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Tiie Mayoralty.— ln another column Mr Henderson announces that he will address the burgesses at Ewart’s Hall on Monday evening-.

The Weather.— Capt- Edwin telegraphed at 3.56 p.m. yesterday “ Indications of bad weather approaching between south-east and south and west after 12 hours from now, glass rise within that time.” Cricket. —On the Wairau Club’s ground this afternoon a return match, Colonials v. All Comers, will be played, starting at 2 p.m. At Picton this afternoon a match will be p'ayed between the Picton and Koromiko Clubs. Picton Sports.— The programme for the sports to be held at Picton on the .Ist Nov. comprises ten events, nn 1 a splendid day’e sport should be enj tyed, The committee meet this evening to draw up the prize list, &o.

A Bolt. —Shortly before eleven o’clock last night a horse with a buggy, the property of Messrs Earll arid McKenzie, bolted from the Club Hotel, along Market and Alfred streets, across the railway line, and on to Fell Bros.’ wharf, where it came to a standstill. No damage was done.

Public Library. The new books just brought out from Home by Dr Clegborn for the Institu'e will be issued to subscriber* to-day. They comprise 19 works of fiction, 11 travels, science and philosophy 13, history and biography 6, poetiy 1, miscellaneous 10, total 60. Marlborough Racing Club. —At Thursday night’s meeting of the ItaclDg Club it was decided to adopt the now rule-i and that th* Club should be constituted the metropolitan club for Marl, bororgh, The Committee met again on Monday night to draw up programmes for both the Boxing Day and February meetings.

R.M. Court. —At the R.M. Court yesterday morning, before Mr AlleD, R.M., G. M. Mackay sued H, Townsend fo L 27 lO", amount of a dishonored bill drawn by C. Sowman and endorsed by Townsend and Sowman. Mr McNab appeared for the plaintiff. The defence was that Sowman had no authority to draw bills on behalf of the firm but, after taking evidence, Ilia Wership gave judgment for the plaintiff for the amount claimed with 30s costs and L 3 3s solicitor’s fee. Military Sforts,— The sports in connection with the Hussars’ Encampment will take place this afternocn in Dr.per’* paddock, commencing at 1 p,m, Tlu events are well selected and the prices re illy good for such an impromptu affair, and wiih fine weather the Hussars and their friends should thoroughly enjoy ihems-dviß to-day, the last day of the camp Seeing that so much interest was taken in yesterday’s proceedings liy the public, tlie Hussar Committee have generously determined to forego the entusiet. f.. p advertise 1 to be cli.-ir..--! f>r itdinissinn. The pub'ic wil , tl e ttorn, bp admitted to the gr uni f ; ee of tlnr.e. This is exceeding! v magnanimous oo the pait of the i!usims, who, fiu.rci.dly speaking, area k niggling troop, ior, doubtless, the sum collected in the admission charge would have considerably swelled the fends. A. and P. Society. -=»lt must be exceedingly encouragiug to the members of this Society, and, indeed, to all with thn cause of agricultural and pastoral interests at heart, to find such evidences of practical assistance as we have mentioned several times recently. The latest donations to the special prize fund are from the Hon. W. Clifford (per Mr E. J, Vavasour) L 5, and Mr Gomez LI Is. In sending his cheque the Hen. Mr Clifford regrets that, owing :o the fact of shearing commencing on the 22nd Nov., lie will Dot be ".hie to send any exhibits to the Spring Show.

Direct Shipment Appreciated. —The ‘Oamaru Mail’ 'is informed on good authority that wool-growers in Australia are sending their wool to this Colony in order to have it shipped Homo by the direct steamers, this mean 3 of transport enabling them t* make a considerable saving in freight Only recently. 1200 bales were sent here with this object in view. Land Sale.— At 2 o’olock this after* noon Messrs S'nclair and Maealistet will hold an important land sale at their rooms The land comprises some 53 rcres of the well-known Springlands estate and will be enbmiited for sde in conveniently sized blrcks. After this land has been offered an equity of rede option in a' o.i’ fire acres of fenced and improved land in the same neighborhood will be putup. The sale should attract considerable attention. The Dead Witness —ln the course of his speech in the Timaru poisoning case a good deal of merriment was caused by Mr Joynt’s ignorance respecting oue of the witnesses. He was declaimiug at the Crown for not having called Mrs Hall and other people. 11 Why,’' said the learned counsel, “ in Watkins’ chemist shop all the mixtures were compounded, yet, strange to say, Mr Watkins was not called.” The Attorney-General : “ Watkins is dead.” Mr Joynt collapsed and thu Court roared.

Church Services. The Rev T. S. Grace will preach to-morrw,morning and evening at the Church of the Nativity, and at Renwick a*. 3 p.m. The Rev. J. Crump will preach morning and evening at the town Wesleyan Church, a t Fairha'l at 3 p.m, Spring Creek 11 a.m., and 2Sv p.m, Mr Hay ; Grovetown 6.30 p.m. Mr Brewer ; Tua Marina 11 a.m. and. 6.30 p.m.. Mr Rose; The Pah, /. Hetaruka Warilii. Would miui 1 3 of other denominations kindly forward their plans. The Roman Hand. —ln a letter to our contemporary Mr Douslin whines out that “ the Roman hand is visible th ough, out this elegant masterpiece” (Mr Riley’s address) and that through the address - can be discerned Mr Henderson’s white flag.” We might retort that the Roman hand is pretty easily distinguishable in several of the letters, not excepting Mr Douslin’s, appearing in our eontempir.ry on tlie subject of the Mayo>-aUy, but we think it would be more io keeping with the dignity of the place and the election if these paltry inferences and contemptible inueudoe were dropped. Lecture —At Ewart’s Hall last evening Mr J. Evison lectured to a far audience on the subject "Is Ireland entitled to Home RuU ?” The lecturer in a vary able manner gave an historical sketch of Irish affairs from the time of H-nry II to the present day, describing in pathetic language the pir' suffered by the Irish-people the pernl laws, ihe attempts to force the Protestant faith upon Ireland, the successive s ruggles of the nation for Liberty and iodepeu le >ce, ondeloquently desmibing Patrick Suffic'd'* Siege of Limerick in tl e lime of Williun 111. Mr li vison quoted large'y from Burke and other standard writers oo Irish his'ory, coming down to our own times and the later struggles of Irelaud for poetical freedom. The lecture was able, eloquent and exceedingly moderate in tone, and the lectu er was frequently and loudly applauded.

Friendly Society’s Fete. A meeting was held last night to_receive tenders for privilege*, &c in connection with the Friendly Societies’ fete on 9th November. Mr R. M'Artney occupied the chair. The only tenders received for Publican’s Booths was that of D, Draper as follows :—No 1 L4,No2L 3, or for both L 7 10s. This tender was accepted on the last mentioned figures. Refreshment Booth—G. Wilkins L 6 5s 6d, J. 11. Marple Li. The tender of Mr YVilkins was actepted. Skittles—

Maurice A’Hearn LI 7s 61 (accepted). For the right if lawful games the only tender was that of W, Sheppard, 17s 6d, which was accepted. No tenders were received for the oyster stall or fancy goods stall. It was decided that Friday night 12th November, should be settling nignt, at the Odfello\vß’ Hall, Mr Kirby was, appointed gatekeeper. The prize schedule was fixed and will appear in o«r next issue. The meetiog'adjourned until Friday next at 7.30 p.m. In Bankruptcy. —An adjourned meeting of the creditors in thebankrupt estate of Mr S, P. McNab was held yesterday morning, there being present the Deputy Assignee (MrR. D. Nos worthy) Messrs James T. Robinson, W. T. Steer, J. B. Green, Fildrs, W, B. Girling, Jas. T, Robinson; C. J. W. Griffiths, and Stenhouse. Mr W. Sinclair appeared for the last named creditors. After some discussion it was decided upon the motim of Mr Sinclair seconded by Mr Griffiths that the meeting be adjourned for one month to enable the debtor to make some arrangement, the Deputy Assignee not to realise the assets in the meantime, and the areditors to he responsib'e for the re;jt due to Mr Jas. T. Robinson

His Natural Life. —Commenting on the verdict and sentence in the Hall case a aspccial correspondent says:—The accused were not kept long in suspense, and Miss Houston, who had borne the ordeal throughout wi th wonderful calmness and great nerve, though anxiety had given her face a wan and pinched expression, was once more a free woman. Hall appea r ed unmoved, and even after that terrible sentence had been passed upon him, ho was observed to speak to his coun-el with apparent unconcern. The sentence “Penal servitude for the rest of your natural life' 1 has a more terrible moaning than penal servitude for life,thouglnuany persons may not be aware of the distinction. Under the latter sentenco the prisoner may be discharged atler serving ten or fifteen years, but under the former he must pass all his life and die in gao 1 , except, of course, there are some extraordinary cjrcurm stances to revert to tiie trial again,

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1991, 23 October 1886, Page 2

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Marlborough Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1886. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1991, 23 October 1886, Page 2

Marlborough Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1886. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1991, 23 October 1886, Page 2