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GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. SECOND DAY. Tho Grand National meeting was continued at Riccarton yesterday under -very favourable conditions. The air was keen but the sun was in evidence during the greater part of the afternoon. There was again a large attendance, though the crowd was riot quite ccfual to that of the first day. Speculation was brisk, the totalisator investments being £43,216, compared with £41,851 on the corresponding day last year. The course had dried up a good deal since Tuesday, and the going was greatly improved. The fields were largo in most of the events, the starters during the day totalling 105. Some excellent sport was witnessed, though in several events there was no special excitement about the actual finish, a* apecial feature being the exhibitions of jumping which Were witnessed in the Imrdlo races and steeplechases. Tne Grand National Hurdle Handicap .resulted in an exceptionally interesting contest ' The field numbered eighteen, drown Pearl being the only withdrawal. Kooya’s win on tho first day had evidently impressed backers, as she wont out favourite. Her chance was settled at the start, for she did not go off till the rest were over a hundred cards on the road. She put m a good mn for half a mile, but never looked like getting near the front lot and s e was pulled up a long way from homeMaster Regel went out at the start, with the evident' intention of winning all the way. Golden March accompanied the Auckland representative, and the pair remained together for a mile and three-quarters, when Golden March beat a retreat, his performance up to • that point being an improvement on his first days, showing. Master Regel colftmued to bowl along in front, but he had a big bunch in hot pursuit as they raced for the* last hurdle. The finish was a repetition of tho Jumpers flat Handicap on the first day, Art wearing Master Regel down and only getting), ids head in front in tho last stride, ft was a great race, the majority or the field seeing out the tiring journey better than was expected. Art was al-

ways well placed, being in the first halfdozen practically from the start, Sind ho was admirably handled, being on the rails most of the way, while ho gave a good display of jumping. Master Itcgcl lived up to his reputation as a brilliant jumper, though ho rapped oiio hurdle, and his performance was a grind one. Sir Solo was in the middle of the field in the early stages, but ho stayed on in fine stylo, and. he has evidently been improved by his recent racing. Marconi finished .well but had too much ground to make up. Harbour Light also came on the scene late, hut Kilmeny held a good position in tho enrly part, fading out from the last hurdle. Pursefillor was also beaten by the length of the journey, though sho ran well for two miles. Lconta began very slowly afid never looked like bein" dangerous, though he finished strongly. Crib was going well at the end of six furlongs, alongside Sir Solo, but failed to improve his position over the remainder of tho journey. Taram Jack dropped out before the straight was reached, and Styrax, after, being in a good place for a mile, failed to hold it. The others wore never promts nent at any stage, The result was well received, tho ovation wh ch greeted the winner being the heartiest seen on the course for a long time. That there are plenty of cross country horses about was shown when six-

teen went out for the Beaufort Steeplechase. There were four falls, while one was pulled up, but the exhibition jumping was high-class, and the finish was oxciting, half a dozen horses having a chance when the last fence was reached. Queen’s Post was never far from the front and she stayed on in good style, after an excellent display of safe jumping. Her win was thoroughly earned, as she had promising form more than once without winning. New York was one of the pacemakers in the early part, but then dropped out, coming on again with a strong run over the last half-mile. Lady Bibboro was outpaced over the first mile, but gradually made up ground. Idealism and Recharge, on the other hand, failed to stay over the final hit. Ngatoa and Fagot were both going well a mile from home but could not sustain their efforts in the straight. Wnimai, after a great exhibition of clean, fast jumpmg, dislodged his rider at the sod wall, five furlongs from home, when out in front and looking like a winner. The August Handicap and Islington Handicap were won in impressive style, after providing plenty of interest till near the finish, while tho minor events assisted to make up an excellent day’s sport. Tho following arc the details of the racing:— WOOLSTON PLATE, of 120 sovs; second horse 21 sovs and fliird horse 12 sovs from the stake. Six furlongs. 1 — Air F. Holmes’s br g Pyjama, by Martiaa—Bloomer, 4yrs, 9st (H. Donovan) 1 2 Afr J. Stewart’s br g Cnraid Dilcas, by Stepniak—Koseshield, agea, ust (J. Crerar) 2 3 Mr D. Moraghan’s blk g Treadfire, by Treadmill —Ingleneulc, 4yrs, Cst (J. O’Shea) 3 4 Air W. A. Nicholas b g Trevena, 4yrs, 9st (G. J- Pin®) 0 6—Mr W. Flomin-'s b z Counterpoint, a<rod, 9?t (L. Hagerty) 0 5 Afr J. 11. Taylor’s b g Don Francisco, 4-yrs, S’st (J• Ashby) 0 Caraid Dileae made nil the running' and appeared to havo the race well in hand, but Pyjama gradually overhauled h> m ' in tho last strido by a short head. Treadfiro was throe lengths away. Time lmin 19 see.

Tho winner was bought in for £sl. HO NT CLUB CUP. of 200 sovs; second horso 40 sovs and third horse 20 sovs from tho stoke. About two miles and a half. 9—Mr T. Hobbs's b g Traditor. by G'anuio Chiol—Bertrayer mare, aped, lost 31b (G. Fielding) 1 2 Mrs A. Mibcpherson’s ch g Mawson, by Eurodvdon —Hurricane, *g©d, lOaj 9lb (A- M’llynn) 2 12 —Air H. Elworthy'a b - Tairiki. by Glenapp, aged 9st 9lb (&• Retd) 3 Mr 0. Donnelly’s ch g Otupai, nge<l, ll ß t (A. Lawrence) 0 7 Air H. A. Boyle’s ch e Northern, aged, lOst 111 b (R- Thompson) 0 4Mr B. Brooker's br m Waiparapara, aged, lost 9lb (Mr Broolter) 0 6—Air P. Elworthy’s br m Fairy Finn, aged, 10st Sib G V ;v Fie ‘^ B ° I—Air1 —Air J. C. South’s blk g Rolhng M , aged, lOst 101 b . (E. Griffihs) 0 11—Mr D. Morton’s ch g Debonaife, aged. Oat 131 b ' (Pi Wllhß > 0 5 Miss N. Armstrong’s b g Koranga,. aged, Oat 91b , <R- H un ‘> 0 10—Mr J. Jordan's ch g Sclhrook, aged, 9st 91b (L- ? a " cr ty 0 8— S. Carey's b m Deir Annie, aged, 9st 91b ( J - R - Knan ’ 0 Fairy Finn and Traditor were tho first to show out, but Koranga took chargo ct the Kennels double where Debonaire refused and Dear Annie fell. Rolling » Tank and Koranga led Fairy Imn to the straight first named pair being in charge passing th stand. Northern and Fairy Finn fel at tho first of tho stand double and Selbrook at the second. Rolling Tide was m front at Cutts’s fence, where he came down. At to sed wall Tairiki, Otupai and Mawson "ere iust clear of Traditor. with Wmm»Pß some distance away. Mawson was infgw* at the entrance to tho straight, but Traditor caught him in the run home, winning by over a length with Tairiki five, lengths away, followed by Otupai and \\ aiparapara. Tune—omin 18 2-ssec. SUMNER HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; second horse. 40 sove and third horse 20 sove from the stake. One mile. 14—Mr J. Calvert’s b g King Staf, Martian Rosiphele, x * 9 Air F. S. Rutherford’s ch g Acliilleus, b, MIMW* ItbSL*) •

B—Mr D. H. Roberts’s oh g Fiery Cross, by Glenapp Hed g B_Mr J- H. Colebourno’s b r Multum, 6yrs, JOst 71b < A - Ohver) 0 2—Mr H. G. Taylor sch g Sir iarKa, 6,k10.1 lib , « 12—Mr L. C. Hazlett’s br m Sister Regis dflftf-c b g 4Mr G? S Fulton's b 2 Rig. 0 5 .Hon tV. D.'S. MacDonald’s b g Grand *mb: 7-ffiV l. Corry’s ch g # 18 Mr M. Frjedlander's b m Sport, Se 9it, Q 16—Mr D Rutherford's br g HumUwjwn. q avra, 9st ' . T .. Ballyhar was the first to show out, King Star, Sister Regis and Moneymaker being prominent .among tho others running tho back. At the tnd of ibreo furlongs Bailyhar was well clear of King Star who was closely followed by Moneymaker British Rose and Fiery Cross, wLh Sirlarka moving up on tho outside King Stai shot out a tho entrance to tho straight, and it tho dls auoe lie had a lead of several lcngtlr from tho next division. Easily holding hi place, King Star won by three lengths from Acliilleua, who finished fast and beat * wry Crass by a neck, with Sir. Taraaa head away, just in front of Kukri und Bnllyhar. Time—lmin 47 3-ssec.

AUGUST HANDICAP, of 400 sovs; second horse 80 sovs and third horse 40 sovs from the stake. Six furlongs.

5 Mr Loring’s br g Seadown, by Down-shiro-Sequin, 4yrs. 103 t 121 b (J. 0 Shea) 1 8— Mr J. Parsons' ch g Oxenhopo, by Oblwado— Cyrennic-nc, aged, list lib " (B. Dceley) 2 l Mr F. Armstrong's b m Cherry Blossom, by San Fran-Prize Bloom, aged, 10st 9,b , „ _»?• , oiß 3 16— Messrs F. A. and V N. Prices b RorkVa Drift, cyrs. list 9lb (W. Robinson) 0 10— Mr A, AY. Rutherford's juu.’s b r i.ncore.' aged. hfib tW. Bell) 0 7 Mr J. Georgo'a br g Gienroy, aged, lOst uljj , , . „ (A- 0 11— Mr A Wellesley's br h George aged. 103 b oil) (W. Young) t 6 Sir George Clifford's b h Battle Eve, 4yrs, lOst sib <?■ E. Jones) 0 2—Mr J. J. Gorry's b g Heeltap, 6yrs, list 111 b , , . (W. Pnce) 0 to—Mr 11. Pattersons b h babrikoft, “ jyrs, Ost 9’.b (G. J. Pme) D 9 Mr J. J. ll’Brido's eh h Obijono, aged, Ost 81b (W. O Halloran) 0 U—Mr I). P. Wilson's br m Marsa, syrs, OstSlb (L Wilson) 0 8— Mr H. A. Knight's br m Comely, syrH, 9st 31b 0 16—Mrs R. T. Ncale'a ch. g Derby Day, Cyra. Sat 7IU U Mrllnr) t

14— Hon W. D. 5. Macdonald’s ch tr Otara, 6yrs, 9st 61b (VI. Griffiths) 0 s 17—Mr W. Nidd’s br m Peronilla, Gyrs, > 9st 51b (C. Emerson) 0 1 13—Mr W. H. L. Christie’s b g Speedo--1 meter, 6yrs, 9st 3lb (S. Reid) 0 ’ B—Mr F. R. Cross's b g Icilma, aged, 9st 21b (J. Horn) 0 When the course proper was reached Cherry Blossom, Derby Day. Glenroy, Marsa and Spcedomoter were prominent. Cherry Blossom and Derby Day were in chargo at tho distance, where Oxenhopo, Seadown and Comely wero all going well. A littlo further on Oxenhopo shot out. but Seadown came with a strong run and beat him homo by two lcng.hs. Cherry Blossom was a similar distance away, with Derby Day fourth, followed by Comoly, Horke’s Drift and Battlo Eve. Time—lmin 18 2-ssec. / GRAND NATIONAL HURDLE HANDICAP, of 1200 sovs; second horse 240 sovs ana third horse 120 sovs from iho stake. About two miles and a half. 6 —Mr G. Fulton’s b g Art. by Sarto— Mist, aged, 9st loib (D. M'Kay) I 4 —Messrs M'Ciaitk and Thornton's b g Mastor lfegcl. by Rcgel—Sly Aliss, aged, lOst 61b '.F. Flynn) a 12 —Air W. Garrett's b g Sir Solo, by Sir Laddo —VVepener, aged, OBt 51b (S. Reid) 3 3—Mr J. Parsons’ b g Crib, Gyrs, list 2ib (W. Fielding) 0 13—Mr E- Hicks’s ch g Styrax, aged, lOst 131 b (L. Traill) 0 I—Mr S. S. Oliver’s br m Kooya, aged, lOst 13ib ffno. 41b pen.) ;A. M Flynn) 0 7—Mr F. J. Lysnar’s br m Pursefiiler, Gyrs, lOst 111 b (B. Polgrain) 0 s—Mr W. J. Brown’s b g To Onga, aged, lOst Blb (F. Tutchcn) 0 2—Air T’. Bristol's b g Lcmta, aged, lOst 7ib (L. Coleman) O 11—Mr t\. Brown’s ch tr Harbour Light, aged, lOst 71b (J. Deerey) 0 9—Mr J. O. E. Jackson’s b g Marconi, 6yTs, lOst 51b (3. Henderson). 0 B—Air/ A. \Y. Donald’s b g Tararu Jack, aged, lOst 3lb (A. Wormald) 0 14 —Hon J. D. Ormond’s b g Gladinl, 6yrs, 9st lllb (W. Bush) 0 18—Mr D. H. Roberts’s b g Kiimeny, agod, 9st olb (R. M’Seveny- 0 10 Mr Ei. J. llao’s b p- Tenacious, Gyrs, 9st Sib tW. S;andcn) 0 15 —Mr J. Bull jun.’o bile g Go.den March, 6yrs, 9st 2lb (A. M’Donald) 0 17—Messrs' J. M. Cameron and W. Richmond’s b g St Elmn, aged, 9st 2ib tR. Hunt) 0 16—Mr H. A. Russell's b g Czaronus, Gyre, 9st (R- Thompson) 0

Kooya was badly left, while Te Onga was 'slow to. move. Master Regel, Golden March, Jararu Jack and Styrax were the first to show out, tho first-named pair loading over the first hurdle. Master Regol and Golden March then drew out several lengths, and at tho second hurdle they were four lengths clear of Pursefiiler, Styrax, Tararua Jack and Art. There was little change in the order over the next half-mile, andl passing tho stand Alaster Rogei and Golden March wero showing tho way to Pursefiiler, Kiimeny, Styrax and Art, whoiwere followed by Tararu Jack. Sir Solo, Crib, Craronus, and Harbour Light. At Cutts's Alaster Rege! and Golden March wero still together, with Kiimeny next, just clear of Pursefiiler, Art and Tararu Jack. Going down the back Master Rege! drew out, and at the six furlong post he was two lengths in front of Golden March, who had Kiimeny, Art and Pursefiiler in close attendance, Sir Solo. Tararu Jack and Harbour Light being at tho head of tho others. Golden March was done with at the five furlong pool and turning for home Master Regcl was three lengths clear of Kiimeny, Art and Pursefiiler. Tho field was in close order at tho last hurdle, where Master Regel had Art as his nearest attendant. Onoe on tho flat Art gradually overhauled Alaster Ilegol, and batching him a coup!o of strides from the post, he won by a bare head. Sir Solo was two lengths away, juet in front of Marconi, with Harbour Light next, followed bv Kilmony, Crib, Leonta, PursefiH*r and Gladful, while Kooya was pulled up a long way from home. Time—4min 51 3-ssec. Tho following table shows the winners of the race: Year. "Winner Weight. Time.

st. lb. m. e. 1690 R. Kildare’s Ixlon . 10 2 4 5 2-5 1891 J. Maher’s Couranto . 10 0 353 1892 D. Rutherford’s Kulnine 11 5 4 0 1893 M. Walker’s Liberator 10 10 365 1834 P. Butler's Liberator 12 G 4 5 3-4 1895 H. Glrvor’e Donald Al’Kin -on . . 10 3 4 51-2 IS9G F. Watson'3 Dummv . 912 8 591-2 1897 G. Williams’s Umsloptigaas , . . . 9 5 353 2 180 S D. Rutherford’s Social Peat . . 10 13 358 7899 Hon J. D. Ormond’s Defiance . . 11 0 3 661-5 1900 J. E. Thorpe’s Record

Reign . . . 12 13 34G 3-5 1901 J. Connell's Haydn . 11 0 355 4-5 1902 D. Edwards’s Tresham 10 0 355 4-5 1903 J. O’Driscoll’B Waiwera 11 4 3 47 I!HH G. B. Oman’s Medallius 9 5 4 11-5 1905 T. H. Lowry’s Creusot 10 13 .3 49 3-5 1906 W. Foss's Cuiragno . 10 G 4 4 1007 M. Afanton's Shrapnel 10 8 34t 3-5 1908 J. Flanonr’s Stormont 9 0 345 2-5 1909 J. Casserley’s Compass 10 8 345 3-5 1910 G. B. Oman’s Paisano 12 1 345 1911 J. A. Lucas’s Continuance . . . . 11 11 845 1912 H. J. Cameron’s Waterworks . . . 9 0 353 1913 F. Armstrong’s Alorn-

ing . . .. . 912 344 2-5 1914 J. Goorge’s Royal Arms 913 865 3-6 1915 F. J. Lysnar’s Hurakia 9 9 410 4-5 1916 G. Fulton’s Art . . 9 5 4 513-5 BEAUFORT STEEPLECHASE, of 500 sovs; "second horse 100 sovs and third horse 50 sovs from the stake. About two miles and a half. 6 Mossrs Hunt Bros.' br m Queen’s Post, by King’s Guest—H.M.S. Pinafore, aged, 9si 131 b (R. Thompson) 1 B—Mr J. Bu.l, jun.’s ch g New York, by Frisoo—Karaka, 6yrs, lOst 91b (A. M’Donald) 2 14—Mir J. F. Hathaway’s b m Lady Bibbero, by Captain Webb —Forerunner mare, aged, 9st 71b (Edwards) 3 St—Mr T. Wilson’s b g Waimai, aged, 12st 101 b (Rao) 0 8— Mr E- W. Alison, jun.’s br g Ngatoa, aged, list lib (A. Julian) 0 4—Mr J. K. Jackson’s ch g Wirokino, Gyre, list lib (A. M’Flynn) 0 7Mr C. Melton’s b g Fagot, aged, list (F. Tutcheu) 0 11— Mr L. A. M'lntosh’s oh g Bravest, aged, lOst 61b (S, Henderson) 0 I —Hon J- D. Ormond’s br g Idealism, aged, 103 t 41b (IV. Bush) 0 6—Mr John M’Cubbin’s b m Black Sea, . aged, lOst (G. Fielding) 0 18—Mr G. L. Stead’s b g Sam Pan, aged, 9st 121 b fAnderton) 0 9Mr C. H. Washer’s ch m Nita, aged, 9st Hlb (L. Traill) 0 10—Mr James Smith’s br g The Btewcr, aged, flat 7lh (L. Hayorty) 0 12— Mr J. Ryan's b g Recharge, aged, 9st 71b (S. Reid) 0 14—Mr E. J'. Massey's ch g Kaupokonui, 6vrs, 9st 7!b (W. Fielding) 0 16—Mr S. Connolly’s b g Oratonu, aged, Oet 71b (F. Holmes) 0

Queen's Post and l New York led over the Kennels double, followed by Idealism, Nita and The Brewer, while Braves: fell. At the sod wall, where Ora.onu fell, New Y'ork had drawn out clear cf Quoen’s Post, The Brewer and Nita. This was the order at tho top of the straight, where Idealism, and Waimai wore next in order. Passing the eland Now York, The Brewer and Queen’s Post wero just clonr of Idealism, Waimai. Fagot ;nd Nita. Kaupokmui fell at tho first of tho double. New York dropped back, leaving Iho straight, and at Cutts’s Waimai and Queen's Post were four lengths in front •if New York and The Brewer, with Idealism, Recharge and Fagol, and Ngatoa next, nueon’s Post headed Waimai l-eforo reaching the sod wall, where Idealism was close in attendance, but at tho Kennels doublo Waimai jumped to tiro front. He was cut in front at the sod wall, where he lost his rider, Queon's Pont going on from Idealism, New York, Recharge, Ngatoa arid Lady Bibbero. At tho last fence Queon's Post was just clear of the nick, and going on sho won by four lengths from New York, who beat Lady Bibbero by two lengths. Then camo Idealism, Recharge, and Nita close up, followed by Black Sea, Ngatoa, Fagot and Tho Brewer, with Wirokino a long way back. Time—smin 9 4-ssec.

SPREYDCN HURDLE HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; second horse ,40 sovs and third home 20 sovs from tho stake. One mile

and three-quart .ra. 1— Mr F. Armstrong's b g Sleight of Hand, by Mystification—Wonderland mare, syrs, lOst 111 b (A.. M'Donald) 1 >—Mr G. Fulton's b<* Banian, by Birkenhead—Banzai, Gyrs, list lib (D. M’Kay) 2 2Mr C. F. Yallance’s ch g Mania Park, by Maniapoto—Sylvia Park mure, aged, 9st (coupled with Amber and While) IS. Reid) 3 s—Mr R. M. Carter's br g Worcester, , ayetV, lOst slb (8. Henderson) 6 o —Mr P, Delargoy's b g Trireme, aged, lOst slb (G. Fielding) 9 2—Mr C. F. Vallance’a b m Amber and

AVhito, aged, flat 131 b (coupled with Mania Park) (B. Polgrain) u I—Mr A. C. Judd’s b m Sartosta, Cyrs, 9r.t lllb (P. AVorniakll 0 3—Mr D. Rutherford's gr m Free, aired, 9s't lllb (AV. Seobio) 0 7—Mr W. Richmond’s blk g Turehana, aged, 9st slb (R.Hunt) 0

AVorcester fell at tho first hurdle, where Turehana was in cliaige. He was still showing tho wav passing the stand. Amber and AVhite and Mania Park being his nearest attendants. At Cutts’s Sleight of Hand made a forward move, taking fourth place, and she ran to tho front at tho seven-furlong ■io=t just clear of Turehana, who was followed by Amber end, Mania Park and Banian. Running round the turn Banian moved up to second Race, but Sloight of Hand hold his place and won easily by four lengths. Mania Bark waa a similar distance away, followed bjL

Sartosta, Trireme, Free and Turehana in that order. Time—3min 26sec. ISLINGTON HANDICAP, of 250 sovli; second horse 60 sovs and third horse 25 sovs from the stake. One mile. 1— Mr J. H. Prosser’s hr h Gold Soult, by Gold Crest—Conauelo, 6vrs. lOst (L. Wilson) 1 5Mr C. Machell's b <r Meltchikoff, by MenschikoS—Lady Melton, syrs, lOst 21b (A. Wormald) 2 10 — Alt D. H. Roberts's b g Slogan, by Sir Laddo—Sally, Gyrs, 9st (J. W. Mosservey) 3 6 Mir C. Prior’a b g Alultifual. Syrs, lOst 131 b _ (B. Dooley) O 7Mr W. S. Dnvideon’s br h Go'denlyte, Gyrs, lOst 3lb fSvd. Reed) 0 2 Air Highdon’s ch g Sedd-el-Ilohr, 4yrs, lOst 3lb (A. Oliver) t) S—Mr Y. T. Barren’s ch h Ringform, Syrs, lOst lib (J. O’Shea) 0 4—Air A. Laing's hr m Maid o’ Cowrie, syrs, 9st'slb {O. M’Carten) 0 9—Air W. Crossan's b g Ogicr, Gyrs, Dst (IT. Donovan) 0 8— Afr H. Whitney's br h Roumania, ovrs, 9st (W. Bell) 0

Mcltcliikoff, Scdd-el-Bnhr and Alaid o’ Cowrie began smartly, but they wero soon joined by Golden'yte. Beforo two furlongs hnd been oovered Sedd-el-Balir dropped back a littlo, the olher tluco going on together, whilo Gold Soult and Ogier were also prominent. Running round tho turn Slogan mudo a forward move and at the entrance to the straight he was with AleltchikolT, Goldenlyto and Maid o' Cowrie in the lead. .Onco in 'ine for homo Gold Soult shot out and won easily by feur lengths from Afcltcbikoff, who beat Slovan by half a length, with Ring form and .Scdd-o!-Bahr clo3o up. Timo — lmin 4G 3-ssec.

Acceptances will close at noon to-day.

THIRD DAY. Tho following handicaps linve been dedared for the third day’s racing: — AYLESBURY STEEPLECHASE, of 200 bovs. About two rnilos and a half. st. lb. st. lb. Queen’s Post . 12 9 Kaupokonui 10 3 Gluopot . 12 8 Rolling Tido . 10 2 Merry Lad . 12 7 Waipar-apura . 9 13 Lady Bibbcro . 11 9 Fairy Finn 9 12 lkowni . 11 8 Critio • 9 11 Nita . 11 5 Caseshot 9 9 Welhvood . 10 13 Cron Park 9 9 Darby Paul . 10 13 Rerekohu 9 7. Kingsway . 10 12 Tairiki 9 7 Tradifor . 10 12 Precious Metal 9 7 Surtax . 10 9 Debonaire 9 7 Mawson . 10 8 Sclbrook 9 7 Kauwairoa . 10 5 Itorirangi • 9 7 Otupai . 10 5 HEATHCOTE HANDICAP, of 350 sovs, Seven furlongs. Seadown . 11 9 Comeiy . 9 3 Rorko's Drift . 11 8 Fabrikoff . . 9 2 Flying Start . 11 3 Sir Agnes 9 0 Gold Soult . 11 3 Joannot 9 0 Oxenhope . 11 3 Twelfth Night 9 0 Tdultifual . 10 0 Speedometer 9 0 Meltchikoff . 10 9 Auroro 9 0 Encore . 10 8 Ogier 9 0 6 Georgo . 10 2 G nomo . 9 Sodd-el-Babr . 10 1 San Sebastian . 9 0 Eattlo Eve . 10 0 Roumania 9 D Ringfonn . 10 0 Caraid Dileas . 9 0 Glenroy . 9 13 Otara 9 0 Goldenlyto . 9 13 Grand Idea 9 0 Heeltap . 9 8 Multum 0 0 Maid o’ Govrrie 9 4 Fiery Cross 9 0 HUNTERS’ PLATE HANDICAP, of HO 60VS. One milo and a half. Sabrenui . 12 13 Turehana, 11 5 Kingsway . 12 9 Prenez Garde . ii 4 Compulsion . 12 3 Martial 11 0 Bill Terry . 12 0 Kedwhakahacro u 0 Cron Park . 11 10 Dear Anjtio li 0 Ma.vaon . 11 9 Platinum ii 0 Rolling Tido . 11 8 Zain li 0 Master Stead . 11 7 Korangi H 0 Northern . 11 6 STYX HURDLE HANDICAP, of 200 EOVB. i Onco round and a distance. Banian . 11 13 Mount Victoria 9 9 Sleight of Spectual 9 5 Hand 11 11 Free 9 4 Golden March 11 10 Sartosta 9 3 Cahcr Davon . 10 9 Union Jack 9 3 ■Worcester . 9 13 Miss Maronan . 9 0 Trireme . 0 12 Sport 9 0 Amber and St Curio 9 0 White 9 10 SYDENHAM HURDLE HANDICAP, of 500 BOVS. One mile and three-quarters. Kooya . 11 9 Kilmony 9 9 Master Regel .11 9 Banian 9 9 fiorke's Drift . 11 9 To Onga 9 8 Crib . 11 3 Sloight of Art . 11 2 Hand 9 7 PursefRler . 11 0 Golden March . 9 5 Styrax . 10 13 Tenacious 9 5 Harbour Light 10 10 Gluepot 9 2 Marconi . 10 9 St Elmn 9 0 Taraxu Jack . 10 5 Czaronus 9 0 Crown Pearl . 10 4 Commotion 9 0 Moddito 9 13 Darby Paul 9 0 Sir Solo . 9 13 Pntronalo 9 0 Gladful . 9 13 Amber and Leonta . 9 12 White u 0 LINCOLN STEEPLECHASE, of 600 sovs. About threo miles. Waimai . 12 4 Glonmoro 0 8 Brneburn . 12 3 Lady Bibbcro . 9 7 Ngatoa . 10 11 Captain Macky 9 7 BranBfio'.d . 10 10 Sam Pan. 9 7 Queen’s Post . in o Nita 9 7 Tarero . 10 9 Recharge 9 7 New York . 10 9 Heatherlea 9 7 Fagot . 10 S Ilcowni 0 7 Wirokino . 10 8 Tho Brower 9 7 Merry Lad . 10 5 Darby Pnul 9 7 Idealism . 10 1 Kauwairoa 9 7 Bravest . 9 13 Oratonu 9 7 To Onga . 9 13 Kaupokonui 9 7 B'ock Sea . 9 9 Caseshot 9 7 Naupata . 9 9 Precious Metal 9 i REDCLIFFS HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Seven furlongs. Marea . 10 9 Treadfiro 9 3 Sir Agnes . 10 8 Samiel 9 2 War Tax . 10 7 Moneymaker 9 1 San Sebastian 10 7 Canrobur 9 0 Varnish . 10 4 Ballyhar 9 0 Otara . 10 4 Grand Idea B 0 Splendidus . 10 3 Riga 9 0 King Star . 10 2 Bomb 9 0 Kukri . 10 1 Compulsion . 9 9 Sir 'Parka . 10 0 Golden Prince 9 9 Auroro . 9 13 Higkwater 9 0 Mult um . 9 12 All War 9 0 Mel ford . 9 9 Humiliation 9 0 Antwerp . 9 9 All Serene 9 0 Fiery Cross . 9 9 Tornea 9 0 Sister Regis . 9 9 Counterpoint . 9 ■o Achilleus . 9 G SELWYN HANDICAP, of 250 sovs. Six furlongs. Seadown . 11 11 Otara 9 0 Meltchikoff . 10 11 Peronilla 9 0 Encoro . 10 11 Speedometer ' . 9 0 Georgo . 10 4 Twelfth Night . 9 9 Battle Eve . 10 3 Splendidus 9 0 Glenroy . 10 2 Sir Malt 9 0 Goldenlyt-o Heeltap . 10 1 War Tax 9 0 . 9 11 Knininoho 9 0 Derby Day . 9 8 Icilrna 9 0 Maid o’ Gowrie 9 G Mount Victoria 9 0 Obsono . 9 r> Bon 9 0 Mar S3, . 9 4 Malvolia 9 0 Yes . 9 4 Don Francisco 9 0 Pyjama Caraid Dileas .93 . 9 3 Glorify Listen 9 9, 0 *0

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17250, 18 August 1916, Page 9

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CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17250, 18 August 1916, Page 9

CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17250, 18 August 1916, Page 9