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South Star Hotel. t ; %. O’SULLIVAN HAVING become the proprietor of the above Hotel, respectfully solicits the patronage of the Marlborough public, and trusts by Cleanliness and Civility to share the same, hitherto so liberally accorded to his predecessor. Best Brands of Wines & Spirits. Cheap Music. AT Card & Rabone’s CLEARING SALE—--6 Victoria Music Books for ss, or 12 for 9s 6d 6 Chappells’ Music Boobs, ss, or 12 for 9s 6d A heap of Sheet Music at 6d per piece. Other goods equally cheap. jIIES & TUMICLIFFE, Coachbuilders AND Wheelwrights, GROVE ROAD. HAVING had erected more commodious premises, and purchased the latest improvements in machinery in connection with the trade are, now prepared to further maintain the reputation they have achieved throughout the Marlborough district. The best of workmen are only employed, including a first-class coach painter, and patrons can rely on any orders en trusted to their care being executed with neatness and dispatch. Please note the address— James and Tunnicliffe, COACHBUILDERS AND WHEELWRIGHTS. (Opposite Draper’s Hotel) GROVE ROAD, BLENHEIM. 60 D. Wemyss, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, Grovjc Road. Doors, sashes, mouldings, <fcc., always in Stock, *nd made on the Premises. 2371

THE LATEST ard BEST styles in PRINTING and BOOKBINDING executed with NEATNESS and DESPATCH at the TIMES OFFICE. Dr. SPEER. PRIVATE DISPENSARY, Palmerston Buildings, Foot of Queen-street, Auckland. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Norvous and Special Diseases. Dr Speer is a regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.B. Ho has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be tlio most expert Physician in his specialty in the United States. Young men and middle-aged men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Doss of Energy and Memory, Erruptious on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Bcrofula, Salt Rheum, Paralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, St. Vitus’Dance, Livor Complaint, Asthma, Catarrh, Heart Disease, Gravel, Piles, etc., and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do well to try the Doctor’s method of cure, as it will if properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral preparations; his treatment consists wholly in tho use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have Implanted in their systems, by improper use of calomel Beeds which produce an annual crop of disease. To snch he would say, oomo and bo healed. It matters not what your troubles may bo, come and let the Doctor examino your case. If it is CURABLE, HE WILL TZLT YOU BO J II IT IS EOT, HE will tell You that; for ho will not undertake a case unless he is confident of effecting a euro. It will oost you nothing for consultation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that the Doctor understands your case. Dr. S. cures Humours and Diseases of the Blood, and Ladies who arc afflicted by any of the following complaints Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, constipation and indigestion, pain in tha side and back, leuchorrca, etc., cto, 1 wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to perform impossibilities, or to hare miracnlons power. All applying to mo will receive my honest ppmi'op complaints. No experimenting, I willguaranVee a positive onjie in jvery case I undertake, or forfeit L2OO. Consultation ip QlTicp qf' by Letter, Free, Charges Moderate. Examination and advice LI. Call or address: Dr. H. J, Speer, Palmerston Buildings, Auckland, N.Z. Office Honrs: 9to 12,1 to 4,6 to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B, All Medicines necessary for a complete pure cgn bo sont free from observation on receipt o{ symptom)*.

REMEMBER THIS, JF YOU ARE SIO K. ff you are sick, HOP BITTERS wtl surely ajd nature ip leaking you ; wel again when all else fails, If you are comparatively well, but feel the need of a grand tonic and stimulant, never rest easy till you are made a new being by the use of American Co’s HOP BITTERS. * _ If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any of the numerous diseases of stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you remain ill, for American Go’s HOP BITTjSRS are a sovereign remedy in all such com* plaints, jf you are wasting away with any form of Kidney Disease, Btop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to American Co’s HOP BITTERS. If yon are sick with that terrible sickness Nervousness, you will find a " Balm in Gilead ip tfte use of American Co’s HOP BITTERS. If you are e frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade |your eystem against the scourge of malarial, epidemic, billious and intermittent fevers by the use of American Co’ 1 " HOP RFfTEp, If you have rough, pimply or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, American HOP BITTERS will give you fair akin, rich blood, the sweetest breath, health, and comfort. In short, they cure ALL Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, <£o, AND FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS wi be paid for a ca«e they wii! nit cure or help, or for anything impure or or injurious found in them. That poor, lediidden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few bottles cf American Hop Bitters, eosting but a trifle. bsi n i ! Will yod let them speeeb’ CLEANSE, bURIFY \AND 'ENRICH THE BLOOD WITH AMERICAN HOP BITTERS. And you will have no sickness, ro suffer ing or doctor’s bills to pay Sm if tha name of Dr Soule is blown •varjbottfejif ootjit is oonatarfsl ,

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1991, 23 October 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1991, 23 October 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1991, 23 October 1886, Page 4