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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND. JTS OBJECTS. 1. The Administration of Intestate Estates, and the realisation and distribution of the personal Estate. 2. The Executorship of the Wills of persons who may appoint the Public Trustee their executor, and thus avoid the necessity which otherwise would exist of committing their friends to the responsibilities involved by such position. 3. The Administration of all kinds of Money Trusts, including Marriage Settlements and every kind of fund, the trusts of which are definitely set forth in the deed creating the Trust. ITS ADVANTAGES. 1. The Public Trustee in his corporate capacity NEVER DIES, NEVER LEAVES THE COUNTRY, and NEVER BECOMES INCAPACITATED; thus, by his appointment, the expense of fresh appointments of Trustees consequent on death, change of abode, or mental or bodily infirmity, is altogether avoided. 2. All proposed investments are considered by a Board of Officers, ensuring careful consideration of all securities offered. 3. The Government of the Colony is responsible for the honest fulfilment of all trusts placed in the office. ITS INCREASING POPULARITY. This will be shewn by the following figures : Cash Receipts. 18S0 £41,313 ISSI £69,202 1882 £71,319 1883 £90,119 1884 £116,136 1885 £195,000 Scp.les of charges, with existing regulations, and all information may be obtained from the PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Wellington, or any of his Agents throughout the Colony. J. HICKSON, Agent at Clyde. Wellington, sth December, 18S5.

AKE VIEW GARDENS QUEENSTOWN. The undersigned to inform the inhabitants of Queenstown an>l the surrounding district that he lias purchased the above well-known Gardens from Mr Joseph P.owtll, and" he hopes, by reasonable charges and sLiLi attention to the wants of the public, to merit .1 continuance of the liberal patronage liestowed U|H>n his predecessor. GUMS, WALNUTS, and other Forest Trees—from one to four years' old. FRUIT I KEES, :) to G years' old. GOOSEBERRY and CURRANT BUSHES-all a;:e. k —3s to (is p«r dozen. GARDEN SEEPS of all kim..., ''iiaranteeil new CABBAGE PLANTS-a!l the best varieties. All kinds of Vegetables in season. t/T Tourists and other? are invited to pay a visit. ALEXANDER MURRAY, Proprietor. ;ta rati p brew e r y. , ; - J. R. guarantees his celebrated XX.XX ALE to !>e Wholesome and Invigorating. Brewed only from the choicest Malt and Hops, with one of the best brewing waters ir. the colony. In order to meet the tastes of all, ho has added :-"inc Patent Machinery to his .Kratcd »Vater Factory, and is now producing tii.telass GINGER ALE, LEMONADE, 4c, ic, kc. Balm of my cares, sweet solace of my toils ; hail juice benignant!— Waktox. James Reid, BREWER AND .ERATED WATER MANUFACTURER, QUEENSTOWN. UEEXSTOWN VETERINARY SHOEING FORGE. EDWARD ALDRIDOE, GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND VETERINARY SURGEON, Bros U< inform the inhabitant* of Qnecnstown and the Lakes' District tint he has opened a NEW SHOP in BEACH-STREET (opposite Atkins' Butllht's shop), where ho is prepared to t»ke and execute orders in ail branches of the above-mentioned business, on the Shortest Notice. HOUSE A XI) CATTLE MEDICIXES All Finds of Mimno and Ackict-i.ti-ral Machinkky Made and Uk.m:i:ed. AND PALISADING MADE TO ANY PATTERN OR DESIGN. T O'M E A R A, Mininc and Commission Agent, BALLARAT STREET, QUEENSTOWN. All brsinest. carefully attendetl to. IT GRIESSELICH & CO, WEAVERS' HALL, WOOL EXCHANGE, LONDON, SHIPPING 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Established 1853,) Ship to order any description of British and Continental Goods upon 2.J per cent, commission, selected by buyers with Colonial experience, and attend to the prompt realisation of Produce at highest prices upon 1 per ctnt. commission. Orders to be accompanied by Letters of Credit or partremittance in Bank Drafts or Produce. Open Policies of Insurance for floating cargoes to cover tin risks. Reference*: Chief Ofiice of the London and Westminster Bank, or Agra Bank, London, and most cf the Colonial Banks. Cun-ent Pries Lists, Produce Reports and any necessary samples or information on application. "Rough ox Corks."--Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." Quick relief, complete, permanent cares Corns, warts, bunions. Kempthorae, Proaser A Co., Agents, Christchnrcb. ...

The demand of enlightened people is always for the purest ami best of everything needed in their domestic economy. This is especially the cnsc so far as articles for dietetic and medicinal use are concerned. To supply tins want Mr Marshall, manufacturing and dispensing chemist, of Dunedin, lms prepared a number of household remedies of known and tested etfacacy. That are now meeting with a ready and continuous sale all over New Zealand. Foremost on the list stands the king of liver remedies, special Tincture of Podophyllum— Natures own remedy, guaranteed entirely vegetable. It is a very bad case that this now famous remedy will not cure. Its marvellous effects are the wonder of all who use it, if you suffer. At once five it a trial. Price Is. at all chemists and storekeepers. Corns, Corns, Corns.—Cura Clava is now acknowledged on all sides to be the only remedy that effectually removes these excresences without giving pain. lam constantly receiving flattering testimonials as to it? wonderful efficacy from all parts ..f the Colony ; price Is. 6d. Violent I;.\i;in(, Toothache is in nearly every instance cured at once by using Marshall's o. 1 ontalbican—the king of toothache remedies, it wiii save you from many an hour of agonising pain ; price, Is. Con.ns and Colds.—Marshall's Cough Klixir has been before the public for 15 years, and the sale is always increasing. As a good family remedy for ordinary colds, bronchitis and winter coughs it has no equal: in bottles, Is. 6d. and 2s. 6d. each. Marshall's SrcAßvcuTKi) Pills are superseding all other makes. The superior quality of the ingredients combined with uniformity of strength, has gone along way to convince the most sceptical. They are also entirely vegetable. CoMi'otNi) Rhibarb Pills are mild in action. Suitable for persons of weak digestion, female and children. AsTißlLlors slightly more powerful than Khubarb. A useful aperient. Comi-oi-n!) PoDonivi.nM—The pill of pills from all who suffer from liver disorders. A perfect liver reviver. Wind Pills for flatulency. Con;u Pills for Chronic Coughs, Gentine Pills for chronic constipution. All at Is., put up in glass bottles hermetically sealed. Steel Pills for female use. In Bottles, Is. 6d. and 2s. Gd. In Dunedin alone, the sale of my Blood-cooling ami purifying powder has increased ten fold within the last 12 months. A Sixpenny Packet makes * wine bottle full. As a spring and autumn medicine it has no equal. These goods are sold by all chemists and storekeepers. M. MARSHALL, Manufacturing Chemist, 149 Georce Street and 64 Princes Street, DUNEDIN. Direct importer of everything in the drug line. 42 cases just landed ex lonic, from London, and 3 cases e\ Elinor Vernon, from New York. Medicinal chests of all descriptions always on hand. J../ merston Buildings, Foot of Queen-street, Auckland, Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous and Special Diseases. Dr Specr is a Regular Graduated Physician,'d at Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most expert Physician in his speciality in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Paralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, St. Vitus' Dance, Liver Complaint, Asthma, Catarrh, H«art Disease, Crave!, Piles, &c, and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do well to come and try the Doctor's method of cure, as it will, if properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral preparations; his treatment consists wholly in the use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have implanted in their system, by improper use of calomel, seeds which produce an annual crop of disease. To such he would say, come and be healed. It matters not what your troubles may be, come and let the Doctor examine your case. If it u curable, he will tell you so; if it w not, he will tell you that ; for he will not undertake a case unless he is conlident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothing for consultation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that the Doctor understands your case. Dr S. cures Humors and Diseases of the Blood. To Ladies who are afflicted by any of the following complaints,—Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, constipation and indigestion, pain in the side and back, leuchorrea, etc., etc.— l wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to perform imposßibilities, or to have a miraculous power. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit £2OO. Consultation in Office or by Letter, Free. Charges moderate. Examination and Advice, £l. Call or address: Dr H. J. Speer, Palmerston Buildings, Auckland, N.Z. Office Hours 9to 12, 1 to 4, 6to 6 p.m.; Snndays, 10 to 12. N.B.—All Medicines necessary for a complete cure can be «ent free from observation on receipt of symptom*..

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1522, 12 March 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1522, 12 March 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1522, 12 March 1886, Page 6