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THE PUBLIC TRUST OfflCE OF NEW ZEALAND. ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. The estates of persons who die, having neglected to make their will«, and who have not any friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, are carefully administered, debts paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. All persons are, however, urged to instruct their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee as sole Executor. No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee is appointed Executor. Other Wills may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. Subject to the provisions of the Public Trust Office Acts, any present trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, who will thereupon hold such property upon the original trusts attaching thereto. The scale of fees applicable to the classes of estates above referred to is as follows : On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 per cent. For rendering Property Tax return (if necessary) 10/For rendering Stamp Account (if necessary) 2/6 per cent. \ Min. fee, £1 For obtaining probate (if necessary) 7/6 per cent. / Mux. fee, £lO For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £IOOO ... 20/-per cent. For investing funds, if the sum lent is over £IOOO 15/- per cent. The Public Trustee holds large sums of money for investment on real security at current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold property to the extent of onehalf of its actual value. Applications for advances will be received at the various agencies. Every policyholder under "The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873," may register such policy within six months after the making thereof, on payment of a fee of five shillings. For more Detailed Information apply to the vartot*s Local Agents, or to the J. HICKSON, AGENT AT CLYDE.

TOTOftKBB?^^ ESTABLISHED ia7q III!/ :-IK* ASKYOURGROCE, FOR X" AND SEE THAT . YOU GET/ IKIK |p H^V^v*'OßiCl»iAL ' O'.V/fJC TO THE ' GPEA T NAME THESE y TEAS HAVE. MADE I y$ V HUNDREDS THROUGHOUT "Y THE COLONIES ARE PACKING x - ALL HNDS OF INFERIOR v) MIXTURES IN FANCY PACKETS u TO TEMPT THE PUBLIC 'S&r BEWARE OF THESE IMITATIONS ''&' SEE CIRCULARS FOR PRESS """wg AOENTS : ~ f LOUIS DE BEER, QIEENW.VN j M j MALAGHANi Arrowtowx—ROßEßT PRITCHARD. i N INEXPRE SSII} LED 0 0 N TO MOTHERS! Dr AUOUSTE KTUSTEINFR'S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET, Endorsed by the Medical Faculity r.' Europe, ami pronounced by a'! leading Physicians THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE ACE! In placing the Elfctric Xecklet before the New Zealand public, the- discoverer ami proprietor heirs to draw special attention to the (a.t thai the material surrounding the inner chain of metallic substances i" impregnated with a chemical solution, l.arni'-s.- i" it-tlf, and yet containing titanic powers which generate a continuous liu'ht current of galvanism, ami the Necklet in '•oii«c.)Ucncc contain'! all the virtues of a miniature batti ry, and is therefore, nut a ii*clcasarticle like many of the so-called electrical appliance-, which cannot jOssihly produce any g00"' *«uilt" ns tiini in. im-omnlKtn in fhn most essentcil trauiremint-, and cannot generate galianirm nor produce galvanic e "hi-" Nkcki frr is tin <mti ome of >. !■ •■ •■ : tin 1 series of investiirftting expcrimei ts by that Hell-known and eminent ,v..t'-t and >pcci.Mi-t, l>r Augu-te Ku - r who i.- the highest European autnority on all diseases of women and children. The l.nnc.i, the leading medical j.-.n .. •■: the world, say.-: "The fact that the discovery ami invention of these Necklets i- announced by l>r Kurstcmc' i- a - :!.i icnt guarantee that a means has at last been discovered which will save the tin-sol millions of children, an! relic, e th. ~n\;. t\ of many mothers." Although new to New Zealand, these Netkletm have been used for the last five- with the moot wonderful siccess in England, on the Continent, and in the I'nited States, and are now constantly prescribed by the most eminent physicians in their daily practice. It i» needless to on the anxious and slccples« nights passed by thousands of mother- during the painful p.-riod of the teething <»f infants. Every, day brings to an untimely grave hundreds of infanta whose lives might have been saved by the use of the simple Necklet. In addition to the relief from i>ain afforded by the Neckltt during the period of dentition, hy its nerve giving force it N off ;... 1 prevents Mcx-lc-, Whooping Cough, S.-irlct rever, Croup and Chicken l'ox, thus relieving children of its martyi.! .m, and :;laddcniiig the heurt 01 every mother who invokes i'* -id. It K'irsteiner has ap|>ointcd Me—ts J. CoSUAD >v Co.. Auckland, hi- agents in New Zealand for the sale of these Necklets, of whom only tic;, can be cbtaineil. Th. price has been placid r.: the wry lowest po'sible point, barely covering the c-t of imimrtati'.n. and i- within the reach of all, as on.- Necklet will last a life-time. A-ide from its ni.-mi virtue* ..- a remedial and preventive agent, th" is a handsome ornament, and will be sent post free uii receipt of One l'ouud, b} postal note, money order or registered letter. No cheques received. Address-J. CON HAD & CO., P.O. P.ox 40S, Auckland, N.Z.

Kemkmber 1 HIS. If you are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making you well when ail else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any otlier of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault it you remain ill, for Hop Hitters is a sovereign remedy in ail such complaints. If you are Nervous use of Hop Bitters. If you have pimply, or sallow-skin, had breath, pains and ached, and feel miserable generally. Hop Hitters will give you fair skin, lich blood, and sweetest breath, and health. That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by American Co.'s Hop Hitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer? In short they cure ail Diseases of the stomach, Bowels, Blood. Liver, Nerves. Kidneys, Bright's Disease. £SOO will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Druggists and Chemists keep. rKOSKCXTE THE SWINM.KKS ! ! If when you call for American Hop Hitters (*ce f/rrrn twig of Hops on Jit white lulu! and Dr Soule'« name blown in th<- bottle), the vendor hands out anything but American Hop Hitters, refuse it and shun that vendor as you would a viper ; and if he has taken your money for anything eUe indict him for the fraud and sue him for damages for the swindle, and we will pay you liberally for the conviction. Floriunk.—For thk Tkkth and Bkkath.—A few drops of the liquid Floriline sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush, products a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the eunis, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. The Fragrant Floriline being composed in part of honey and sweet herbs is delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilet discovery of the age. Price 2s 6d, of all Chemists and Perfumers. Wholesale depot removed to 33, Farringdon Road, London.

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1582, 25 March 1887, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1582, 25 March 1887, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1582, 25 March 1887, Page 6