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METROPOLITAN MARKET. SMALL YARDINGS OP STOCK. There was a largo attendance at tho Addir.gton saleyards yesterday. Entries of stock wero, on the whole, smaller than in the previous week, the principal shrinkage being in fat. and s.oro sheep and fat lambs. Pa*, sheep sold at higher prices, and bo did fat lambs, but neither maintained tho same standard of quality as in the previous market. Store sheep were short, and of only moderate quality, but sold well. A fairly largo beef entry sold at the level of the last few. sales, and store cattlo in forward condition sold well. The pig market was insufficiently supplied. FAT CATTLE.

Another large yarding of fat cattlo included a good proportion of prime beef. At tho opening of the sale the market was slightly weak, but it improved shortly, and for the most part the ruling rates wero those of tho previous week. The range of nrices was as follows; Extra prime s'eers to £23 10s. Prime steers £l3 15s to £2O. Ordinary steers £9 15s to £l3 5«. Ex'ra prime cows to £lB 17s 6d. Prime cows £lO 15s to £l3 15s. Ordinary cows £8 to £lO 7s Cd. Ex i ra prime heifers to £ls 17s 6d. Prime heifers £lO 5s to £l4. . ; Ordinary heifers £9 to £lO ss. The fol!owih<r were among the principal sales:'—For G. G. Gould (Hermitage). 4 cows at £ll os to £l7 15s: C. J. Willis (Ashburton), 6 steers at £l4 15s to £l. 2s 6d, 2 heifers at £l3 12s 6d: H. J. Macartney (Tai Tapu)., 6 steers at £l6 to £2O, 1 cow £ll ss. 1 heifer £lO 12s 6d; South Canterbury client. 10 steers at £ls 5s to £lB 10s. 4 cows at £ll 7s 6d to £l4 15s; S, Sparks 'Harwell), 3 cowa at £-11 7s 6d to £l4 7s M 7 heifers at £lO 2s 6d to £ll 17s 6d: Fisher's Es'ate fWaiau). 3 cows at £lO 7s 6d. 2 heifers at £l2. 2 steers at £l4 ss: J. H. Watson (Arnberlev). 1 heiier £lO 12s 6d; J. Manhire. 1 cow £l3 2s 6d; J. O. Coop (Sefton) 13 steers at £l6 to £lB 17s 6d, 3 heifers at £l2 to £ls 17s 6d; J. O. Coop (Sprincrvale). 8 steers at £l6 5s to £2O 7s (id; M. Brophv. 1 cow £lO 12s 6d; D. 0. Rutherford (Grampians), 7 steers at £l6 to £l3 17s 6d; F. D. Helmore (Balmoral). 3 steers at £l6 7s 6d to £18; Little Bros. (Omihi), 7 steers at £l2 17s 6d to £ls 17s 6d; Graham "ros. (Culverden), 2 cows at £9 to £lB 17s 6d; T. C. Withell, 3 cows at £lO 10s to £lO 12s 6d: J. J. Dolan (Rakaia),

1 cow £ll ss, 3 steers at £ll 5s to £ll 17s 6d; client, 4 steers at £lO las to £ll 12s 6d; client, 1 cow £l4 16s: client, 1 heifer at £3 10a, 1 cow at £9- L. W. Blundell (Bennetts). 6 steers at £l4 7s 6cl to £-22; J. F. Buchanan (Little Eiver), 5 steers £ls 17s 6d to £l7. 3 heifers at £l2: F. G. Frampton (Brookside), 4 heifers at £l2 12s Gd. 2 cows at £lO 7s Gd and £l2 15s; G. Manrles. 6 cows £8 10 to £l4 17s 6d, 2 heiSers at £l3 to £l4; A. D, A. M'Donald to £23 10s; J. Judson (Oxford), 6 steers at £lO 17s 6d to £l2 10s. 1 heifer £lO 17s 6d'; client, 8 steers at £ls las; d. O. (Little River), 8 steers at £l7 15s to £2l 10s; client, 3 Bteers at £l6, 20 cows and heifers at £lO 5s to £ls ss; client, 16 steers at £l7 to £2O; Duncan Rutherford (Leslie Hills), 11 steers at £l4 7s Gd to £l6 7s Gd, 13 heifers and cows at £l3 to £l4 ss; J. Barker (Marshlands), 2 cows at £7 15 to £7 17s Gd; R. White (Ealing), 8 steers at £l3 10s to £l6 15s; 7 heifers at £l3 to £ls 2s 6d; clients, 5 steers at £l6 to £l6 7s 6d, 6 heifers at £l2 Jos to £l3, 3 cows at £l3, 5 steers at £l2 17s 6d to £l4 17s 6d, 3 heifers at £9 2s Gd, 7

steers at £ls 2s 6d to £l6; H. Ryan (Medbufy), 4 steers at £l6 15s to £l6 10s, 1 cow at £11; client, 6 heifers at £ll 5s to £l2, 2 cows at £9 2s 6d; Mrs Forrest (Kaiapoi), 3 cows at £lO 15s to £l2. VEALERS. A moderate yarding of vealera contained all classes, from baby calves to babv beef, with only a small pronortion ,of medium weiehts. The demand was arain keen, prices raneing from 12s for ema'l ca'ves to £3 2s 6d for medium weight and quality, and £5 7b 6d for prime. STORE CATTLE. A much better yarding of stores waß probably the result of the imnroverl weather. Several lines of good three-year-old steers and heifers ree«"iv<*rl the attention of dealers, many of the steers being in verv forward condi'ion. There was a_ good demand for all s'ock in forward cond'tior, this referring particularly to cows. Youn? cattle in backward ro«di'ion were sh.ggish. Prices ran"ed as follows: v>:t^ P r, «o "'"ii'e-u-moTiths-old, £4 19s. Two-year-old steeTS, £5 ss. T-o-venr.ol-1 he'Ters. fS. TT>ree-voar-old stperc, £1 ik s f n £l\ 7n ed. Thrce-vear-olrl h°if«r fl . £8 7s 6d to £9 7s 6d. Dry cows, £5 to £ll Ss. DAIRY COWS. There was a fair vardin? of dairy cows. •no'tidi"" sßVorn' ivMin" sr.rin<rers of ffood tvrie. Prices Tftiiced from Pi 10s for o'd and bflolcn- n rd sor's to £ll and €l2 for medium ""slity, young cows duo early making np to £l7. PAT SHEEP. The fat sJtßen vard'no- was smaller than i„*t. eP V<!. and o"pn C rl to br-'sk pomne*Him,. Prfpoq ob'n'norl r>arlv wer« better than those roor : «tf>red for the eonrHidiur' sales. b"t the average wnq from s'Tnpnoo to a shi l lin<r a hnnrl in n^'-nne o of '««' .Time » nl e, ""d mostly bAv'ond li""'ts. The entry was msdo nn' ln»~»1v of wethors, including some of nrime qua'ity. The of prices was:— prir» t<7o»liers to 49s 3d. Pr^ B vetners SKci Pel to 15s 9d. T,iTh*er ?0= Prl to Sss. r "rino wothn-s 97s <M to 3Bs. P"'.ne c« to Pd. T\r„^;„ m O , rM ?nq to T.i~hter 2-ls '<d to o< ls 6d. >foririo prrpo Qls lOd.

The ririneioal °.h!ps were: -VWliers-For Honde-son Bros. fMethven), 112 at tfo 3d to 49s 3d; O. Ptorl.lart (T.incoln), 25 at 43s 3d to 4f* 9d: E. W. Roberts (An"-na) 32 at. 37s '-1 to 9-1 '9 mem"™ at 27s 4d to 295; M. M'L;od ™?}™)j,™ at 40« 3o to 45s 8d: J. and P. C'-tnnjDar-field). 55 at, 39= to 435: .1. Dovle fTai Tamil. n at VH to 42s M; Mrs P. J. 0 "!T ton v .r,l 18" n(. 31= "rl t n 41s: Tim am eUpnt 10 at 4i a PA- J F'omiri* iT.i.moTe), V\ a.' 3«s to 4"s: Mrs E. 11 at 3(« 9-1 to 3o a lnfl: Wnshbonrne K™*03 n.t. 33s to W= W- TTpnrlercon Bros. IV«-f«,-a) 3.1 at 37n nd to 3S- 5d • G. RntWord P2 »t **■> Pd 'o 3°s: A. Jensen ffVordV w nt **> 9" 'o 37, 1A- obe-.i 44 „t. 3.Ts to •>?» Rel; T, V V Pi „«%<„ to v« pa. t> E« at. 345, fid to *T« W: W. G. _Gn , laebor (MeynoM). 38 at 33s lid to 365; Lmdon Fsta'e /WR ; an), 1« wethers and ewes nt 29s Sd to 35s- C D. Fov fScar<rill), 38 at. 33s to 3!s Od- R. Boyd 145 at 31s 3d to R4s 6d; Harrison and Son (Amberlcv), 9 at 35s 3d; Doodv Bros. (Whitec'.is), 18 at 35s id- J. W. Harrison fScargill), 7 at 34s Gd; J M'Tne-gnrt (Cheviot). 27 at 345; A. M'Gumness (finwald). 9 at ,345: W. Buseh (Rolleston). 13 at S3s Cd: F. C. Cleave (Oxford). 17 at 33s 6d; A. J. Cleave (Oxford). 28 at 33s 6d: D. Rutherford (Leslie Hills). 72 mennoes at 28s to 335; J. Stewart (Methven) 30 at 32s lid; D. L. Rutherford (Morna), 15 wethers and ewes at 27s 3d to 31s. Ewes.—M. M'Leod (Methven), 45 at 36s 6d to 40' 3d;*J. C. Lochhead (Rakaia), 49 at 29s 8d to 365; J. and P. Clinton (Darfleld), 10 at 86s; W. M. Gabbie (Southhridge), C 6 at 30s 3d to 35s 6d; Doig's Estate (Chertsey), 45 at 32s 9d to 35s let' Timaru clients, 15 at 33s 8d; Harrison and Son (Amberley), 8 at 33s 3d; R. Gordon (Hawardon), 8 at 33s 3d; client, 103 at 2Ss Id to 32s 7d; C. D. Fox (Renr-rill), 29 at 325; Henderson Bros. (Rakaia), 13 at 31s 9d; C. R. M'Lachlan (Dnvleston). 39 a< 26s lOd to 30s 6d: E. A. Paine (Amh»riey), 31 at 26s 3d to 31s: W. Bainbridge (Mina), 28 at 23« i lid to*3os lOd, 17 merinoes at 21s lOd: W. Busch (Ro'leston). 35 at 28s 3d to 28s 7d: G. Kelly fßsVafa). 17 a< 28s 3d: G. Shinley OTarewood). if- nt 24s cd t 0 27=: J. W. H<irr ; =on (Soarci"). 21 at 9.". sM : A. Hcinisch (Omihi), 63 at 24s 4d to 25s 2d. FAT T.aMBS.

Tho yarding of lambs totalled 1187. and the ouali'y was only moderate, with an absence of lambs of freezing quality. The demand was good, and prices were as under: Prime lambs 23s to 335. Medium lambs 2js to 27s 6d. Lighter lambs 19s 6d to 24a 6d.

Tho following were the principal sales: For W. Fly (Sprihgston), 6 at 335; L. M'Guiness (Tinwald). 59 at 24s 6d to 30a; Jkf.s V. Green (HawkiiH. 13 nt :10s: 11 C »n----pion (Halswell). 9 at 29a Id; TV. M. Gahhie (Southbridge), 54 at 27s to 28s 7d; Graham Bros. CBol'rnoral). 78 at 26s to 2Ss 4d; W. Busch (Bolleston). U at 23a Id; P. Cleave (Oxford). 21 at 26s 7d to 235; Timaru client, 40 at 27s 6d; Lyndon Estato (Waiau). 52 at 26« 8d to 27s Gd: N. Clinton (Greendale), 45 at 26s 6d to 27s Id: P. M'Anultv o*akn ; a), 70 at 25s 5d to 27a Id; J. Gillanders OVaddington). 59 at 25s 5d to 27s Id; Henderson Bros. (Rakaia). 16 at 2Gs to 275; P. Tully (Rakaia), 53 at 24s to 275; Afhburton client, 41 at 25s to 26s 4d- G. 11. Shame (Culverden). 64 at 25s Id to 26*: W. Buchnn (Lyndhurst). 75 at 23s 3d to 25s lOd; J. W. Harrison (Scarrill). 18 at 25s 8d; G. C'.enhane (Sedgemere), 20 Rt 2os Id: Harrison and Son (Southbridce). 35 at 24s to 2is 8d; H. Drummond (Lyndhurst), 55 at 23s 6d to 24s 4d; J. C. Lochh-ad 'Rakaia). 23 at 21s to 24s Id; R. Sloss (Omihi) 83 at 19s Gd to 245; W. Bainbridge (Mina). 20 a* 24s Id; Mrs P. J. Overton (Greta). 44 at 23s 2d. STORE SHEEP. Store sheep wero not largely represented. Buyers' limits wero more elastic, and the market showed a healthy tone, the best demand being for ewe? in lamb and lambs. The followinp was the ranee of prices: Four and six-tooth ewes to 27s 7d. Six and eiaht-tooth ev/es to 335. Aged Southdown ewes to 40s. Sound-mouthed ewes to 275. lid. Two and four-tcoth wethers to 29s 3d. Four and six-tooth wethers 30s 9d to 34s 3d. Six and eigh*-tooth wethers 29s 2d to 30s 4d Ewe lambs 26s 3d to 29s 3d. Wether lambs 19s 6d to 26s lOd. Mixed sex lambs 16s to 26a 4d. Among the sales wero:

Ewes—67 two. four, six end eight-tooth at 27s 7d, 26 four six and eight-tooth at 27s 9d, 78 six and eight-tooth at 335, 101 sound-

mouthed at 2Ts lid. 63 at 27s 3d. 48 at 27s 7d. 11 failing-mouthed at 22s 6d. 22 at 21s 4d. 27 at 23s 9d. 27 at 25s lOd, 62 at 22s 6d. 76 at 20s 9d. 26 a<?cd Sou'hdowns at 40s. Wethers—43 four-tooth at 29s 3d. 38 four and six-tooth at 31s 3d. 113 at 30s 9d, 41 at 33s 70 «,t 325, 28 at 30s 6d. 177 at 34s 3d. 80 four-tooth merinoes at 2os 3d, 9 sound-mouth-ed at 27s 9d, 13 sound-mouthed at 23a 2d 28 at 30s 4d. '

Lambs—63 mired sexes at 25s 9d 79 at 21s 7d, 44 at 23s 4d 48 at 26s 4d, 15 at 16s. 30 at 235, 58 ewe* at 26s 6d, 41 at 26s 3d 150 at 27s Id, 58 at 26s sd, 98 at 28s sd. 44 at 29s 3d, 44 wethers *t 2is, 37 at 22s Id 17 at 19s 6d. 69 at 25s 2d 40 at 26s 10& PIGS. For a very small entry of fat pigß there was a keen demand, and prices showed a fur. ther advance Tho range of prices was as follow: Choppers £4 10s to £7. Extra heavy bacone'rs to £6. Heavy baconers £5 to £5 12s 6d. Lighter baconers £4 to £4 15s, Equal to Sd "er lb. 'Heavy porkers 66s to 70s. Lighter porkers 55s to 625. Equal to lOd ner lb. A small entry of store pigs sold well, tho rancre of prices being: Large stores 46s to 595. Medium stores 35s to 455. Small stores 24s to 345. Woaiiera 14s to 18s. Sows in pig £6 7s 6d.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17523, 5 July 1917, Page 2

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ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17523, 5 July 1917, Page 2

ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17523, 5 July 1917, Page 2