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ONCE MORE 10 THE POKE BESTAUBANT &BOAEDING HOUSE. \W MACLARN (late of the Prince of Wales *' * Hotel) begs to inform bis friends and the public that be has E SUMED BUSINESS In those premises in B E A C H-S TREET (Opposite the Melbourne Hotel) lately oocnpied by Mr Thomson, where FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND RESIDENCE Can be obtained on REASONABLE TERMS. CLEAN BED AND ALL THE COMPORTS OF A HOME. Board and Lodging per week 25/ Board per week 20/ Dinner, 2/; other meals 1/6 each. Good Stabling. N.B.—A Private Cottage for the qm of families. WAKATIP REGISTRY OFFICE, (Opposite Powell's Family Hotel) BALLARAT-BTREBT, QUEEXSTOWX. MRS. M'EWEN, Pboprietbes. T ADIE3 and others requiring servants can dopend upon having their wants supplied without delay, upon application to the above. PUBLIC NOTICE. W, J. BAPtRY & CO., AUCTIONEERS, CATTLE SALESMEN, LAND ESTATE AND ? GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, VALUATORS, ETC., ITC., -T)EG to state that they have commenced business in the above Use. Mr Barry having bent loag and, favorably known to residents on the Northers Goldfields of Otago, the undersigned hope with STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and PROMPT SETTLEMENTS, to merit a liberal share of patronage. All orders entrusted to us will be attended to with promptness and despatch. Offioe hours From 9&.m, to 4 o'clock, p.m. Office REMOVED to Building NEXT SUPREME COURT HOTEL (Opposite Fost Offioe.) W. J. BARRY" Co. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPP S' 8 C QCO A. BBS A K F 4. 0 T. ti "DY a thorough knowledge of tbe natural laws which govern of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected eoooa, Mr Eppshaa provided our breakfast tftblsf with a delicately flavoured beverage which mav pave us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Judidoua use of such articles of diet that» constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist fvery endency of disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is ft weftk point We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and properly nourished frame."—See article in the Civil Servict Gazette. ; Made simply with bailing water and mQfe*. Sold in (-lb. and 1 lb. packets and tins (not damageable is tins), labelled thus JAMESEPPS 4 Co, HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, 48, Thieadneedle Street, & 170, PicadiHy. Works—Euston Road 4 Camden Town, London h XjlOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."-Ss» J. Deuteronomy, chap. ziL, verse 23. CLARKE'S WOBID-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE, TBAJJE XABS,*-" BLOOD HUTUM." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, tor cleansing clearing the blood from all impwitias, sennet bs too xeooMiaended. For Scurry, Skin Diseases, tad (tone of aD kinds it is a nsver-fafling and permanent care. It Cue* old Sore*. Cnrea Ulcerated 80m on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cans Blackhead*, or Flmpl en the Ikes. Care* Bonrry Sorei. Cares Cancerous UJ* Cores Blood aad Skis issasss. Cores Glandular Swellings. Clsars the Blood from all impure mattsr, From whatever cause arising. As this glytara js pleasant to ths tuts, sad warranted free from anything injurious to the aoet deUoate eoastW tntion of either sea, the Proprietor solicits saflsms to gir® it a trial to test its Talua. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in bottles Is N each and in Chose, oootaiaiag six times the quantity, Ue each-~eufflcto)t to effect a per* manent care in the gnat majority of long-standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS A PATENT MEDICINE YSNPOBB throughout the world. Solo proprietor, F. J. CIARW, Chemist, apothsohhv ball, Lincoln, England. EXPOST AGENTS Burgoync, BnrMdgea and Co., Cojeman-atreet, LosH Mewbery and Sons, 87 Newgate-street, London. Barclay sad Sons, 95 Farrinfdon-street, London. Banger and Sons. Oiford-street, London. Aad all the London wholesale Honess. NEW ZEALAND AGENTS: Kempthone, Prosser sad Co., Wholsesle Druggists, Dunedia aad Auckland. . ' MELBOURNE AGENTS t teltoa, Grimwade and Co., Wholesale Druggists. X. andM. Keogh, Wholesale Druggists. < Hemmone and Co., Wholesale Druggists, fitch sad ftyoch, STDITBT AGENTS t Elliott Brothers sad Co., Wholseale Druggists Ed. Sow aad Co. ADELAIDE AGENTS Fanlding sad Co., Wholesale Druggists. BRISBANE AGENTS Bssllsr snd Taylor, Wholesale Druggist

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 952, 20 January 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 952, 20 January 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 952, 20 January 1876, Page 4