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ELMWOOD SCHOOL. ‘ho annual distribution of prizes in conaction with the Elmwood School was made last night in tho Rugby Street Methodist Schoolroom. Tho interest taken in the school by the parents and friends of the scholars has always been very' real, and tho School Committee has been unflagging in its efforts to secure foT the p.upi.s adequate accommodation, and every facility for the efficient working of tho institution. Tho chairman of the School Committee, Mr R. SM’Keniie, presided, and the nrocecdings commenced by the singing of tho National Anthem. The dux medal, presented by Mt W. Fleming, vras won by Allan Keed, who also won a* scholarship at Christ’s College. Tho medal awarded for chivalry, presented by Mir W. Jonos, went to Nelson Waller on tho votes of the scholars, and-two prizes presented by Mr L. M. Isitt, M.P.,’for the runners-up went to Walter Graham and T. Jackson. A school vote was also taken to decide tho most ladylike girl in the school, and the prizes, donated by Mr Isitt and one of the parents, wer© won by Myra Wells, Madge Talbot and Stella Henley, in that order. In presenting these prizes the chairman warmly congratulated the winners and urged them in after life to display always the qualities of chivalry, gentleness and perseverance, so ihat they might bring honour to themselves and to their school. Alter the presentations, which wero made amid loud and prolonged applause, Mr W. Jones gave an interesting addresß on the position of the inhabitants of Belgium, and urged the children to do what they could, by means of self-denial at the festive season, to help an excellent cause —their frionds’ cause —to relieve distress and to assist those who had assisted the British Empire. At the request of the scholars of Standard IV. the chairman presented Miss Hodgson with a silver-mounted inkstand and a Indy's companion, and on beha-f of tho pupils of Standard VI. he presented the head master, Mr Sinclair, with a large art book. In fitting terms the head master acknowledged the gifts and expressed hiso. appreciation, of Mhoexcellent work- Miss Hodgson had dono for the school: The chairman referred to the very excellent work dono by the teachers of the school, especially mentioning the infant mistress, Miss Smith, and by acclamation that Indy was acoordcd a very hearty vote of thanks. The meeting closed with hearty cheers for the teaching staff. The following is the prize list: Dux (medal presented by Mr W. Fleming) —Alan Reed. Most Chivalrous Boy (gold medal presented by Mr W. Jones) —Nelson Waller 1, Walter Graham 2, Tom Jackson 3. Most Ladylike Girl (speoial prize presented by Mr L. 31 Isitt,' M.P.)—Myra Wells I, Madge Talbot 2, Stella Henley 3. Standard Vl.—Proficiency—Allan Reed 1, Hector Sinclair 2, Roy Carter 3. Reading— Alwyn Austin, Miriam Somerset. Recitation—Fergus Laurenson. Drawing—Stella Henley. Writing—Mary Were. Spelling— Eric Zohrab. Composition—Tom Jackson, Dave; Dickson. Diligence—Thelma Brice. Arithmetic—Nelson Waller, O’Brien Drury. English—Jack Robertson, Muriel Jones. Standard V.—Proficiency—Reg. Booker 1, Eddie Foster-2, Madge Talbot 3. . Composition —Mor.ty .Holcroft, Robert Kiddey. Arithmetic—Leslie Mulligan, Bert Diehl. Reading—Nina Perkins, Cecil Drury. Spelling— Trevor Kensington. Writing—Thelma Howell, Harold Laroombe. English—David Freeman, Kathleen Free. Drawing— Jack Howard. Recitation —Gertrude Johnston. Diligence—Alan Montgomery. Comprehension nnd English—Roylo Lough Standard IV.—Proficiency—Edna Diehl 1, George Ecglobrecht 2. Spelling—Leslie Tucker, Claud©: Evans. Drawing—r Gladys Bryant. Writing—Mabel Crawskaw, Kath--loen Hardie. . Composition—lris Jackson, May Townley, Tracy Fisher (special). Arithmetic—Lyall Bowbyes, Willie Bigwood. Reading—lan Stewart, Margaret Robertson. Recitation—Clarice Ritchie. Diligence—Aileon Minson. Standard lll.—Proficiency—Allan Holcroft 3, Jack Taylor 2. Reading—Pearl Proctor, Ronald Miles. Recitation —Doreen Archard. Writing—Mavis ' M’Kenzio. S riel ling—Li’y Pearce. Composition—Geoffrey Hobbs, Frank Kay. Arithmetic—Donald Laurenson. Diligence—Ralph Cliaffey. Standard ll.—Proficiency Alister Brislow 7, Amy Gray 2. Reading—Averil Robinson, Ruby Clark: Drawing—Evelyn Hill. Composition—Phyllis Montgomery. Spelling— Molly Newsome. . Writing—Hector Prebble. Arithmetic—Harold Foster. • Recitation— I'cggy Zohrab, Max Schmidt, • Diligence— Olivo Talbot. Standard I. —Proficiency—Gladys Cross 1, Mildred Devereux 2, Ivy Evans 3. Reading —Joan Wakoly, Isobel Slater. Recitation— Nesta Murphy, Ray Jamieson. Handwork—nnd writing—Clifford Baxter. SpeTing— Doris Hnnton. Diligence—AlSstair Hilson. Progress—Renwick Hilson.

Class IV.—General proficiency Jean M’Keuzie, Walter Jackson, Chester Gray, Alan Essen, Grace Henley, Doris James. Class Hl.—General proficiency— Sybil -WebIcy. Claud© James, Rene Willberg, Jack Bristow, May Blvtb, Bobbio Morley. Class ll.—General proficiency—Frank Ellis, Russell Bunn, Muriel Gill, Joan Huie, Hazel Smith, Alfred Berry.

Sewing Prizos. —Standard VI. —Stella Henley 1, Muriel Jones and Miriam Somerset (equal) 2. Standard V.—Violet Donaldson 1, Nina Perkins 2. Standard . IV.—Phyllis M’Gco 1, Eileen Belcher and Evelyn Wright (equal) 2. Standard 111. —Oassio Stcnhouso 1. Tillio Dickson 3, Standard ll.—Edna Pcarco 1, Ruth Gou'd 2. Standard I. — Gladys Cross 1. Ada Hall A Class I—Grace Henley 1, Phyllis Wilkin 2. LINWOOD. Tho breaking up ceremony in connection with the Linwood School took place on Tuesday. Mr W. 11. Denton, chuirman of the committee, in presenting the certificates and prizes, thanked the pupils for their liberal response to tho several patriotic appoals, and especially for the sum of £2 7s 6d given that morning in pennie'a for tho Belgian children. Nearly one hundred pupils had gained first class attendance certificates, and the Bchool by the new Education Act was placed in the highest "rnde. During the oeremony Miss Bella Jardon, on behalf of tho Standard Vl.' pupils presented Mr F. T. Evans, headmaster, with a travelling case, Mr D. M. Shirlaw and Miss M. Taylor were also recipients of presents from-thoir. respective classes. The following is the piza list.: — Standard Vl.—Dux, boys, Mr Donton’s medal, Stanley Newton. Dux, girls, Mr Evans’s medal. Ida Denton. Specie) prize for writing and drawing, Leonard Roborts. Standard V.—Percy Saxby 1, Lizzie Hawkins 2. Standard IV.—Elsie Partridge 1, Doreen Miller 2, Lester Newton 3. Composition, Miss Tayler’s prize, E. Partridge. Standord lll.—Doris Millar 1, Winnie Partridge 2, Fergus Large 3. Standard II. —May Bampton 3, Vivian Ritchie 2. Faith Dodge 3. Standard I. —Lily Bowlker 1, Roland Jenkin 2, Ismay Read 3. Agricultural Classes.—Best Kopt Gardens— Boys:, Edward Corscr and Cyril Muschamp 1, Percy Thompson and K. Puilar 2. Girls: Standard VI., Bella Jarden and Gertie Fo’ey ]; Standard V, Dolly Carter and Rena Early 1, Mabel Siaden and K. Boon 2. Attendance Certificates and Prizes. Standard VI.—L. Brcttell, L. Roberts, F. Suter. I. Suter, B. Colo, C. Orchard, S. Newton, W. Orr, A. Orr, G. Townsend, S. Gregg, M. Thorne, G. Foley, M. Horton, M. ,Lau- • reason. , Standard V.—L. Clarkson, D. Green, It. Jack, K. Pullar, A. Stevens, P. Saxby, H. Welsford, C. Wills, H. Lewis W. Simpson, Jessio Clark, J. Logie, E. Rutland, N. Simpson. Standard IV.—E. Partridge, M. Patterson, W. Pearson, J. Lee, A. Sim, J. Salkeldi A. Cornwell, L. Newton, ,G. Walker, L. Wealleans. Standard lII.—P. Jones, R. Hoddinott, L. Lewis, F. Logie, H. M’Gregor, A. Earl, L. Earl, L. Rickards, G. Rodmefl, E. Thiele D. Legge, L. Bampton, H. Leslie, D. Millar, C. Walker, A. Crawford. Standard lI.—E. Ball, T. Green, L. Largo, R. Patou, D. Pearson, H. Sim, W. Smith, P. Steel, E. King, AL Bampton, P. Buist, T. Buist, L. Lindsay, L. Brettell. Standard J. —A. Adamson, K. Fraser. If. Machon, L, Bowlker, A. K'ng, Z. Campbell, K. Foley, M. Torriss, M. Hoddinott, D. Rutland, M. Smith. Infant Department. P. IV.—Conduct and progress: Joyce Ridley 1, Phillip Hopkins 2. Sewing: May Wilkerson. Attendance: Maurice Francis, Alf Clarke. Dorothy' Amtman, Ina Brettell. P. lll.—Progress: Susie Dixon 1, Don' Stewart 2; Alan Cooksoii 3. Sewing: Gladys Bateman. P. IH.b.—Progress: Kathleen Healev. Special for progress and conduct: Winifred Shores, Cyril Heywood. Sewing: Gertrude Rennie. Attendance: Nellie Rod well, Freda Campbell P. ll.—Progress and conduct: Kathleen Ellis. ADDINGTON SCHOOL. Tho break-up at tho Addington School tookplace on Tuesday afternoon, when a largo number of the parents were present, Mr w. G. Bums, chairman of tho committee, presided, and, after the children had gone through an excellent programme of songs, recitations, etc., which reflected much cred t on their teachers, tho following certificates wero presented: Standard Vl.—First class: Victor Locke. Raymond Moore, Herbert. Walls, William Greig, Thomas Barnes, Leslie Smith. Rita Hill, Ruby Williams, Jesse Colecliin. Second class: Dorothy LawTenso, Oljce Squiro, Olive Riohards, Albert Hoskin, George Colville. John O’Neil, Walter Bell, Thomas M’Caffey, Leouard Mooar, Cecil Penlingtou. Standard V.—First claw: Gcoffrev Atkinson, Leslie Burgess, Leslie BiUcliff,'Thomas Gillespie, Cecil Locko, Cecil Merrv, George Richards, Myrtle Cox, Edith Hornsby, Rosa Larsons, Myrtlo Gates. Second class: May Townshend. Maurioe Baker, Albert Hill, Ivan Seay, Mavis Betteridge, Holly Down, Gwon Martin, Hazel Richards, Rita Simpson, Standard IV.—First class: Lizzie Britt Grace Pounsford, Mary Greig, William Crees.well, Harold Roberts, William Pounsford, Lance Woodcock, Leslie Barber, Percy Glover, Gcorgo Sutton, Gordon M’Donald Bert Hore. Second class: Eva Beecroft, Ida Dev"C.U3V J!°. s ! io Shackleton, Ethel Wainscott, Ethel Dickie. Alice Willis, Beattie Aloonr Nancy Bowden, Minnie Britt, Grace Giles' Douglass Stracban,' Harry Osborne, James 9 'll 6 ' 11 ’ r Bel! > Jaek Hore > Harry Cox, Arthur M Caffey. » - . . IH.-First class: Ross Bennetts, - .Hector Herrick, Hugh O'Neill, George Sm-». Harry Smith, Willie Smith. Frank Wisher! Jack lounsford, Cedric Hnborfield, Maxwell King, Eileen Cox, Esther Manson, May Mai arkoy, Gladys Saunders, Daisy Line. DwvllG King, Edi+h Crosswell. Second class: Beaton, May Willis, Pearl Rose, Lilian Rotchfort, Myrtle Gray, Freda Gates, Elsie Coyontry, Winnie Botteridgo, Lily Golding William Gough. David Gibson. Frank Ginn' villa. Arnold Colville, Charles Edward Jack Gallalicr. Standard ll.—First class: Eileen Smith Thelma Pearce, Essie Johnson, Gladys Hurl but, Myrtlo Cant, Florrio Beaton, 1 Flci ft Hughes. Thelma Armstrong, Nellio White Leonard Richards, Richard Hore, Henrv Gough, Willie Grenfell, Thomas Fraser AVnl ter White, Albort Stevens, Clifford Reid' Ern” est Ferguson. Fred Doig, Arnold Fraser All bert Holland. Scoond class: Hazel shinr" Gladys Rotchfort, Nellie Hill, Hazel Hard’ ingbam, Kathleen Ccoto, Reginald Wilkins" Chnrlos Roberts, Leslie_ Moore. Normaii BarI her. Gwendolyn Reid, Dorothy Ward. Beau.'!! ' Pollard, Dorothy Lockwood, Isabelle Cock Roy Armstrong, George Burford, Clarence Cumbcrpatch. Standard I.—'First c’ass, Hazel Pearce Myrtle Clarko, Cyril Rose, Lester Haberfield Leonard Hore. Eric Hancock, Robert Graham' Reginald Ferguson, John Crook, ReeinnU Caut, Roy Bngh'more. Reginald Andrew Second class: Ethel Burgess. Ruby Carov" Fred Britt, Neville Clarke, William ‘Edward’ John Foster. Haro’d Maine, Doris Cox Nel'G Dmican, Elsio Gallaher, Lena Phvllis Warrington. glaild ' Printer IV.—First class: Purer Smin, Keith Richards. Cecil Hughes, Frank Gr»’ ham, Frank Butler, Dorothy Eileen King, Rose Falgar, Rita Dalrymplo’ Florence Crcsswell. Seoond class- VmUi Manson, Gwen Shier, Mildred Grenfell Isabel Greig, Ivy Hanson, Rita GlanvUle, Eileen Do-rains, Dorothy Beaton, William Wilson,

Joseph Heatherington, Harry Walden, Norman Stracban, Alfred Gough, Daniel Ed- " Primer 111.-First class: Hazel Cant, Herbert Britt. Second class: falter Summerton, Gladys Clarke, Minnie Hore, Eva MUsou, Freddie Smith. Ooorgfc Flh Hore, Lonnie Main, Itoriald Greig. WOOLSTON. Tho breaking up ceremony in connection with the Woolston School took place on Wednesday, when Mrs Wilson presonted the certificates and prizes gained ill tho uuaiU department, nr.d Mr White chair nian of tho school committco, presented thoso gained in the upper department. Tho prize list is as f °Standn7d VI,-First class: Francis Jones, Eva Hyde, Daisy Webb. Second class: Sfove Francis, Leslie fliggot, Norman Hcyder, Roy Fisher, Albert Lutlecko, Hnrold M ilton, \\ uliam Henley, Freda 'Jhirton. Ivy Streeter, Eileen Keith and Flossie M'Lachlmi. Standard V.-First class: Harold Boss, James Cadeniioad, Clifford Dick, Hoani oEniiiis, Harry Barrett, William Gilbert, Gavin Watson, Mary Steere, Ada Woss, Amy Flanagan, OiiveChaplain. Second class; John Foote, Leslie Burnside, Harry Rogers, Raymond Jordan. Crosbie M’Causland, Gcorgo Graham, Cecil Harwood, Qtieemo Burnside, Margaret Duncan, Elsie Gimblctt, Ada_ Hill, Merle Halliday, Ethel O'Caliaghan, Maliel Turner and Florrie Warren. Standard IV.—Boys—First class: Albort Graham, Robert Coupland, Charles 1* enroll, Cyril Lester. William Rogers, William Chaplain; second class: Fred Kinlev, Fred Lingard, Percy Harper, Waller Carton, Arthur Eastwick, Ernest Harper, Leslie Wright. Girls—First class: Lily Vickery, Doris Pepper, Nina Streeter, Olive Taylor, Marie Mailett, Mavis Dick, Violet Denlny, Vera Command; second class: Dora Alexander, Lily Archer, Edna Brunsden, Rita Dempsey, Nellie Gimblctt, Hazel Joughin, Edith Taylor, Eva Townsend. Rosa Webb and Laura Yuill. Standard lll.— Boys—First class certificates: Harold Smith, Matthew Bateman, Joseph Clarksou, Charles Rogers, Keith Watson, John Gofton, John Townsend; second class certificates; Martin Newton, William Foote, George Rowland, I/oris Halliday, Clifford Pepper, Frederick Clinnnian, John Edmonds, Colin Kinley. llarrv Hyde. Hero d Metcalfe, William Lyall, Thomas Smith, Andrew Dykes, Roland Boot. Girls—First class: Gladys Sayers, Thelma Harper, Doris Thorne; second class: Mabel Abrams, Kathleen B'unt, Masio Rowlands. Plmma Jack, Laura Round, Effio Percy, Eva Warren, Evelyn Hobson and Elsie Grarit. Standard ll.—First class: Doy Davies, Louis Crawford, Harry Gallop, Fred Rutliborg, Viola. Stanton; second class; Leslie Barker, Elva Gormack, Jim Steere, Nessio M’Donald, Ruby Boot. Edward Fearon, Ccdrio Lvnll, Arthur Clarkson, Robert Hardie, Ivy Henley, Winnie Crawford. Jack Timms, Randall Dalton, Iris Stanton and M'Leod.

Standard I.—First class: Veronica Brown, Eva Estall, Francis Ozanne, May Denloy, Eric Sibley, Roland Crawford, Clarence Randall, Stanley Foaron, Peter. Jack, Windsor Murphy, Delbry Stace. Alex Jack, John Hobson ; second class: Hilda Chapman, Doris Hyde, Kate Canfield. Percy Henley, Alfred Webb, David Rowse, Richard Thompson, Norman Walker, Clarence Foote, Clarence Pepper, Norman Percy, Alex M’Cullough and Ronald Shepherd. ■ Part V.—First class: Emily Harper. Francis Egan, Alfred Taylor, Bonjamin Rogers, Bertie Harper, Henry Carter, Mona Harper; Eecond class: Ferns Maclagen, Wilfred Wicks, Lorna Randell, Louisa Liversedge, Loslie Webbj Muriel Hayden, Berward Brown, Thomas Bradshaw, Trevor Prisk, Jack Murphy, George Le MoUeo, Thomas Powell, Iferbert Carey, Leo Scrimshaw, Milne Sands, Cecil Garton and David Sturrock. Part IV. —First class: Basil Ileald, Victor Mouutfort, Stanley Griffin. Gladys Jacobs; second class: Vivian Boundy. Thomas Hyde, Richard M’Grath, Alex Nasli, Louie Rqsewarne, Eva Voice, and Annie Wiskcr. Part lll.—First class: Ernest . Rogers, Fred Ozanne, Hardie Hobson; second class: Alice Taylor, Ruby .Foote, Thomas Adkins, Carnia Prisk and Ernest Ozanne. Part ll.—Second class: Violet Owens. Special Prizes.—Standard Vl.—lvy Streeter, sport's -leader. Agricultural class, Leslie .Baker, William Carlyle, Albert Ludccke, Jack Footo; sowing, Doreen Flanagan. Standard V. —Sewing. Alice Johnson; ambulance, Lena Barwick. Standard IV.—Sewing. Mildrod Mooro; most improved writing, Dora Alexander, Eric Jackson. Standard lll.—Sewing, Doris Thorne. Standard II. —General proficiency, Hilda Jorgensen, Walter N'oimes, Eddie Watt, Charles Webster; sewing, Hilda Jorgensen. Standard I. —Proficiency, Doris Gray; attendance. Muriel Oppcnheim; stamps, Gladys Milniiuo, Kelvin Hardie; attendance, Charles Sturrock; good conduct, Yioiet Yuill and Mervyn Milmine. SYDENHAM. The prize distribution in connection with the Sydenham School took place in the school grounds yesterday afternoon. Over 1000 cliiidren wero, and the chairman (Mr W. D. ; Marks) distributed the 'prizes? Ho referred to the good .work done in the school, especially in sports,’ essay competitions, and scholarships, and congralulated the pupils on thoir diligence and regular attendance, over two hundred pupils receiving attendance certificates. Following is the list of tho prizewinners:— Slendard Vl.—Boys: Edward Sayers (dux modal) 1, Victor Btackmoro 2, John Hill 3. Girls: Elsio Balfour ,(dux medal) 1, Elsie Thornton 2, Violet Karon 3. Standard V.—Boys: Fergus Murray 1, Vernon Choat 2, Alex Stitt 3. Girls: Mildred Ptfachey 1, Dorothy Cockrolt 2, Marjorie Ivea 3. , .Standard IV.—Boya: Cecil Davies 1, Borman Johnson 2, Bdwurd Boberts 3. Girls: Vera Woolcock 1, Hilary Welsh 2, Marjorie Lake 3. Standard III—Boys: Charles Sayers I, Malcolm Fishor 3, Arthur Collins 3. 'Girls: Doris Fabian 1, Doris Soman 2, Ethel Ives 3. Standard II.—Boys: Gcorgo Pollock 1, Charles Powell 2, William Chappell 3. Girls : F.dna. Dawson 1, Mavis Spiller 2, Gertie Thomas 3. • Standard I. —Boys: Frank Sullivan 1, Harry Sootter 2, Percy Cotton 3. Girls: Vera Jeffreys 1, Rita Hobbs 2, Katie Beckett 3. Progress Prizes. —Standard VI.: Alfred Trevoavy and Grace Murray. Standard V.: Ivan Slater and May Anderson. Standard IV. Barclay Alabaster and Lily Wilkinson. Standard III.: Trevor Gooaemßn. and Ivy Coupland. Standard II.: John Whalls and Irens Soymour. Standard I.: Cyril Mackwell and Susio Gasson. Sewing.—Standard VI.: Rita Ayhng 1, Pretoria Feron 2, Irene Denton 3. Standard V. Mabel Sullivan 1, Ethel AylingJl, Marie Parsons 3. Standard IV.: Ethel Feron 1, Ivy Percival 2, Winnie Whyte 3. Standard III.: Doris Soman 1, 'Mabel Sofield 2, Dolly Spiller 3. Standard I.: Winnie Whitson 1, Susie Gasson 2, Dorothy Hall 3. Shooting championship (Bailey Cup)—Leonard Smart; runner-up (belt), Norman Batlev. Standard Vl.—Richard Ditchings. Standard V.—Fred Burgoyne. Standard IV. —Harry Wells. Snorts prizes.—Cricket, Charles Gas soil; football, Herbert King; hockey, Alma Marsh ; rounders, Ena Kennedy. SOUTH BELT. The annual prize-giving at tho South Belt School took place on Wednesday monimg. The prizes wore presented by Mr J. Jamieson a member of the Board of Education, who also donated a number of special prizes for the infants. The ceremony was interspersed with patriotic songs, sung by ihe scholars. The following is the prize list: Attendance Prizes. Standard 11.-Dorothy Berggren Sfeba, Carston. Kona Crngg, Clara Cftlcutt A.aiiorio Eade. Thelma Jones. Elsie Meymll, Winnie Mooney, Jim Fulford, Alfie Hood, Georeio Morris, Clarence Rhodes, Jack Spencer, Cecil Austin. . Standard I.—Eileen Mooney, Rhcda Smothers, Marjorie Brook. Aibort Brook, Thure Ber“-cren Leslio Kr.ox. jy —Violet Mooney, Dons Monnoy, Lesteihfauts—Alice Rickard, Bobbin -LuscomheE Special Prizes, given by Class Teachers. Standard 11.-Dorotky Berggren, George Morris, Fred Thurlow, marks; Winnie Mooney, conduct; Annie nowc, sewing, James 1 Knight, handwork; John Johns, ar Stondard' 1.-Olive Hartland. Leslie Knox, Thomas Kelly. Thelma Topping, mark,, Ella Mcvnell, Thuro Berggren, James Lloyd, t>iV—Norman Egan and Isabel Hartmarks Doris Brook, Mratto Elvy, Ivy ilarbott Ronald Meyneli, Lloyd Berggren, Dolly Webster, conduct. EAST CHRISTCHURCH INFANTS. f„n A .,-i„rr is the prize list in connection with tho 5 East Christchurch Infants Scl '° o1 Prizes— Reginald Ellingford, Attend ji arry Evans, Jack Rait. Dougford. M“bel BiUm jsg Cal f ß „ llan - s pnze3 Special lr Loggins, Connie Wheeler, for serving. , _ r ‘j zes f - unselfishness, Miss Cadaghfns pnzcS (^H Geoffrey Falck. Le- 'rhehua lies. Arthur prizes for imp Kin „ Lou isallen. Lr.ughloii. b v’ f or most improved bey tahitan? school, T til: wf Miss Hodgson’s prize for sewing, Vera Tabley^ CASHMERE SCHOOL. The annual PTi^—M e “; nection with the. Cartimer ( membera held yesterday j( , afgo of tho committal w c 1 ■ j 0 aUond-

iritli flowers luid bunting. The chairman of tho School Committee, Mr A. Currie, presided.

In. .common with a number of other schools, the pupils had decided to forgo their prizes this year and donate tho value or tho prizes to the. Belgian' Fund, and tho Mayor (Mr H. Holland) was asked to attend and receive the money on behalf of the Relgian Fund Committee. the chairman handed the Mayor a little bug made of cloth, the colours of the Belgian flag, and said Unit if gave him great pleasure to announce that tho scholars, by iorgoing their prizes, were able-to assist tho unfortunate children of Belgium to the extent- of £lO 15s 7d. This amount was highly satisfactory considering that the totul number of scholars was only 117. Mr Holland thanked the most heartily for their generous gift, and said that jt. seemed to show that the educational authorities were teaching the children along tho right lines. It was very touching to visit so many schools and receive from the children the money which they were denying themselves in order to give to the Belgians. Tho object was a. worthy one and the children had acted very wisely. Ho described sonic of the terrible conditions prevailing in Belgium and tho awful atrocities of the Germans, and in conclusion called for three cheers for the teaching staff. These wero heartily given, and were followed by a cheer for the Mayor. In place of tho prizes, tho committed awarded to every child who earned a prize a neatly printed certificate, with a notice printed on it. stating that thb value of tho prize earned was being given to the Belgian Fund. flio certificates wore presented by tho chairman, who remarked that tho year had boon a most successful one for the school. Tho number of teachers had increased from two to four since last year, and the number of scholars from 99 to 117, with an average attendance of 105. Certificates wero awarded to the following: .Standard Vl.—Moa Andrews 1. Ms a Andrews (attendance), Gcorgo Worthington (drawing). Standard V.—Marjorie Stout 1. Chnr’es Wait (arithmetic), Esmc Lamb (English), Siegfried Lund (neatness), Kenneth Andrews (progress). Standard IV.—Olwcn Owen 1. Stanley Speight (ecography), Helen Fraer (attendance), Dolly Andrews (attendance), Eileen Vaughan (sowing), Mally Wilson (attendance).

Standard lll.—Charies Martin, Letter Rountree, equal 1. Ethel Bulley (sewing), Solwyn Cooper (reading), Herbert Wilson (progress). . Standard II. —Ynys Owen 1, Eva England ; (composition and recitation), Warwick Lndd (writing). Elsio Alexander (needlework), Elaino Newton (rending and composition). Standard I. —Jock Fraer 1. Russell Usstio (reading and composition). May Andrew treading and recitation), Russell nastio (attendance). Rose Wright (needlework). Class lll.—Carlton Perkins 1. Albert Frith (arithmetic), Nellio Dr.vling (progre»a), Joseph Brown (progress). Maui M’Crost’e (progress), Agnes'er and Dorothy Ward (fu’l attendance), Melba Tuliock (needlework). Class ll.—Jean Christio 1. Charles Wright (industry). Class I.—Betty Ladd 1. Elsie Riley (leoitatian). OPAWA. The bre.aking-up ceremony of the Opnwa School was held on Wednesday afternoon, when, in the presence of a large gathering of parents and friends, the chairman, Mr Turner, presented a number of special and attendance prizes and certificates. Each chiTd in the infant department was the recipient of a gift from Santa Claus. Following is the prize list: Dux medal—Katio Wright. •Standard Vl.—First class attendance: Gordon Chappell, Bert Chappell, Hector Steven. Donald M’Donald, Arthur Clayton; second class attcndiince: Albert Hounsoll, Reginald Laing, Rov Spaan. Reuben Robinson, Dora Morris. Jack Wheeler. Speoial prizes—'Woodwork, Don Dickie, Albert Houiipell; cookery, Poppy Wood, Dora Morris; diligence. James Densera, Lilly Cooksly; agriculture, Arthur Clayton. Standard V.—First class attendance: William Pierr. Fred Dick, Bob Spann, Jack Bloor, Jim Ilancox; second class attendance: Albert A’exander, Len Huntor, Melville Skinner, Maud Hunt, Dorothy Harrison. Special prizes—Woodwork, William Piorr, Edward Graham; cookery, Mabel Lewis, Dorothy Harrison; diligence, Gordon Johnstone, Rita Penberthy; progress, Evelyn Dixon. Standard l IV.—First class attendance: Leslie Bloor, Charles Lowe, Stanlov Reeves. Percy Small, John Warning, Ivy Trethcwey, Dorothv Brown; second class attendance: Athol Bean, Eric. Hargreaves, Alice Pycroft Robert Poagrani, Walter Robinson, Daphne Dick, William Wicks, Sylvia Alexander, Fd o Pethcran. Special prizes—Composition, Alice Pycroit; progress, Percy Small, Irene Franklin. Standard lll.—First class, attendance: Reginald Dick, Charles H&skcll, Irene Wood, Lenlio Small, Arthur. Payne, May Butler, Annio Champ, Eva Chappell, Lilly Evans, Jessie M’l)ona]d; second class attendance:. George Hunt, Ronald Mintran, George Payne,Doris Triat, Wilfred Weakley, Ivy Belcher, Gladys Gabb. Winnie Jones. Special prizes: Progress, Barbara Hillary. Standard II. —First class attendance: Ruby Dick, Roy Tnat, Herbert Binning, Marion Firman, Laurie Adums, Reuben Cashmere, Le.slie Pierr; second class attendance: Hollis Mintroui, Arthur Gudscll, Stella Courtier, Neil Angus, Rene Vincent. Special prizes— Arithmetic, Stella Courtier, Ivan Johnson. Standard I. —First class attendance: Margaret Angus, Edna Schneider, Cecil Binning, Walter Clayton, Herbert Evans; second class attendance: Winifred Alexander, Jessio Brown, Edith Davis, Allan Longman. Special prizes—Perseverance-, Stewart Minson ; writing, Alexa Thompson; progress, Ronald Everex. , ; Infant Department. —First class nftendanco: Bon Trist, Marjory Major, Alison Pierr, Robert Bloor; second class attendance: Annie Haylock, Isabel M’Harg, Myrtlo Vincent, Frances Gabb, Sydney Binning, Duncan Burt, Hilda Johns, Ada Trcthewcy, Alma Whiting, Cecil Cooksleyj Arnold Johnston, Ernest Ilancox, Stewart '-'Patterson, Jaek WhitiDg, Douglas Hooper, Maurice Howe. Special prizes—Joyce Hounsoll, Frank Larcorabo, Elsio Virtue, Arnold Johnstone. Sewing prizes.—Standard VI.: Dora Morris 1, Hetty Bisman 2. Standard V.: Mabel Lewis 1, Rita Penberthy 2. Standard IV.: Alice Pycroft 1, Dorothy Brown 2. Standard III.: Olivo Brown 1, Marjorie Johnstone 2. Standard II.: Stella Courtier 1, Nancy Bisman 2. Standard 1.: Edna Schneider 1, Daisy Scott 2. A number of prizes were also presented for attendance at the Scripture classes, conducted by the Revs J. Williams and W. Laycock. WEST LYTTELTON. At West Lytteltoh School yesterday tho annual broaking-up ceremony took place, but on this occasion the children decided to forgo their prizes in order that the fund would assist to_nlleviate the sufferings of tho children of Belgium. Certificates woro awarded as follows: Standard Vl.—Boys—Thomas Carmichael (dux) 1, Lawrence Pago 2, Henry Bromley 3. Girls—Gladys Brown (dux) 1, Winifred Collins 0, Janet Notz 3. Attendance—May Andrews, Elsie Miller. Sewing—Gertrudo 'lbomais, Mary Isaacs, Gladys Brown. Standard V.—-Boys—Horace Brown 1, Leslio Gilmore 2, Wm. Dailey 3. Attendance —Wm. DitUey, William Harkiss. Diligence—Harold Harkisa. Girls—Dnris Isaacs 1, Dorothy Parker 2, Vera Agar 3. Attendance—Annie Voycc, Vera Agar. Sewing—Bertha Slater, Doris Isaacs, Dorothy Parker. Diligence.— Bertha Sluter. Standard TV. —Boys—Alfred Wright 1, Percival Isaacs 2, Reginald Lambert 3. Girls — Evelyn Austin 1, Phyllis Plimmcr 2, Rita Jamieson and Gwen Neville 3. Sowing— Yvonno Guy, Evelyn Austin, Doris Peat, Vera Gcayly. Diligence—Yvonno Guy, Nellio Pit..caithly, Doris Peat.. •Standard 111.—--Boys—Frederick Page 1,. Hermann Notz 2. Jack .Ncyille 3. ’ Attend an co —Jack Neville, Alexander Law, Progress— Fred Coleman, Alan Pitcaithly. Girls — Dorothy Warren 1, Merle Miller 2, Jean Fletcher 3- Attendance —Flora Sneddon, Eileen Bowman, Gwen Clark, Evelyn Huston. Sewing—Rita Austin, Elizabeth Taylor, Edith Sneddon, Violet Gower. Progress—Evelyn Huston, Violet Power. Standard II. —Boys: Percival Barnard 1, Donald Collins 2, Charles Notz 8. Girls: Eono Carmichael 1. Catherine Murray 2, Ester Wright 3. Sewing: Eono Carmichael,. Mavis Bromley, Editli Prisk. Attendance: Mavis Bromley, Editli Prisk. Progress: Mavis Bromley. ■Standard I. Bovs: Robert Austin 1, Douglas Wilson 2, Arthur Page 3. Drawing: Geoffrey Nonis. Attendance: Robert Austin. Conduct: Allan Parker. Progress: Edward Miller. G irls: Mollio Agar 1, Jean Miller 2. Kathleen Peat 8. Sewing: Jean Miller, Doris Smith. Olivo Prisk. Attendance: Millie Agar. Progress: Olivo Prisk, Gladys Warren. Primer IV.—Doris Prisk 1, James Isaac? 2, Thelma Holst 3. Drawing: Rons.. Isherwood, Cyril Sinclair. Sowing: Brenda Harkiss, Rona Isherwood, Jean Sterling. Reading: Herbert. Taylor. Primer lll.—Alan Miller 1, Roy Olsen 2, Rona Agar 3, May M’Lean 4. Primer ll.—Man- Crawford 1, Claude Plimmer 2. Ivy Under 3. Primer I.—Mabel Sinclair. Infants—Douglass Gower. LYTTELTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. The breaking-up • ceremony of the Lyttelton District, High School took place yesterday, but the annual prize distribution and school picnic will not. take place until next February. Mr E. A. Just, head master, announced to the scholars yesterday that tho dux in tho girls’ division was awarded to Merle Sowdeii, and ill the hoys’ division to Harold Austod.

KAIAPOI DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. J HAMPSTEAD. Tlu> scholars of the Kaiapoi District High. The Hampstead School hold its antfuaL School assembled in the school ground yes- break-up ceremony and distribution of prizes today afternoon to receive the annual and certificates on Tuesday evening when the prizes, which were presented bv Mr T. It. Bov J. D. M’Artkur presided. Short adLdthend, chairman of the committee. .Each dresses wero given by tho chairman and the child in the infant, classes icocived a book. Rev 'J. R. 'Burgin, who then presented the Following is the prize list;— prizes and certificates as follows:Standard Vl.—Dux medal: Iris M’Dougall. 1 Standard I.—Sclwin Johnstone 1, Prsrl Standard Vl.—Boys, Ernest Doubleday 1. Carter 2. Thomas Dobson 2, Leslie Hoskin 3; girls, Standard ll.—Norman. Wardell 1, Annie Myrtlo Dunn 1, Vera Farrer 2, Dorothy Mai- Chesters 2. lasch 3. I Standard lll.—Gladys Crawford 1, Erie Standard V.—Boys, Charles Tom-rel 1, | Burgess 2, Jamos Simpson 3, Albert Gibson Thomas Phillips 2, Stewart Du if 8; girls, j (writing). Florence Griobel 1, Kathleen Kirk 2, Violet Standard IV.—Keith Arthur 1, Gordon Day Minchin 3. ’ 12> Rita Porter 3, Ethel Stone 4. Gavin Arthur

Standard IV.—Boys, Stanley Phillips 1, Bert M’Garry 2, Edward Bate 3, James Macintosh 4, James Leifchead 5; girls, Isabel Doran 1, Marjorie ltevell 2, Ivy Allison 3, Eva. Dobson 1, Ivy Arps 5. Standard lll.—Boys, Harold Blazey 1, Jack M’Dougnll 2, Andrew Short© 3, liertio Templeton 4, Fred Clarke 5; girls, Frances Meadinvcroft 1, Rai M’Oregor 2. Violet Taylor 3, Nancy Blackburn 4, Minnie Hoskm o.

I Standard ll.—Boys, William Lintott 1, Gordon Green 2, Alexander Dickie 3, James Clarke t, Gordon Broadloy 5; girls. Muriel •Bonds 1, Frances Clarke 2, Una M’Garry and Marjorio Rinaldi (equal) 3, Rita Fisk 5. | Standard I.—Boys: Arthur Emmett 1, Alan Loitheail! 2, Herbert Wright 3, Theodore Capstick 4, Austen. Blakeley 5; girls: Thelma Cooper 1, Chrifsie Higgins and Kd : tli Hart equal 2, Annie Brundell 4, May Allison 5.

P. IV.—Boys: Cecil Dunn 1, Eric Grimwood -2, Robert Bal’ 3. Ray Hassel 4, Stanley Pnpprill 5: girls: Vio'et Lintott 1, Ida Hoskins 2, Madgo W. Pritchard 3, Gladys M’Gregor 4, Tholma Hawkins 5.

6. Irene Travis (writing). Stanley Lamb (progress), Cyril Hardy (spelling). I Standard V.—Catherine Betts 1, Malcolm | Millar 2. I Vl.—Alan Gourley (dux of school), Eileen Thompson 2. Ivy Sumner 3, Gideon M’Kcnzio (seven yours’ attendance), Priscilla , Blair (four years’ regular attendance), Trausi vanl Crooks (writing). Progress Certificates.—Standard I.: James Childs, Jack Childs, Keith Thompson, Olivo Cart-right. Standard II.: Arnold Burgess, Reginald Crum Agnes Gourley. Cissie Hunt, Kathleen M’Eminnoy. Rita Osborne. Standard III.: Rex Beautnont, Nathan Little, Madge Gourdio, Lily Sprott. Standard IV.: Cyril Hardy, Lonnie Jeffs,. Richard Tait, Myrtlo Burnaby, Kitty Terris, Stacoy Carter, Raymond Johns(oue, Leslie Porto. Andrew Ferguson, Raloigh Ingram, Gracie Lamb. Standard V.: Arthur Betts. Michael Fitzkarris, Marjorio Tutty, May Ferguson. | First-claes Attendance Certificates.—StanI dard I.: James Childs, John Childs, Eric j Osborne, Maggie M’Miltan. Standard II.: [ Thomas Brunton, Agnes Gourley, Molly Ilepi burn, Rita Osborne, Nettie Tilley, Standard i III.: _ Wil.inm Brown. Albert Gibson, Hugh Gourley, Hector Hepburn. Keith Nevillo, Frank Strange. Standard IV. : Leslie Keeley, Basil Thompson, Myrtlo Burnaby, Nellie Rumsey. Standard Vi: : Leslie Arnst, Daisy . Ferguson. Standard VI,: Gideon M’Kenzie, Priscilla Blair, Isabella Brunton, Lucy j Fountaine, Morris, Eileen Phelps, May | IVakeham. Infants: Frederick Brown. I Second-class Attendance Certificates.—ln- ' fants’ second class: Clarence Burnaby. Cedric Chivors, Ruby Arnst, Greta Robinson. Standard I.: Ernest Stieloy, Keith Thompson, Alfred Roddicliffc. Standard III.: Charles Arnst, Jack Arnst. Standard IV.: Ethel Stone, Gavin Arthur, Andrew Ferguson, Eric Coldicott, Keith Arthur, Lennio Jeffs. Standard V.: • Marjorio Tutty. Staudard VI.: .Eileen Thompson.. Proficiency Certificates (Standard VI.) — Hum Beaumont, Lawson G loudening. Alan Gouerley, Wilfred Mayson, Gideon M’Kenzie, Arnold Orr, Ashton Porter, Walter Strange, Ellon Box, Priscilla. Blair, Edith Crawford, Transvaal Crooks, Rita Jeffs. Ruby Morris, Eileen Phelps, Ivy Sumner, Eileen 1 Thompson, May Wakeham, Winifred Williams. Competency Certificates: Isabel ■ Bruntod. Lucy Fountaine, Clarico Pollock, Myrtlo Tutty. Swimming Certificates.—Standard IV.: Arthur Day (150yds). Gordon Day (450yds), Roland Frew (230yds), James Grice (300yde), Gordon M’Kay (150yds). Standard V.: Arthur Betta (300yds). Alfred Byrom (500yds), .George Brown (5.00yd5),. Douglas Little (650yds), Malcolm Millar (100yds), Cyril Rose (100yds). Standard VI.: Wilfred Mayson (450yds), Gideon M’Kenzie (100yds), Walter Strange (500yds). Scripturo Prizes (presented by the Rev J. R. Burgin).—Girls: Nellie Rumsey, Eileen Thompson. Nellie Brunton. Boys: G. M’Keuzie, H. Gourley, E. Coldicott. A vote of thanks was passed to the Rev J. R. Burgin for presenting iho prizes, and to the staff,’ special reference being made to Miss Kenna, who had left the teaching staff after doing much faithful work. During the evening recitations were contributed by Molly Hepburn, Norman Wardell, Kathleen Messent, Annie Chesters and. Agues Gourley. • SUMNER. In the absence of prizes at. the Sumner School this yeur owing to tho children's generous gifts to different war funds, the following is the merit list: Standard Vl.—First class: E. Gibb, R. Barber, S. Middloton, D. White-Parsons, E. (Masters. Second class: S. East, W. Short, J. Wood. Standard V.—First class: H. Crow, W. Middleton, I. Wilson, E. Uron, H. Wiggins, M. Wiggins. Second class: M. Davies, W. I Gibbs. Standard IV.—C. Uron 1, M, Barber 2, G. Bamford 3, V. Goodenough 4, L. Bradbury j. 6. - . Standard lII.—M. Anstiss, G. Burns, C. j Gibbs 1, J. Lawrence 2, A. Jameson, F. Reiniann 3, L. Hes op 4, J. Wiggins 5. Standard lI.—I. Ashton 1, G. Nuthall 2, M. Farland 3, R. Boulton 4, L. Goodenough and E. Allen 5. Standard I.—M. Wiggins 1, G. Nuthall and W. Crait 2, D. Ferguson 3. ' Primer 3.—M. Bradbury, F. Goodenough 1, H. Bishop 2, Z. Boyes 3, Primer 2.—V. Finlayson 1, K. .Bradley 2. Primer 2 Lower—A. Wiggins 1, H. Robinson 2. Primer X.—M. Mialloch 1, T. Strubel 2. Attendance.—First class: E. Gibbs, B. Hampton, R. Wilson, E. Gibbs, R. Barber, W. Mialloch, G. Burns, A. Jamieson, K. Lang, P. Eichstadt, L. Lang, J. Gibbs, C. Daore, F. Allen, E. Lawson, E. Anstiss, I. Merritt. Second class: R. Murray, M. Wiggins, M. Allen; H. Wiggins, W. Gibbs, A. Christensen, L. Beardsley, A. Jamieson, S. Bradbury, E. Newman, K. Goodenough, *D. Hampton, G. Nuthall, H. Ogier, C. Ogier, S. East, E. Christensen, S. Line, A. Malloch, D. Ferguson, C, Middleton, M. Thomson, R. Anstiss. Drawing.—O. Chirchfiold, H. Wiggins, N. Berry, G. Malloch, S. Line, I. Ashton, E. Stringfellow, C. Bamford. Sowing.—O. Chirchfield, M. Allen, V. Goodenough, K. Goodenough, G. Sliand. Woodwork.—W. Malloch. \V. Stringfellow. Cookery.—H. Wiggins, M. Wiggins. TINWALD. The break-up corenwuy and prize distribution- in connection with the School . took place on '.Tuesday auernoon, when tho | ouaxrmun of the' school Committee (Mr T. A. C. Pearce) presided. The cimirman bnelly addressed the gatnering, and a short adcUese was given by Mr Al'Kay. ’The master, Mr H. C. N. "Watson, thanked the donors of prizes, and referred to tho departure ot Mr Pearce, who has been chairman of the committee lor many years. Certificates and prizes were then presented by tho chairman as fol--1 lows: Certificates of merit.—Standard VI.: Sophia Watson, Emily Bayliss and Kathleen Bennett. Standard V,: Lucy Holland and Janot Lowery. . Standard IV.: . Amy Dixon, Win. Lowery and Elvira Meaclbm. Standard-III.: John M’Millan and Fanny Bayliss. Standard II.: E. Brown, H. Kiroher and J. Gibson.Standard I.: Bert Colville, Dorothy Colville and Sarah Hoyle. Primer 3: George Bayliss and Robert Watson. Primer 2: Mary. Stephens. Primer I: Nancy Wagner and G ordon Hewson. Sewing.—Standard VI.: S. Watson, Doris Pearco and Olivo Hopwood. Standard V.: Janet Lowery and Ruby Moodie. Standard IV.: Elsie Drummond and Jessie Skilling. Standard IIL: Annie Stevenson, Carrie Watson and Barbara M’Kenzic. Standard II.: Violet Stevenson and Mabel Meaclom. Standard I.: Dorothy Colville and Annie Colville. Infants: Dorothy Boat and Doris Simpson. Attendance certificates. —(First class:. R, Baker, H. Soal, V. Baker, B. M’Kenzio, J. Gibson, A. Simpson, E. Drummond, Wm. Drummond and D. Simpson. Second class: E. Bavliss, K. Reid, G. Carroll, E. Drummond, F. Bayliss. A. Gibson. M. Moodie, L. Holland, S. Kirehor, J. Sutherland and R. Johnston. • _ ■ _ _ ~ ~ Cooking.—O. Hopwood, K. Bennett, M. Firth, H. Soal and H. Kircher. ■ Woodwork.—F. Holland, H. Banks, G. Carroll and G. Wileon. . ~. . Good conduct certificates.—Senior division: Janet Loworv, Junior division: Marjona Dixon. Infants: Eileen Millickamp - • • School gardens.—-C. O Keefe 1,. t- H°lProficiency certificates. —Standard \ I.: E. Bayliss, A. Bayliss, K. Bennett, O. Hopwood, D. Thompson, S. Watson, F. Holland, E. Shearer and D. Wilson. Competency: D. Swimming certificates (won in March, 1014).—M. M’Millan, .E. Judd. A. Lusk, E. Sheirer, 0. Wilson, - J. Trethewey, C. Colville and J. Bax. Second class: R. Moodie l and A. Banks. . _ , ~ I Cheers were given for Mr Poarco and tha teachers, and the proceedings cojmluded with lolly and nut scrambles and ft bran dip I for tile inlauts.

P. Hl.—Boys: Harry Price 1, Douglas Merrill 2, Jack Lyuskey 3, James O'Connor 4; girls: Eileen Lvdster 1. Elsie Martin 2, Myrtle Spriggs 3, Rlicda Harper 4. P. ll.—Upper—Boys: Jack Tait 1, Wray Stealings 2. Wi'lie Young 3; girls: EPa Adams 1, Gracic M’Garry 2, Doris Clark 3, Ethel Power 4. Lower—Boys: lan Yellowlees 1, Cyril Tourello 2. David Price 8; girls; Gertie Bavliss. Pearl Chapel 2. P. I. —Boys: Cecil Blazey 1, George Wilson 2, Dnvid Young 3: gir's: Lizzie Looms 1, Olive Brain 2, Rita Blackburn 3. Needlework.—Standard VI.: M. Dunn 1, D. 7*Bl ’on 2. I. M’Dougal 3. Stondard IV.a: A. Atondy 1, K. Kirk 2. Standard V.b: F. Griobel 1, G. Bate 2. Standard IV.: M. Sewell 1. A. Brundell 2. hi. Meadowcroft 3. Standard III.: F. Sleadowcroft 1, R. M’Grogor 2, M. Purdio 3. Standard II.: E. Winter-1, A. Hirst 2, R. Fisk 3. Standard 1.: S. Oiling 1, J. Young. 2. S. Cooper 3. 15.I 5 . IV.: V. Lintott 1, M. W. Pritchard 2, E. Joy 3. Cookery.—Doris Braisher (special). Secondary Department. k Jones’s medals.—Noel Fowler, Zota Poo’e. Agriculture—Jessie Stark. Literahire, senior, Jessie Stark; junior, Lizzie Dobson. Proficiency. Division 111.. Zeta Poole: Division 11., 1 S. Drabble 1, N. Fowler 2; Division 1., D. BraJsher 1, G. M’Gregor 2. Senior free-ploco certificate. Zeta Poole. Mr Wilson’s special for drawing, Jessie Stark. ASHBURTON BOROUGH AND ALLENTON. The annual breaking-up ceremony and distribution of certificates and prizes in connection with the Ashburton Borough (main) and Alleniou (side) schools took place yesterday afternoon. The chairman of tho School Committee, the Rev J. R. Burgin, presiiled, and tho proceedings were opened by iho singing of the first verse of the. National Anthem. The chairman briefly addressed those present, and the head master’s annual report was read. Tho report showed that the 101 l number stood at 540, an increase of twenty for the year, and the average attendance was 409. Tho report concluded by thanking Messrs W. Nosworthy, M.P., and W. F. Watters (donors of dux medals), tho donors of special prizes, the School Committee- and staff, also the scholars for agreeing to forgo the book prizes so that tho Re’ief Fund might benefit. The Rev W. J. Elliott also briefly addressed tho children. Prizes and certificates wero then presented by Airs Schneider as follows: Boys. Standard VI. (Upper).—Merit: Stewart Hunter, Ernest Easterbrook. Standard Vl.—Dux medal (presented by Air W. F. Watters), Alfred Levi, Alaister: Killoh 3, lan Ai’Alilian 8, Rona-d Robilliard 1; special prize (presented by tho Rev J. R. Burgin) for most points in additional subjects, Trevor Taylor; headmaster’s special prize for general knowledge, Athol Taylor. Attendance certificates—First class: A'.ex. Campbell, Alaister Killoh and lan M’Alillan. Second class: Stewart Hunter, Ernest Easterbrook, David Baxter, Eric Emerson. Rex Hillier, Alfred Lovi, David Lovi, Jack Simpson, "Athol Tay.or, Trevor Taylor and Douglas White. Proficiency certificates: Basil Bryant, Alex. Campbell, Rex Hillier, Charles Hopwood, Alaister Killoh, Georgo Leadley, A ired Levi, David Lovi, Lindley Lewis, Victor Marsden, lan Al'Afillau, Roy Aluir, Reg. Peez, Ronald Robilliard, Jack Simpson, Frank Smithies, Angus Starrier, Athol Taylor, Trevor Taylor, Kitchener Trcmain, Douglas White, David Wilson. Competency cor--tificates: David Baxter, lon Hart, Eric Emerson, John Pcnnal. Standard V.—Norman Corbett 1, Neill Salt 2, Ivan Argylle 3, Walter Thackwell 4; Air Burgin's special for progress, Keith Al’Clurg. Attendance certificates: First class: Norman Corbett, Reg. Hunter, Jack Ritson; seoond class: Ivau Argylle, Jack Alawaon, Frank Evans, Stewart Baird, Alex. Finlayson and Rex Pearce. Standard lA’.—Ernest Reynolds 1, Murray Christio 2, Gordon Bonnington 3, Leslio Evans 4. Attendance certificates—First class: Hector Finlayson. Second class: Morrv Afooire, James M'Callmn, Eric Mastera, Cyril Marsden, William Al’Farlanc. Standard 111. —Jack M'Phersou 1,.-Norman Peez 2, lan Watt 3, Raymond Clark 4. At-' tendance certificates—First class: Douglas Barker, Alan Robilliard, Jack Alaybury. Second class: Sydney Gnrforth and Bertio Garforth. Standard IT.—Walter Rapley 1, Clyde Taylor 2, Edward Rapley 3, Eric Smith' 4. Attendance certificates—First, class: Edw. Raplov, Walter Rapley. Basil Watsford, Eric Clark and Vivian Matthews. Second class: Stanley Dixon, Standard I.—Andrew Sutherland I, Rayuer Bushnll 2, Jack Ycatnmti 3, Morton Edgar 4. Progress—Roy Emerson and Leonard Alilsom. Attendance: certificates—First class: Morton Edgar. Second class: Charlie Gartorlh and Jack Tyrrell-Baxtor. Girls. Standard VL—Dux medal (presented by Mr V. Nosworthy, M.P.) —Xricoy Bruntau 1, Mary Stuart 2, Marjorie Williams 3, Lynda Pkaup 4. Special for sowing—Doris Humphreys. General knowledge (Mrs Schne.ders special)—Alary Burdett-Stuari At tend unco certificates—First class: Mary Burdett-Stuart. Proficiency certificates—Tricey Bruntou, Irene Burgin, Doris Humphreys, Jessie AFLachian, Lynda Phnup, Myrtle Rule, Mary BurdettStuart, Mesle Templeton, Marojrie Williams. Standard V.—lrene Samuels and Nena Lloyd (equal) 1, Flossie Clark 3, Lizzio Terris 4. Attendance' certificates —First class: Hour ora Brown, Gwen Matthews. Second class: Irene Samuels, Nona Lloyd, Winnie Dixon, •Myra M’Farlano, Gracie Murray, Janet Hodgson and U.orrio Hancox. , Standard IV.—Rita Hopwood 1, Eva Hammond 2, May Childs 3, Mamie Fleming 4. Sowing—Alamie Fleming. Attendance certificates—First class: Kathleen Ainsworth, Vivian Matthews. Second class: Kathleen Thomas and Afumio Fleming. Standard lll.—Marjory Williamson 1, Molly Upton 2, Gladys Marsdon 3, Alyrtle Frew 4. Sewing—Edith Digby. Attendance certificates—Second class: Gladys Alarsden, Aline.M’Clurg and 'Grace Stewart. Standard II. —Dorothy Lewis 1, Hetty Hopwood 2, Ngaire Cowan. 3, Norma Percy 4. Sewing—Mavis Halliday. Attendance certificates—First class:'Evelyn Terris, Mabel Staples. Second class: Noel Fleming. Standard I. —Mavis Testy I, Doris Cnrran 2, Muriel Allen 3, Myrtlo M’Lachlan 4. Sewing—Florence Nichols. Attendance certificates —Socond class: Doris Curran. Allonton. Standard IV.—Boys: Georgo Knox I, Lyla Tumor 2, Otto Friedlandcr 3. Girls: Vera While I, CoyJa King 2, Ida Cambridge 3. Sewing—Vera While. Attendance certificates —First class: Coy la King, Edna King. Second class: Vera While, Lyle Turner, Lyall Campbell. Standard 111. —Boys: Frank Poceck 1, Jack Nicoll 3, Georgo Thomas 8. Girls: Hettie M'ln tyre 1, Edna King 2, Rose Alorris 3. Sewing—Evolyn Saodrey. Attendance certificates—Second class: Arnold Argyle, Brio White nud Charlie Grey. Standard II.—Boys: Coliu Corbett 1, Roland Leadley 2, Willie Barr 3. Girls: Mildred M’Fnrlano 1, Lizzio Leadley 2, Alay Cambridge -3. Sowing—Lily Stowell. Attendance covtiiicatev?—First clues: Alice Rainey. Second class: Jack Johns and Lizzio Leadloy. Standard I. —Boy©: Meredith Ateoro 1, Ray Thomas 2, Fred Leadley 3. Girls: Nornli Morriss 1, Dorothy Knox 2, Mary Aloodio 8. Sewing—Mary Aioodio. Attendance certificates —First class: Jack Campbell. Second class: Bay Edo and Norman . White. Infants.—Attendnnco certificates First j class: Clarenro King. Second class: Wallace Johns, Edw. Edo end Alavis King. ‘ A number of picture books and cards wore given to the infants, Votes of thanks to tho teaching staff and' Mrs Schneider wero carried by chocrs and i applause. The singing of the National Anthem con* -hided the proceeding

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16742, 24 December 1914, Page 9

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16742, 24 December 1914, Page 9

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16742, 24 December 1914, Page 9