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Fuji Til K Bl.jOlt IS THK LIFK. | €rlarka s s j Blood ). Histure I r:i.: wkhld-famkd blood puri | 1 IKK AND KKBTOK.KR | IS W\RRANTED TO CLKAR THK I BLOOD Iroin all impurities fiom whatevei I wiu.<e Miisuc'. I i ■»-Scun y, Eczema, Skin ann I : • 'l' Blackheads, Piniph-s and Sir'' in <>i. it is a never-failing and jx'i !:.»c lit Cure. It ( ii'l>l t Soies. • ('men Sim iin tlie Neck. Lui' S'»e L^gs. I'uri'.- Blackheads or Pimples on the Face I ll e»\St(,!Hi vy< Cur> Uhers. ; Chios lilood and Skin Disease?. I Cure.-, Glandular Swellings. ! Cleans tlie Blood from all impure Matter, | Fiom m liaiever cause arisinu It i- a real specific for Gout and Rheumatic pains. I It-, remove* the cause from tlie Blood and I As il is Mixture is pleasant to the taste, aid warranted free from anything i: jurious to tin- most delicate constitution of fitlier sex, the Pioprit tors solicit sufferersi to give it a trial to tost its value. '• COMPLETELY HKALKD.' Mrs K. Berkshire writes: —• In the year ISSS, v\"heti ■ residing at Tunbiidge Wells, Kent, I caught cold, which led to inflammation of the bowels. I was attended by local doctors, and received Bome relief, but the following year it turned to fistula, from which I suffered for eight years ; and it was constantly discharging. I wap put under chloroform by two doctors, with a view to an operation, but they found that the fistula übs far inside, and an operation would have I <-'•!) loa dangerous. In 1889 a sicond - f";med. ami in 1804 a third. These u ere :tii o iM-isaiginjj; at the same tune. Tlie • «'iid <>! 1S!!3 I wis again 'examined by t»o ill t;ll>is to sre if tin operation was possible ; it \\ii- I'ljiuni tint an operation was out «t the ijiii-tion, as tliey siateii the inside was ridded with abscesses. Dining the whole of i his tune I was receiving me.iical attendance, in e \e;ti l eiiit: treated hy a herbal doctor in iif town, and receiving advice f>r four in ' a cloctoi. Du log ihe'aier frti t-uf this time I was a confirmed invalid, having to be carrried up and down stairs, and ihe doctors gafe up all hope of my iceovery. Iu June, 1595, I was advised '•y .fiiriuls to try ' Clarke's World fame B'ood Miic&ure.' After taking one l<rg< byt'li I found one large abscess gradually liHl'iiij.' up, I therefore continued taking the mix tare, also Clarke's Aperient Pills, and in time,, all three ahscesses were compit teiy Jiealed, and I wa9 able to walk as well as ever; and could eat and drink any ordinary food. lam pleased to say it was Ciiu'v 's Blood Mixture that effected the rue. having received no real benefit from lioc-.ij-. I should have written before, but wished to see if the cure was las in j. " Post Cilice, Cottonwood, Assiniboia, X.W.T., Canada, Oct 17th. 1898. " i'.S. I may sty that I can give you doetoi.-' iii.'iiies and names of fiiends to prove the tni:':i o: " hat I state. IP irehased the mixtniat 'he Sussex Driifif Stores, Tunbndge Wt-1 s, my name and adress then being Miss iv ii rmr, 5, Warwick Co.tages, Frank l'o.cs ■■-, Tuabridge Wells." Mr W. BAISS writes : "1 MiHcied from a wound iu my leg for six y. ars. Seeing 'Clarke's Blood Mixture iid\i-ttt*ed in the paper, I thought I would gin' i; a trial, and I got a bottle. When -

Im'l liMsinti it 1 saw an impiovcment, and thci :oie coutiuued with the medicine, and it ci mpleiely cured my leg. This was saver:.l wmi-.j and I am pleased to say it has not broken out since, except ouce, when I ttruck it with a stone. I then took auother bo;tit; of 'Clarke's Blood Mixture, and it ucii'ii cured me, aud it has been all right ever -iiice. " Level Crossing, Slirpton Mallet, May 26, 1898." Mr WILLIAM BENDING writes: "I now write to let vou know that my >■ -i), ii. i (1 fourteen, has been cured by taking Ci.n k. '.s Biood Mixture. He has beeu «uft'. i im; tr< in abscesses on the leg, arm aod t,» i\'c t Brotnwich Hopital, but they M-ciiirtii to get. worse. Alter taking six i" il! s Hi Clarke's Blood Mixture aud some ofO il- .-alvc, tliev alt healed, and is able t.i walk, lie was as helpless as a baby for tun yearx, and bad to be carried to bed and iio« n-t.iir-i. He was able to eat but little, but us 5.,-oii as he began to take Clarke's Bo >J .Mixture he began to get cjuite hearty and strong. He could not walk with crutches even, but now be can walk withou them. Von are at liberty to publish this, "l;>7. Church Bridge, Oldbury, nr r Birmingham, Jan. 10, 189$.'' THOUSANDS" OF TESTIMONIALS OF WONDERFUL CUKES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. <'l n kc's Blood Mixture is sold in Buttle* '2-iO I each, and in casts containing six times the liiuiitity, lis—sufficient to effect a per* in,.i.i i,t cure in the great majority of long, siniid.'ii; cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS through, out Ihe world. Proprietors, TllK LINCOLN and Midlands Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England. Trade Mark—" Blojd Mixture." CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. CAU TiON.— Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should sec that they get the genuine arik'l . Worthless imitations aud substitutes ale sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words " Lincoln and Midbii.d Counties Drtlg Company, Lincoln, England," aie engravetl out! e Government Stamp, and "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mix lure," blown in the bottle, WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE.

K X r. : ~ K L» r = Ci j ~ ® c - - i—l' -i >4 H << <** < < << l. ' '<J' P, « a tl H 2 fc a y KiKiSii A Comfortable Two* Roomed COTTAGE ill ('nil [i street; Applv office of thia paper. \\ r ANTED, *bout' 50 CLEJIKS to help f > to re..d Teitimonuli rt " f'jSSL CUKA." Soit manufacturer, S. J. Lvaaa. 2s (id. .««....

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2293, 5 January 1900, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2293, 5 January 1900, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2293, 5 January 1900, Page 7