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The ord'nary meeting of the Blenheim Borough Coune'l was held last night. Present, His Worsb’p the Mayor, and Connoillors Jelly man, S'nr.lair, Mo ‘rtney, Rilev. Ching, Houldsworth, Cooke, Parker snd Bythell. The Gas Comm’ttce repoi led that they had recived two tenders for the supply of coal for the Gasworks, vz., one from the Union Company for £26 per (on and another from Mr Lees for £27 per ton. It was resolved that the lowest tender be accepted. On the motion of Cr Jelly.nan leave was granted to Mr J. Sb’oVr to d "iin water from an aitesian w. I ’’lto Ihe Wy.ien street d ’ain.

Mr G :i, ospio wrote as! 'ug that the rates on the Oddfellows’ property be reu-'tted. Tho Mayor moved that the reqnest be accepted. Cr Riley seconded the motion pro forma but considered that the Oddfellows had made a mistake in making such a request because it was not a case ’n wlrch the Act was intended to apply. Tiie Body were ns we l ' able to pay as anybody in the district.

The motion was then put, but was lost on the voices.

The Secretary of the Omaka Road Board wrote, ask’ng that a committee might bi appointed t > confer with a commLloe of theirs in reference to gravel in the co-operative drain. C" Riley said there had been a siim’ar request made last year, when a committee was then appo : ited, and he suggested that the same committee be appointed th : s t’nie. This w T as agreed to.

THE TAYLOR RIVER. Iho Clerk read the following report from the Inspector of Works : To prevent fi—ther corosicn I should adi ise -

Ist. Iho removal of old foot bridge, wb’ch. acts at present as a wire dam. 2nd. To inn out a w ; re dam at point marked O, or some other breakwater in place of dam. 3rd. To ruu oat a gro’-i at P. 4*h. To partly fi” up with w Ml ow or p iplar trees secr-ely anchored at po'ut A. I beg to apolog' to tho Council for making a few remarks on the work that lias been done and work that w'T always re-qu'-o to he done on tho Taylor liver. I am ’ io r oed to ib’uk that w’-odairs wi’l become too expensive 'n dea''ng with a liver of so eccentric a nature as the Taylor. Something cheaper must ho found to take tlie'r place. Ha\’ng uo we” do fined river to contend against youemnot put up a breakwater to do duty for all time and cost say £IOO or £2OO, as the case nny ho the fi-’.-t flood irlghi change the whole ii-'to-o of you- river, and might necessitate the pin t of the same work being repeated some other p’aco. Someth ug less expensive must ho thought of to enable the Blenheim Coi point ion to e tpc with such an expensive uu’sance as tlie Taylor river-

Tho Mayor suggested that a coir'r’ttee bo formed to confer with Mr Muir, and hting up a report. Or Houldswouh ar -’d w ith this, and pointed out that the Taylor River was becoming more dangerous than was genera’ 1 / supposed. Cr S’uclnir thought it wou’d ho bettor if the whole Co uo e” were appointed as a committee to : ispect the river. Cr Ching suggcit d that the report be sort on to the R’vcr Boa’-d. He w’as sr-o the Council cor’d not. compote with the rlvi-r without a special -ate.

J i.e Mayor m-vod that the consideration of tho repo-'t stand nnt n next, meet'ng, and in the mrantimo ‘ v ie Council ex.°ro ; ne the river. CrSinc’a’r sscnodol this.

Cr Ching moved, and Cr M'AUioy seconded, that tho repoi t be sent at once to the River Board.

Cr Pa-ker asked His Woi’sh’p if a Rive” Board had any power outside ’he’ • district. ?

His Worship answered that in cases of emergency River Boards had that power. He p.rntod out that tho most of the water of the Wa’rau was com'ng dow n the Opawa River, and he was sr-o the Board was not in a position to undertake the work in question. Cr Riley wouhl ’ : ke the River Board to meet the Corner! a, 1 discuss the subject. He thought it would be useless to forward tin bare report to the Boa-d. It was ultimately resolved that, a deputation of tho whole Counc” wait on tho R’vor Board to discuss the question.


Cr Smchr •, : n moving tho notice of motion sfaud : ng ; n Us name, askrd leave of the Counc” to amend it as fol’ows : That tho Con ic” do forthwith accept the offer of the loan of £14,000 as made by Messrs Holmes and Be 11 in the 1 ” letters of the 27th Jr’v and 30th September, provided that the term be extended to 25 yeora, and the repayments do not begin u it’l t’’e Gfh year on the scale «uhir J itei bn Messrs Holmes and Be" m their letter of 4 he 30th September; Messrs Holmes and Bell to he allowed three months to agree to th's mod' ication, and to ho reimbursed for all costs out of pocket sn-cr-red in cornection with tho raising of tho loan ‘‘ accepted. Cr Parker ashed His Worship’s ri\g on the po!n‘ —whether Cr Sincla'r cor’d move such an amended motion when there was a nr mite on tho records ( f tho Council that no notice of n.ny now r loans he consulened until December 2.

His Y/orship thought the point raised was rather a nice one, but lie would al’ow Cr S'icla'r to put h's motion. Cr Je"y.nan seconded the motion. Cr R'ley objected, saying that the Counc” had agreed to bring the question of loans to a f n v ty on December 2, and this amended motion was almost l’ke a new arrangement. Cr S'nc’air was then given leave to withdraw lr's motion. LE .lif’ ICE. Cr Ching brought under the notice of the Mayor the fact that a qua itity of gravel had been emntied on Lei'-’i To -ace and several loads been cairßl as far as Mr Davis’ house. C; Cl' lg wished to know upon whose au'-’iority 4 he work had been done. The Mayor obsei red that he had g'ven instructions to have a few loads of g avel placed in the viemity named, ' • order to fi” up some hole?. TENDERS. The follow 1 ig tenders were received for meta"ing Park Te-raee:—S. Plv”ins, Ll 7 10s Gd (aeiepted): Buhb, L 23, 3s -id : J. Auvi”, L3l 9s : r id W. Cl os" >g, L 27 Is. The Counc” then adjoi nod.

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Bibliographic details

Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 139, 19 November 1887, Page 2

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BOROUGH COUNCIL Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 139, 19 November 1887, Page 2

BOROUGH COUNCIL Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 139, 19 November 1887, Page 2