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Our New Winter Goods have arrived. The steamships Kaikoura, Eoric, and Tongariro having brought to New Zealand someth-ng under 3,767.843,570,000,000 PACKAGES. -» w 3.767,843,570,000,000 PACKAGES. A good share of which were for LITCHFIELD & SON, Blenheim, and contain all the latest Novelties for the Season.

For Sale ACHES of tin Rest Acrticoluuv.l Land, Hi to rvc ivn Winter Crop—Within e <sy distance of Town, at :\ low piic*. A never failing Sudani of Water runs tli.- o'gli r,he land. Immediate possession can be given. TERMS EASY Apply to S J. MAOALISTEIt 217 Auctioneer. Havelock! Havelock ! ! WANTED KNOWN. PRIVATE Bb ird and Residence can be ibtained at C. F. Horton's, Union Street. Havelock Good Accommodation for boarders or for Families visiting tire district. TERMS REASONABLE. C. F. HORTON. 2 Havelock "SPRING CREEK ROAD BOARD is hereby given MR PHILLIP RUSH, that, Has been appointed Collector c* Kates \vi<h full power to sue for any monies that may be due to (lie Board. T. A DICKENS, Secretary.

J. SCOTT a 00. FyINCY BREAD, BISCUIT AND Oonfectionery Manufacturers BLENHEIM. A Larft Variety of [ PASTRY. CONFECTIONERY BISCUITS, CAKES, de. Always on hand fEESH PASTRY DAILY. Currant, Seed, Madeira, ana Genoa Cakes kept in stock and made to order. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALITY Self -Raising Flour Prepared on the premises, \s ne are direct importers and ai*o a manufacturer of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, can offer Goods at r, yery low prico. Goode Delivered to all Parts of the Tov/n Fkkx or Charge, TO LET, CHEAP. A SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE with Store - room, Stable, and Coach-house. Artesian well ou premises, Quiet and retired j about 10 minutes walk from Post Office, Apply to TIMES OFFICE. LAND TO LEASE IN THE A WAT! RE TOE Undersigned is prepared to Lease Farms on the Awatere Flat, of from 100 to 500 ace es WM. CLIFFORD, 85

yv 7 * k 1 V/ "I I iN ix tv JiLhNliKni AND PICTON. DIRECT 1 viFORTEKS, f-om te MANUFACTURERS by which YOU SAVE the MIDDLEMAN’S PROFITS. Beautiful Dress Materials. With Silk Plush to Match each Shade. Louis Velveteens. In BLACK and ALL COLORS, Manufactured to our Special Order by A Loui3. These Velveteens have a very Rich Ap, earauce, unsurpassed by any other Maker. Homespuns. That give great wear B|d, 9£d, Is. You hive the largest Stick of DRESS MATERIxALS in Blenheim to Select from, Estameul Serges. In BLACK, NAVY and BROWN. Cashmarettes, In Navy, Maroon, Bronze, Browns, Clarets. Prunes, Myrtles and Black, Is 8d a yard ; the usual price foi these goods is 2s 6d. French Flannels Twilled. In Scarlet, Plush, Navy, Maroon, &c. The Assortment in BLACK GOODS for Mourning and otherwise is very great including Fine Black (all wool, French Cashmeres. French Merinos, Fine Black Serges, etc, etc. Blankets, in White and Colors. The order for these was placed with the Mairnfaeturer in England before the rise in Wool, they will be found fuiiy 5s a pair cheaper tli u the same goods bought in the Colony, We would very much like the good people of Blenheim to handle our Wellington made Blankets, they are simply beautiful beyond compare. Flannels. Made at Wellington, Kaiapoi, Oamaru, and Mosgiol ; also the Celebrated REAL WELSH FLANNEL'"*, tin se we received *<y tin Tongariro. Winter Hosiery. Heavy Knitts in Boys and Women’s Plain and Ribbed Casbmer Hose in the very best makes. Wear Guaranteed. Every descrq Bon ef Hosiery. The Steamers Tanui, Arawa, Kaikoura and Tongariro brought us a very extensive supply of Winter Drapery, including Men’s Mercery. All the Leading and Most Fashionable Shapes in Men’s Collars, Scarves and Warm Lined Winter, Gloves, Shirts of every description from Mosgiel ; Crimean Shirts, with and without Cellars. Also, < rej and Fancy Crimean Flannels, by the yard. Also, Heavy Kib'ocd Woo. Under Pants and Plain Lambs Wool Under Vista, no better made. Our Men’s Overcoats At 19s 6d and 22s 61, are wortli double. We have also Colonial Made Overcoats, grand value. Men’s Clothing. Our Stock in this Department is en<» imvi.s, we purchased largi iv when wool was low, and our customers re ip th * l.e.ieli as will b ■ s<- « by the extraordinary low prio s ticketed inside and outside our .-stub A , The Dressmaking Department Will have to be enlarged, double the qu tri y of v ting ladv .s istants being required to meet the i creasing trade in ibis depa< • un.iifc W EDDING DRE'SES made to perfecion love y tes-es in iVo way lately turned oui wh oh should largely increase the deman i for tin m All Wedding Dre scs m ale by us bring yood luck. W. B. GIRLING YND CO., HALL OF COMMERCE

EVERY miVQ SELLING AT COST PRICE AT CAR 5> ? lUBONE DIR/-.C r IMfO lITERS, 15 i. R s n k i si . ■WANTED KNOWN [THE f"Ho'ving Persons sending tlieir ;(•().i re-st'-s to the Times Office will h-ar of something to their advantage : Mr M‘Pie rson (Inst address). Bitch Hill R. E. Ki nnai:, A watere Jam'H Judim, i ar.fley Dale M. Odiern ‘tt, Aw*tere Mr G"<‘ oh, Clarence Bridge Air Milne. Clarence Bridge, Opeijincc Kotiee E() V •TO 11ETT begsto inform lii" ’’'iblio of Blenheim and Surrounding D'-'-tnet that he has opened in M'-rk"t Street, South, (opposite London House) as Hairdresser Tobacconi t, Ferfumer, Where ''>«• h p s to obtain a fair • bar •(! I) Public Patronage. 257

JOB PRINTING THE Marlborough Times HACHIKK Printing Works MARK!TSTIiEET. BLENHEIM Coloured Printing In any Variety of Stylo. Promissoiy Notes (in book or form) Billheads; Cheques Statement ll“ada Letter and Note Heads Circulars, Me* us Pesters, Handbills Catalogues, Ac Ball Programmes Memorial and Show Cards, JQIRECT IMPORTERS OF Printing Stationery, &c i We execute all work at the. LOWEST PAYABLE RATES!! The Newest Styles In Types and Ornaments, and the Latest Typographic Novelties are constantly being added to the Plant Our Specimens Cannot be Surpassed either for Style or Price CARD AND" RABONR PROPRIETORS. gmaa& <■ New Zealand Railwiys ( PICTON SECTION. i Queen’s Birthday, May 24 h ON above date ordinary time table will be suspended, and trains will run as under, FARES, Saturday return tickets issued on May 21st, 23rd and 24th, will be available for return till May 25 th 426 BY ORDER. Dissolution of Partnership. rjPHE Partnership hitherto existp ing between the undersigned, trading as the Para Sawmill Company has been this day dissolved bv mutual consent — (Signed) JL M'ARINEY H. R. CUXDv J. g’ parkfs F, WOOLLEY. ■Witness : i C- - T . Bab nek. J Nay' 7th. 1387. 3S

REDWOOD BROS SPUIN'; .CHEEK. FLOUR MILLS, A |i| ; 0-s!i Purchasers oi Wheat l \ in uny quantities, and arc prepared to grist, lirough their new roller p-nejcs, a' G 1 p<-r bushel In o T I C E, rpjTE Undersigned begs to inel form the Public of Blenheim and Surrounding District that he has started business as Plimb r, Tr smhh, Gasfitter, Giuisii) t' , &c, and trust to receive a fair share cf support Wat Kit Tanks and HvnitAunic Raws, a speciality. Foiicmc and Ltkt Pumps fitted and repaired at the sliL'rtcst notice. I am a Competent Tradesman and know my trade, and will turn out nothing but. good and genuiue work. Note the Add it css : ARCH: RYE, [(Late of L , Foster.). HIG i STRE.LT BLENHEIM ('Next Ewart’s Hall.) N.B.— Phosphorus Vats, made with despatch. 382 A- OLD IRS I AW, MANUFACIUREK CON p KCTIO V BR, FRUITERER Market Street, Blenheim. Rll’E Fruits of the Season lmnd. Host quality, A order puic'tuall' attended to To the Licensing Commi tee o the District of Blenheim. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUB I JOAN’S LICENSE. T JAMES O’SULLIVAN, of 1 Blenheim, in .the Provincial District of-Marlborough; publican, do hereby give nctiee that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to’ he holden at Blenheim, on the 3rd day of June, 1887, apply for a certificate, authorising the issuing of a Publican’s License for the premises situate at the corner of Walter and Halifax Streets, Blenheim, known as the Empire 13 otel. Dated this 12th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. JAMES O’SULLIVAN. NOTICE. GENTLEMEN’S Clothing made to order f: m the Fines'. New Zealand Tw.edb 'u the shor est possible notice. STYLE & Fit GuAKAKTEKr. JAMS 3 SCOLLARD, ! tailor, &e j j Market Street, SouthFfxtjM&XMiU I rid e.

Don’t Forget to Call AT AND INSPECT iNEW bTOCK or Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes aod Pipes, JUST TO HAND.

Wairau Road Board. NOTICE OE PROPOSED STOPPAGE OF ROAD. XTOTICE is hereby given that ±\ the Line of Road described in the first paragraph hereunder is proposed to be STOPPED, and a New Road Line opened, as described in the second paragraph hereunder. 1. ROAD PROPOSED TO BE STOPPED. All that line of road 100 links in width commencing at the North-east corner of section 51, North Bank of Wairau, and running in a Southwesterly direction to the South-west corner of the Said section, excepting those portions of the road where the new road line crosses the same. Bounded on the West, the North and Northwest by section 51 in the said District and by Hannom’s Creek, and bounded on the East, South, and South-east by said creek and section 104 in the said District, more particularly delineated on the plans of the above described roads hereafter referred to. 2. NEW ROAD. All that newly surveyed Line of Road running between sections 51 and 104, North Bank of Wairau, in the said District, and which is more particularly delineated on the plans of the above described roads hereafter referred to. NOTICE is hereby given that Plans of the above-mentioned roads now lie open for public inspection at the Office of the Wairau Itoad I Board in Blenheim. | B\ order of the Board. 1 C. J- W. GRIFFITHS, 357 Secretary. Blenheim, May stli, ISB7. Notice. 4 LL Accounts owing to the late xX M. A. Hathaway must he paid or arranged for by the fourth of June, or will be sued for without further notice 11. M. HATHAWAY. W 7ANTED —A Runner for the Times Apply to * S. RABOXE. \J ANTED A Good General H Servant, Apply mis AUGUSTUS. 1 412 Blenheim.

GEORGE D. MASON, WATCH MAKER AND (JEWELLeR Rothcram’g Celebrated ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES Prom L 7 SWISS WATCHES From L2 10a and upwards ry 1 GOLDHAND SILVER WATCHES ‘ and Earrings, Chains, L >ekcts. Pendant 8, Sards, Necklets, &c Eight Day and hirty ILmr American CLcks and ALrums Every description of Watches, Clocks and cleaned n/j i^iviire.l MavRKF-T PLACE BLENHEIM OPENING NOTICE. J. B. PIGOTT EGB to inform his friends o,n< the public of Blenheim and Stir- ; rounding Districts that ho has COMMENCED BUSINESS | IN Market Street I i (Opposite tiie Criterion Hotel) As CLOTHIER, H VITER AND GENERAL OUTFITTER And will show a first c’ass variety of Gents’ White Oxford and Regat'a Shirts, Undershirts, Pants,. Jtlose Ties, Scarfs, Hard and Soft Felt Hats, &c. All of the best quality and Fit. The Tailoring Department will bo a specialt y ard a pc fee lit guaranty u. Hard Felt Hats in any parthuLr shape O’* color made to oid- r. 5 PIGOTT Late of W: B. Girling & (Jo F Y 0 TJ VV ANT A GOOD CUP OF-COFFEE v and; A HOT PIE GO TO A.. GLDlisiitAli AW. Between 9 am & 10 i*.«. D.uu Delivered to any Part of the District on the Deferred Payment System. Auv description of MO.*I :A < INSTRUMENT Procured. CARD & lIA BONE, Blenheim. T , rr -. r « * r t A l\ » it i: 1 i v btr pliens Inas, v ARD AN

MONEY TO LfND. QEYERAL SUMS Money to T.entl on First chip Freehold Security at current rales o interi st, BOGKR3 A' BARLEYMAN, 22 Solicitors. May 24th Gcvernn: ent Insurance HE .Resident Agent for the t[ Uisiriet (Mr Louie) being hove for a few days will be pleased to meet any policy holders between 9 and 10 in the Chief Postmask r’s Poem Post Oflice. 892 M iket Street South, Blenheim /ROM F and Try the XEAY *\_J T(; BA C< '< ts (full flavored) lUmn-b Cut compressed (mild) L um line cut <•< npressed Virginia J{ \l. .■• ho. the 3) (' ,g. T also beep Colonel ci Ross’ Patent. Filter PIPE. CEO I'AfCfiETT, j.jG Hairdresser and Perfumer.

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume IX, Issue 20902, 21 May 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume IX, Issue 20902, 21 May 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume IX, Issue 20902, 21 May 1887, Page 3