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THE EASTERN QUESTION. Telegrams from Constantinople of Dec 11th, on the alleged ncgociations between Russia and Turkey, confirm the statement that the Saltan is discussing a secret convention with the Czar for the withdrawal of the Turkish suzerainty over Bulgaria in favor of Russia. Russia has resumed action on the candidature of .Prince Nicholas of Mingrelio, nod has made further statements to th« Powers, asking for more definite statements of their respective vfews. Gadban Pasha, (lie special delegate ol’the Sultan, is at Sofia, and is resorting lo the same methods as Kaulbnrs to inGmidate the Bulgarian Government. He lias assumed on intolerable tone of arrogance. The situation is appro idling a climax, and the Porte will not he permitted to harass the Bulgarian Government, as it is doing now. Prince Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg Gotha, after a long talk with Count Kaluoky, received the Bulgarian deputation on December 14th. The Prince told the deputation that lie was willing to accept, the Bulgarian Throne, if the Subrange elected him, and the Powers confirmed* their choice. It is reported that negotiations have been opened at St. Petersburg, and the deputation awaits the Czar’s reply. The candidature is generally favorably considered in Europe. The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh vigorously support him, and are using all their inllur-nee at Berlin and St. Petersburg. 1 he Prince of Hesse is also warmly in suppnit. J t is rumored that the Emperor Wihiam has written to tlia Czar advising him to accept the Prince Ferdinand. The Russian Ambassador at Vienna iidormcdjhe Bulgarian deputation on th'c Kith that Russia ia unable to recognise the Prince as a candidate, or to notice any proposal on that matter emanating from the Regency. AMERICAN SUMMARY. Sax Fjmxcisco, Dec 18: L E Meyeis. ohampion runner, is a paaneiiuer by Die Zealandia for Sydney. Apprehension is felt of an uprising of negroes in the southrm Statis. They refuse to they legal processes, and resist the collection of di bt to the extent of using firearms on the collectors. Robbery and murder were rife in South Carolina by colored people calling themselves the Gr ind United Order of Nationalßrotberß, Tremendous dibits are being made to stop the prosecution of the bribed cx-Al-derman of New York. Embracery is cxtc-i ivHy reso! t"d t". and large sums are paid jurois that there are many anxious candida'ep. A new orgsniz itioii called ,£ The Batriot’s l,i agua” was f. rmed in Chicago on •tth Dt cumber, the purpose of which is to count'tact the influence of AnarchisP. and prevent them fiom carrying out their designs, Mr JUney George, the defeated labor cand date for Mayor, proposes lo publish a weekly paper in New York to he called the Standard. Air George llazlctt and Miss Sadie Allen of Biiihdo, went tlnough the Niagara rapids and whirlpool on Nov. 28 in a torpedo shaped barrel, used by Hazlott and Rons last summer. They were in the rapids and whirlpool for live minutes, and were taken out of the *ddy on the Canadian side just below the whirlpool three-quarters of ail hour later in good condition. Miss Allen is a respectable girl IS years of age.] The interior of the statue of Liberty, oil Bcdloes Island. New York, caught lire on the 2.'!rd November, and it was only by the hardest work that a bad lire was avoided and Bartholdi s great statue was saved from ruin. John W. Young, Da Mormon leader, a son of Brigham Young, was in Now York on November golli, «i!li a scheme for silling all the .Mormon possessions in t r * nil and moving to Mexico. O’Donovan Rossa has > cflred from the Executive of the Fenian Ihotlierlieod. Dr Hamilton Wiliams, of Green Point, Brooklyn, succeeds him. Dr Williams is credited with having carried from Germany the knives with which Lord Fred. Ca'endisli and Air Burke were put to I ieces in Pluenix Park, Dublin. Severe earthquakes continue r.t isuiiimervil'e, Columbia, and Charleston, S.C. The shocks in the latter city are moro noisy ih in usual. No damage, however, is reported. The United Irishmen and Fenian Brotherhood have broken the seal of secrecy regarding flie r proceedings, ami have issued a long address to their friends on the subject of liossa, whom they accuse of fai.-ei.oofl, tieaclury, and insubordination, and many other crimes aaainst' lie order f o misfortune has befallen the brotherhood of late yen's for which Rossa is not responsible. Mr Erickson, who invented the American Monitor, has complied mid pu in operation an i ngine operated by bud derived from the sun’s rays. It is intended for use chiefly in hot. 'ountries. A lady, Mrs Laura T. Madison, of Richmond, Virginia, appealed to the Governor on the Gth, to have the stn'cticp of thp law executed without delay on a man named Cluverins, who was condemned to din’ll for having wrought seduction and death on her daughter, rannio Lillian Maclison. A terrible murine disaster occurred at * t»e Sin Francisco heads, a short distance

\ t*,rth-wcst of the Clift House, about three o’cio-k on toe morning of De.ember 47'.!i At. tint hoi r the winning birque Alla tie, which railed die day before on n enrse to lie South Lae fie, drifted on I flrire mi lln eiim 1 a tot 1 wreak. She had on hn-itda new of fit ty im n, ahftut J) of v horn vi re I'r'K'. u( d, a' l hough lln re j i» a hf’u vir.g station in the vicinity Ihe dis/ist. i is due to “moral causes. lln steam tug that, timed the ves«c< »<> *«'< dior.ped her b- fore she had given her suffi dent uflim', and jn-t «In n she let gn her tow rope the wind fi-1, and a lie ivy fog covered ev« jibing like a pa’l. The ca|ta n had in. hearing-, but knew he was being cariied in shore by the current, and lei, go two anchors to proven tnis. The anchors dragged and meantime tinwaves tore the vessel to p ears aim drowned the hapless sailors. Romo of the timbers p oked up on the slime wer found to be so rot ten that they cm.ll he crumbled in the hand, GERMANY. A despatch from Berlin of I) camber J Gth says that the public f ding of uneasiness, owing to war su>i\s, though without, a rlefini’e lends, is begi' ning visibly to affect business, anil it is riliably stated that, Count von Mnltke, at a dinner oti the 141,h, cave it as his opinio’i that there would be a war ivhdo the Emperor William lives. RUSSIA. I’lio Cz ir. says a despatch dated December 13, recently found on his writing table a letter announcing that the Nihilists would wait no longer for him to deliver the [people from Jbondagc. lie thereupon summoned the members of the Council, and ordered them to prepare a constitution suitable, to the condition of the Empire. At the same time he informed liis Minist rs that lie was determined to have an Annual Parliament at Moscow. The official Messenger of St Petersburg denies that Germany's attitude is hostile toward Russia, and insists that owing to their mutual and vital interests the relations between the two countries have become more consolidated.

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 2056, 11 January 1887, Page 3

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ADDITIONAL MAIL NEWS. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 2056, 11 January 1887, Page 3

ADDITIONAL MAIL NEWS. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 2056, 11 January 1887, Page 3