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METROPOLITAN MARKET, Thoro was only n smull attendance at the metropolitan market yesterday, tho news of tiermanv's surrender no doubt accounting for this fact. Thero was a- faidy largo yarding of almost all classes of stock. Fat sheep and "fat. cattle c:;;uo forward in rather more than average numbers, whilo there was also ;i, -rood entry of fat lambs, as it was anticipated that butcher:', would bo short of supplies. The yarding of fat cattle was. a fairly Urge one, flinl there was a. good proportion of prfmo quality steers and heifers. Tho ealo opened somewhat, earior than the double market a fortnight ago. FAT CATTLE. Two hundred, and fifty head, of fat cattle wero octored. The market wda easy, especially naar the 'end. Tho range of price? wus:--Estro prime si«ere to £23 15*. 'Prime steers, £2O to £2l 15s. Ordinary fteera, £l2 15s to £lO 10a. ' Extra prime hcifoM to £23. Prinw heifers, £l3 to £l6 los. Ordinary heifers, £9 '2s Cd to'£ll 10s. Extra prime cow?, to £l9 10s. Prime cow*}, £l4 to £1" 15». Ordinary cow?.. £8 to |£l3. Tho following- were the principal eaies: For F. Coop (Birdling's Flat), 9 heifers at £l2 »» to £l4 17s Gd: client, 5 cows at £ll to £ll 17s Gd; A. Fleming (Riccarton), 2 cows at £6 15s to £1!; Mrs 51, Rutherford tßraekondak-). 2 steers at £2S IBs, 3 heifers at £l9 '23 Cd to £33 I'ss; G. Gerard (Snowdon), 3 steers at £l7 2s Cd to £24 10m; C. H. Ensor (Tui Tcpu), 3 steers at £2O to 1.C21 '2s Cd, 1 heifer at £l7 15s; J. Johnston (Styx), 1 cow at £l3 10s; I). Burnio (Papanui), 1 hsifer ot £lO '2s Cd; K. J. Robinson (Waikuku), 13 heifer? at £9 2s Gd to £l4 17s 6d, 4 steers at £ll 2s 6d to £ls 12s. 6d; J. Marshall (Leostoii;, ! cow at £ll 10s; J. Freeman, '2 cow?, at £$ to £l3 10j; client, 9 cows at £l2 to £l3 15s; Ar.son Brou. (Heathcote), 1 cow at '.?M 15s; Peraki Estate, 7 stcera it £2l 10* to £27 on; E. Rooney (Papanui), 1 cow at £lO 10a: Electric Farm Company, 1 cow (it ill to £l4 10s; T. C. Foster (Ladbroks), 1 cow at £ll 2s Cd; H. Newton (Cashmere), 2 cows at €9 los to £l2; client. 1 cow at £l7 15s; AY. Clarke (Styx), 1 cow at £8 12s Gd: R. Crorier (Marshland), 1 cow at £9 15s; W. J. Bov<v» (Papanui), 1 cow at £l3; C. Freeman (Marshland), 1 cow at £lO client. G steers at 1023 to £24 10s, '« heifers, at £l3 17s Cd to £l(s sa; L. Lynsk-v (Russley B«td), 1 cow at £l4; client, I! steers at £l4 2s 6d*to £ll 10s; clients, 7 cows at £ll 12s Gd to £l9 lOg, 1 cow at £l7 His: A. Peirs (Burirood), 1 cow at £9 2s Cd; E. Hay (Pigeon Bay). 3 steer? at £% 15s to £29 153, G gUpts at £l3 7s Cd to'£)S 12s Gd, 1 heifer at £l6 2* Cd; J. M'Bridn (Temuka), n s ( cers at £lB 2* <W to £2l 7s (id; Mrs P. BirrHinsr n3irdli"<r , B P'n'l, a steers at £lB 5s to £22; Phnrpe Bros. (Holswe'l), 11 steers at £2l 2;i Cd to £"4 15s; ,T. Payne (Lincoln), 1 caw «,t £'4; S. Snr.rke= 'H-ilsw-Ol), 7 cows at £l2 to £l3 7= Gd; O. Htrrii (Ho-n Hrfv), 16 steer;i at £lB 2= fid to £33 7s Gd; Parkiwon and Qua ife (MaaTwn), 3 steers at £?o 2s GdG. Stodd-H' Lincoln), 3 cows at £lO Bs -o I"15 ss; Waimato client, 18 steers at £l9 to £22 ss. VEALERS. There was .a fair enh-y of realors, which oonw'ted ohiefl- of voting calves, with a nroportion of prme vea'ers and runners. There was a rood demand, and' pricc-s were on a par with 'hose of the previous sale, the ran ere being:— , Runners to £7 10s. Good voalcrs £3 to £A 10«. Fai' vea'ers 35s to £2 15s. Light and inferior 8s to 32s Cd. DAIRY COWS There was only a medium entry of dairv cows, inchtdine a number of newly-calved c>ws and sprin~crs. Tho quality \trs not particularly good. There was a fair demand fo" rood sorts, but inferior were difficu't to dispos? of. Best c'ows made £l2 to £ls sa. others £8 to £ll 10s, best heifera £l3 to £l6 10s, and others £7 to £l2 10s. STORE CATTLE. Tho yarding of store cattle was a moderate ono from the point of view of numbers, and consisted chieflv of two and three-year-old steers and heifers, dry cows and the usual odd lots. The quality of the cattle was inferior from tho Grazier's etandpoint. jersey and Avreshire crosres were numerous. Most of tho lines were passed, but there was a fair sale for oth?r lots at the following rates:— Two-vear steers £S 10s. Eigh'oen-mon'hs and two-year hoifcrs £G 8s to £6 17s Cd. Dry cowa £4 10s to £3 15s. FAT SHEEP,.., .„.. , There were between eight and nine races filed with fat sheep, of which a Rood pro portion was shorn. The quality was mixed, a good many lot?, being unfinished. There was a fair demand, but prices went back about io the level of three weeks ago. Tno market collapsed at the -end,. Tho ranjjo of prices was: — Extra prime woolly wethers to 65s Cd. Prime woolly wethers 45s to 50s. Lighter woolly wethers 38s to 445. Prime shorn wethers 35b to 423. Medium 'shorn wethers 2ts Cd to 3-Is Gd. Woody cw3s 2Ss to 40s. Extra prime shorn ewes to 87e 3d. Prime shorn ewes 30s to 345. Medium shorn ewes 21s to 28s Gd.

Woolly hoggets 27s 2d to 30s. The following were tho principal sales: Woolly wethers—R. Leitch (Fairlio), 30 at Gls 6d to Gss 6d; R Coleo (Greendale), 18 ut 43s to SOs 3d: L. Ruddock (Southbridge), 5S at 418 Cd;to 50s 3d; J. C. Irwin 'Rakaia). ■lB at 44s Gd to 50s 3d: T. Richards (Overdale). 58 at 44s Cd to 49s 3d; W. T. Hampton (Waihao Forks). 182 at 44a 4d to 49= Cd: H. Stuart (Middleton), 5S- at 44s lOd to 13s Gd: client, COS at 44s 9d at 48s: HayeBros. (Halkett). 57 at 45s to 47s Cd; R. M'Clolland (Kirwee), 11 at 475; Mrs M. Rutherford (Brackeldalo), 303 at 41s to 47sHenderson Bros. (Rakaia), 56 aj 45s 7d to 465; G. Fantham 'Kaiapoi), 55 at 43s to 465: Doylo Bros. (Tai Tanu), 26 at 38s 3d to 43s 6d; A. Roid (Milton). 58 at 3Ss to 42s 3d, 10 hoggets at 30s- F. J. Lemon (Doyleston), 12il at 34s to 40s 3d; H. Anderson (Ladbrooks), 75 at 44s Cd to 475; Brown Bros. (Temuka), 51 at 42s Gd to 45s Cd. Shorn wethers—D. J. Hawko (Hawkins), 48 at 26s 3d to 425: T. B Garrick (Pleasant Point), 49 at 35s to 38s Gd; J. Cross (Ellesmere), 2S at 37s Gd; 11. E. Cross (Weedons), 18 at 37■> 6:1; Hunt and Langdalo (Sumner), 23 at 37s Gd; client, 32 at 3'2s to 35s lOd; J. and P. Ryan (Weedons). 70 at 33s Id to 35s 3d, GO at 33s to 355: C. J. Cook (Mcthven), 51 at 24s 6d to 34s 9d; J. A. Adams (Groondftle), -28 at 31s od to 33s 6d: C. Adams (Greendale), 21 at 335; W. Prebblo (Lvndhurst), 33 at 31s 9d to 355; W. I. M'Millan (Groenpark), 65 at 31s 7d to 31s sd' F. Watson (Bnrr Hill). 35 at 325; Mcihven client. 193 at 27s 9d to 30s 7d; J. Boag, juur. (Pitcairns). 22 ho-gets at 21s 8d; H ij. Harrison (Rakaia) 70 at 35s 9d to 41s 3d; J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 55 at 33s 2d to 33s 9d Woolly owes—R. Leitch (Fairlie), 12 at 475; T. B. Garric'k (Pleasant Point), 10 at 475: Brown Bros. (Temuka), 6 at 43s Cd; T. C. Witholl (Paimnui) 133 at 35s to 37s 9d: : H""Stuart <Middleton). 24 at 23s to 31s Gd: W. Tizzard (Hisdibank), 44 at 28s to 31s Cd; C. Adams (Greendale), 21 at 23s Gd. Shorn ewes—L. B. Coo (Irwell), 62 at 213 to 37s 9d; G. Fairbairn (Governor's Bay), 13 at 35s 10d; Mrs Stapleton (Doyleston), 48 H 27s 3d to 345; 11. N. Tonner (Tai Tanu), 18 at 33s 3d; E. Hay (Pigeon Bay). 125 at 32s to 35s 6d;.J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bey), 43 8t 3"3 l°d; client. 20 at 28s 3d; J. A. Adams (Greendale). 20 at 27s (id; southern client. 40 at 235. STORE SHEEP. Tlicro ' tnis B sm!1 " ar ding of storo sheep, and tho demand wan not very animated, s number of lines being passed. The prices was: Ewe hoggets 3os to 35a 6d. Wothor -Wet" a»s 6d to 2_os 9d. Shorn hoggets 21s 8d to 2as 9a. Four, and six-tooth wethers 40s 3d to 41s 5d Shorn wethers SOs Id to S7s 9J. A«,nn"<r the sales wore: ffiZ,. 297 shorn at 22s 9d to 23s 2d. 64 at 379 ' 9d > 103 ftt 3 ° 3 1d,A137 8t 30a 3d16Ttolo 3 S : 385 ewes at 35s Id to 35s Cd, iSI i „* o-, s sd. 21 shorn mixed sexes 21s lf^ 6 tr'n S welhe,s2ss9d. 5 s9d. * FAT LAMBS. <n -a was a yarding of 551 fat lambs, and mere - f , eile rally better than those tho Some of tho pens, offered a |onn RmaU hov.cver - r (ii;niana at pricCß mucll bw«?tS"i those'of the late sale, and nearly 100 were passed-in. •Ihorango of prices v-as-i„.,ili« 25s ';d to U>3 fed, Pnnie cd to 255. Medium l<"»o*> -- l 0 „., s A' «ruicu»al sales Mere:-For J. Tweedy The Py 1 . 011 8 t .; 3;J to 2Ss Cd; P. O'Grady (Duusaudeh T> hursl), 4a. - , (o 27 5 . B an fife and Co _ fields) 11 « 3 3d; B. M'Clriland (Kir(Yaldhurrt), « ifis> p ercy chamberlain wee), 18 « * Ws lOd; Mrs Stapleton (Ellesmere, 7« • cd to 0 3 , ; M (; T (Do . y ° S &±dfiev£>. 3 at 25r ' 3d; P- Watson (Barr. H 11) 3'°; 6(3 to o h ed ; M'Lachlan Lincoln), »S-»» <%* to 24s 6d; AV. J v r F S ;.e ( lf A?Evplj (-° v ■, 0 (Ricoarton) -4 at "2a Gd Id; Deans s w)ccl (S ou thbrid?«) 30 to 23s Cd; J-. n . E . Cross (Weedons), n ■>{ 12i 60 to -10

bridge), 18 at 22s to 234; K. Hanna (Ricoartosi), 5 at 22s 3d; G. Greaves (Lincoln), 21 at 22s 3d to 22a 6d; Mrs M'Cormick (Lakeside), 17 at 223 Gd: Mis P. M'Dnuy (Ladbrooko), 10 at 23a; J. H,. Pannett (Springston), 10 at 22s Gd; C. Greenwood (Southbridge), 15 at 225; G. H Burnett (Leeston), 12 at 225; J. F. Wright (Templeton), 8 at 21s Od; T. Hopgood (Yaldhvurst), U at 20s.

PIGS. There vras a rnedimh entry of fat pigs and a very koen demand at firm rates. The rango of prices wao: Choppers, £6 to SS 9s. - Extra heavy haveners to £3 8s CdL Heavy baconors, i'G 10s to £7 10s. Lighter baooners, £5 to £5 15e. Equal to !)*d par ib. Larre porkers, £3 15h to £4 ss. Lighter porkers, £2 14s to £3 10s, Equal to 10id per lb. There was a good entry of store pige, and everything sold well except weaners, which wore down several shilling-s per head. The range was:— Best stores, £3 to i£3 Bs. Medium stores, £2 10s to £2 19a. Small stores, 30< 10 £2 6s. Weaners, 16a to 28s.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17947, 14 November 1918, Page 2

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ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17947, 14 November 1918, Page 2

ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17947, 14 November 1918, Page 2