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An 01 dinary meeting of abovenamed body w«3 held in the Council Chambers on Thur&day, 19th inst, and was attended by all the members, Mr W. Reid being in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Correspondence.

Andrew Buchanan, Lower Shotover, wrote on behalf of Mr Nelson complaining that Mr Wicks of the Shotover hotel was threatening to stop Mr Neilson from going through his place to get on to the main road. The settlers had been going through the hotel grounds for 16 years and Mr Wicks stopped no one else but Mr Neilson.

The Engineer stated that the road runs along the terrace on the bank of the river and comes out at the hotel.

Cr Mcßride was of opinion that the part through which the public had been going was a public reserve. It was at the back of Chegwidden's smithy. Gates were erected on the roadline and Mr Wicks complained that they were left open. Cr Reid did not think that Mr Wicks was justified in stopping anyone. He did not think that the land in qi:est'on was freehold ; Mr Wicks held a grazing or some other right over it.

It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Engineer to make enquiries.

Macalister Bros, and Evans, wrote stating that the word "close" was used instead of the word " stop " in the resolution passed at last meeting of the Council in regard to the application of John Miller and Sons to close the road passing between section 38 and 43 and sections 44 and 45, block I, Lower Wanaka. Writers asked that the said road be stopped as provided by the "Public Works Act, 1894" and also that the Council pass a formal resolution to that effect.

Mr Evans, on behalf of his firm, was in attendance at the meeting and made further explanation regarding the matter.

It was resolved, on the motion of Crs McDougall and Mcßride—That the amended application of John Miller and Son tos stop the unused road between sections 38 and 43, and sections 44 and 45, block T, Lower Wanaka, be granted, and that the necessary steps be taken to stop the same under the provisions of '* The Public Works Act 1894," and that Councillor McDougall be appointed to preside at the meeting of ratepayers and that the provisions passed at last meeting re costs apply to this resolution.

Nicholas Marsh, police constable, stationed at Pembroke, wrote concerning the untoward circumstances of one Patrick Talty, 70 years of age, an old age pensioner and his son, Symon, 40 years of age. The latter was a deformed cripple and an imbecile, quite unable to work. Both of these lived together in a small hut and were badly off for clothes. They only had the old age pension to live on. Writer asked the Council to recommend the Charitable Aid Board to allow the son a few shillings per week ; his was a very deserving case. Cr McDougall upheld the statements contained in the letter and also stated that the case was one for charitable aid. He proposed that the Council recommend that the sum of 5s weekly be allowed by the Charitable Aid Board to Simon Talty, Cardrona, and that the application be made through the district member for the Charitable Aid Board.

C. W. Hursthouse, Chief Engineer Roads Department, wrote forwarding a schedule showing the position of the amounts that had been allocated for works in Lake County. All the votes had been authorised with the exception of the £IOO for liartins Bay to Lake Wakatipu and £2OO for Shotover Valley Road, and the matter of issuing authority for these works was now under consideration. The authorities in respect of Glenorchy to Government Hut (Dart River) £SO, Glenorchy to Routeburn £SO and Lennox Falls Works £BO, were forwarded. The Engineer stated that he had received the latter. The Public Works Estimates did not include tho votes under the Mines Department.

Cr Cockburn said that the Council should be in a position to have the votes expended as soon as the authorities were received.

Or Lambie suggested that the Engineer go up and lay off the work in the Shotover Valley as by taking such steps it would facilitate the getting of the money.

Tn regard to the Martins Bay-Lake Wakatipu grant of £IOO, the Engineor stated that most of the money would be required to be spent on the flat at the head of the Greenstone. This work would be confined to the people at the Caples and the Greenstone. He would ask for instructions as to whether the work was to be done by day labour or contract.

Cr Mcßride said that the money had hitherto been spent by day labour amongst the settlers at Martins Bay. Cr Birley agreed that this course had been adopted, but it would be a difficult thing to do this in the present work as the money was to be spent on the track between Lake Wakatipu and Martins Bay. The work should be divided as the amount of rates that came from the southern end of Martins Bay was very small. He would like to see the engineer go over and have something more definite done before the winter set in. Cr Cockbum considered that the local people should have a chance of getting a share of the work. Cr Birley said that ho was not in favor of the settlers having all the work. It might be divided between the Wakatipu and Martins Bay people. Cr McDougall considered that the Council should give the. local settlers preference for ordinary work in or about the settlement. Their emigration to such places would probably entitle them to it, especially if effective labour is produced. Cr Birley stated that the distance

between Martins Bay and Lake Wakatipu was 90 miles. On further discussion it was resolved that the work on the Martins Bay tracks be done by day labour.

Another communication was received from Mr C. W. Hursthouse stating that no money had been voted by Parliament for the construction of a biidgeover the Shotover river at Frankton. The question of any grant must await consideration in dealing with the estimates for next year. The Under Secretary, Mines Department, wrote refusing an application for £6,000 for the same bridge as there was no vote on the appropriations for the Mines Department.—Received. The clerk, Vincent County Council wrote forwarding copy of letter received from the Superintendent, Electric Lines, "Wellington, regarding the telephone office at Waitiri on tho year's takings. A refund of £6 15s lid was due, of which half was owing to the Lake County Council.—Received.

Geo. R. George, returning officer, Bluff Harbor Board, wrote asking the Council to proceed to the election of one member on the Board on 13th February for the ensuing two years.— It was decided to wire away at once to. Sir J. G. Ward to ask him if he would consent to re-elected, and if so that a meeting of the Council be called for the day mentioned above. Wm. Sasse, secretary Sunbeam dredge, Catdrona, wrote asking for extension of time in which to pay rates due on the dredge and claim owing to being unsuccessful for the past year.— Three months' extension given.

C. E. Gudgeon, agent for Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., wrote asking for a renewal of the Council's business with the company.— Business to be renewed.

Janet Cowan, Gibbston, wrote stating that as she was about to fence to the boundary of her ground the Council would requiie to make a new road as the present roadway went through her property. —Left to Engineer to attend to when Mrs Cowan has fenced.

John Duncan, Gibbston, wrote drawing attention to the state of the road leading to the Gibbston Coal Pit. Some places were rough and others required to be filled in.—Left to the Engineer to attend to. Macalister Bros, and Evans wrote asking for the return of Mr E. O'Fee's carrier's license fee of £5. Writers were instructed to sue for same if not paid. In a subsequent letter writers pointed out that the license issued to Mr O'Fee was not a license for various reasons.—Letter received.

Hugh Mitchell, liquidator for the New Prince Arthur G.D.Co., wrote stating that there were no funds to meet the rates due on the claim.—Received.

The Department of Labour, Wellington, notified the Council that it should decide at a spacial meeting what working day in the week should be observed for closing of shops at one o'clock.

Cr McDougall proposed that the half-holiday be observed on Thursday. Seconded by the Chairman. Cr Mcßride proposed as an amendment that the half-holiday be observed on Wednesday. Seconded by Cr Cockburn.

The amendment was supported by Crs Lambie, Birley and P. Reid and the motion by Crs Butson and McKibbin. The amendment was declared carried.

H. Birley made application for vehicle licenses for two drags, and A. Drake, Cardrona, applied for license for a waggon drawn by six or more horses.—.Licenses to be issued.

L. H. Preston, Town Clerk, Arrow, made application for the use of the road grader and terms for using same. —Application granted, the cost to be £6 per day, which covers all expenses.

A return of estimated revenue and expenditure for year ended 30th September, 1905, was laid on the table, and showed the expenditure (iucluding £llsO Government grant) to be £4640 and revenue (including Government grants £1150), £4707. It was resolved, on the motion of Crs McDougall and Butson, that the Finance Committee's report re above return be received ; also that it be a recommendation that the Council exercise as much economy as possible during the year. The Chairman stated that the Engineer principally prepared the statement.

H. McKenzie, Glenorchy, wrote complaining of a statement made by Councillor Birley and which appeared in the L.W. Mail, that the settlers of Martins Bay paid no County rates. This was a malicious falsehood as he could, certify that all of the settlers paid their rates except one. Cr Birley explained that he stated that little or no rates were coming in and the inference was not they were not paying any rates but that the amount coming in was very small compared with the amount being expended in the locality. The Clerk asked for permission to write off certain rates which might be considered unrecoverable. The auditor had recommended that this be done. The Council instructed the clerk to make out a list of rates which were unrecoverable. S. Jones, County ranger, sent in a report concerning cattle wandering on the County roads.—Report received and the ranger to be instructed that he must use a little more vigilance on the roads. Engineer's Report. To the Chairman and Councillors Lake County Council. Gentlemen,— I have the honor to submit my repovt for the period ending 19th January, as follows : Road and Works.—A serious slip occurred at the old Maori Point Slip, Skippers road, that blocked traffic for three days. I have found it necessary to underpin another portion of this slip and have ordered a supply of old rails from Railway department.—The work ordered at Cr Lambie's has been carried out.—The contracts on Cardrona road that were carried out by day labour are completed at a price much below that tendered. —The pipes for storing water at Yorky's Hill have been laid.—A new culvert has been put in at O'Neill's, Millers Flat, and drains deepened thereat.—The steel joists

for for Y. Creek Bridge have now come to hand and the erection of the bridge will be proceeded with forthwith.—l have to report a visit by Inspector Kelly from Road Engineer's Office, Dunedin, who inspected gravelling at Crown Terrace, the work at Cardrotia road and Coal Pit, and expressed satisfaction at the work done.

Contract.—Contract No 231, Gravelling at Crowu Terrace is now completed satisfactorily ami final payment recommended. Dovernment Votes.—Authorities have ■ en received for the following :—Glenorchy to Paradise, £25; Leunox Falls Tracks, £100; Glenorchy to Koutebouru, £SO; Glenorchy to Government Huts, Dart, £SO; several applications have been made for authorisation of the remaining votes but bo far those have not been received.

Road Gradtr.— I am pleased to report that very satisfactory work is being djne by the grader which when consolidated will effect improvements to the roads operated on; about 9 mites have been formed at an approxi mate cost of 2s 5J per chain, whilst if canied out in the ordinary way the cost wouTi be between Ss and 10s per chain. It was found necessary to procure a specially strong single furrow plough costing £l2. This was supplied by A. Storrie, Invercargill; and a swing plough has been order' d from Booth and Macdonald. I require instructions where the grader is now to be worked. Chas. C. Wabe, County Engineer.

Cr Mcßride wanted to know why the horses connected with the road grader were standing idle at times—for four hours at a stretch on one occasion when t'.ie horses were tied up to the fence, the driver lying down alonside smoking. Ha asked, were the contractors being paid for this time. He considered that less horses and less men might be employed. The Engineer did not think it was possible for the horses to be standing idle for so long. It was only during the time that the ploughing was commenced that the grader horses would be standing idle, and that was unavoidable. Cr McßiHe asked why the grader horses could not be utilised for ploughing.

The Engineer explained that all the horses were required. The grader men were often working over the eight hours which made up lost tiino.

Cr McKibbin considered that £3 per day for nine horses was very reasonable for the work done. The grader had proved itself to be a success. The Engineer stated that the grader had almost saved enough in wages, etc., to pay for itself. The work at present being done would all be paid for out of the Government grant for the Queenstown-Clyde road,

On being pressed for the time and place where the horses were standing idle Cr M'Bride would not commit himself, but he was prepared to bring witnesses to prove his assertions. The Engineer said that the grader work was new to him but he would see into the matter complained of by Cr Mcßride.

Requests were made by councillors for the grader for various roads in Lake County, when it was finally resolved on the motion of Crs McDougall and Cockburu—That the grader lie employed on the Queenstown and Arrow valley and afterwards at Mfc. Barker to the amount of £l5O exclusive of the amount spent from Queenstown to Meg bridge. Cr Birley asked that the zig-zag on the Routebourn track be taken in hand at once in accordance with the Government grant. The Engineer stated that he would visit the Head of Lake shortly. H. Upsdale and T. F. Richards made separate applications for the position of dog tax collector at 20 per cent. The former application was accepted. It was decided that the dog tax be the same as last year. It was also arranged, in view of no tender being received for dog collars, that the clerk

order collars from John Smart, saddler, Clyde.

The tenders of Messrs T. I. Milnes (Queenstown) and Cotter Bros. (Arrowtown) for supplies were accepted. The tender of H. Aldridge for blacksmithing work was also accepted, Accounts amounting to £759 lis 3|d were brought up and passed for payment. At the latter end of the meeting the following telegram was received from Sir J. G. Ward :—" I will be glad to represent the Lake County Council on the Bluff Harbor Board if the members of the Lake County Council do me the honor of electing me."

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2553, 27 January 1905, Page 5

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LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2553, 27 January 1905, Page 5

LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2553, 27 January 1905, Page 5