of Nelson and Coulter an i <■ n out tie ditch from Coo.;, u-nt; . to Craig’s ditch, which, wills the eic-atiij g or tho water-'abl:s ,C- ,C .- *m-.t’-o 1.3 at porti n in g o:.] “ Alfred-strect.—The Inspector has also - ■joo ted f,n street, and your Commit t-.e rceomtnu;.. that tho work bs done —gravelling by de contract dx-ajs and tno labor by ilie- r.y men. Water ou Cross’ property.— Ywx

Committee have reef iTjd a report from the Inspector regarding this, and find it is impoasihie to drain it without going through hanks erected, hut tho owners could remedy it by filling in. “Park Terrace contract. Wo recommend that the contractor for tho footpath on Park Terraco bo informed that il it is not finished within fourteen days the contract will 1)0 cancelled. ‘‘Wo also rocommend that a floodgate be placed at the end of the drain in Colliesstreet, with a view to keeping the water from hacking up.” After explaining several matters in connection with tho report, ]iis Worship moved its adoption. Cr Sinclair, in seconding the motion, said lie was glad to see that notice had Leon taken of the manner in which the contractor for forming tho footpath in Park Terraco had been carrying out tho •work. It was a disgrace tho way ho had been doing it, and Or Sinclair thought that when a person took a contract, he should tie compelled to complete it within a reasonable time. The report was adopted. CUOS3IXUS. [ u accordance with notice given,_ Ur Ilouklsworth moved, That foot crossings be formed of wood, or some other suitable material, from Colonial Bank to Criterion, jyj,. Girl mg’s to Bank of New /enland, W • Litchfield’s to Masonic Hotel, M...hoiuc Hotel to T. Simile’s, SlinhoiiseT to (; ov( mniuit Buildings, and Omaha. Bridge to Mercantile Store. He thought the people of Blenheim would appreciate these crossings very mwli, and Jin there lore had great pleasure in moving tho resolution. . , (Jr Sinclair seconded the motion, as lie thought it was a thing that should be seen to, °Lsst winter laid proved that the work required. He did not think it would bo an expensive undertaking, and »u<r"aisled brown birch as a timber. If tlm!?were well saturated with tar, he was of the opinion that it would make a suitable crossing. The Muvor did not agree with tho suggestion as "to using timber for the work. Still the motion provided that the crossings would bo constructed of wood “ or any Other suitable material.” He eonsid'ored that better material than timber could he obtained. iM‘Ai'tnoy spoke in opposition to

the motion , , , , . ( r Jcllyimui objected to tho work being done at present, bin if it v,ere defeiied until March orApiil next he would vote for it. Be considered that plenty of monev had already been spent on the centre of the town, and he held that no more should be expended while streets SU( .|, as Kelson street were 111 need of ri pairs ns they were at present. Any six of tiie councillors couid be bu icd m Unit street (laughter). Lately ho could not uc -t a “ tenner ” expended on Seymour Square, and yet they wanted to rush into expense in erecting crossings. Gr Sinclair was surprised at Bie le,narks Bud had fallen from the last speaker. Jle pointed out that tho centre of the town paid very heavy 1 sites, and was thus entitled to a little extra e\p nditure in Hie direction '"'limited,. As to the question ol cost, that could be taken into consideration when the tenders were opened Gr Guokc would oppose the motion, not because he did not, want to sec the v,otk carried out, but because lie thought it would endanger the success of tho asphalting scheme in the West side in particular _ |te had a particular interest in that side, as lie represented part of it, and wished to see it get its share of money. IT,, would sooner soe .Seymour Square put in a better state. The asphalting would be a heavy job, and would be a. heavy tax on Bio overdraft. He would be in favor of holding consideration of the matter over until next winter, when they would see. how their funds stood. Cr Oiling expressed similar opinions. Gr Moulds worth was surprised at the remarks that had been made, lie thought that timber was the most suitable material because asphalt would bo ground up with the mud in winter time, lie failed to see where any argument had been brought forward in opposition to the mulioii. The work should b" done at the preset,l tune : it was of no use putting it oft any longer. Tho motion, on being put, was declared Ids' by oto 4. Ayes: Urs i iuiiidsworth, Parker, Sinclair, and His Worship the Mayor; Noes: Css Cooke, By I hell, Cuing, Green, APArtuey and Jeilymau oi'X’viur, Tim Mayor asked the Council to givo the Gas Committee power to sign cheques for work in connection with the extension of the gas mains up Charles street.— Permission granted accordingly The Mayor moved that the heartiest thanks bo‘tendered to Mr G. Fitzgerald for his valuable assistance to the Council in juileing the competitive designs loi Be' bridge over tie; Omaha liver. Mr Kit zoo! ah i isud iakin great pains with tho matter, ami ho had met and given Ino Works Committee valuable assistance on several occasions Cr Sinclair seconded the motion. In doing so he gave vent to the expression that'tho Council were deeply indebted to Mr Fitzgerald for his assistance The motion was carried. Gr Houldsworth asked what position Bio Council was now in with regard to the Waiter-street footpath. The Mayor said tho position was the same as at last meeting. Gr Parker drew attention to tho prevailing nuisance of people sweeping out their rubbish into the streets. It was really dangerous to anyone riding past. Tho Mayor pointed out that a bye-law in reference to the matter was in force. Cr Parker said it did not appear to bo enforced. He moved that tlio attention of the Inspector of Nuisances or the Police bo drawn to the matter.

Gr Sinclair seconded the motion. He thought Cr Parker was quite right in drawing the attention of the Council to tbc niiis nee If steps were not taken a serious accident might be tlio icsult, and Ibo Council might have to pay heavy damages The old members were elected on the various committees, with the excerption that Cr M*Artncy took Cr Sinclair's place on the Finance Commit,:ce A few other minor details were dealt with TUK CO-OPERATIVE IJIUIX. Conolly and Son wrote as follows : “ Wo arc instructed by Air Walter Li chiield that through your having neghx ted i'.r some time past to keep the Co-opera-tive drain, opposito Seventeen Valley, ~i.,.u . ( . f d. etc.. Ids land in the vioii.ity, which v,o’ otherwise have been .op, dry bv that drain, has bem m-.'-b " m Fd. ,u he lia.-. hi • mu-cqucnco s'.iG'm:d great i ,-s by the destruction of tho veg'dadon and ofh< rwiso. and to inform you tbu lie holds von liable for such loss. ho lon ras any act I n by way of Fearing tho drain is t ri asimr.” Th . '.ned -.Tci.t h.i-o commit !c: on Flic owjie: * of prop thro:; Fo wide! the d•: :u:i : . n.- ' F. Members of th G,. snei! on V.' dr. lay a xl at I p.m . i:s o • or * ■: i'e y ;me ,1 ;dcr ti.e question Ol ihedi: n i- g .!i Accounts amounting to L-i-K) 7, id were p: 1 : - ol lor payment, being Lit $ 7s •5.1 for the Bc-rougu accnuic, L7O 19s 101 for the Gas account, and L')o for interest up M Ist Ocudur. The Guuueil then adjourned.

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 314, 8 September 1888, Page 2

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BOROUGH COUNCIL. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 314, 8 September 1888, Page 2

BOROUGH COUNCIL. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 314, 8 September 1888, Page 2