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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND. ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. The estates f.f persons who die, Laving neglecttd lo make their wills, and who hive npt any frii living in the eol-ny lendy to apply for administration, sue car.-fully administered, debts paid and residues rcmittrd to llk '<• 1c all< • eutitled t<- r. ceive tin-in. All persons art', however, urged to instrti.-t tlii'ir soli hi rs on to ih< ir w l's « l.ilst i" ]'•• s wio.i of henl'h and nnitn;i:*.ii*« d f.-tc lies. Inviolal lc seci-rity for the ■>.'. i men: of t ei: w'u-hvb i> a-»si-r d ly the appointment of tin- Public I'rnstee as sole Executor. No charge is made up-m Cm d pecit frr sf.: custody of a- y Will ly which the Put lie Tiu'ht«c is appointed Kxecut. r. Oilier Hi b may he dt-p ' sited on payment of a fte of Ten Sid lings. Siil'jc-t to the provi.-i<.ns of the Pul lc Tnut Othce Acs, any present trustee may tr in-sfer tin uian-tgHiicnt of tresf prop rty to th" PuMic Trus'ee, who will thereupon hold uu h properly iijon the i riginal trusts a't-aJi nj ih rem. 1 Jie h jalt» cif fe rap Heal-It* lo the «l.i :■?of es -t- sa' ovc refirred to is as Mlowg : On all r.-c in's of income i:n-i< i a Ir-is*. if. i ..]:.--..-.■ < ropeity under a will, t trnns er >l a<lniim>iriti noi ; 1 l,i c £.* pr een*. For lind.nn: l'ropcr y Tax iet-rn .i: U'-css r > ... 10/For itn-leiingStnmp A.- onm (if i.ciessaiyi 2/C per cent. \ Min. fee, £1 Fh-i.l tain iig prolate iif necessary) 7/d per cent. / Max. fee, £lO F<<r tiindd, il tin-sum hnt is undi-r £IOOO 2''/-per c nt. Pui iiiM-.' ing fuub. i: t!i- s.nn lent is our HlQjii 15/. per tent. Ilia I'uhlij Trust.e h.>!.ls Urge sums <.f ui«.n«-y .". r investment on real sr-curi'y at current rales of in'crost. Any » una may 1 e advam-cd < n fits'. mortgage of freehold pn-peity to the c.\te:;t of onehalf of rs actual valu*. Applications ft;r advances will lc received at the var'u us agencies. F.veiy po i \!i ■•:<!<. r under '-The Li e Assurance (Ymparns Ac, 1873," may register such pcliy within six months after the making tin re .f, on payment of a fee of !i>c shillings. Fok wore Detailed I.ntoiimation ah-ly to thk r a mors Local Agents, or to ti;e Pitelic TRrsiEK at Wellington. J. HICKSOX, AGENT AT CLYDE.

m# l i PAC, ™°* ASKYOURGROCER/ffi 'SMS for y my% \ lilA/^ ARE PACKING LFiiOR 'V/ARh v ore rn '^i M f LOUIS HE BEE??, VCKESSTOW.X | M T ?| , V ;;; AX Arrowtowx—i;o!;;:::t ;■!::tcftard.

A \ i N !•; X !' ■; K > .s 1 1 i. . , \ to jj o | 11 ;; i; s IM: AHU'STK Kl'i S! IiNTHS ELKCTUO GALVANIC, TEETHING NECKLET, Ki.dotscd :■;. ;!.. .••i,.'.,-i] jae :,.'\ of E p.; , and ~;. i.vinee.l t.y a!! Icadin;.' I'h\ -iciiitH Tin: (.kkatkst disjuyhky of tup: ages Vr.cKLKr before the New /• .tUnl |>'. I»' 1« <'•:<■ .:i co\crer titi:i provricrnr !»v fo dtaw sj-ecial af.'en- . inttciia! .•iirni-ii ini.; lite ii.n:i chain of irctaiiie s:.!<M.ii.ce.-< i- iiii;'iv.:.iti-l with a chemical so ufior, l.ann'ci- f. and yt-i .. nt.'.'---. »:'. :u»i<- h>w\t., ,\huh,:< i.cni'-r m»n:i.|i.o:ih lit*: t i-intii« •■: •r.h.n t-:n. aril The Xk- M.F.r : • i-"M • . i iin-:i;i ile-< in ::i-> i ?.-. 1-ut .\. mi.! i•, *:..■:•.'•.r-, >i>i' ,i :, e'e-- 'rticb- ::':c lujtiv ..f f(:ti so-ealie.l 1i01.t.-l • t;..u. .I'liiihcaw:..: i iwvbly pic-hiee a ... .-.. i r-., .'...-, a; inc.. a.c in tl.u essential requirement-, '.ii I cui-riot .incrate iwr i r.-.rue ;-......'rc effect*. Tlits Nr.:M.t:i :• the outcome c-f i loiiw-coiit nued .-.ic> .>f '•iVi*tiffnTitij» evperimenN by that well Vnown and eminent friend t an I -]f. u.i-t, I»r The l.'ii.r', •>.,. hadim; ni.-ii.-a' .10 irnal ..r tin- world, cay-: '"rite fa, t Ttic dix-oven ami invention of these Nwklkt- i- ..t.noi tin.! li> !'r lli.r-T.ituT i- a snir.cienl tfitanuitic a meant has at last been disco* ercl which «ill save tlie li.< of million- u( tmiilrtii. ami relieve. t!ie anviety of num niuih.•!•«." Alth.'.'.h new !« New Zealand, the e NiXK-trTs have Imri n-el f..r the 'ast fin- ycv.< with f!,e mnst voxDWim, ki'vcrhs in !'■.■.' in.:, on Ire ''.iMiiittit, an.! in tl.e liiitcd State.-, aie i../.. .i,::.-Innt 1% preocnUJ 1 v tiie nio-t eminent iihv.-iciang in ti.i it .:.!.!< ;.| .. 'a e. ' It i- iicnlitv. to n,!i.tni tit on M.c an\iou« am! 0.;p"!i«i. nl-hff" pa-wed In thon and- of mothcr-i unrimr the "sinful period of 'he teetliin- ot infanta, h. y d.n Inn/, to an iintiineiv -i.i> e h..:..'.ie !«. of, whose li\ca niiifh: haie been soved by the use ot r).e i.i.u|-!c N'u K!>r. In addition to the relief from isiin a(T. I by tin; Nitx - t>LKT d the !eri.»l of denti'i.i;,, by i*s nerve Kivin™ force it ward- off and |.iew:.r- Mux-lv. vu..,i.;iii- Cinti/ii, Searlet K.-nr, C'roiio and Chieki-n i'o\, thus leiieving children ef its iii.iityi.lvin, at..; .l.ul.ieti;n ■; the lent ..[ . .-i\ «ho iii'okes i!>,i: •. It ilnr-t. ;i..-r ba- u|>'H>i>iU-.l XI..- t- J. C'u.M:au .t «'>., Am Hand, l.i- «o!e airenrs in New Zcdtind for th? sale of thcjm N».hi u.-. i.: v. • ..ll' .mil the\ i-..'i be !. The nri.<- l,i.- in- n o'a,.-.! at the leiy loiv-t [o-sible point, barely covering

A Mr rr*j»ii r> iu«'i> virtue* a> .1 i..::i„ii:a; n 1k.,-1 ,'n-c u.i rev.-.j-t u»' win- i", in |.o%ui uctf r.F.M::>:n!.K Tims. If yon <\ro .si. k Hop Uitti is will sun ly aid in making ji'ii ucll when ;i!i clm- [nils. If you an- csiixe or •Iy"|H.|»ti«*. or ,vt ftufF* nuts f• run any other of the numerous diseases of Hie dtoinmli or l»"W»!«. it is your «•« 11 t.ui't if v'» uin.tin i'i, 1;: !i '(; •' ,ii ;s ij it seven ig:i it iiii-<!y :>i ail such fumjii.iiiiH. If y.:u art: Nervous use of Hop Bilters. If you have ro'n'h, pimply, or w.iciw.skiii. ••*»l '.(••itii, |aillS :""l .1 !l'«, :'.lnl f' f ! nrs-r illi" ener.ll'y. H'.p Kiiti ib w i'l phv yon fair ok li, i i>!i blond, and sweetest hie.nth, ami Ileal(h. T''at |sinr, 1 1- i| j.1.1i Mi. iuvaliii uifc, sis'< r. in •'.! «-r, or •! ui. li.'i r. i; >i be made the picture of lc aM. '•> Ani-iioaii I'o'h II i|i |".i;tt:i». costing bin ;i trifle Will V'H l't i In in Mill, i ? In .In rt tin.-) cue all r>i*cnse« of the Moniarl' H ■>«.!<. B'oo.l. Liver, N'ciM-s. Ki -1 <m s. liri_bt\ IliMiim-. £.""') will In- |iai.i fir a •a'- they ui.j i»t •: cure or help.' i>rii £ ..i.-ts ami (.'huuisb, kiep. PKOSECTTK TIIK SWIM)! 1 l:s ! ! If »h«m von call for American li p Uitic.s (*<■>■ nrn-ii tirhj of Uoji* cu .lif white Inht! ond l*r ,\oul*'s ii'iiuc I'lovh '•„ ~'« 'wjlilv), tin- von ii.r h.imis out anyiiiii>i> I.ut Anirrinin Ni• j. Hitter*, it it aII'I shun that vendor as yon uonld a vipei ; ami if he h.;:< taken your money f<>r unythhui flue indict him for tin- fraud and sue liini for damages ft it tin: swindle, and we will pay yon liberally for the coiivictit.n. Plorilink..—For tiik Tketh ami Bhkath.—A few drops of the liijuii! r'ioriline spri.ik'ed on a wet ooth-bnuh, produces a plwwjui; lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites oi itnpnritie*, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops leeay.jnves to the teeth a peculiar [nearly whitenexa, iinl a delightful fragrance to the breath. It renovea all unpleasant odour arising from decayed ecth or tobacco smoke. The Fri.rant Floriiine teinv' composed in part of honey and sweet herbs .s delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilet dis•overy of the age. Price 2s 6d, of all Chemists and Perfumers. Wholesale depot removed to 33, barringdon llavl, London,

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1583, 1 April 1887, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1583, 1 April 1887, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1583, 1 April 1887, Page 6