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tUUE QUALITY AND SCIENTIFIC METHODS. The guiding principles of my business arc I manufacture bat ouc (quality of goods, and that the best. The perfection of scientific skill in manipulation. The employment of assayed medicinal extract?, anil selected materials, thus securing uninfonnitj in all products. Neitness in printing, packing an! perfecting articles. Uniform price' aril those the most reasonable that can he made ou I inn est goods of first quality. I neither mint) facta re nor offer for sale articles that do not actually contain the medicinal ingredients required by the Pharniacopseial or other formula, from which they are prepared. PlLl.*.—From tilts date all my pills will be sent out of the laboratoiv. coat el with pure cane sugar. These pi I!s will dissolve iit water (blood heat) in a shorter space of time than any other pi'ls on the mirket. Xo gum or resinous varnish whatever is used, nor a temperature above Mo>l heat employed in thrir manufacture. Hea:etiie realy solubility of these pills. Marshall's Podopiiyllin Pills are purely vegetable, they contain the extracted and concentrated virtues and active it medial principles of the Mandrake, which is acknonUd.'cd by all physicians to be the only plant that yields a drag that will cure disorders of the stomach and liver. ' • I also manufacture Corcil Pills for recent and chronic coughs. I/Antibiliocs Pills for heartburn, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches. ]/- Wind Pills far flatulency, and small complaints. 1/CoMPorsD Iron, Tiiosnioßrs. Qpinine and Strychnine Pill-, for all nervous disorders. 16. "SmrcK (Sold" Bitters (Marshall's registered).—A remedy whose potent influence invigorates aud reorganises the nervous system, and restocks. so to speak, the bank of the nerves with a paid-up capital that will withstand the severest drains under the most ex-acting circumstances. It is a real system strengthener and brain cnergivr: in fact, a regular thempontic S.-imsw, with a ! lueIdond pedigree, that dues i's work every tone, and nnder almost every condition. Price. 2. 61. Barilla Ash Scat. —\l Vinton and Thornton's g»nuin-\ as recomineudi-d by !'r K:r:;, fir sktn disorders and sleq tonnes*. Bars, I- to G each. Marshall's Corn Orf Cr h * lav \is acknowledged to lit- »iie Ust reined' - t- at w <v. r put n[>oii tiie market for the cure o: tue»e tioaMeacme exert-seno-s. 1 6 There is notldnji Ik° my o:>o\taT!co\ for rinViit tm/haciie, it usually j:i»»s telief instant •"e.'iisly. 1 - F-r d">o'ii«r>« > f the d st've «y«t-m, for 1 ,v* 1 tas*« i;i :!i ni f'-r »r.i.n.ih c •m' \ii ts. u-c ! Marshall's >p-riA?. Tr tt t:i: "r ."••r>o; :rvi i i -.i. J MaPshiu's I . }!P IM' PliT-U:" IV I - are I fretael f.•»»» tl.»- very «t ♦sl ■al;ly i 1 a-t India ; lhui>rb. A'' an »(:• r •fiuii- r st;m ilate . slivr* sr»-»n «r »iy»j <ptic s.i n.aciis tl.ey an: in- 1 va'il •>'!". 1 - «'..!( in tit: l.«ad, rheumatism. > ■<:., yields in a s"iort t:t-> El*'Al.Vl'l l'> FXTI'A'T (MARSHALL'S.) It?--'- • I.lJremedy f-.r»kin di*orders, a ! - .i -:v!i• it s.> n r»I; ve«. i • r•>•Gl.y .1 <n! fa p n-ki t~f ' i%..v;r. . 'hit w:!f 1: .ke a Miitft j til !■ I Mt x rc.r-- in t 1 initio?, whieli, if I t •'» '• 10 !. •<,' To d:r*v'i •»•«. causa pimples, blotches, -tc , t-> disapjxar like nut^ic. M. MARSHALL, MANrracrrKiN.; Piiakmacm-tical Chemist, PKIXC&S !i r;KO!MK STRKETS, DI'XEDIX. HOI'SE AND COACH PA I NIL 11, Decorator and Paperhanoer, LEACII STREET, QTEEXSTOWX (Opposite Harp of Erin Hotel) DUX ED IX PIMrES! ■vrouEL's (ienrin 1: Glasgow J 1> DYNAMITE. Lin j aril extensive u«e lias established Xol.!-'s | to the purest. sa f » •♦', most relia!.le, h a-t ohjectiouahle in clj« workings, smallest cartridges, and by far the Sr&uXGEST Dtnamite Mancfactcred. Nobel s is line [Ualli-1 for mining, fjuarryin;, blastino iu wet or dry, solid or fissured 10 k, tunneling, breaking up wrecks, snnken rocks, blo'.vina out and splitting up tree root-, !>oui it-rs, etc., etfectin 3 ' immense savin.' m time, lalwr aud money. Insist—as is done in most plac;s— on only XOliF.L's (;LAS(;<)\V M \ Which all l»ears the Comtnnv sTrad» M tik. in«-lu 1ing the nimeof Alfred Xo'uel. the Inventor «»f the Dynamite. Beware ! D> not bj deceived by continental or colonial Lianas. NOBKL'S PATFAT <:r.LATIVI' Is 50 [K-r r-ut. stroi.-er tl..i:i f)vnr»ni!te uives f.?r less snv'k'- ; is as s.fc as dynaonie ; is .!..;v?r, k-ss shattering, and u.ose «-\p i i sis a-ti -n. insobdde in w-t - invan.i.'v n uta ns s .ft in winter, and is rir«tl w it" 1 fus,-. .i. r and dyuaml'e itou r :.i itn- •» tm- tn ini.-r ; »s I><. i>am;tc. • i r '»r< iiO'.v in ■**!) k. These i e:-»_- n. .r > twice as sfnn as trchV-furce dynamite ci|«, v.iii pert', tly eiplutle «ici .tine without the ai i ..f 1 dyn.fui'e ,v :;n r. If delating Detonators a>e 1 -.t av.ilal.le, in ouler unpleasant , t .to nrdina p y ?»"ii!>el's it'>rs shouhi al-v.i- n- ii' i ; fhe extr.l cap is pushed I I*. ' , ,Mr ri!..e alon-.'sidr the cap iu wttk-ii t !»; f i.+r is iiiHtrtetl, c»r ns€ a «*vii«nitiU; primer and a tiv l f .rce >lynariiit<: liet ui-itor. (Gelatine i» nearly everywh. re sujjt rseduig all Other explosives; proving itself to l.e the lust, safest, most rtf. irti* e ai.d ecouoiuical blasting compound ever invented. Necessirv double tape-fuse superior quality at Ordinary prio-s. and improveii size det.ina' for firin?. also submarine fus--, aI»o uarmiiiL' pans for thawing ilyninute when frozen; hut water 111 tiic outer part of these pans up to loOdei; fah. may i»e used with safetv. I»ynain:te and (ielatine always in stock. Users coo»ply with priuted ins:rn. tions issued \rifh every jib packa.t to avoid accidents and ensure success. Agent for NolwtFs Explosives Company (Limited), Glasgow: DALUETY i COMPANY, Ld. Dunedin.

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1586, 22 April 1887, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1586, 22 April 1887, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1586, 22 April 1887, Page 6