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OVERSEA GOODS ARRIVE SAFELY.. The fallowing letter l.a-3 been received by til;; .ocm hvii scciciiiry cl Uie hid V-rcns ui'ancn 61 iiic at 0.-im AuWu.unco Association, from the Utticcr lotuiiuiiicuug uie' new ziiuioiiu baso' .dep'Oi, duii-u liotn * Aiustapua uiirracue, Aux;u,cirii., feer-leiuOM io. — " l>c.<j: sir, —1. desire to report that tho Red Cross goods c:< Maheno, Aiaiv.'a, prcntes and WiiiOclira, tave arrived saiely ct the base, and twit n-otliing was missing, 'xhosc ex i'orsia aro now being cleared by Messrs 1 boning Cook and Son, and are duo m Alexandria at any limo now. 'these ex Mr.heno, Malwa and Orontes have Already been distributed on tho following plan.—l_ divide the. cases between No. 1 JNeiv Zca.and tiospital at Poat Said and No. 2 at Pent do Koubbch (Abbatia) ,Cairo, so that as nearly as possible each hospital ,<?ots tho tamo class of goods. Your coutfnts tables are of great uso'in this respect, .is they save mo having to open the cases. As No. 2 contains up to 800 pat.cnts, and No. 1 up to 500, I have been sending everything to them. 'llic other hospitals contain chiefly English and Australian soldiers, with a. few New Zealanders. I presurao you desire the articles to be for- the use of New Zealanders mainly. Cases specially marked for Lady God.ey's Home are, of course, handed to Lady Godley intact. The goods have proved vory useful, and I am asking the principal medical officers of the two Hospitals to let mo know if they desire any other variety. Every care in taken in the distribution, but our taak is simplified by the excellent plan ycu have adopted. I feel that tho New'Zealand troops-'owe your association a great deal for its kindly interest on their bohalf, and I am sure the medical officers of our two hospitals heartily concur. On behalf of the 0.C., New Zealand Division, will you please accept our sinoero thanks for your kindly and practical interest in the we'fare cf our lads, for whom nothing is too good; they aro truly fine. You may rest content that nothing you sent goes astray or is wasted, and I hope you concur in my method of distribution. (Signed), A. B. Charters, Lieuten-aut-Colonel, Officer Commanding New Zealand Forces."

Tho fo'lowing letter from the chief secretary of ,tho St John Ambulance Association, St John's Gate, London, dated September 25. has been received by the local sccrofary of tho association:—"lbcg to acknowledge receipt of your 'etter of Ju'y 18, containing a list of the contents of the eleven cases per Corrnthrc., for which I thank you. The steamer hur, now reached London, and I hope to obtain possession of tho cases during next week, when thev shall bo passed on to our warehouse, unpacked, and tho contents acknowledged."

LATEST DONATIONS. The following additional donations have been, received by the Rod Cross branch of the St John Ambulance Association: 'J.'. (first monthly donation) 10s, Edna and May Ihropp aud Freda and Corona Watts (proceeds of concert given by them at Waltham Road) 13s, Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (being £JIO 7s from silie cf pennant on board Niagara, per Mr E. Nordon, and £36 7s collected on board Niagara for Red Cross purposes) £155 Ha, Belfast infants' school 10s, by A. and T. Norris and Jack Hetherington, by collection on Guy Fawko's Day ss, Mrs Paine £l,. W.C.T.U for bandage department (per Mrs Day) £i 10s, H. Matson and Co. (by sale of mare £S 13s), robato on charge 7b, Duvauchelles Bay (proceeds of social) £22, Dorie Red Cross branch, Rakaia (per. Mrs R. Harrison) £5, Hilton Patriotic Committee (per Geraldine Homo and Empire League) £2OO, proceeds of home entertainment given by Ru h and Eric Baker and Doris Helming £1 Is Bcl, Christ'3 College Games Fund (per Mr A. E. Flower) £25, M.A.W. £1; total, £10,559 3s GJd. The committee hns also received gifts in kind from the following:—Mr3 Dixon, Miss Richardson, Bromley branch (per Mrs Christian), Opawa branch (per Mrs Chapman), Miss Bcum's sewing partv, Mrs C. J. Nowton, Linwood school children, Trinity Congregational Church, and Parnassus branch, Durham Street Methodist branch (per Mrs Garrard), Mrs Chapman, Anonymous, Mrs Wigl»y, Mrs Anson, Mrs Malyn, • Mrs Baiuett, Salvation Home, Mrs Jletcalf, Mrs Rx.yds, Home and Empire League (Gera'dine), (Templeton branch, Southbridsr© branch (per Miss Martha M'Gi'l). Greymoutb branch, (per Mr M'Kinney), Brooksidc branch, Avonside Committee, Ohoka branch (per Mrs Opie), Woimatc branch (per Mrs Francis), Lakeside branch, South Springstou School. " a gir! friend," from the girls (Shirley), Danebury Rcokery branch (per Miss Humphreys), Hoisley Downs Guild (per Mrs C. Rutherford. Opawa Cross branch, Mrs J. Jones, Littlo River, Mrs Frver, Opawa branch (per Mrs Tate and Mrs Lucas). Spotswcod and (per Mrs Legg), Fendaltou branch (ner Mrs Edwin Hav), Ransiora branch (per Mrs Joslicg), Mts W. C. Gilchrist (Oxford), Biehnir-id branch. Mrs Sawtel, Miss Turner, W.C.T.U., Mi«s Kirk, Miss M. Sexton, Miss R. Peter. Miss Ridgley, Yaldhurst branch, M.W., M : ss Bourne's sewing party (per Mr Wm. Nicho'ls), Woolworks (B»'fast), Mrs Fenwick, Mrs L. M. Wilkin, Mi'3B E. James,. Mrs Reay, Mrs Bartlett, Latimer Square branch. L.J.W.. M.A.W.. Cu't dis'rict and West Fyreton branch, Ru>rby Street branch (per Mr« Fr»e). Mrs Clayton. Mrs Pyno's >ous°hc!d. Waimtt* branch, Horslcy Downs Gui'd ('icr Mirs J. H. Lance).

The "Women's Christian Temperance Union has donated a bolt of flanne' for bondages for the bosuitfj ship. Mar Mcholls, of the wcolwcrks, Belfast, has sent iu a third consignment of socks, 143 J pairs.

SOCKS FROM BELFAST. Mr William Nicholls, of Belfast, has forwarded 143. J pairs of socks to the Red Cross Fund. Tho socks were made bv the following:—Mesdarnes G. Lopor 8 pairs, Street 4 pairs, A. Lockwood 3 pairs, G, Barroll 6 pairs, J. Wyllie G pairs, F. E. Hvman 4 p-flirs, J. Caldor. M. Lewis, W. S. Ramsay, Goldsmith. A. Petrie. G, Radford. S. A. Hodgson, W. H. Allison! R. Jones, H. Thornier, G. Turloy, Anonymous, Grant, L. M. Dnggan, Crnden, M. Burgess, T. Presley, Inkster, L. D. Elliott end J. L. Myers each 3 pairs, Mts and Miss Doak 4 pairs, Misses Harriott 6 pairs> B. Street 3 pairs, M Gc 7 pairs, M. and L. Rogers 4 pairs, Wilson 3 pairs, Evans 8 pairs, Gibson 4 pairs, D. Nicholls £ uairs, Wilson 3 nairs, I. Bates 3 pairs, M. Dron 3 pairs, P. Radford CJ pairs; total 143 J pairs.

LYTTELTON. A general meeting* of tho Lyite'ton Red Cross Society was hold last night, the Mayor, Mr W. Radoliffo, presiding over a good attendance. The secretary reported that over £SOO had passed through the society since its formation. The society had contributed £5 towa ds the Nurses' Relief Fund. A large quantity of material had been forwarded to headquarters for the Hospital Ship Fund.

SOUTHBROOK. A very successful ouchre party and dance in connection with tho Southbrook Red Cross branch was hejd at the Southbrook Coronation Hall, on October 21. There was a very large attendance and about £2O was raised. Misses A. Mehr+ens, C. Dickhoff, O. Martin and Messrs L. Watkins and J. Clark supplied tho dance music. Songs were contributed by Mrs Trollopc, Miss Young and Mr R. Hamilton. "Please give Me a Penny, Sir" was sung by Mos'er Drewery and helped to swell the funds. The winners of the prizes for progressive euchre which had beou donated by Mrs Hood and Mr F. Dickhoff were Mrs Gcfkin and Mr H. Wood, who handed their trophies back to be sold in aid of the funds. Sale of flowers realised £1 10s.

SCARGILL. A concert in aid of Mi«s. Saunders's candidature as <he Farmers' Queen iu the Cheviot Red Cross Carnival was held at the Alexandra Hall, Soargill, on Wednesday evening. Ther e was a fairly large audience. A concert party from Cheviot supplied a long and attractive programme of vocal and instrumental items, including songs, reci*a'ions, yiolin solos, cornet and trombone duets, etc., and overtures were given by the Cheviot Orchestra. During tho concert an auc*km pale was held, when a number of useful articles were sold to swell the funds, Mr Angus Cameron acting as auctioneer. A small live wild' pig was put up for sale and resold a large number of times. Mr Cameron was tho final nurolwer, and he presented the animal to Miss Saunders. The pig realised over £l3. Af+er the concert, dancing took place, tho music boiug Bunnlied by members cf tho concert party. The evening was_ a most enioy&bla and successful one. and it is expected that fully £25 will he added to the carnival func7 3 as a result.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVI, Issue 17010, 10 November 1915, Page 8

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THE DOMINION'S HELP. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVI, Issue 17010, 10 November 1915, Page 8

THE DOMINION'S HELP. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVI, Issue 17010, 10 November 1915, Page 8