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(ntox OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT.). Dunedin, Thursday, 7.40 p.m. [ A lamentable caw of suicide occurred yesterday, when Mr E. S. Hay, a well-known solicitor, was discovered at liis residence in George-street, at about half-past three or four o'clock, in a dying condition. He was undressed, and had committed suicide by dcteiminedly cutting liis throat with a table-knife, which was found on a chair near his bed. Deceased was unmarried and resided with his sister. He has lately been subject to delusions. A meeting was held yesterday at the Town Hall re celebration of the jubilee. A number of resolutions were proposed, but all of them, including an institute scheme, were negatived. It was decided to bold a public meeting on the subject. Eight thousand sheep on J. C. Huckland's run, soil hy auction to-day under distraint for rent due to High School Board of Governors, fetched only Is 10d i head. The sale was protested against as illegal. At the Waste Lands Board meeting yesterday, Wm. Gillespie asked that section 15, block XIV., Lower Haw en, be opened for perpetual leasing. It wan decided that Government be recommended to set apart all undealt with land in this Mock on the perpetual leasing system. John J. Barclay asked Frrunssion to throw up 100 acres of section 8, block V*.. L>wer Hawea, and that the money paid for the whole section be credited to the purchase of the baUnce of the remainder, and, alao, that he he allow ed to exchange liis holding for a smaller section with water on it. The Board had no power to deal with the matter. A presentation of a gold Maltese cross wa3 made yesterday to Mrs Price, wife of South Dunedin borough clerk, for bravery in rescuing a lady at St. Clair bath 3. This Day, 10 a.m. Dr Brown has been appointed chairman of the Education Board. At inquest on Mr Hay, a verdict of temporary insanity was returned. The following license committee for the Queenstown district, I/»k« County, a r * gazetted James Douglas, J. I*., Fredk. Kvans, William Mason, J. P., Benjamin Rogers and Kuward T. Wing. (At the election in March there were no nominations for this district, and the Governor has now appointed those gentlemen who were elected lor the Greenstone district.) o p.m. Mr Carcw gave judgment in favor of plaintiffs in the case against Jockey Club, as to receiving moneys which had beta paid into the totalisator. CABLE NEWS. London, April IS. Baron NornenskjoM, who purposes leading an expedition to the Autartic, hops to stait about Christmas. The Protection v. Freetrade struggle Carried on in the Swedish Diet resulted m a complete victory for the uph ddcrs of Freetrade. In his speech at Kdiu'mrgh, the Marquis of Harrington said the time had not yet arrived for a satisfactory solution of the Irish difficulty. He urged that prior to any feasible attempt being made to influence the Irish party or to sacrifice the integrity of the Mm pi re it would he necesary for that party to ove:throw their revolutionary pnuciples. In? French Press have returned a furious onslaught on Knglaud. The charges compi *se quite a variety of sins against the French nation. 11l the House of Commons dining the debate on the Crim"a Bill, Colonel Saundersou accused Mi Sextm of attending a meeting < t the Ciar.ingall Murders Society when Kgau was elected president. Mi Sextou replied that Colonel .Saunderson was an infernal liar, ami threatened to cram the statement down his throat and thrash him within an inch of his life when he got him outside. A scene of terrific uproar ensued, but finally Colonel Saunderson and Mr Sexton, in deference to the Speaker, retracted the statements.

The 7V/.;»< ha? published afar n'mtilr letter, signed l»y Mr Paiitell, whicii it is l>elieved i.e addresser! t'» Patrick Kgnn tne week alter the l'hienix J'.irk murder?. Mr Parnell ex|lains that lie was comjelled to denounce the outrage as the only course open to him consistant with good policy, and altiiough he regretted the accident l»y which Lord F.tdeiirk Cavendish was murdered he admits that Mr F. H. Kurke got no more t!.an his deserts. A tremendous sensation has been caused by the publication of Mr Parnell's letter. lii an article dealing with it, the '/'iWs say* tiiat the published views of Messrs Sexton and Healv on the Phienix Park crimes are mere unblushing denials of t!ie accusation that the Farneliite? were as'Ocirted with the murderers. It talieves Mr Parnell feared bis life would be tndanpered if he publicly denounced the perpetrators of the murders. The Tim** challenges him to explain t 1 "- lct'cr, and calls attention t-a spee It he delivered two davs alter the tragedy, in which lie gng.ested that the deed was committed by enemies of the Land League. April 19. Mr Parnell Ir. th«> House of Commons last niuht declared that the letter in yesterday's Time a i 3 a villainous, barefaced forgery. night a division was taken on Mr Samuelson's motion that the Iri-di Crimes Hill be rejected. The motion was defeated by 1570 votes to 2G'). The bill was then lead a second tune without a division bein:: taken. After the second readine of the Crimes Hill was carried, Mr Sexton declared it would be useless to appeal to an KnjlUh jury. Mr (jladstone predicted that the a> t would produce a crop of secret societies and lead to an increase in crime.

LATEST. Cai.cctta, April 19. News has b»cn received from Afghanistan that engagement took plice south of Ghuznee between the Ghilzais rebels and the Ameer's troops, when the latter, who numbered 5000. were defeated. London, April 19. The Marquis of Ilartington challenged Mr Parnell to prosecute The Times for publication of letter alleged to be signed by him concerning the Pinenix Park outrage, in onler that the matter may be submitted to a judical test. April 20. The American and French Press assume that Mr Pari ell, after his indignant denial, will atraigu Th'. Time* in a court of law. Mr (iladstone, in an address to organisation known is the " Eighty Club," declares he never associated the Pamellitex with Ihe crime, and it is quite sufficient for Mr Parnell to deny tlie authenticity oi the lettir. The Timeschallenges .an inquiry, and at c\erv opportunity denounces the Crimes Hill, .and declares it will creat; crime throughout Ireland, and prove ineffectual in dealing with existing crimes. Marshall Razaine wa« lately stabbed out of revenue it is stated, for injuries inflicted oil Fiance by him during tiie Franco-German war. At the wool sales to-day a pood competition was manifested for all lots. 10,10<> biles were offered. Public opinion on the subject of Mr Parnell'* alleged letter is ad\erse to him. The Karl of Harrowby has given notice in the House of Lords that on Monday he will ask Government what policy they intend to pursue respecting France and the New Hebrides.

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1586, 22 April 1887, Page 5

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TELEGRAPHIC. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1586, 22 April 1887, Page 5

TELEGRAPHIC. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1586, 22 April 1887, Page 5