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♦—- — ', LONDON MARKETS. SHARES. Sir Telegranh—Pre3B Association—Copyright. LONDON, March 23. Waihi shares, 42s lid to 455; Junction 25s to 265; Talisman, 37s 6d to '42s 6d. SUGAR MARKET. Professor Lickt estimates thai the licet sugar production" has decreased by 531,000 tons. 'The campaign will show ' a surplus of 6000 tons. „* v THE BRISTOL MARKET. >. [Pkji Press Associatiox.l "WELLINGTON. March 24. Tho Bristol and Dominions Producers' 'Association has received cabled advice from London that notwithstanding tho glut in the English market owing to the heavy arrivals in London, satisfactory prices are being maintained in tho [Bristol market, as shown hy tho iol!lowing quotations:—Lamo—North lsOand ordinary is easier at 6|d. Mut!ton, ,4S-561b, average market, is easier e.t 4-Jd; mutton, 65-721 b, average, is «'}isier at 4d. Beef—Fores are easier at 4d ; beef, hinds aro easier at 43d. But;l6x is falling; first grade 110 s. Cheese /ifJ-'VYhito is weak; first grade 02s Od. THE TASMANIAN LOAN. .■•■* Times "• and Svdney "Sun" Services. ?>■.,-• ' LONDON, March 23. •■■ !?t is understood that only 20 per 'cent of the Tasmanian loan has been ,fakon up. , : Tho underwriters have received 81 '£cr cent of the Tasmanian loan.


'•' '•.: GRAIN AND PRODUCE. u [ . CHRISTCHURCH, March 24. | .Since,last report there has been no increase in business, the number of ,lines placed on offer being small, whilst current quotations are not sufficiently tempting to make holders anxious to Sell. The tone of the wheat market is virtually unchanged, although buyers •appear slightly less keen to Tuscan and Hunters. Pearl, on the • oilier hand, is very firm, but the offerings are on a small scale. Merchants «xpress surprise that with the threshing season so well advanced, the offerings should be so small. Business is . largely confined to local requirements, the demand from outside being of negligible proportions, "although .Some inquiries have been received. Fowl-wheat commands full quotations. Tho oat market lacks ani- _ iiiation, and at present current prices aro on a basis that make farmers very (indifferent about selling, many feeling (that prices cannot recede much further. The offerings continue within itarrow compass, and prices are unchanged. ' Little is being done in potatoes, and - the future- of the market is the subject, of much speculation. A small amount of .business is being done for immediate delivery, but very little forward {business is passing. The current price !for parcels for immediate delivery is ;£2 10s to £2 los on trucks at country 'stations. Tho blight epidemic continues jto cause growers much apprehension. ;and it is now generally conceded that •jtbo- Government estimate published a fewv weeks ago was egregiously misleading. At the moment the market is in » peculiar position, and no one appears ;to hars other than a hazy idea as to the.future course of business. Disease appears to be rampant in various parts of the country, but there seems to be pome difference of opinion as to the actual extent of the damage done. Some farmers are basing their hopes of bettor prices on the fact that the Tasmanian ; crop is suffering severely from disease, ■ (particularly the grub, and that conse'qu'ohtly tho Commonwealth will again [be compelled to seek supplies beyond 'her own shores. \ -

Chaff is dull at 45s on trucks at country stations. Tho current price of fresh eggs is Is 3d per dozen. The latest leaflet issued by the Department of Agriculture contains some interesting figures as showing the export trade- during the last few months. The export of wheat during the first fifteen days of February amounted to 90 centals, valued at £32, compared with 100 cen v a Is. valued at £27, for the corresponding period of 1013. For tho three months ended December 31 the whea;. exnorts amounted to only 471 centals, valued at £IPO. The shipments for the nine months ended December 31 totalled 30,303 centals, valued at £11.595. compared with 301,543 centals, valued at £05,193, for the coiTospouding period of 1012. The exports of"oats wore almost equally insignificant. • During the first half of February these amounted to 408 centals, valued at £127. against. 20.233 centals, valued at £5850, for the corresponding pari: of February. 1913. Tho decrease m exports during t the past vear is brought into oven bolder relief when the fieures for the last nine monthS of 1912 and 1913 are compared. For the last nine months of 1913, the exports of oats aggregated 43,777 centals, valued at £13,834, against 1.544.417 centals, valued at £453,542, for tho corresponding nine months of the previous year. As might naturally have been expected, the exports of potatoes during*tho early part of tho year were not heavy. Between February 1 and 15, the amount shipped to_ places outside the dominion was 57 tons, valued at £244, against 48 tons, valued at £336, during the corresponding fifteen, days of 19.13. The exports for the nine months elided December 31 totalled 1307 tons, valued at £6439, compared with 19.944 tons, valued at £150.601. for the corresponding nine months of 1912. The following quotations are for purchases from farmers, net cash, sacks extra, delivered at country stations: — Wheat—Tuscan 3» 5d to 3s GJd, Hunter's 3s 6d to 3s 7d. Pearl 3s 7d to 3s Bd. Oats—Gartons 1b Gd to 1b 7d. Algerians Is 4d lo Is Cd, Duns Is 4d'to Is 6d, Danish Is Sd. . ', t , Buriey—Malting 3s Sd to 3» 6d p«r bub*], according to quality. i PartridgK Peas—3s 9d. Chaff—£2 ss. Onions—£3 10s to £3 lEs. Flour—£9 10s per ton, 1001 b ba,g» S 10» 50lb bags £lO 6s, 2nlb bogs £lO 10s. Bran—Local £4 ss, f.o.b. £l. Pollard—£G per ton. O&tiseal—£l4 per ton. Soed3—Byegrasa. Italian and Perennial 3d to 2s 3d, cocksfoot, 131 b seed 4Jd to 4|d, ■n-hita clover, farm dressed 7d to lOd, cow grass 7d to Bd. Dairy Produce—Cheese, dairy large 5Jd, loaf 6d; factory, large 6Jd to 6d. Butter, fresh local factory prints Is Id, farmers' separator od, farm dairy Bd, Hams Is, sides Sid, rol> IOJd,. relied hams lid; lard, pats 11-Jd. Eggs Is 3d per doz. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. The following were tho ruling prices in yesterday's markets: — Apples, dessert os to 8s per case. Apples, cooking 3s to 5s per case. Pears 4s to Ss per case. Cucumbers Is 6cl per bos. Tomatoes Id per lb. .Mushrooms od to lOd per lb. Grapes 6d to Is 2d per ib. EGG MARKET. The Egg Farmers' Association reports that at the auction sale of Feather Brand eggs, held yesterday, first grade brought from Is od to Is s}d per dozen, and second grade from Is 4d to Is 3d. RAXGIORA. Tho Rangiora market was well attended yesterday and business was good. There was an entry of 5340 sheep, of which 1340 wore fats. The range of prices for the fat sheep was:-—Best lambs 17s lid to 19s 9d, others 13s lid to 17s Od ; ewes, 14s 2d to 17s: wethers to 18s Bd. The principal sales were- as follow: ~ ~ Fat Lambs—For F. W. Motrin, 32 at 19s 9d; S. M'Gowan, 49 at 18s: A. Vallaute, 17 at 17s lid; J. Phillips, 33 at 10s od; IL Blackett, 27 at 17s lid; Shepherd Bros., 97 at 18s Id; W. Edcr, 70 at 33s 9d: A. Muir, 24 at lbs: W. Pawclka, 50 at 17s Od; J. Banks, 100 at 18s 2d: Smith Bros.. 89 at .17s 0d; A. L. Philpott, 124 at 19s Id; G. Rutherford, 159 ab 17s 8d to 18s sd; R. H. Bailey, 02 at 18s 7d. Fat Ewes—A. Graham, 20 at 15s (kl; R. Mebrtcns, 30 at 15s od; W. Eder, 12 at 17s; Barwcll Bros., 14 at 14s 2d; A. Yallance, 17 at 15s Id; F. A\. Merlin. 30 at 15s 9d; W. Cunningham, 21 at 14s -Id; C. Rands. 17 at. 15s Od and 9 a.t 10s 9d; W. Pawclka, 23 at 15s; A. L Philpott, 72 at 15s Od; J. W. Wright. 9 at 10s Id: T. Hanna. 43 at 13s lid: A. Graham. 20 at 15s Od. In stores, four and six-tooth wethers sold at 17. s lo ISs 0d; two-tooth wethers at Ms 0d to 15s: two, four, .six and eiglittootli cross-bred owes at 22s 6d ; soundmouth owes at 20s; aged ewes, 12s Od to .13s Od: aged merino ewes, 0s Od to 10s: wether lambs, lis 0d to 13s; ewe lambs. 15s Gd to 17s od. Tlio yarding of cattle was 148 head. Fat heifers sold at £9 10s: two-year-old steers, £4 to £5; calves, 30s to 38s; Springers, first calves, £5 5s to £5 15s; others, £5 to £9.

About ioO pics worn penned. Bnconrrs sold at 50a to 60s. stores ."30s to -los, small piys Ss to 'Als. In the produce yards prices were:--Hc.iivv crossbred sheepskins lis, lighter 4s lid', pelts 2h, lamb skin.* 3s 3d, calf skins 3s Gd, hides (id lb. fleece wool 7d, cnitcliings fid, horsehair Is, fat I|d. t Jn Hie poultry pens roosters brought--7s 3d couple, hens 3s 3d, dudes 5s 3d. Ohickwheat sold, at 4s bushel, oats 2«, Barley 2a Ski, beans 3s 3d, peas .'is, dressed grass seed 3s fid, sharps 9s (id sack, J* : g Bi"' j 1 10s; potato* 6s, oat-

sheaf chaff 3s 6d. straw chaff Is bd, apples 2s Od case', pears 2s, tomatoes 2d, peaches 3d, onions od string.


Tho Mount Bomers stock sale us becoming an important fixture. At Monday's sale there was an entry of about 6000 sheep. There was a. largo attendance, and values wore very firm. Four hundred Mount Possession sound-mouth ewes were disposed of at 23s 9d, and 500 sound and failing-mouth owes from the same place were sold at from 18s to 18s 2d. One thousand two-tooth ewes made from 22s to 23s Od, while GOO eight-booth ewes realised 20s 3d. A lino of merino ewes from Clout Hills brought 10s sd, and 200 store lambs at 14s od; 50 two, four and six-tooth ewes at 24s Od. A line of fat lambs was passed at I.Bs 3d.

ASHBURTON. There was only a moderate attendance at the weekly stock sale held at the Ashhurton yards yesterday owing to the unfavourable • conditions of tho morning, but the entry was again a ; largo one, totalling .12.512 sheep, as j against 12.210 the previous week at the Tiuwald vards. The yarding included 702 fat ewes, 133 fat wethers. 1029' fat lambs and 10,618 store sheep. The quality of the fat sheep was below the standard, and 577 were passed by auction, while several lines went to graziers. Butchers and freezing buyers were operating* but prices were easier. Fab ewes made, up to 20s, fat wethers to 21s od and fat lambs to 19s, but at this prico were piissod at auction. Tho following was tho range of prices obtained:— Prime butchers' owes 16s Id to 18s fid, extra heavy 20s. others 14s to los 6d, prime wethers 19s lOd to 21s od, others los fid (two-tooths") to 18s Id. prime freezing lambs 17s 5d to 18s Sd, others 14s 5d to 15s lOd. The principal sales were:—Fat ewes—2o at 18s 3d, 19 at los 3d, 21 at 15s 4d, 59 at 16s lid. 15 at 16s Id, 00 at 15b fid, 2o at 18s fid, 25 at 15s, 13 at 18s Id, 5at 14s. 15 at 14s 7d, 38 at los 3d, 50 at los Id. 2fi at 15s, 57 at 14s. lat, wothcrs--24 at 19s lOd, 32 at 19s lid, 17 at 18s Id, 12 at 21s sd. Fat lambs --47 at 18s, 10 at 18s 3d, 11 at los lOd 25 at l'7s C>(], 18 at 18s, 32 at 18s 9d 52 at 18s 3d. -10 at 17s Bd, 77 at 17s lOd. 3J2 at 14s od.

Tlie vardins of store sheep was again a large one, and included 1390 lambs, the balance being owes. The snip was vcrv disappointing, and 8394 ot tlio vardilig of 10.618 were passed by auction, bub several lines were sold privately The qualitv of the sheep was below that of last week: a fair proportion was dealers' lines, and farmers who are wanting sheep prefer local bred. Prices were much easier, and wore down again to normal. bales Fortv-six cull lambs ("mixed sexes) 9s 63 sound and failing-mouth half-bred ewes los lOd. 46 two-tooth Down ewes 21s. 91 fair-mouth merino ewes is 3d. to 7s 6d, 505 two. four, six and eighttooth three-quarter-bred ewes 19s (kl, 125 three-quarter-bred mixed sex lambs 15s Id 71 two-tooth three-quarter-bred ewes 19s lOd, 179 four, six and eighttooth half-bred ewes lus 6d. 102 four and six-tooth do 21s fid. 80 sound and failing-mouth do 10a 6d, 81 soundmouth cross-bred ewes 18s, 10/ twotooth do 19s. 94 four and six-tooth do 21s 4d. 123 cross-bred ewe lambs lbs, 121 sound-mouth cross-bred ewes 18s fid. 44 broken-mouth half-bred owes ,)s lid 47 do 10s. 39 sound-mouth do lis lOd! 191 broken-mouth three-quarter-bred owes 0s 9d. ~ . There was only a small yarding ot cattle, fat cows making £6 los- tat heifers £5 10s to £B, vealers 30s to 40s, store heifers £2 15s, store steers £3 to £3 Bs. calves 1.65, dry cows hi, cows (springers) £6 ss, heifers (full profit) £4. CLEARING SALE ON BALRAZIE ESTATE, RAKAIA. The New Zealand Farmers' Co-oper-ativo Association of Canterbury, in conjunction with Messrs Pyne and Co., held a successful clearing sale- yesterday on the Balrazie Estate, nine miles up from Rakaia, towards Barr Hill. The sale was held on behalf of the trustees in the estate of the late J. A. and A. D. M'llraith, owing to the subdivision of tho estate and tho recent sale, of the land. The sheep offered included 1200 two. four, six and eight-tooth three-quarter-bred ewes, 000 fat lambs. 1000 forward store lambs. 300 two-tooth three-quarter-bred wot Iters, an imported stud R.omney Marsh ram bred bv .1. E. Quested, Kent, England a couple of stud Romney rams bred'bv Mr Donald Grant, of Timani, 80 Romney rams of various ages. 50 Romney ram hoggets, 60 specially selected Romney ewes, ISO Romney ewes of mixed ages, 70 ewe hoggets, 100 Shropshire rams and ram hoggets_. 75 Shropshire ewes of mixed ages, 37 draught mares, geldings, fillies, and other farm working horses and hacks. A number of drags met tho trains at Rakaia and conveyed large numbers of prospective buyers to the sale, while people came in motor-cars and other conveyances from many parts of the Ashburton district. Bidding at times was very spirited, though buyers exercised a considerable amount of caution. Nearly tho whole of the sheep, except the fata, were bought by Ashburton distriot farmers. Tho draught horses were a. well-bred, good, useful and wellconditioned lot, and they realised full market values.

The sheep brought the following prices:—Boo forward store lambs 15s 9d (Henderson Bros.), 400 four and sixtooth half-bred ewes 24s Od (11. Oakley), 058 six-tooth half-bred ewes 23s 3cl (Henderson Bras. ). 442 two-tooth half-bred ewes 24s (D. Deans). 335 full and failing-mouth ewes 10s Id (—- Honeywell), 200 three-quarter-bred

ewes, mixed ages, 16s 6d (\\. J. Fergusson), 224 do 16s 6d (R. Liiiderman). 125 three-quartcr-brcd lambs, mixed sexes, 10s Od (J. C. Jessclp), 925 fatlambs 18. s Gd (Christchurch 'Meat Company), 230 three-quarter-bred two-tooth wethers 21s 3d (Henderson Bros.), 60 fat ewes 18s Id (R. Newton). 171' fat ewes 17. s KM (Christchurch Meat Company), 30 selected Flock Book Romney owes, two, four, six and eight-tooth, ljgs (A. Anderson), 5 do do ljgs (S. Roseveare), 25 do do 1 |gs (J. C.Lochhoad), 5 Romney rams 178 gs (S. Roseveare), 10 lour, six and 'eight-tooth Romney ewes ljgs (C. Roseveare), 63 two, four, six and eight-tooth do do 1 }gs (Henderson Bros.), 20 <lo do 1-Jgs (Henderson Bros) 75 Roninev ewe hoggets lg (F. Bull). 28 Shronshire ewe hoggets 20s (J. YV. Drunimond), 10 four, six and eight-tooth Shropshire ewes 20s (H. M*Guinness), 49 fullmouth Shropshire owes 17s (11. M.'Guinncss). 18 two-booth Shropshire ewes 20s (11. M".'Guinness), IS sound-mouth Romney rams ljgs (S. Roseveare), 15 Romnev rams, mixed ages, 1-igs ( Watson). 5-do do lg (W. J. Fergusson). 20 Romney rams, mostly two-tooths, ljgs (T>. Dud'.), 9 do, mixed ages, llgs T. M'An'ulty, 66 Romney lambs 21s (T. Hinckley), 19 Shropshire rams mixed ages, 2-}gs. 56 Shropshire ranis, mixed ages. 18s (C. T. Jessop), 19 Shropshire rant lambs 20s (Henderson Bros.), 1 Romney ram, imp. and bred by J. E. Quested, Kent, England, 10gs (F. Bull), 1 three-shear liomncy ram 4gs (J. C. Loclihead), 1 do lg ' (S. Roseveare). 1. do lg (Henderson Bros.). 2 Romney ram lambs Ugs (Henderson Bros., 2 do do ljgs (Henderson Bros). Bidding for tlio draught horses was keen, and every animal offered was sold ;ib prices varying from £lO to £sl. Unbroken geldings and fillies brought from £lO up to £3l. A lot of general farm implements and sundries were also disposed of at full values.


The New Zealand Farmers' Co-opera-tive report holding a clearing sale at Horornta on Friday, on account of Mr G. D. Jobson, who i« leaving the district. There was a large attendance of people - from the surrounding districts, and the different lots brought good market values. Following the some of tho sales:— Horses—-Bay geldiiurs £25, £l6 10s and £l2 10s; bay mare £2O, bay gelding £18: sheep—244 sound-mouth halfbred owes 1.9 s tid, 357 four, six and eight-tooth ewes 20s, 82 two and fourtooth ewes 255, 48 lambs 13s 4d: cattle

—two cows in profit £lO 10s and £l.l, 2 fat steers £9 2s fid, 2 fat steers £7 ss, fat cow and heifer £5 ss, yearling heifer £3, yearling steer £2 los, calf 30s; pigs—Two brooding sows £3 15s, 1 breeding sow £3, 5 wean era 14s to 18s. Implements sold at very good values. The New Zealand Farmers' Co-opera-tive also held a clearing salo at Russell's Flat on Monday, on account of Mr J. D. Stewart, who has sold his Farm. In spite of the threatening woather, a very large crowd were present. Tho sale started oft' very briskly, and every lot found a purchaser. Following are some of tho sales: — Sheep—loo. four and six-tooth ewes 23s S(T, 53 four, six and eight-tooth R.omney ewes 23s 10d, 181 sound-mouth half-bred ewes 20s, 93 three-<juartor-bred sound-mouth ewes 21s sd, 95 ewe iambs los 9d, 195 fat and forward lambs 16s 9d, 207 full-mouth half-bred ewes 10s Id to 16s 3d, 109 full-mouth cross-bred owes 15s Od, 58 wether lambs 13s Id, 75 two-tooth wethers 21a Id; horses—bay gelding, 7 years. £2l, two bay mares each £l2, chestnut trap gelding £l3 ss, bay pony £l3 los, three fillies, rising 2 years, £9 10s, £l3 and £l2; cattle cow in profit £8 ss, springing heifer £8 ss, 2 heifers in calf £6. 6 heifers (empty) £1 to_ £5 15s. 2 Jersey heifers £5 yearlings £3 to £3 7s 6d. Implements were all readily taken at good values. PROPERTY SALE AT RANGIORA. Yesterday the National Mortgage and Agency Company sold by auction at Rangiora., by order of the mortgagee, a property in George Street, consisting of 1 acre 1 rood and 13 perches of land, with nearly new four-roomed, house and stable, for £6OO, the* purchasers being Messrs Smith Bros., Fernsidc. STOCK EXCHANGES. CHRISTCHURCH. The folloirins «• th« latest quotation*:— £ B. d. £ a, d. Buyers. Selhrs. BANKSNew Zeaiaud (rights) ils 0 Union of Australia . 5S 0 0 COALTaupiri . . .116 GAS— Christchurch . T 1 6 INSURANCENational <>t X.Z. . 2 11 6 South Britieh of 4 7 0 MEATS— Christohnrch Meat Co. 15 17 6 SHIPPING— New Zealand . . . IB 10 0 New Zealand (prof.) 10 10 0 MISCELLANEOUS— N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. 2 5 0 Whitcombe and Tombs 5 17 6 MINING— Talisman . . 118 0 The following sales were reported:—Union Bauk of Australia ±'sß, Christchurch Gas £7, New Zealand Shipping Company £l6 10s. AUCKLAND. [Per Pbkss Association-.] AUCKLAND. March 24, Sales reported—Ross i!s 7d and 3s Od, Talisman 38s Gd and 38s, Grand Junction 25s 3d, Taupiri Coal 21s 3d, Auckland Trams (ordinary) 23s 3d. Afternoon call—Waihi, 435, 43s 3d; Talisman Consolidated, 38s; Waibi Grand Junction, 25s 3d; Saxon, lOd. IOJd. WELLINGTON. [Phk Press Association] WELLINGTON, March 24. Sales reported—Bank of New Zealand rights £4 15s, Waihi £2 3s 3d. Afternoon call —New Big River, £5. DUNEDIN. [Pica Press Association.] DUNEDIN, March 24. Sales made —Talisman Consolidated, £J. ISs 3d (two parcels). Sales reported—National Insurance. £2 lis; Waihi. £2 2s Od ; Waihi Grand Junction, £1 5s 3d. The following aro to-day's Stock Exchange quotations:- - Dredging stocks—Electric, buyers 3s 7d. sellers 4s sd. Mining stocks —Roxburgh Amalgamated, sellers 3s 8d; Saxon, buyers 8c!; Waitanffi, buvcrs Is Id; Talisman Consolidated, buyers £1 18, sellers £1 18s Od; Waihi. buyers £2 2s. .sellers £2 3s 3d; Waihi Grand Junction, buyers £1 5s 2d, .sellers £1 5s 6d. Investment stocks —National Bank. sellers £5 7s Od; Bank of New Zealand, buyers £ll 17s 6d, sellers £l2: Bank of New Zealand (rights), buyers £4 15.?. sellers £'4 1 "s: '• Standard Insurance. buyers £1 12s; U.S.S. Co. fprof.), buyers' £l, "--oilers £l. 0s 3d ; YVestport Coal Co., buyers £1 10s. sellers £1 10s 0d ; Westport-Stockton, sellei'E 3s 9d; New Zealand Coal and Oil. buyers & Od; National Mortgage- Co.. buyers £4: Perpetual Trustees Co.. buyers £1 Is; Milburu Limo and Conient, sellers £1 lis 6d; Now Zealand Paper Mills, sellers 1.75; New Zealand Portland Cement. buyers lis 9d, sellers 13s od : " Otago Daily Times," buyers £2 13s Gd : Don[irihy's Rope and Twine, sellers £1 5s fid ;' Wright, Stephenson, buyers £6 10s: Wright. Stephenson (prof.), sellers £5; May. Oat way, sellers £1 ss.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16508, 25 March 1914, Page 11

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16508, 25 March 1914, Page 11

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16508, 25 March 1914, Page 11