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METROPOLITAN MARKET. GOOD YARDIN'GS AND PRIME STOCK FIRM. . * The weather conditions wore raw and bleak for the metropolitan stock market at Addington yesterday. The number of fat sheep penned.was greater than the yarding o£ the' previous week, constituting, with one exception, the biggest for many months past, while storo sheep came forward in about double tho numbers of last marketing. Tiro entry of fat lambs was larger than of late, and tbe quality good. Fat cattle were again in good supply, and tho entry of dairy oow3 was large. The attendance at the market-, comparativaly speaking, was small. FAT CATTLE. In the fat catrie section the entries were not as numerous as in the previous week, tot ailing just on three hundred head. At the opening the sals was rathor dull, and heavy passings wore recorded. Later competition became brisker, and tho market brightened considerably. Very fow heifers were included in tho yarding, cows and steers predominating. Tho quality on the whole was very good. The principal lines were sent forward by A. Henderson (Oxford), H. Ensor CRakahtiri), J. O. Coop (Little River), A. R. Fleming (Port Levy), W. F. Parkinson (Ataahua). A. Birdling (Halswell), J. F. Buchanan (Kinloch) and Mrs Gorton (View Hill). There was no demand for anything but the better quality bee/es, for which the market was decidedly firm. For extra primi rates ruled up to £23 12s 6d. The range of prices was as follow: Extra prime steers, to £23 12s Sd. Prime steers, £l4 to £l9. Ordinary steers, £9 to £l3 15s. ■ Extra prime heifers, to £l's ISs. Prime heifers, £9 10s to £l3 10s. Ordinary -heifers, £7 2s 6d to £9 Ts &i, Prime cows, £lO to £l6 TV fid. Ordinary oows, £7 10s to £9 17s 6<L Amoog tho principal sales were: —For R. Peters (Brrmley), 1 heiier at £lO ss; client, 1 cow at £ll Es, 1 heifer at £lO 2s 6d; W. F. Parkinson (Ataahua), 16 rteers at £l7 15s to £2l; client, 12 steors at £ls 5s to £lB 12s 6d' A. J. Birdling (Halswell), 13 steers at £l9 15s to £22 17s Cd, averaging £2O 19s; A. Henderson (Oxford), 7 steers at £l6 10s to £l7 12a 6d; J. O. Coop (Litele River), 8 etoors at £l7 to £lB 10s; H. Ensor (Raka. huri), 14 steers at £ls 12s fid to £lB lo»; J O. Coop (Springvalc), 2 steers at £lB Ids; client, 1 oow at £ll ss; J. Boag, pun. (Brookeide), 2 cows at £8 and £8 15s; client, 1 s„eer at £9 10s, 6 heifers nt £9 5s to £ll 10a,, 1 cow at £7, 2 steers at £5 5s and £lO 7a Gd, 2 heifers at £9 10s and £ls los, 4 oows at £8 ICs to £l2; A. E- Harris (Motuknrara), 7 steers at £lO 7s 6d to £l2 10s; J G Renmo (Doylcston), 2 cows at £8 15s; G. M Bean (Springston), 1 heifer at £9; P. Jahey (Little (River), 7 steers at £ll 6s to £l3 ss; J. C. Coop (Little Rivor), 8 steers at £37 5s to *lB 10s- F. A. Sheat, £9 to £9 17a 6d; A. R. Fleming (Port Lew), 15 steers at £l2 103 to £ls 3.2 a fid; F. Williams (Duvnuch-slles), 2d steers at £lO to £l3 12s 6d. 6 benera at £9 17s 6d to £11; Mrs Gorton- (View Hill), o steers £8 os to £ls 7s Gd; W. Lan-gdon (Westerfleld), 2 steers at £l6, 1 heifer at £l2, 1 cow'at £S 10s; E. Hatch (Orari), 1 cow at £l4 2s 6d; Peraki Estate, 7 s cars at *l9 17a 6d to £22 12s 6d; C. Hill (HilfeWugh , 2 oowa at £5 10s;-J. F. Buchanan (Kin och), 8 steers at £l7 12s to £2l 17s tei: Park View Estate (Waikari), 8 stieera a„ £l6 iSs to £23 12a Cd; T. Dowling (Methven), 8 steers at £l3 17s 6d to £l6 12= €d; Early Bros. (Greenda’e), 2 steers at £l3 2s 6d; P. J. Andrew (S prey dor), 1 oow at £ls__7o 6d; client, 3 cewa at £l3, S heifers at £li J ' Lee (Methven). 2 steers at £9 12s 6d, 3 oows at £8 15s to £lO 15b. , STORE CATTLE. / A moderate entry of store cattle was offered and there wera fewer ary cows than usual. Tbcri ware no large lines of steora, but a number of three- and four-year-olds of a mixed description were submitted. Amongst the varding was a woli-filled pen of eighteen months old cattle. O-i the whole the general quality was very ordinary. Dry oovys sold surprisingly well, and pric«3 were better by

about 30s a head over previous rates. They sold up to £7. There wero no lines of steers sold on which quotations could bo given.

DAIRY COWS A large entry of dairy news came forward, the quality generally being fair. Heifers predominated amongst the cattle for winter milking There was a very good dom-and lor cows close to calving, and one cow—a Shorthorn, duo to third calf, the soller being Mr J. B. Catherwood, of,. k ßangiora, realised £25, a record for Addingtoii. Quotations are: Second and third oaivors, £lO to £25. Heifers, £7 103 to £l3. VEALERS. Tho market for vealers was a very moderate one, both in respect to tho entry and the quality, there being nothing outstanding. Most of the calves which came forward were gras3-fod. There was a keen demand, however, and any good calves sold at an advance on la;o rates. Quotations are,:— Runners, £5 5s to £6 10a. Good vealers, £2 16s to £4 12s 6d. Fair vealers, £1 10s to £2 103. Small and inferior sorts, 4s to 28a. ' FAT SHEEP. Thera was & greatly increased yarding of fat sheep in tho pens, which wore filled right up to tho ca tie pens. The bulk of the offerings consisted of ewes, hut there was a fair quantity of wethers. Tho quality of tho whole ' yarding was much better than that offered at the previous week’s sale, but values remained just about on a par with last week’s rato3. Freezing buyers operated consistently all through tbe rale and kept the market firm with the assistance of butchersand one or two outside buyors, who were lucky enough to have foed to spare. The range of prices was as follows:—Extra prime wethers to 4133. Prime we'.hers, 35s to 4-2 s fid Medium wethers, 22s to 34*. Lighter wethers, 22s to 25a. Extra prime ewes to 41s. Prime ewes, 32-s to 37s 2d Medium ewes, 31s 6d to 31». Lighter ewes, 15s to 235. Among the principal oaks were:— Wethers: For liermoda Bros. (Lyndhurst), 6 at 483; W. J. MacMillan ( Greeupiuk). 47 at 40s to 42s Gd; client, 29 at SJs 4d to 42s Gd; G. M’Dona.d (Uran), 62 at 38s Gd to 423 6d; J. Girmivan (rsenuetts), 4 at 41s; J. Cook (Springston), 167 at 33s Gd to 41s ; Graham Bros. (Balmoral), G 5 at 84s Id to 38s 6d; R. Reese (Woodgrove), 50 at 80s 3d to 89s 6d; H. and E. Milos (Gust), 45 at 35s Id to 38s 6d; H. Stephens (Biooksida), 2 at 40s; G. M'Caithy (Pre’ebietou), 22 at' 34s to 86s; C. and F Field (Kaituua), 39 at S2s Sd to 375; J. Oakley (Ruapuna), 23 at 87s sd; M.. Rooney (Winchmore), 123 at 23s od to 37s 3d; H Patterson (Prebbloton), 30 at 34a Id to 3Ds 3d: Mrs E. Green (Ilawkinß), 10 at 84s; J. F. Duncan (Hawkins), 44 at 35s Id to 36s 6d; L. D. Thomas (Methven), 60 at 84s to 34s 6d; J. H ; Amberley), 141 at 31a 5d to 345; client, .60. at 29s 9d to 84s Id; E. M Dormott (Hals-, well), SO at 35s 5d to 365; J. Chapman (Little River), 19 at 355; T. Crean (Ihe Peaks), 8 at 345; A. W. Adams (Sheffield) 14 at 343; F. W. Wain (lompleton), 72 at 31s lid to 34s TOd; J. Taylor (Culverden), I at 325; L. Thomas (ICirweo) 72 at .80s Od i » £ >{j. neltsl. 63 s, 29s 6d to 32. Bd: G. n MH,, (Island Hil ! s), 68 at 28s Id to Sis <d, J. Weld (Wnikari), 66 at 30s 4d to 3-s 2d; S. Rutherford (One Tree Hill). JO at 29s os ‘Snot 6d- A W B °Turnor (Waikari), 27 ;t S 22sM 3te 9d ’Cobbie Bros. (Teddhigton), 1* 32s 9d to 33s 3d: W. P- fencer ‘/‘■y J L ooa- B L. Broitmeyer (Chaneys), 7 % 3 ":’ 81 , lld . B. Wehb t foo! H Harris (Styx), 13 -at 27s Od; ft IVV’sSinf Wood Wiinui), K f client, » c. *o£~ mSuboik), i.ii S„hlo"Ub.r. ,t 18- to 223 Mi J- H«H «”kr 5! 60-If. nW** > s > * l 3 -* M A W. Adams (Sheffield). 19 at 28s to 40s 6d; F. Crumn (Springston), 56 at 3,r3 to 39e 9d, client. 40 at 27s 3d to 37s 2d: W Turner (Waikari), 43 at 27s 4d to 83s Od; E. F J. Grigg (Eiffelton), 50 at 30s lOd to 33 ? 9d, F. Ruddenklau (Staveley), 120 at Ms to 37s 3d; J. Oakley (Ruapuna), 35 at 3os 7d;, client (St Andrew’s), 120 at 25s lOd to -6s Id- J H Ensor (Rvtlal Downs), a 4 at 285.. 9d’to’S2s 9d; A. Reese (Woodgrove), 8 3 at SOS' 9d: E. D. Thomas (Methven), 7 at 30s 9d- Mrs G. Green .'Hawkins), 18 at 30s; client! 66. at 28s Qd to 80s lid; W N. Hewitt (The Peaks). 65 at 27s Od to 30s 7d; O. E Newton (Lyndhurst), 122 at 28° 8d to 32s 7d- W. Cousin (Tai Tapu), 6ft at 27s to 80s; C. ’Leach (Rangiora), 62 at s£s lOd to 335; S. Harris (Styx), 12 at 29s Id: P. Callaghan (Mitcham). 66 at 24s 6d to Sto Sd; client, 34 at 2«s 2d to 295; M. F. Ryan (Spnngeton), 66 at 23s to 80s: F. Busch (Amberley), 60 at 80s Sd to 32s 4d; J. Reese (South'bridge), 62 at 22s 5d to 34s 2d; W. Brooks (Brookside), 59 E-t 25s to SOs Idj W. P. Spencer (Chaneys), 67 at 25s 7d to 80s, 6a; M Clinton (Grcondale), 62 at 26s Id to 32s Sd: \f. M’Clelland (Darfield), 61 at 28s lid to .tos 10d; W. J. Allan (Rotherham), 108 at 27s lOd to 29s 7d; J. B. Steel (Waipara), 35 at 28s 9d; Dennis M’Hondrv (Lyndhurst), lfil at 25s 2d to 27n 3d: E. A. Adams (Waddington), 33 at 28s 9d: W. F. Beck, (Bankside), 10 at, 28s 3d; R. H. Hampton (Mitcham), 75 at 27s 7d to 28s 7d; C. S. Osborne (Rakaia), 65 at 26s 3d to 27s Sd; L. Wood (Waiau), 33 at 263 lid to 295;. T. Bran kin (Little River). 24 at 27s sd: E. M’Cartlry (Prebbleton), 11 at 27s 6d; _H. Stevens (Brooksido), 16 rtl 25s 8d to 275; A. M. Carpenter (Flaxton), 71 at 10s Ifld to 27s 4d: H. and E. Miles (Cust), 11 at 2fis 8d: E. Jenkins (Dunan.ndel), 61 at 23a 7d to 26s 6d: T. Williams (West Melton), 69 at 24s Sd to 26s 4d; T. Harland (Rqtherham), 27 at 2Rs Id: E. M'DermoU (Hakwell). 86 at 25s 3d to 26s 4d; J. Johna'on (Little River), II at 26s Id; H. Sharp (Waiau), 20 at 26s Id: L. Johns (Amhcrloy), 20 at 24s 3d to 26s 2d; W. J. M’Millnn (Greonpark), 67 at 24s Sd to 2Gs lOd; J. F. Duncan (Hawkins), 30 at 26s 6d; W. H. Ward (Waipara), 50 at 19s 6d to 25s lOd: Ruddock’s Estate (Cheviot), 33 at 25s 4d; J. W. Harrison (Piraki), 70 at 23s 7d to 25s 9d; J. Murray (Leader Vale), 50 at 23s 9d to 255; H. Ballnvh (Hororata), 140 at 20s to 24s 7d; T. Crean- (The Peaks), 26 at 2is lOd: J. ■ Taylor (Culverden), 23 at 24s lOd; T. Skevinvton (Bankside), 20 at 24» 7d: A. R (B'alcairn), 21 at 23s 6d; F. Reed (Little River). 13 at 23=: J. Stalker (Greenpark), 25 at 235; G. Sheat (Lhinsande!), 50 at 203 Sd to 225; A. Graham, 195 at 15s to 18s. STORE SHEEP. ' The entry of storo sheep was much larger than of late, but there was a goodly proportion, evidencing the shortage of feed. The market was sticky at the start, but improved later. For fair and good wethers and lambs the inquiry vias possibly a shade better. Poor quality was vasier. One f eature of the market was that sovoral butchers were buying. The following was the range of prices: Two and four-tooth owes, 19s 3d to 26s 6d. Four, six and eight-tooth ewes, 17s 6d to 29s fid. Sound-mouth ewes, 10s to 26s 6d. Two and four-tooth wethers, 13s 10a to 23s 4d. . Four and six-tooth wethers, 23s 3d to 26s Sd. Six and eight-tooth wethets, 20a to 2ns. Ewe lambs. 13a Id to 14,3 Id. Mixed sex lambs, 7s to 20j 6d. Wethor iambs, 9s 6d to 15s 6d. Among t-hs principal sales wera:“"Sixtysix two-tooth ewes at 17s 7d, 65 at 20s &d, 58 at 23s 131 two, four, six and eight-tooth at 25s 3d, 130 at 20s, H 5 at 20s, 41 four six and eight-tooth at 17s 6d, 42 at 22s 9d, 48 sax and eight-tool h at 275, 8® 29s 6d, 74 twotooth and sound-mouth at 19s 3d, 16 soundmouth at 10s, 141 at 10s 6d, 160 at n6s Cd, 120 at 7s, 21 failing-mouth at 16s 9d 38 at 8s Id, 93 at 6s 3d, 21 at 16s Id, 61 at 19s 3d 74 at 7s 9d, 26 at 10s 7d, 36 at 11s Gd, 225 sound and failing-mouth at Gs 9d, 47 at •- Bd, 12 two-tootli wethers at ISs, 60 at 14s 6 , 91 at 13s 10d, 88 at 19s 6d, 56.tw0 and foul tooth at 19s 2d, 50 at 21c Bd, 10-i at -Is Id, 116 at 23s 4d, ICO four-tooth at 24s 6d, 66 at 19s Id, 123 tour and six-tooth at 26s Sd, w at 23s 3d, 12 six and eight-tooth at 20s 8! at 21s. 41 awn lambs e,t 13* I<L M ld - a

wether lambs at 15s Bd, 80 at 9s 6d, 20 at 13a Id, 271 mixed sexes at Bs, 64 at 18s, 72 at13s &d, 118 at 16s Id, 4y at 13s Id, 202 at 2ils Sd, 166 at l6s 6d, 68 at 7s, 416 at 16s lid, 87'at 16* 3d, 28 at 1U 4d, 40 at 20a. ■ FAT LAMBS. The yarding,of fat lambs was larger than at the previous week's market, there being 4131 in tile pone, us com par el with .>169. The quality, taking it all round, was surprisingly good considering the cold weather lately end the general shortness of feed. The great bulk of the lambs were weil grown and well, woolled, and there were very few rough pens. Prices, however, were a litU® below teat week's pates. . The range of prices wasi— Extra prims lambs to 31s. Prime lambs, 26s 2d to 23s ss. Medium lambs, 21s lOd to 25a IM. Lighter, 16s to 21s 3d. The following wero tho principal salesi-“ J. Ginntavan (Bennett’s), 10 at 34a; Gemmell Bros. (Dunsandel), 8 at 31s; Milne Bros., 24 at 18s to 30s 6d; R. 11. Hampton_ (Mite cham.), 1 at 30s 3d; J. Magson (Rakaia), 71 at 28s to 30s 8d; Mrs Green (Hawkins), 4,1 at 28s 10d k> 31s; J. Charles (Geraldine), 70 at 27s Cd'to 295; J. Geddoa (Methven), 70 at 26s 4d to 23s 2d; F. W. Johnson (Hawarden), 84 at 25a lid to 29s Od; J. C. Lochliead (Rakaia), 143 at 23a 8d to Ws 2d; W. Shollock (Rakaia), 52 at 275. lOd to 29s iOd; 11. i Stevens (BrooksidoJ 39 at 29s 8d to 29s lOd, Konnode Bros. (Lyndhurst), 130at 27s Id to 29s Bd; T. Williams (West Mo!-t-on), 10 at 28s 9d; client (Ashburton), »7 at 25.8 3d to 28s 7d; C. Osborne (Rakaia), 23 at CBs to 28s 9d; J, W. Allan (Rotherham), 313 at 24s lOd to 29s IOd; S. Midgley (Litt a River), 91 at 2Gs 2d to 28s lid: olient, 201 at 28s ld; H. Campion (Ilalswell), 61 at 20s 2d; Ruddock’s Estate 33 at 26s Id to 2Ss 6d; G. Campbell (Barr Hill), 124 at 24s to 235; J. Muloock (itolloston), 63 at 25s to 27s 8d; client, 17)' at 27s 6d; S. Harris (Styx), 21 at 275; T. Borland (Ito'- nerham), 47 at 27s 6:1; Mrs Winter (Brooksido), 46 at 24s 3d to 27s 7d; A. Harve,y (R-olles-toil), GO at 23s 3d to 27s lid; G. B-anios (Spotswood), 76 at 23s 7d to 26s 8d; W. F. Beck (Banksido). 187 at 21s 3d to 23s 8d; H. G. Martin (Culverden), 7 at 26s 3d; C. Hale (Lviidhurst), 77 al 26s 9d; L. Fahey (Little River), 20 at 26s 9d; W. Cossar (I.'uvauchel'e), 76 at 23s lid to 26s 3d; H. Reesby (Lyndhurst), 74 nt 21s Id to 2Gs; T. Skevington (Bankside), 46 at 23s 7d to 25s 9d; P. Thompson (Mothvon), 82 at 23s 8d to 25s 3d; T. Crean (The Peaks), 36 at 255: Davis Bros, (Yaldhurst), 16 at f, ss 3d; 11. E. Cress (Woedons), 45 at 21s (d to 25s 3d; Mrs M'Drury (Ladbroc-ks), 6 at 2te 6d; T. Kennedy, 49 at. 18s to 23a 6d; 1). M'Hendiy (Lyndhurst), 49 at 249 ld to 24s IOd; I. Campion (Ho.lswoll), 2i at 21s 7d; C. F. Field ,(Kaituna), 17 at 24s 4d; H. Sharp (Waiau), 32 at 24s 4d: L. Johns (Amborley), 54 at 24s 7d to 24s IOd; J, Taylor (Culverdon), 4 at 24s 6d; A. M. Carpenter (Flaxton), 80 at 21s 6d -to 24s IOd; J. Cross (Ellosmero). 20 at 23n 6d; E. A. Stead (Chaneys), 1 at 235; W. J. Hillie (West Melton), 120 at 203 5d to 22a; F. Reed (Pnalial, 13 at 21s; F. Busch (Amberley), 26 at 21s sd; J. J. Hunt (Waipara), 25 at 21s 6d; client, 62 at 170 6d to 21s IOd; G. Sheat (Dunsandel), S 3 at 21s; E. J. Joblin (Little River), 78 at 20s 4d to 225; A. A. Dowms (Spotswood), 80 at 16s to 225; client, 67 at ISs 6d. PIGS. The yarding of fat pigs was a fair one ; but of a mixed description. The supply of porkow, heavy and light, was in excess of the demand. The range of prices for fats was:— Choopera, £4 10s to £B. Extra prims baconers, £3 5s to £7. Prime baconers, £5 to £5 10s. Ordinary baconers, £4 5s to £4 10a. Equal to 8-Jd por lb. Heavy porkers, £2 -15 s to £3 ss. Ordinary porkers, £2 6s to £2 10s. Equal to 9d por lb. Thoro wero fow storo pigs offered, and large pigs wero not in evidence. The demand was weak, sa-'o that good pigs sold well. Quotations aro: Medium stores, 32s to' 385.. Small stores, 18= to 245. Weaners, 8s 6d to lSs. Sows in pig to £5.-

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 18116, 5 June 1919, Page 7

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ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 18116, 5 June 1919, Page 7

ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 18116, 5 June 1919, Page 7