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The ’Frisco Mail. —The ro-d in fives in Picton to-day, and shor'd be bought o.i L o Blenheim during the evening. Pulling Round. —Wo wero informed last night that Mr A'len, who was so seriously injured on the Grove Road last Friday n'glit, was a little better.

Hoi ; Scandal. —Mbs Kelw/n, wliose name has been so scandalously associated with Colonel Hughes-Ha)lett recently, is a r'ece of the late Bishop Selwyn, formerly Primate of New Zealand, and afterwards Bishop of Lichfield. No llu^-holiday.—Mr Joyce’s Shop Hours’ Bi'l enacts that shops shall be closed between the hor-s of 6 p.m. and 6 on a" week days. The only exemp--‘•‘ons are licensed houses, refreshment houses, druggist shops and newspapers. New Shop. —Mr J. L. M. Carey opened h : s new shop in the Square on Satr -day. The stock consists of stationery, hooks, and general fancy goods, and as Mr Carey is well 1 iown "l Blenheim he, no doubt, will be well patronised. Tiie C.J.C. Stakes. —Tno stakes "i connection with the C.J.C. Metropolitan Meeting amount to £5903. M. G. G. Stead won £3311 14s: Mr H. Goodman, £470 18s ; Mr D. O’Brien, £356 5s ; Mr P. Butler, £239 8s; Mr W. C. Webb, £IOB 3s; Mr P. Tancrcd, £l5B 13s ; Mr J. Poole, £l3O 12s ; Mr W. Russell, £lll 3s; Hon. G. M‘Lean, £lO5 9s. TheA t ' haw a Gardens. —These favorite pleasure grounds are loo! ng prettier each week. The perfumes from the many choice flowers and shrubs beat all the flower shows, and when the visitor once gets inside the cool arbors on a hot, sunny day, it is with reluctance he leaves. Tlie gardens were visited by a good few people on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, and as the season advances and the fruit ripens the proprietor will no doubt do a frlr share of business. One For His Nob.—Commenting on the Fnancial Statement, the Lyttelton Times says : —“ The Opposition chief is back in office with a loan proposal advocated in the precise terms employed by his predecessor. In return for six months wasted, for the turmoil of a general election, for the disorganisation of our whole political creed, we hove a very had copy, with worse deviations, of the StoutYogel policy, and to reconcile us to it we are offered a scheme of retrenchment transparently delusive.” Brawn Out. —How c ; rcu Distances alter cases was amusingly instanced in Chambers iu the Supreme Court, says the Christchurch Press. One learned counsel was mal ’ng an application in a ccrnrn case, and the cou :sel on the other sido, although bod ”y present, did not appear. Hat‘ng made bis app’ication, the first counsel then proceedel tj apply to his Honor to enable b’m to take out a sum of money deposited for costs. “O,” exclanncd counsel No. 2, “I appear now.” ‘‘ Ah,” retorted counsel No. 1, “I I lew how to draw you. ’ ’ Tableau. Fastest oe Reco: e— Captain Kelly, of the ship Hulcione, chartered a horse at Piet-on on Saturday to cany him to Blenheim, and he accomplished me of the fast «t passages on record, having done the trip under aa hour and a-haff. Considering that the ( "stance is nearly 20 miles, tins is not bad going. "Whether the s' "pper or the horse suffered most is not yet 1 nowu, but it is I that the jovial captain refused to ride back again, and was with difficulty placed in a buggy and was given something softer than a saddle to sit upon. i

County Council. —Notice is given that Saturday, the 19th inst, is the day for receiving nominations for a member to represent ihe Riding of Omaka in the Marlborough County Council, and the election will be held on Wednesday the 30th inst., tit the Public Hall,

Fall in Mfit. —In another colum i w'U be found an advertisement fir >:n Messrs Adams and Son, butchers, of Ihe Square, which should be read with iuv irest by all housewives, as it refers to a considerable reduction in price of meat. Adams and Son have just completed veiy extensive improvements in thpir new premises, and have fitted up iff), the latest appliances known to the “ knights of the cleaver,” which enables them to sell at prices wb ; ch defy competition. They ca" special attention to their sma" goods, which are made a specialty, and invite everybody to roll up to tbe ; ” great clenr-fig-out sales, wb’ch take place every Saturday right from 7 t ; U 10 o’clock. Adams and Son are cash purchasers of all kinds of stock. The Nelson Gaol. Refeiring to Sleepy Hollow, the New Time 1 says Nelson is a healthy district in which to reside ; n more ways than one. Tho city possesses a comfortable and salubrious gaol, but at the present time it is tenantless, all the sweet gaol bfids having flown, and the gaolers, like Othe'lo, find their occupation gone. One cause of this criminal absence is due to tho fact tint long-sentence prisoners are now sent elsewhere, though there cannot now bo imprisoned anywhere more than two or three persons who have com r’teed crime in this district. Formerly, however, prisoners were sent to Nelson from the West Coast, and since that custom was put an end to the gaol has new- cantafied a large number of prisoners. This is a useful subject for retrenchment. Shall Debts. — At a mcet’ig of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Mr J. R. George expressed the op’-fin that the time bad come when small debts shov’d not bo recovered by legal proceed’ngs. It was a scandal to sco cases whero the amount claimed was only a few sir l ‘ngs brought before the com t and the time of the officials and magistrates wasted in hearing them. He thought that the Chamber should express an opfi'on that these small sums shor’d not’be recoverable. Mr J. Dutbie (President of the Chamber), replying to Mr George, said that he and tnoso who inado such suggestions wore not fi actual business. If they were they would not ventr-e to offer them. He (Mr Dutbie; thought the whole business of tho community wot’d bo upset by such a proposal befig carried into effect. It would capsfia the whole social system. A certain, amount of sma” trade must ej’st. To do as Mr George proposed would be to make them worse than Maoiis.

Guilty of Wrong.— Some people have a fashion of confusing remedies with the largo mass of “ patent medicines,” and in this they are guilty of a wrong. There are some a Iver.hscd lenicdics fully worth all that is a hod for them, and ono at least we know of ; Dr. Soule’s American Hop Bit„c:s. The writer has had ocaa ion to use the C'tßie in just such a climate ai wo have mod of the year in Bay City, and Ins always found them to be first class and reliable, being all that is claimed for them. “ Tribune,” Holloway’s Pills. Nervousness and Want of Energy.—When first tho no, ms feel unstrung, and listlessness supplants energy, it is flic right tune to take some such alterative as Plolloway’s Pills to prevent disorder running into disease. These excellent Pills correct ali irreg ;- larities and weaknesses. They ao: so kindly, yet so energetically on rha functions of digestion and assimHitfin, teat the whole body is revived, the blond rendered richer and purer, the mase'o become firmer and stronger and file nervous and absorbent systems are im Aerated. These Pills are suitable for a” classes and all ages. Tney ha: i a most marvellous effect on persons who are out of condition; they soon rectify whatever is in fault and restore strength to the body and confidence to the n ’ id. We have received our first shipment of Spring Goods ex s.s. Arawa, London, consisting of Prints, Zypliers, Lace Stripes, Galateas, Beiges, Cashmere, Se-ges, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. A large assortment of Juvenile Clothing. In the Tailoring Department we have to hand a splend'd variety of new Tweed Patterns from the various New Zealand Factories, Garments made to measure on the shortest nofcioe. Inspectton solicited — Shale and Hay, London House.

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 139, 14 November 1887, Page 2

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THE Marlborough Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1887. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 139, 14 November 1887, Page 2

THE Marlborough Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1887. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 139, 14 November 1887, Page 2