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THE TEE NTH AM MEETING, KING’S PRIZE WON ET MASEFIELD. [P»* Press Assocunow.'j WELLINGTON, March 5. The Dominion .Rifio Association’s championship mooting teas concluded to-dty. BTSLEY AGGREGATE. The following are the principal prizewinners iu the Bisley Aggregate: Rifleman Masefield (Sounds), £4 . . 2G6 Rifleman Soper (Tuamarina), £3 4s . 254 Rifleman H. Lovoday (Ohurß.), £8 4s . 253 Rifleman Given (Suburbs), £2 Ss . . 052 Private Beat (Auckland), £2 8s . . 25.1 Rifleman T. King (Inglewood), £2 8s . 251 Rifleman Chceseman (Tuamarinn), £1 12s 251 .Rifleman M’lver (Te Awauiutu), £1 32s 251 Rifleman Brownlee (Auckland), £l. 12s . 050 Rifleman 0. Craw (Linton), £1 !2s . 243

The following won lbs each: —Rifleman. Henderson (Sounds), Rifleman Armstrong (Whangamomona), each 248; Sergeant Sharia, nd (12th Regiment), Rifleman Gillnn (Dunediu), Private King (23th Regiment) each 217; Rifleman Loveday (Ohura), Rifleman Lane (Akarana), Rifleman Wallace (To Aroha), Rifleman Lumsden (Rangitikei), Rifleman Jones (Akarana), Rifleman Chirnflide (Karori) each 245; Captain Roas (Suburbs), Rifleman Causloy (Thames), Rifleman Jnraos (Okawa), Rifleman Carter (Nelson) each 240: Rifleman Ching (Wairnea), Rifleman Eyles (Demicvirko), Rifleman. Hoaloy (Ohura), Rifleman Caldwell (Karori) each 241; Rifleman Yen noil (Te Wharau) 240. THE KING’S PRIZE..

The King's Prize, ten shots at 1000yds, as the final match tor the championship belt is termed, was fired, this afternoon at three o'clock. A fairly strong north-westerly (rear) wind was blowing, and clouds obscured the sum

It was confidently expected that Masefield, the president of the Sounds Rifle Club, who had a commanding lead, would win, and this expectation was borno out. Opening with two for his sigh ter, Masefield started with a bnil's-oye, and his full score was as f0110w5:—5435454453, total 4t, which brought his grand total up to 625, or sixteen, poiuts ahead of the second mail, Lieutenant Simtnonds, of the Railway Corps, Blenheim, who scored 40, giving him a total of COO. Rifleman H. Loveday, of Ohura, filled the third place. Ho added 31 points to bis original 'scoro 0f'570, and took third position with ' 004. Rifleman Mi troy, .ot Nelson, finished up with ’a total of 603, having added to his acoro by 39. Oliver (Ohura) was in. fine shooting form, and wound up with tho good score of *ls, bringing his total to 696, and Given, of the Suburbs (Wellington) Club, finished on tho same mark. M’lver (Te A warn util) scored 42, his total boing 595. Rifleman Eyles (Danneviiire), who has performed very consistently through the meeting, also added to his eeoro by 42, and handed iu a card of 592. Private. Bout (Divisional Signal Corps) and Rifleman ’Henderson (Sounds) scored 691 each. Corporal Loveda.y (Woodville) made tho highest score iu the match, 46, and the individual Bcores dwindled down to 28.

Owing to the weather conditions the shooting' in many cares was ot an indifferent character, and tborc was nothing approaching any excitement on tho mounds. There was only a fair attendance of the public. The visitors included the lion R. H. Rhodes (Postmaster - General), Genera-! Godlcy, Colonels Heard, Johnstone, Cochrane and Robin. Lieutenant-Colonel Newall, Colonel aud Mrs Baillie, and Mr Luke, Mayor of Wellington. At the close of the contest the victor ivfs wartnly cheered, congratulated and chaired shoulder high by his comrades and fellow competitors. The men were then lined up in front of a platform, on which the trophies to be. presented were a.rrauged. Colonel Collins, chairman of tho executive, speaking from tho dais, thanked the public for their presence and -their encouragement. They had experienced all sorts of weather, p.nd. in conactiuonce, reputations had been made and lost. He thanked tho Government. for its liberal treatment of the Association. pointing out that this assistance amounted to a grant of £760, ammunition valued at £SOO, free railway passes estimated at. £250. equipment and the cervices of twenty-five members of the Permanent Force. He also mentioned the fact that as the services of the Permanent Artillery men were not available as markers this year, they bad been compelled to seek the services of civilians, and this extra cost, amounting to about £250, had also been borne by the Government. Tho employment of civilian markers had been something of an innovation, hut ho was pleased to say it had been an unqualified success, and he thanked tho markers for their accuracy and promptitude.

Colon?! Collins then proceeded to refer to the services tlioj Association had, since its establishment in .1879, given to the dominion ns a means of encouraging rifle rhcotir.g. An effort whs being made to keep the Association up to date by the inclusion of service matches in the programme. 'lbis was necessary to meet the military requirements, and bad caused some criticism from tlioso who pinned their faith to bull’s-eye shooting, but ho could say that while General Godley insisted upon "the men shooting under service conditions, ho had no intention of banning the bull’s-eye. (Applause.) Continuing, Colonel Collins said that, the future of ine Association lay with the rifle clubs, which in turn must lie fed from the Territorials. But good as the Territorial system was, it was not calculated to encourage keen shots. It did not give sufficient encouragement to practice, and as a. remedy for this weakness ha advocated a. more liberal supply of ammunition to the you near branch of tlio service. Tbev wore in the habit of hearing tho range described as “ tricky Trentham. ’ but ho hoped that this view would not bo uuduly dwelt upon iud so discourage young marksmen. from cemiug to the meetings, because as good scores could be put oil at Tretitbara as on the local Tanges. Ho hoped that no a i year every experienced marksman would bring a tvro with him. (Applause.) _ Colonel Collins then read Bpoiogiss for absence from his Excellency the Governor, jar Massey, Mr Allen and Sir Joseph Ward, and then called on the Hon 11. H. Rhodes to address the gathering. The Hon It. H. Rhodes earn ho was there to. convey to all concerned the congratulations of the Ministry upon the success o the meeting. He had heard that reputations had been lost on the range, but he hoped that by practice and perseverance they would bo recovered next year, tie ban also-heard from Colonel .Collins that-there had been a. slight decrease m entries, but ho fell confident that time would remedy that also. lfwou'd take some years for the Territorial system to develop, and then the process of sending men from that branc.r of the service to the rifle clubs would commence. The Government was sympathetic with the work of .ho Association, and h.o, too. were the military authorities. The ap- ■ pointmor.t of musketry instructors proved that and their work would be watched with the ' greatest interest Mrs Godlev had shown her practical sympathy with shooting bv organising a. series of contests amongst the cadets. Rifle clubs were-the dominion’s second lino of defence. ■ He only hoped the dnv would never come wlien they would ue required. But they must not depend upon skill with the rifle alone. They must learn the value of drill and discipline. As an unorganised force they conic! do nothing. Field practice was also a necessary adjunct to their usefulness, and in return for what assistance tho Government gave them it expected .them io enter heartily in'o the “pirif. of the service matches. There was no desire to abolish the bulks-ey? practice, but they must recognise that they were in a- stage of -•transition. A change was . taking place at- Bisiey, and it- must come here to". He congratulated Rifleman Masefield upon his win. The speaker was glad to see amongst them liioatenant-Colone! Baillie. a veto-an of tho Indian wars, who re-j-'rose."fed Marlborough, and who would extend bis congratulations io the winner. (Chwrß.) - ..Lieutenant-Colonel Bnillie. then spoke a few felicitous words, and the crowd broke out into a. burst of lusty cheering a-s the champion bowed his acknowledgment.?.. The prises were then presented to the winners by -Mrs R. J. Collins, wife of Colonel Collins, and amidst, another round of applause for. Rifleman Masefield, whoso win w; an exceedingly popular one, tho championship meeting 0f.1814 came to an end. thk’tftxxej?. President \V. X. Masefield, Sounds Rifle Cluli, is‘ a. native of Aka-roa. and is thirtytwo years of are. He has spent most of his life at Mammon, Marlborough Sounds, where his parents went, to reside wbmi lie was about five years old. President Masefield has a fine career as a rifleman. Ho joined the Sounds Rifle Club when'twenty years old. and at twenty-cme was elected president. He is very popular with his club mates. Tho present is his ninth Trentham moating, and he has got into the King's fifty on seven -occasions. Ho has always been recognised a 3 a good team shot, and when the. United Service Match was organised he was one of the first selected, lie has fired in every United Service Match, and his score of 101 out of a- possible 10-7 at COO, SO9 and 000yds still stands as a record on the Treut.ham range. On throe occasions ha has been top in the match oud ones second. As an individual he ha?, many good performances, not- the least, being his 101, 03 and 47 made at, tho present meeting. Three years ago Masefield visited the Sisley meeting, where ho got into most of (ho prir, e-lists, won a grand aggregate medal, and got his King’s, Badge for gcltiuv in the final hundred of the. King’s Prise Match. Mansfield has three Empire malduM. to his credit, two in Aus-

tralia, and one in New Zealand. In the latter he was tho highest in the match, and was high up in Australia, Masefield is also a 'good gun shot and a first-class golf player. THE RUNNER UP. Lieutenant Herbert Simroouds is the son of Mr H. A. Simmonds, now of Pictou, and was born at Koromiko, on the Pictou Road, twenty-seven years ago. His association with the rifle began five years ago, when he joined tho Pictou Volunteers as a private. Ho soon gained promotion to the rank of sergeant, and six months ago signed on with the Territorials when ho obtained his commission as a lieutenant. He dovoloped a capacity for shooting very early in his Volunteering experience, making some good scores on "tho Waikawa range. He is an honorary member of tho Linkwatcr Rifle Club, that won the Senior Champion Shield of Marlborough last year. To what extent Lieutenant Simmonds assisted in this may be judged by the fact that of the six club matches fired during the season be won three and finished up. only four points behind tho leader in the club aggregate. Four years ago ho came to Trenthain for tho first time, and for a beginner did remarkably woll. In 1910 ho got in the final fifty, in 1912 he was only two points avray, and last year four points away. In 1912 he was loading for the Service Championship until tho final shoot, when he Jell away into seventh position. This year he came from seventeenth place into fifth, and only wanted three hits to win. Lieutenant Simmonds distinguished himself ou the 'Wanganui range some two years ago, and Elis year he pilot into prominence at the Greytown meeting a few -weeks ago. In recognition of his consistency as a shot, Lieutenant- Simmonds was the first chosen for the United Sendee Match, and has also been selected to represent Now Zealand at tho Empire Cup Match, if the Imperial event should take place iu Melbourne this year. The following is the prise list:— , KING’S PRIZE, 1000yds. Tea shota Bisley targets. Rifleman Masefield (Sounds), champion belt, gold medal .and. £23 . . , 625 Lieutenant Simmonds (Blenheim), £l6 6C6 Rifleman H. Loveday (Ohura), £l2 . 695 Rifleman Milroy (Nelson), £9 , . .603 Rifleman Oliver (Ohura), £i . . . 593 Rifleman Given (Suburbs), £4 . . : . 593 Rifleman M’lver (Te Awamutu), £4 . 698 Rifleman Eyles (Danuevirke), £4 . . 432 Riilemau Henderson (Sounds), £4 . . 591 Rifleman Bent (Div. Sig. Corps), £1 591 Rifleman Sopor iTuamarina), £4 . .590 Rifleman M’li-tosh (Opaki), £4 . . 689 Tho following won £1 12s each:—Rifleman Cheeseman (Tuamarina), 588; Rifleman Brownlee (Auckland). 557; Sergeant-Major Frank (Staff). 587; Rifleman T. King (Inglewood) and Rifleman Chirnside (Karon), each 6SG; Rifleman Caasley (Thames), Rifleman Hunt (Suburbs), Rifleman King (9th Regiment), Rifleman James (Okawa) and Rifleman Carter (Petono). each 581; Rifleman Devore (3rd Regiment), Rifleman Patrick (Auckland) and, Rifleman Loveday (Wocdvillc), each 553. Tho following iron 36s each:—Devoso (Oamani), 583; Hartnell (Dannevirke), 582; Major Potter (Reserve) and Bolton (Opaki), each 530; Maretizi (Kailawa) and Engstrom (Opaki), each 579; Sharland (12th Regiment) and Thomas (Hatitere), each 578; -G. Loveday (Ohura), Snndford (Christchurch), Delhi fMaugawoka) and Mason (Dannevirke), each 677: Gill on (Dunedin) and Corporal Ching, each-57G: Lane (Akarmia), Narbey'(Eltham) mid Foast (Opaki). each 575; Duncan (13th Regiment) and White (Christchurch), eaoli 57->; Moeelen (Kneo), 573; Croston (Karori) and Knowles (Taihape), each 679; Caldwell (Kanieri) and Cut-bbertson (Tuamarina), each 567: Craw (Linton), 5G3. UNITED SERVICE MATCH: ten men aside. Rifle clubs £lO and Dawson Shield, Territorial Team 893 Staff Team . . . . . . . 555 RIFLE CLUB CHAMPION TEAMS’ MATCH. Ohura Rifio Club, Colonial Ammunition Company’s Cup for team with ■ highest aggregate over long ranges 1893 Suburbs Rifle Club, £2 12s 6d ■. . .1231 Sounds Rifle Club. £l. 12s fid . IV!3 Opaki Rifle Club No. 2.."X1 is-.' . 1183 Kaponga Rifle Civil. ' 1129 Karori Rifle Club No. 2 . . . . 1120 Linton Rifle Club No.. I . . . - . 3118 Karori Rifle Club No. 1 . . . . ' 1118 CHAMPION TEAMS MATCH. 800, 500 and GOO yards. Seven shots. Opaki Rifle Club No. 1, £8 and shield .407 Christchurch' Rifle Club, £6 . . . 4-331 Ohura Rifle Chib, £4 443 Suburbs Rifie Club.' No. 1. £3 . '•. 143 Tuß ' Rifle Club. £3 .. . . 448 •Auckland Citv*»tifie Club, £2 . . - .-448 Tr Aroha Rifle Club . . i, . 445 Mauticeville Rifle Club .... 44-4-Karori. Rifle, Club No. 1 . . . - . 444 Sounds Rifle Chib . . .. . . (4-3 Sergertjjf-tMajc-T Mlontvomerv (Dunedin) fakes -the Kvnoch Cup for the highest- aggregate score in the Service Championship. AUSTRALIAN TEAM FOR BISLEY.

N’ETY SOUTH WALES'S QUOTA. By Telegraph—-Press Association—Copyright-. " SYDNEY. March o. F. Harrison. D. M.’Alister and A. Pars on have been selected to represent New Son til "Wales in the Commonwealth Bisley team. ’Pile emergencies are H. Motion and J. Stinson.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16492, 6 March 1914, Page 10

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RIFLE SHOOTING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16492, 6 March 1914, Page 10

RIFLE SHOOTING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16492, 6 March 1914, Page 10