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Lake Wakatip Mail. QUEENSTOWN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1887.

The following is the business set down for hearing nt the District Court on Monday:—Civil rises— Smith v. Fischer (damages i' 100), ami Miller v. IJutemeut (claim for i'lb), cost of destroying rabbits). bankruptcy eases -In re Peter Henderson, .1. P. M'Leery and J. Smith (orders of discharge) ; T. (iihson and (i. Woodrow (orders for release of deputy official assignees). Probate— In rr Andrew Southl>erg and L, tie l'.eer. Mr Blight, Wcsleyan minister, who is alwut leaving this district for Core, will preach a farewell sermon at the Foresters' Hall, (Jneenstown, on Sunday morning next. We hear that Mr J. M'Donald, of this town, is the successful tenderer for the erection of the new Masonic Hall, Arrowtown. The Wakatipu Hospital has been very full of indoor patients of late—lß to 20. This means a he.ivy expense, but contributions are unfortunately ;oming in slowly, and the committee request that subscribers will make an effort to pay up before the end of the present financial year—Thursday next. Defaulting county ratepayers are reminded that unless th'-y pay up their arrears by the ."{lst instant ■ Thursday next), their names will be o uittcd from the electoral roil. In view of the recent disclosures and general dissatisfaction with the past administration of affairs, the matter is one of vital interest -the more especially that a general election of the Council is to tike place in September next. The Harp of Etin livery stables have changed hands, the new lessee being Mr John Robertson, for many years driver for Messrs Craig and Co.'s mail line of coaches between Cromwell and this town. If Mr Robertson i. as civil vm\ obliging, and displays the same care and attention in his new until rUking as be lias invar ably done on the road, we have liille doubt that iie will meet the reward of success he so well deserves. On retiring from his late occupation, he was presented at Cromwell with a purse of sovereigns from a number of friends. Mr Robertson's successor is Mr R. Craig, a nephew j of the firm of Craig and Co. At last week's meeting of the Waste Lands Board, ' Dtmedjn, W. I». Sopcr asked reconsideration o r \ the Rood's decision to forfeit his lcens*- for section 3, llrtk 111., Kiiii'Ston, ns he had forwarded the interest due by him nn same. Consideration was deferred, pending repoit from the receiver. An in ;iiest whs held at tin- •'ourt-honse, Queenstown, on Saturday, before MrC. C. I'oyes, coroner,

and the u.-ual jury (Mr If. I'psdale, foreman), touching the Uta W. Scott, shepherd, at Mount Nicholas Station, and whose body was found in the Von lsi»er on the 17th instant. The remains, which bad lain in the water some ten days, were to Quectistown (contrary to instructions of the coiou. r) in a coffin, and were so discolored mid in such a state n{ decomposition that the jury considered it practically useless to view them. They were (piite sitit>tii'd with the evident of Trooper Downey and deceased's brother, who took the body out of the water, and averred that there were no marks of violence upon it. A verdict of found drowned was returned. Deceased was a young man, native of Dumfties, Scotland. It is grat f yin, # to Lam that some of our Fire Insurance Con.panits have made substantial recognition of the services of the local Volunteer Fire Brigade during the recent tire—at which time they not only saved the greater portion of the

Harp of Friii Livery Stables, but also prevented , what would otherwise have ben an alarming extension of the flames. This township might ha\e met the fate of (iishorne, Napier and other places, by being neai ly devastated, but for the great advantages of an excellent watir supply, and the well-kept appliances of a disciplined tire brigade. The prompt action of the latter has been recognised by the Union and National Insurance Companies, and also by Mrs M'Bride (whose extensive hotel was wived), by handsome donations. The present should be a fitting opportunity for the initiation of a sick and accident fund, which question it would be well for the Brigade to consider at its next meeting. We are not aware what further action has been taken towards the proposed erection of a new hell-tower, but we are oi opinion that when it does take place it is very important that a new and larger hell than the present old one should be put up, in order not that its tongue may be easily distinguished from all tinklers, but also that it may be clearly heard throughout the town. We hope an etfoit will lie made in the direction indicated, and have no doub\ if taken iu baud properly, the thing will be accomplished. "Rouen on Catarrh " corrects offensive cuors at once. Complete cure of worst chronic cases; also tuiequaiied ae gargle for diptheria, sore throat, foul breath.

An adjonrn<d m*'«>t jn>r of creditors in the estate I of W. J. Powell, lahoier, Queenstown, lapsed on I Monday moming for want of a ipiorum, on account ■ of those prt'Sfiit at previous meeting having under- | stood it was to he held in the afternoon instead of | morning. The following list is an approximate j financial statement of the bankrupt:—Liabilities j (Queemdown)—L. de Be»r, £32; E. Monsen, £27 ! Is-2d ;E. Aldridge, £10; J. OWleara. £8; J. Roy. i £l4 ,s; K. Bovi.e, £4 13s: I>. M'Bride, £8 8s 4,1; j J. Waitle, £-22 18s 6.1; F. St. O.ner, £5 7* 5.1; ! M. J. Mala.han. £l.l l()s; J. Morgan, £2 6s; i J. Ibid, O 14s f! I; Ah Quie, £7 18s sd; L. Hotoi*. £:5 13s lid ; \V. Warren. £5 12s; and J. K. "aine.-. £3. J. Douglas, Franktoti, £lO ; VV. fiordon, ; Kingston, £3 Ss; W. Welsh, Arrow town, £4, and j I'. Buttd, A-row, £.*> 10s; S. Johnston, Skippers, £3;, : J. Chegwiddcn, Liwer Sho'over, £7, ; Saturday j Ailivrliwr, Duuedin, £2 '2i; trustees in es-tite of j J. Hay, InvercargilL £3 10s, and other small sums I —total liabilities, £250 U lOd. Assets—Furniture, ! £2O; bay mare, £7; buggy and harness, £7 10s; saddle and bridle, £1 10s ; freehold property, sections9and 13, block IV., Queenst'.wn, with dwelling | and stable thereon, £Bo—total, £ll(i. A correspondent at Skippers writes:—"Mr J l Blight, Wcdeyin minister, preached his fareweij sermon on Sunday evening last, the 20th instant, I in the lar.-e hall of the Miners' Institute, Skippers | Reefs, when there were prisent the largest conI gregation ever known in this part of the district. 1 He took for the subject < f his text, St. Matthew I chap. vii. verses 24 to 27. The preacher spoke | briefly of the Sermon on the Mount, th* character and authority of the author of the discourse, and | the truths contained in the application as recorded ] in the text, and he concluded with an appeal to his j hearers to be careful to build upon the rock. He . made no allusion in his sermon as to his departure, j having done so previously at the tea meeting held J a fortnight since, upon which occasion Mr Blight j expressed regret at his severance fiotn the coini muii'ty, whom he held in high esteem, for the j kindly and hearty feeling shown h'm l>v one and all during bis ministry here. Mr Blight made reference as to his successor (Mr Roth Well), whom he could assure th»m. from his personal knowledge, was a minister in every way calculated to work harmoniously with them in the promotion of their ' religious and moral advancement A verygenenl j feeling of retret prevails at the departure of Mr Blight, for it is acknowledged by all who have come I

, into contact with him—either in connect ion with I j his private cr ministerial ilutu-s—that he possesses ! ill an eminent degree tiio*e qualifications iiulis- | pensable in a true minister of the Gos|»-l. It is I I perhaps scarcely necessary to remark Mr B.'L'ht , ' carries with him from here the In artiest good ui-lies j ! j of all for his success in his future sphere of labor, j : I am happy to state that the net pro-eeds of the j s diee or tea meeting in aid of the Weoleyan mission | ' j were £lO. ! ' The '''uxtratfd N.Z. News for the current month ! , I contains a number of well-executed cuts on a variety I l lof interesting subjects. On the frontispiece is ! j depicted a hit of beautiful sylvan lauuVupe on the j ' I Woori Yallock Creek, Upper Yarr->, M.lbonrne I t j The haunt of the Warrigal or Wild is made ' l ' the medium for the pourtraysl of a stnkii g piece of ! Australian forest and mountain land. Sir W. J. j * j Clarke's palatial residence, now being erected at I '! | East Melbourne, is also worth notice, considering I V | that it will be one of the largest and finest private I residences in Australia. To j;ivc si me idea of its J " proportions, we may mention that it will cover an j ' area of 190 ft. by 150 ft.; it will contain spacious ° drawing-rooms, etc., and a ball-room 150 ft. by 50ft. Cl Some sketches, "Valentines" and "Voices of the M

Nuht," are cleverly executed. Amongst New I s ' Zealan<l scenes are sketches of the bnmhig of tlie ; "' Wood ware Co. 's large establishment, Dunediu, and I '" a view of Auckland. I ** The proprietor of Stone's Otago and Southland I °* Directory for 18S7, deserves great ciedit for the j *' taste and untiring industry displayed in making it J M< the liest and most complete compendium of its kind j *\ in the province—and this has been accomplished j ln

within the comparatively small space of tiiree or *' four years. Its 600 pa«es, handsomely bound, contains a fund of information, valuable to all (hisses, and more especially to business men. The volume before us contains amongst many other matters, the names, addresves and occupations of at all classes of persons throughout 0 at;o and South- an land—covering upwards of 200 towns and hamlets ; street directions of Dunediu and suburbs, Inwr- Di camill and Oamaru ; an abe digest of statutes of 1886: railway and coaching time-tables ; topo- st< graphical guide, etc., etc., besides well-executed sp; maps of Clapo, Dunediu, and Oamarn. th As a whole the book is neatly finished and would form an ornament to any book-shelf. We are on informed that Mr John Stone, junior, will visit Cc Qucenstown and the surrounding districts at the end of the present week, for the purpose of getting sk information and booking orders for nest year's rh compilation. ba

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1582, 25 March 1887, Page 2

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Lake Wakatip Mail. QUEENSTOWN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1887. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1582, 25 March 1887, Page 2

Lake Wakatip Mail. QUEENSTOWN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1887. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1582, 25 March 1887, Page 2