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We are askel to remind members of the Fire Brigade of the adjourned meeting and practice to be held to-night. The s.s. Ilinemoa, with the Southern portion of the San Frauoisoo mail, left Auckland at 11 o’clock yesterday morn* iug. _ .

The tickets for Mr Griffiths’ Art Union are being rapidly disposed of. Over 70 have already been sold, and no doubt the full number (100) will be obtained before the 31st instant, the date fixed for the drawing. Early application for the remaining tickets should be made.

Major Webb inspected the Spring Creek Rifles on Friday night, about 27 men being present. A number of exorcises were gone through, after which the Mayor addressed the meD, congratulating them on the creditable appearance of their arms, and on theirgeneral efficiency. Lieutenant Watsoia was in command. Chess players in the District will be glad to know that the Club has commenced operations again, and for the future members will meet in the comfortable room at the back of Messrs Penney and Hcgman’B shop on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights.

Messrs Brown and Eyes insort an altered advertisement, which, in these hard time 3is worth studying. During the present week some extraordinary bargains will be offered,

On Saturday morning Mr Hudson, Secretary to tlie District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board received a letter from the Premier’s office, stating that the Board could at once take possession of the new hospital at Amersfoorle. The Omaka and Opawa Rivers were very high yesterday morning, and as it was raining heavily at the Tophouse, with a very low barometer,fears of a Hood were entertained. Last night the water had •lightly subsided. On Saturday nig lit it is said the barometer was lower than it had been since the great flood of 18GS. In crossing the Awatere ford yesterday morning a traveller was washed from his horse and io daDger of being drowned. However, be managed to scramble out and crossed higher up the stream, A meeting of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association Committee held at the Club Hotel on Saturday afternoon was attended by Messrs Maealister, YicePresident (iu the chair) Henderson, Paul, Gomez, Harding, VV, B. Parker and Watson, (Secretary). Four applications were received for the post of Seerotary to the Society at a salary-of 10 per cent on the receipts and Mr J. B, Green was elected to the post. Some discusssion took place on the question of which class of merino sheep the Loan and Mercantile Company’s Cup should be given, but nothing was definitely decided, A vote of thanks was accorded to the retiring Secretary, after which the Commit!ee adjourned. Mr Wm. Smith, who has so efficiently filled the post of bandmaster to the Friepdly Societies’ Band for some considerable time past, left for Melbourne on Saturday, wfieip he will probably carry on his trade as a tinsmjth. He will be much missed in Blenheim, and his loss to the Band is almost irreparable' Mr Harry Miller, son of Mr John Miller, left for Kimberley, via Sydney on Saturday. He was accompanied by Mr It. Allen, who has had considerable experience on the YVakamarina diggings ; just the man to succeed at Kimberley if success is possible on that goldfield, about which so many contradictory reports have lately been received. We wish all three good luck. The Borough Schools enquiry will be resumed at 7 o’clock to-night. It is to be hoped that the evidence will be completed in a few day’s time,as all concerned must be thoroughly weary of the business The proceedings have been up to the present kept quite secret, although it is under stood that the Committee are sifting the matter thoroughly. No witnesses have been refused, even though their.evidence lias only an indirect bearing on the questions at issue. The statement of our contemporary, that a technical objection had been raised to several of Miss Harding’s witnesses is, we understand, incorrect. No objections have beep raised and no evidence has been refused. It is probable that the Committee will make no recoromendatiou, but will simply forward the evidence to the Education Board as soon as the enquiry is concluded.

Despite the inclemency of the weather there waa a large attendance of spectators at McCallum’s paddock to witness the football match between the Marlborough and Dashwood Pass Clubs. Through pressure an our space we are unable to give a detailed account of the game, which was throughout enjoyable to players on both sides—in fact, one of the friendliest games that has been played here. The Dashwood Pass men, though they played a uphill game throughout, took their defeat in the utmoßt good spirit. On-the liDe-out the “ men of bone and sinew ” presented a striking app.earance in their white uniforms, and looked formidable enough to drive terror into the hearts of their opponents. Frank Dodson captained the Marlborough team, and Baltrop the Dashwood. From start to finish the local team had things very much their own way, the result being that they scored 27 points to the opponents’ five. _ All the Marlborough team played a rattling game Thompson, who played the best game on tiie field, Hathaway, Young and Williams beiog the most conspicuous. Hathaway scored three tries, F. Dodson, Pepper, Poole and Williams one each. Thomson placed two goals, 11, Mouatt one goal, and Williams kicked a neat goal from the field. For the losers Queally scored a try from which Salmond kicked a neat goal. Flynn, Baltrop and Queally played best, the first-named working very hard to score. Undoubtedly the feature of the game’was the splendid passing of the local team. The Dashwood team would, we feel sure have scored more points had they parsed more frequently, but with practice and a better knowledge of the game, no doubt they will be better able to cope with the Marlborough Club. A return match will be played in a fortnight’s time, The Dashwood team will then,wo believe, have some really good men in their ranks, and intend doing their utmost to retrieve their lost laurels.

One hundred and twenty aborigines die in N.S.W. annually.

In tho Sydney Parliament the other night, a member swore he would pass the N.S.W. Customs Duties Bill, or keep the House sittiug till “ Hell was frozen over.”

Edward Rowdon, who lately made himself notorious by his persecution of Lady Oonyers and her daughter, has just been committed for trial for libel in the Morning Post. This consisted in supplying a paragraph to that journal announcing his approaching marriage with the Honorable Yiolet Lane-Fox. It was supposed that the objeet was to extort money from the family. In the first place, he went uninvited to a party at Lord Salisbury's, and induced his Lordship in all good faith to introduee him to Miss Lane-Fox. _ He has never ceased persecuting the family since. He had only recently been discharged from prison, to which he had been committed on failing to find bail when Lady Conyers prosecuted him six months a^o.

The monthly meeting of the Picton Road Board was held on Saturday morning in the Blentieim Borough Council Chamber, all the members being present. The minutes were read and confirmed. Resolved—That permission be granted to Messrs Webster and Clemens to erect a fence across a road above the cemetery. Resolved—That a portion of Wnikawa Road near Mr Hein’s property be repaired A petition was received from ratepayers in the Cloudy Bay District asking that Pember’B Road be formed. Mr Powick moved and Mr Smith moved —That tea® be called for making 30 chains of the said road. Mr Standen moved as an amendment—That the matter stand over for future consideration. The amendment was seconded by Mr Avis and on a divisand the resolution carried on the casting vote of the Chairman, The Inspector was instructed to have such ion being asked for the following was the result :—Ayes, Messsrs Standen,Avis,and Leary ; Noes, Messrs Smith, Powick, and O'Sullivan. The amendment was lost repairs done to the main road ns may be necessary. Accounts to the amount of Ll2 14s were passed for payment, and the Board adjourned.

A wedding was celebrated on the 29th at Saints’ Church, Huntor s Hill, Sydnoy The bride was Miss Louise Wills, youngest daughter of Mr J. Fabian Will*, one of the oldest residents of Wellington, and sister of Mr W, Wills of Blenheim, and the bridegroom Mr James Murray Christie, eldest son of Mr John Christie, late of Fitzherbert Terrace. The bride win tastely attired in white cashmere mer~ vei lie satin and laoe, which became her romarkably well. The bridesmaids we r o Miss Christie (sister of the bridegroom), Miss M Neil and Miss Elsie M'Neil (sister and daughter of Mr Frank M’Nei', of Toronto, Hunter’B Hill). Messrs W. F, Christie and J, M'Neil acted as groomsmen. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr J. A. Grant, of Yass, N.S.W. At tho conclusion of the ceremony (which was performed by the Rev P. P. Spry Bailey),the Wedding March was rendered very beautifully by Madame Verney, The breakfast took place at the Belle Vue, The residence of Mr John Cnristie. Among the toasts none were more enthu • iasticaily received than that of New Zealand Friends. The happy pair later in the day drove to Sydney en route for Manly Beach.

Free By Post, or six penny stamps a Medical Treatise, by that eminent Frenca Hospital Physician and Parisian Specially Dr Rabonski, showing sufferers how they may cure themselves of Nervous Debility, Lost etc., etc., without consulting a medical man. Address Parisian, P.O. Box 766, Sydney. “ A boou to all desiring ‘ self-cure. ” —Medical Review.—Advt

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1940, 23 August 1886, Page 2

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1940, 23 August 1886, Page 2

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1940, 23 August 1886, Page 2