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OPERA HOUSE. ’ * There were crowded attendances at the Opoia House at both performances on Saturday. To-night’s programme promises to be full of interest. Tho last nights are announced of the Cevene Troupe of wire walkers. Joe Teague (double-voiced vocalist), Tilton and West (patter artis a), the Zoo Sisters (serial novelties) and Maggie, Buckley (ragtime specialist). The hill will also include Fuller’s Nine Wonders (juvenile acrobats), Louis London (popular entertainer), Kitch ond Kliftio (comedy acrobats') and Connors and Paul (songsters). Tho box plan is now* open at Milner and Thompson's.

QUEEN’S THEATRE. “ Go West, Young Man ” war, tho star film in the change of programme screened at tho Quecu’s Theatre on Saturday. Tom Mooro jKrrtiays tho part of a eon who is turned out by an irate parent, for idloness. Ho becomes a hobo, gettinv his transportation and meal* by tho methods employed by lioboe* all ike world over, till ho reaches hid goal. “ Out West.” Eventually ho is selected, for obvious reasons, for tho post of sheriff, but turns out a wrong selection, ns he cleans' uu tho very bad men who elected him. A girl renders herself indispensable to him, and between them they provide plenty ot dashing and thrillinsr adventure. The supporting films included tho latest Pictorial. English Budget, a scenic, the Canyon D7abel, the Prince’s Visit to Rotorua, showing tho great Maori welcome, and another instalment. of tho serial “ Man of Might.” An added /ittraotion tq-night will bo the civio recenti''n to Hie Prince and tho Royal review .in Hag ley Park. EVERYBODY’S THEATRE. A doublo-star programme win lie screened throughout this week ai. Everybody’s Theatre, (MlUmeUOing to-ciay. jLJoIU plc.uies lUu oi equal merit. Ono is a Bavamoujit comedydrama entitled “ You’re Fired,” featuring Wallace Reid. The production is ft film adaptation of a popular 0. Henry story, ■ ane iimberdior,” and it proves a mm vehicle for the versatile Paramount actor. Read is neon as Billy Peering, a wealthy youiig idler, whoso cue interest in liio is a chic young girl whom ho meets. The girl’s father docs not like tho young fellow paying court to his daughter, hut ho makos a bargain with him that, if ho can hold down a job without being “ fired ” for thirty days, he may have the girl. Billy, a 6trang,cr to work, accepts the condition. The carrying out of his contract provides much interesting film work. The other star picture is a detective drama entitled “Vicky, Von," featuring Ethel Clayton. It is a powerful heart interest story with a. mystery note. The production is said to present Ethel Clayton in one of tho strongest and most pleasing rolcd of her career. The puppoi ing items are many and include Mack Senncitt’s latest comedy “ Sftlomo.” Everybody's Select Orchestra will supply an entirely new programme ctf music. Reserved seats may be obtained at The Bristol or by ’phoning 4925. ■CRYSTAL PALACE. The programme to Iw presented at tho Crystal Palace to-dny and for tho remainder of the week will bo headed by a Paramount featuro entitled “ Partners Three,” which is said to display to advantage thj dramatic capabilities of Enid Bonnott. Miss Bennett sustains tho character of Agnes Cuylor, a young and beautiful cabaret dancor, whose better nature revolts against tho lifo, to oscapo which sho accepts tho offer of marriago with a Westerner, who. however, proves to bo than she thought He puslios hor from hi* automobile on tho desert, and leaves her to walk to town. Lost on tho ocean of oand, Dho is found, almost exhausted by Kassnyampa Hardy, a desert rat, who takes her to his evugout. where she tolls him her story. Ho secures her a position in a district village, as waitress at a restaurant, whero sho moots Arthur Gould. Uncharitable women try to attribute wrong motives to her actions. Exciting incidents follow, and tho husband of Agnes meeting n just fate tha love romanco of Agnes and Gould finds a happy sequel. Tlio second feature, announced is a powerful drama bearing tho title “ A Bit of Jade,” which has as its star tho captivating little actress, Mary Miles Minter Tho etory centres round a, beautiful girl who is suspootod of being a thief, and deals with a Eorios of exciting incidents connected with tho loss of a xaro and valuable nocklnce. Strong supports complete tho array of enjoyable items in tho programme, and at every evening session Mr J. C. Thompson, a well-known local baritono, will contribute vocal numbers. LIBERTY THEATRE. Tho big crowd that gathered at Liberty. Theatre at each session on Saturday indicated tho popularity of that delightful film actress, Mary Picktord, who was starred in lho Hoodlum,” hor latent production and, without question, ono of herg very best pictures. Mary Picltford’a versatility in her character portrayal of Amy Burko ia remarkable, and the story is full of lifo and incident. In subtle manner Mary Pickford shows how the fastidious Amy, who belongs to the moneyed class, gradually makes up her mind to enter whololieartcdly into tho lifo of tho tenement dwellers. And when she doea throw in her lot with them, there aro no half-measures about it. Though tho fun in the tenoment quarter is uproarious, thoro is always a deeper current of feeling flowing through the play. The hard life of the very poor is painted with the utmost realism. Amy Burko has in tho beginning a selfish outlook on life—tho outlook that is too often the sesult of living in n sphere where one's, every want is gratified. Her views change as tho story progresses, and sho shows that she has a heart of gold. The story i 9 altogether an interesting one, and tho scones, sotting and aotion aro highly entertaining. Tho supporting programme is full of interest. Among the topical pictures aro views taken from a flying boat, a girl’s daredevil leap with a parachute, and nature and B acientific subjects. The Liberty orchestra played tho overture from " Zampa ” as an entr’acte, and a good selection of incidental music. Commensing to-night, as a further attraction, the civic reception to tho Prince in Latimer Square and the review in Hagley Park will also be shown. The box plan fs at The Bristol.

GRAND THEATRE. An entertaining comedy-drama by the Vitagraph Company, entitled “ A Fighting Colleen,” will be the principal item on tho new programme at tho Grand Theatre this week, the first screening taking place to-day. Miss Bessie Love takes tho leading role in this picturo in a typically Irish colleen character, which she interprets in a charming and convincing manner. The photo-play is semimelodramatic, has a romantic touch, and altogether is a delightful and charming picture with n human appeal. Comedy is supplied by the Irish wit in tho sub-titles and the readiness of tho heroine to take a hand in a fight. Tho picture is wholesome in sentiment and has been very well produced. Bessio Love herself is the strongest factor in its appeal, and she makes her points with the skill of n clever craftswoinau. The supporting cast is a peworful one, and tho settings and mountings of the picture aro'ver« good. Tho supports arc excellent, and include one of the popular “ Pictorial Educators.” " Shakeville’s Corset Demonstrator ” (comedy), ‘'Co-operative Weekly,” “Topical Gazette.” and one of the intensely humorous “Sunshine” comedies, “Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells.” The Grand Orchestra, under tho condtlctorshin of Mr A. L. Sutton, will contribute new incidental music. STRAND THEATRE. For til® change of programme at the Strand Theatro on Saturday, the star film was “ Waggon Tracks,” featuring the everpopular William S. Hart, Tho story unfolds tho many adventures of American pioneering life, when, in addition to the hardships of Nature, savage Indians made treacherous attacks on the settlers. Thrills wo frequent, and tho story was followed with great interest by tlio large attendances which gathered at tho day and night sessions. Supporting subjects included a Bray Pictograph, MakingMoney at the Mint,” "Skinny Sick (comedy) and a ” Topioai Garotte. (the same pictures will be screened again to-daj.

SYDENHAM PICTURED To-night, to-morrow and on Wednesday Ruby do Remer will be seen at the Sydenham Pictures in “ Tho Dust of Desire and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday the attraction will be “ Tho Hoodlum, featuring Mary Piokford.

H M.S. RENOWN CONCERT PARTY. Members of tho concert party of ILMA. Renown will give a performance m the Choral Hall to-morrow night. The. entertainment will be tho zntue ns that gnon at few before tho Prince of Vales, and will include orchestral items by tho battte-enuser’s bandsmen.

!> J C Bradshaw will give nn ro ' cital at St Luke’s Church on Saturday evening, commencing at eight ococ.-.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVIII, Issue 18410, 17 May 1920, Page 9

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AMUSEMENTS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVIII, Issue 18410, 17 May 1920, Page 9

AMUSEMENTS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVIII, Issue 18410, 17 May 1920, Page 9