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ASHBURTON. Officials: President, Mr W. Anderson ; vice-president, Mr A. Drummond; honorary veterinarian, Mr J. Kerrigan, M.R.0.V.5.; treasurer, Mr J. Tucker; secretary, Mr J. B. Christian. The annual show of tho Ashburton Agricultural and Pastoral Association was opened yesterday. Excluding competitions tho entries fell a few short of four figures, but tho principal classes were nevertheless satisfactory. Sheep showed a slight decline, the numbers dropping from 200 to 218, and tho number of horses was also slightly smaller, but cattle showed a satisfactory increase. The following tablo shows the entries under the various headings at the shows held in 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1912:

In Mr William Anderson, of Fairton, tho Association has an energetic, painstaking, practical and enthusiastic president, and in Mr J. B. Christian one of the best show secretaries in the dominion, and under their joint direction tlie arrangements for the show were admirable, arid tho work of the clay, which was hv no means light, was carried through without a hitch of any kind. Since last show a number of improvements have been effected on the show ground, including the erection of a commodious and up-to-date grand stand capable of seating 900 persons and affording an excellent view of the spectacular events in the principal allow. The cost of the building was about £llOO. The weather was threatening in the morning, hut brightened ns the day advanced, and the show was held under admirable climatic conditions. Towards evening, after the majority of visitors had left the ground, a smart shower fell,, but did not cause any inconvenience. The show will The dearth of competition in the sheep classes was more than disappointing, although tho quality of the exhibits, as usual at Ashburton, was of a uniformly high class, there being no entries but which would have made a bold bid for honours in almost any show in the dominion. But the number of exhibitors was strangely small in a district where sheep-breeding lias been carried on with something more than ordinary success during many years. The Association appears to have mado ample provision lor all descriptions of sheep, but the _ response was scarcely commensurato with the efforts made, and several classes included in tho schedule, including Ryelands, Hampshire Downs and Dorset Horns, were* without a single representative. Tho merinoes were weak in numbers, there being only a couple of exhibitors, the championship in rams and one first prize going to Mr YV. Anderson, and four firsts to Mr D. G. Wright.. In Lincolns Mr T. Withell was tho only exhibitor, and secured both championships in addition to four first prizes. Tho English Leicester classes were much stronger, sharp competition being the order of tho day. The ram championship was awarded to Messrs R. and J. Reid’s Eockwood, a symmetrically-built animal possessing all the be3t characteristics of tho breed. Tho reserve championship went to Mr J. Bonifant. Mr T. E. Tarbotton appropriated the ewe championship, the reserve going to Mr J. Bonifant. Mr W. _ Anderson was tho chief exhibitor in the Border Leicester class, and in addition to securing the bulk of the premier honours was awarded tho championships and reserve championships in rams aad ewes. There was no competion in tho Romney classes. Mr D. G. Wright, of Windermere, ■ being the only exhibitor. In Southdowns there were only ■ three exhibitors, and Mr G. E. Rhodes, of Meadowbank, was the most successful, winning the championship in addition to nearly all the first prizes. Mr T. E. Upton was tho only exhibitor, and was unfprtunato m not meeting, with competition, as Ins sheep would have given a good account of themselves in any company. in Corriedales competition was limited to Mr J. Stringfcllow and Mr W. Anderson, tho former taking both championships and the bulk of first awards. Tho fat shoep entries were few and the quality fair, hut the fat lambs, air though tho entries were limited were of creat excellense, being easily the best" seen in any show pen m Canterbury during the present season. The cattle entries wore not large but tho quality was good, all round. Only one Shorthorn bull was paraded, a young animal, and a championship was not awarded. Tho championship in cows went to Mr F. Frampton’s Queen of Roscdale. From a few Ayrslnres Mr W J. Silcock’s Laddie was selected for the bull championship, wjiile the cow championship wont to Mr T. M Dowell s Mattie, a cow showing fine milking qualities. .A fair number jof. Jerseys were shown, the majority evincing good qualities. Here again Mr W. J. Silccck appropriated tho bull championship, whil Mr T, M’Dowell scored in cows. The fat cattle were few in number, but excellent in quality. The horses wero unquestionably the feature of the show, nearly aH the classes being well filled with animals of high quality. The greater part of the judging, however, being set down for the second day, comparatively few awards were made. Tn draughts Mr H. D. Butterick scored in brood mores, Mr J. M’Lauchlin in dry mares, and Mr T. Taylor in two and three-year fillies. Tho harness horses were a good lot. although not nearly as numerous as might reasonably have been anticipated in such a district. Mr W. Buchan scored in brood mares, Mr P. Hampton in throe-year-olds and gig horses, and Mrs A. F. Moore in tandem teams.

Tho classes for pigs were not strong in numbers, and without tho exhibits sent forward bv Mr W. IT. Stephens, of Bromley, tlio djsolay would have been particularly weak. This exhibitor secured all tho first and second awards in Berkshire* and Yorkshires. Mr Pearce’s special for the best large white Yorkshire was awarded to Mr W. A. Sf-poliens despite the fact that his exhibit was not true to typo. This prizo should undoubtedly have gone, to Mr R. Macartney’s pure-bred, which was tho onlv animal on tho ground that complied with schedule conditions. Only a few fat nigs wore shown. With a largo poultry show held ir. the district every winter a poultry section as an adjunct to the spring show anuears a superfluity, and apnarently this is the view entertained by breeders in tbo district, since this portion of the show receives hut sparse supoort, and at this year’s show unite a largo number of classes failed to attract a single entry, while, in many others there was no competition. Tho entries, however, included consignments from well-known breeders, and generally speaking the quality of the exhibits was good. The principal prize-takers were Messrs W. W. Patterson. R. D. Johnston. P. Randle. H. xY. Lloyd, S. Wilson, R. Lowe, F. Mecsont. W. Searle, Mrs R. J. S. Wilson and Mrs W. H. Stephens. As customary at country shows the display of oroduce was of considorablo merit, wliilo the entries; wero much more satisfactory than in several other divisions of the show. The butter made a lino show, and Miss A. M’Dowell was the principal prize-taker, hor exhibits 1 being all of superior merit. Competition in hams and bacon was

limited but nothing was wanting in the quality of tho entries. In strong classes of eggs Mrs S. Wilson and Mrs Goodfollow were placed in tho foremost posii tions. The broad classes were undeni- ! ably strong. Miss A. M’Dowell and Mrs W. Syme scoring the highest honours, and in scones the name exhibitors wero the principal prize-takers. An excellent display of honey was mado, ' Mr C. J. Clayton, of Mount Peel, scoring all the first and second honours. The exhibits by pupils attending the ' Technical cookery classes showed that ; much care had been bestowed upon this branch of study, and many of tho daini tics placed before the judges would j havo done credit to adults. : Following are the judges:—Sheep— Merinoes. Lincolns, Corriedales, half- ' brock and cross-brcds, Air H. Little; English Lcicesters, Air C. AT. Threlkold; Border Leicester, Mr John Little, jun.: Romneys, Air YV. G. Roberts; •Southdowns and Shropshircs, Air A. L. Joseph; fat sheep, Air A. Webb. Cattle—Shorthorns and other breeds except Ayrshire.*} and Jerseys, Air R. E. Alexander; Ayrshires and Jerseys, Air R. Rainey; butter-fat test, Mr G. Gray, F.L.S. ; fat cattle, Air R. E. Alexander. Horses—Draughts, Messrs James Grant and P. Martin; blood stock, harness horses, trotting horses, saddle horses, hunters, cobs and ponies, Air J. W. Freeman. Pigs—Air YV. Lochhead. Dogs—Messrs YV. Lambic and F. Fawson. Poultry—My G. Bundy. Produce—Mr S. Clayton. Traction engine competition—Messrs T. Doig and YV. Moses. Sheep-dog trials —Messrs YY T . Lamina and F. Pawson. Ladies’ harnessing competition—Mr AI. Stitt. Motor-ear driving competition— Air P. Stewart. Wool-classing competition—Mr B. J. Maronet. Rescue race —Air T. F. Gibson. Other competitions —Air M.' Stitt. PRIZE LIST. The following is the prize list, tha number of entries m each class being given in parentheses:— • SHEEP. MERINOES. Champion ram —YV. Anderson. Bam, over eighteen months (I) —YV. Anderson 1. Eye, over eighteen mouths and under twenty-eight months (1) —D. G. YVright 1. Ttvo ewes,, under eighteen months (i)—D. G. YVright 1. Ewe. under eighteen months (1) —D. G. YVright 1. Ewe, under eighteen months (1) YY r right 1. Ttvo ewes, with lambs (1) —D. G. YVright 1. LINCOLNS. Champion ram —T. Withell. Champion ewe—T. YY r ithell. Bum, over eighteen months (1) —T. YVithcll 1. Bam, under eighteen months (2) —T. YVithcll 1 and 2. Ewe, over twenty-eight months, with- lamb (1) —T. Withell 1. Ewe, under eighteen months (1) — T. YVithell 1. ENGLISH LEICESTEBS. Champion ram—B. and <T. Reid. Reserve champion ram —J. Bonifant. Champion ewe —T. E. Tarbotton. Reserve champion owe— J. Bonifant 1. . Ham, over twenty-eight months (6) —It. and J. Reid 1 and two specials. Bam, over eight eon months and under twenty-eight months (3) —J. Bonifant 1 and 2.' Bam, under eighteen months (7) — U. and J. Heid 1 arid special, J. Bonifant 2 and v h c. Pair ram hoggets, under eighteen months (2) —J. Bonifant 1, A. Drummond 2. Shorn shearling ram (0) —P. Drummond, jun, 1, J. Bonifant 2 and v h c. Ewe, over twentv-eight months, with lamb (8) —T. Bonifant 1. 2 and 3, ' It. Tarbotton v h c. Ewe. over eighteen months and tinder twenty-eight months, with lamb (7) T. E. Tarbotton 1, J. Bonifant 2 and v h c, R-. Tarbotton 3. Two ewes, under eighteen months (5) —R. and ,T. Reid 1, J. Bonifant n.”d v h o. Ewe. under eighteen montha (5) —J. Bonifant 1 and 2, E. and J. Roid vh o. Shorn shenrling ewe (7)—H. D. Butterick 1, R, and .T. Reid 2, J. Bonifant 3, A. Drummond v h e. BORDER LEICESTER^. Champion ram —YV. Anderson. Beaorvo chnmpion ram —YV. Anderson. Champion ewe —'YV. Anderson. Reserve champion ewe—W. Andnrson. Barn, over twenty-eight months (4) —Y\ r . Anderson 1. 2 and v h c. Bam, over eighton months and under twenty-eight months (o)—YV. Anderson 1, 21 and vh c. Ram, under eighteen months (3) YV. Anderson 1 and. 2. Pair ram hoggets, under eighteen months (2) —YV. Anderson 1 and 2. Shorn shearling ram (2)-YV. Anderson 1 and 2. Ewe, over twenty-eight months, with lamb Anderson 1 and 3. Ewe, over eighteen months and under twenty-eight months, with lamb (4>-YV. Anderson 1,2 and v h c Two ewes, under eighteen months (3) —YV. Anderson 1,2 and vh c. Ewe, under eighteen months (3)—YV. Anderson 1, 2 and v h c. Shorn yearling ewo (*)—'V. Anderson 1,2 and ▼h c. ROMNEYS.

Champion ram-D. G. YVright. Champion ewe —D. G. YVright. Ram. over eighteen months (3) D. G. YVright I and 2. Run, under eighteen months (2)—D. G. Y\n,ut and 2. Two ewes, under eighteen months (1) —D G YVririit 1. Ewe, under eighteen months' (2)—D. G. Wright 1 and 2.

SOUTHDOWNS. Champion ram —G. E. Rhodes. _ Reserve champion ram—G. E. Rhodes Champion owe—G. E. Rhodes. Reserve champion «« —G. E. Rhodes. Ram, over twenty-eight months (3) —T. Dowling 1, F. C. Capdy a. E. Rhodes v h c. Rain, over eighteen months and under -twenty-eight months (,!) G. E. Rhodes 1, F. C. Candy 2 T. Dowling c Ram, under eighteen months (2)—U. E. Rhodes 1, F. Candy 2. Shorn shearling ram (4)—G. E. Rhodes 1 and >2, T. Dowling v li c. Ewe, over twenty-eight months, with lamb (!)} —G. E. Rhodes 1, T. Dowling 2 and v li e. Evrc over ©iglilccn months unu under fcwenty-eivht. months, with lamb (2)—G. E. Rhodes T, T. Dowling 2. Two ewes, under eighteen months (2) —G. E. Rhodes 1, T. Dowlin" 2. Ewe, under eighteen months (-(j -G. E. Rhodes 1, T. Dowling 2, F. C. Candy v h c. Shorn slieirling ewe (4)—G. E. Rhodes 1 and 2, T. Dowling c. 1 SHROPSHIRE'S. Champion ram—T. E. Upton. Reservo champion ram —T. E. Upton. Champion CWP —T; E. Upton. Reserve champion ewe— T E Unton. Ram, over twenty-eight months (1)-T. E. Upton 1. liam. over eighteen months and under twenty-cigiit months (I)—T. E. Upton 1 and special. Ram, under eighteen months (2)—T. E. Upton 1 and 2. Pair ram hog2etfi, under eighteen months (2) —T. E. Upton' X and 2. Shorn shearling ram (1) — I T. E. Upton 1. Ewe, over twenty-eight inonthe, with lamb (2) —T. E. Upton 1,2 and special. Ewe, over eighteen months and under twenty-eight- months, with lamb (2) T. K. Upton 3. and 2. Two cv/ot?, under eighteen months (21—T. E. Upton 1 and 2._ Ewe, under eighteen months (2) —T. E. Upton 1 and 2. Shorn shearling ewe (1) —T. E. Upton 1. CORRIEDALES. Champion ram—J. Stringfeilow. I-leservo champion ram —J. Stringfeilow. Champion ewe—J. Slriiigfellow. Reserve champion ewe —J. Stringfeilow. Ram, over twentyeight months (2)—J. Stringfeilow 1 ar.d 2. Ram, over eighteen -.months, and under twenty-eight months (5) —J. Stringfeilow 1 and 2, W. Anderson v li c. Ram, under eighteen months (3) — J. Stringfeilow 1 and 2. Ewe. over twenty-eight months, with lamb (2) —J. Stringfeilow 1 and 2. Ewe, over eighteen months and under twenty-eight months, with lamb (3) —J. Stringfeilow 1,2 and v h c. Two ewes, under eighteen months (2) —J. Stringfeilow 1 and 2. Ewe. under eighteen months (3)—J. Stringfeilow 1,2 and v h c. HALF-BREDS. Three half-bred owes, with lambs (4) —J. Stringfeilow 1 and v li c. D. G. Wright 2. Thrco first-cross hoggets (1) —D. G. "Wright 1. CROSS-BREDS. Throe half or cross-bred owes, with lambs (2) —J. Glassey 1 and 2. Three cross-bred hoggets (2) —A. Brown 1. FAT SHEEP. Fivo wethers, not exceeding 1201 b live weight (1) —Capon Bros. 1. Five wethers or ewes, not less than -ISlb freezing weight, nor exceeding 721 b (1) —Ce.pon Brco. 1. .Five wethers, suitable for export, average about 1101 b live weight (1) —Capon Bros. 1. Five hoggets, in wool (1) —Capon Bros. 1. Five merino wethers, for butchers’ purposes (11 — W. Anderson 1. Fivo first-cross wethers, by longwool ram (1) —Capon Bros. 1. Five cross-bred wethers, by longwool ram (1) — Capon Bros. 1. Five wethers (I)—Capon Bros. 1. FAT LAMBS. Fivo lambs, not less than 3011) freezing weight, maximum weight 42ib (8)—-J. Bland, lun.. 1, W. Anderson 2. Five lambs, any breed not less than 2Slb freezing weight (6) —A. Brown 1. Fivo lambs, by any Down ram, not exceeding 421 b freezing weight (4) — u ,-iaaicaiaisuuuaaiza xMir-ujararaaattamiacixmTmjMEj

. J Blond, jam, I. Five lambs. by Down Tam ,Brown 1 antl - 1 1V0 lambs, any brand (5)-H. Morn* 1CATTLE. j SHORTHORNS. i Champion cow-F- , . Yeni-lin" bull (l)— 1 - brnmpton 1 and ! special. ° Cow, any age, in milk (2)—F j Frampton 1 and 2. Cow, any age, in calf I r,’ Frarapton 1 and 2.. Cow, with two nf linr D-oceny (1) —F. Frampton 1. Twoi year heifer (4)-D. G. Wright 1, F. Frampton ° v h c and h e. Yearling heifer (4) — D cH Wright 1, F. Frampton 2 and h c. AYRSHIRES. Champion bull—'W. J. Silcock. Champion cow -T M'Dowoll. • I Bull ’ any ago (I)—' T. M Dowell 1. Twoyear bull (I)—'W. J- Silcock 1. Yearling bull (1) gi. M’Dowoll 1. Cow, any age, in milk ip' M'Dowoll 1 ar.d 2. Cow, any age, in calf (1) —T. M'Dowcll 1. Two-year heifer j (I)—W. J. Silcock 1. I JERSEYS. Champion bull —W. J. Silcock. Champion ! cow—T. M’Dowoll. Bull any atre (31 —W. J. Silcock 1. Two-year-old bull ”(2)—W. J. Silcock 1, AV. A. Morgan 2. Yearling bull (4) —A. Pringle 1, J. M’Dowell 2, AY. J. Silcock v h c. Cow, 1 imy age, in milk l 6) T. M Dowell 1, W. J. Silcock 2. J. Bland, jun., v h c. Cow, any ago, in oalf (4> —T. M’Dowoll 1, AY. A. Morgan 2°W. J. Silcock v h o. Cow, with two of her progeny (3) —'W. J. Silcock 1,2 and o. Twovear heifer (71—A. Pringle 1, F. P. Tliomna 2, W. J. Silcock S. Yearling heifer (9)—J. Moriarty 1, T. M’Dowell 2 and 3, J. Henderson v h c. ANY OTHER BREED. Cow, any age, in milk (31 —T. M'Dowcll 1 and 2 ’ Cow, any age, in calf (3)—A. J. Keith J, T. M’Dowell 2. Milch Cow (3)—Mrs Morisrty 1, Mrs E. Thomas 2, F. Betts v h c. FAT CATTLE. Champion bullock, any ago (21—A. J. Keith 1. W. T. Begg 2. Three-year steer (2) —A. J. Keith 1 and 2. Cow. any ago (3)—A. J. Keith 1. T. Doherty 2. Three-year heifer (5) —A. J. Keith 1. Calf reared on cowslip milk (2)—Mrs E. Thomas 1. HORSES. DRAUGHTS. Mere, with foal (3)—H. D. Butterick 1, W. Walsh 2. Dry mare, any age (B)—J. M’Lauchlan 1 and c, J. Cochrane 2, P. Shearer 3, 11. Donaldson h c. Three-year filly (13) —T. Taylor 1 and c, P. Shearer 2, J. Grigg 3 and v h o, P. J. Corbett v h c. Two-year filly (7) —T. Taylor 1, H. D. Butterick 2, P. Shearer 3. ' HARNESS HORSES. Brood mare, in foal or with foal (4) —W. Buchan 1, J. Holland 2, E. J. Langley r h c. 'Three-year-old (3)— P. Hampton. 1, J. Cairns ’2. Two-year-old (1) —D. Fitr.gerald 1. Yearling (I)—J. 1 Cairns 1. Gig horse, under 35.3 hands (7)—P. Hampton 1, C. L. Chapman 2, Mrs D. Clucas 3, G. L. Sandrcy v h c. Buggy horse, under 15.3 hands (2)—P. L. Donald 1, A. ,T. Keith 2. Dogcart horse, 15.3 hnnd3 or over (3) —S. G. Lemon 1 and special, C. W. Baker 2. Four-in-liand (I)—A. F. Mooro 1. Farmer’s Whitechapel carthorse (1) —J. A. Donaldson 1. Whitechapel carthorse (2) —G. L. Chapman 1. COBS AND PONIES. Brood mare, in foal or with foal (61 —W. J. Silcock 1, R. Chapman 2, J. Watson 3. Pony, not exceeding fourteen hands (6) — P. L. Donald 1, H. Morris 2, S. M. Scott v li c. Pony, not exceeding 13 hands (9) —A. Pringle 1, A. F. Moore 2, W. J. Silcock 3, J. R. Begg v h c. PIGS. Berkshire;.'. —Boar, over twelve months (1) —W. H. Stephens 1 and special. Sow, over twelve months (3) —W. H. Stephens .1 and 2. Sow, under twelve months (4) —AY. H. Stephens 1 and 2, It. ,T. Corbett v h c. Sow, under six months (2) —W. H. Stephens 1 and 2. Sow. with litter (1) —W. H. Stephens 1. Yorkshires. —Sow, over twelve months (1) —W. H. Stephens 1. Sow, under twelve months (2) —W. H. Stephens 1,2 and special. Large white, under six months (2)—AV. H. Stephens 1, , * Largo Black Devon?. —Boar, over twelve months (1) —Mrs J. Small 1. Any Breed or CroES. —Sow, any ago (11— W. 11. Stephens 1. Three porkers (3) —W. Langdon 1 Rnd special, R. Pearce -2. Two baconcrs (1) —It. Pearce 1. POULTRY. * Plymouth Rocks. —Cook or cockerel (11 — AY. AV. Paterson 1. Hon or pullet (2) —W. W. Patterson 1 and 2. Orpingtons.—Hon or pullet (2) —P. Randle 1. Wyandoltes.—Silver cock or cockorol (2) — R. D. Johnston 1 and 2. Silver hen or pullet (I).—W. W. Patterson 1 and special, ft. D. Johnston 2. 1 Any variety cock or cockerel (2) —H. A. Lloyd 1, W. AV. Pallorson 2. Any variety hen or pullet (4) —W. AY. Patterson 1, H. A. Lloyd 2. Gamo.—Cook or cockerel (1) —E. G.. Crisp 1. Minorcan and Andalusians—Cock or oockercl (2)—S. Wilson I and special for best bird in show. Hen or pullet (1) —R Lowe 1. Leghorns.—AVhite hen or pullet (2) —Mrs R, J. S. AA r ilson 1 and 2. Buff cock or cockerel (4) —F. Massent 1,2 and special. Buff hen or pullet (4) —F. Messcnt 1,2 and v h c. Hamburgs.—Cock or cockerel (1) —H. A. Lloyd 1. Hen or pullet (2) —H. A. Lloyd 1 and 2. Any other variety.—Pure-bred ccck or cockerel (1) —:AV. W. Patterson 1. Utility Classes.—AVhite Leghorn cock or I cockerel (2)—W. Senile 1, AV. Armstrong 2. White Leghorn, hen or pullet (4) —W. Searlc 1 and 2. Gold or Silver Wynudotto, cock ot cockerel (I)—W. Searle 1. Gold or Silver AVyandotlo, hen or pullot (3)—W. Searle 1, 2 and special, P. Randle v h' c. Any other variety, heavy breed, cock or cockerel (1)~ AV. Searle 1. Any othor variety, heavy breed, hen or pullet (1) —AV. Searle 1. PRODUCE. Specials—Home-made bread from “ Supremo ” flour (11) —Mrs AV. Syme 1. Homemade scones from “ Supreme” flour (10) — Miss A. M’Dowoll 3. DUCKS. Indian Runner drake (I)—P. Randle 1, GEESE. Gar,dor (I)—Mrs W. H. Stephens 1 and special. Goose (I)—Mrs AA r . H. Stephens 1. Soiling Clashes. —Houdans, AVyanrinttcs, Minorcas, Andalusians, Leghorns, Hamburgs or any other pure-bred variety (1) —H. A. Lloyd 1. Breeding Pens.—Pair pure-bred fowls (1) W. AV. Patterson 1. PRODUCE. Specials. —Home-made bread from Crown Roller Mills flour (6)—Mrs C. J. Cowan 1. Scones from Crown Roller Milks flour (8) —Mrs AV. Syme 1. Butter, reparator, without salt (3) Miss A. M’Dowcll 1 and 2, Mrs AV. Syme 3, Mrs F. Butterick v h c, Miss J. Daily c. Soparator, without salt, open to persons who bad not won a first prize (9) —Mrs Pethig 1 and special, Mrs F. Bcnmson 2, Miss N. Mbriarty 3, Mrs E. Smith v h c, Miss M. Prcbblo c. Separator butter, sailed (9) —Miss A. M'Dowcll 1 and 2. Mrs Pethig 3, Mrs AV. Syme v h c. Non-separator butter, unsaltcd (3) —Miss A. M’Dowell 1, Mrs Moriarty 2. Non-separator butter, unsalted, open to persons who had not won a first prise (6)—Miss N, Moriarty 1 and special, Mrs R. Trcmain 2, Miss Clements v h c. Non-separator bultor, salted (6) —Miss A. M'Dowoll 1, Mrs A. Long 2, Mrs Moriarty v h c. Eggs.—AVliito (8) —Mrs S. Wilson 1 and 2, Mrs Goodfeliow 3, Mrs .T. R. B'egg v h c, Mrs AV. Harris c. Tinted (G)—Mrs Goodfeliow 1. Mrs S. Wilson 2. Mrs J. R. Begg v h c. Ducks’ cgg3 (4) — Mrs Goodfeliow 1. J. P. Quilkin 2 and o. Cookery' Classes. Home-made bread (14) — Miss A. M’Dowcll 1 and special. Mrs AY. Syme 2, Miss N. Moriartv 3, Mrs H. Martin c. Plain scones (16)—Miss A. M’Dowcll 1 and 2, Mies A. M’Lean 3, Mis AV. Harris v h c, Miss J. Daily h c, Mrs R Loo c. Fancy scones (5) Miss A. M’Dowell 1 and 2, Mrs D. Clucas v h c. Girdle scones (9)—Miss A. M’Dowoll 1, Miss N. Moriarty 2, Mrs AV. Syme 3, Miss M. AVills v h c. Miss M. Robertson e. Brown scones (-1) —Miss W. AVithell 1. Fruit cake not iced (12)—Mrs AV. Symo 1, Miss A M’Dowell 2, Mr.s Delucas 3, Miss N. Moriartv v h c, Mrs W. Harris h e, Mrs C. j. Cowan c. Small cakes and pastry (4)—l Mrs S. AV.ilson 1, Mrs D. AVood 2. Honey extracted, liquid (3)—C. J. Clayton 1 and 2! Granulated (3) —C. J. Clayton 1 and 2. Comb honov, in sections (4) —C. J. Clayton 1 and 2. Comb honey, standard frame full dopth (3)—C. J. Clayton 1 and 2. Honev, in comb, half denth frame (3)—C. J. Clayton 1 and 2. Beeswax (3)— C. ,T. Clnvton'l and 2. Honey vinegar (2)—C. J. Clayton 1 and 2. Hone.” beeswax, cakes, confectionery, etc., made with honey (2)—C. .T. Clayton 1 and 2. MANUAL AND TECHNICAL SECTION. High School Girls. —Gingerbread (B)—Mias E Percy 1. Miss M. Hampton 2, Miss D Jaino 3, Miss W. AVateon v h c, Miss T. Cowan li c. Tea cakes (9)—Miss D. Williams 1. Mvs D. Jaino 2, Miss K. Mawson 3, Miss M. Hampton v h c, Miss l E. Percy h c. Bermalino bread Miss E. Percy 1, Miss 1 t Cowon 2, Miss D. Jaino 8. Primary ' School Girls.—Scones (B)—Miss 'E. Hume 1 Miss M. Sparrow 2. Miss J. Service 3, Miss , V Causey v h e, Miss N. Henderson h c.

Sultana cake (4)—Miss C. Morris 1, Miss E. EmcrEon 2, Mis 3 M. Sparrow 3. Turnovers (G)—Mies J. Dunlop 1, Miss D. Humphries 2. TIMARU. Tho annual show of the Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association was opened yesterday. The day was devoted to judging the sheep, some of tile horses, and a few other classes. Sheep aro shown in good numbers, but with little competition in any of the breeding classes. Tho following is the prize list, tho number of entries in each class being given in parentheses:— SHEEP. _ Merino.—Ram, over sixteen mouthy (2) F. H. Smith 1 and 2. Ram, under sixteen months (2)—F. H. Smith 1 and 2. Two rams, under sixteen months (2)—F. 11. Smith 1 and 2. Two rams, under sixteen months (2) —F. H. Smith 1 and 2. Five rams, under sixteen months (2)—F. H. Smith 1 and 2 and champion. Ewe, over months, but not exceeding six-tooth (1) —F. H. Smith 1. Two ewes, over sixteen months, but not exceeding six-tooth (2) —F. H. Smith 1 and 2. Two ewes, over sixteen months, with lamb (2)—F. H, Smith 1 and 2. Two ewes under sixtoen months (2) —F. H. Smith 1 and 2. English Leicester. —Ram, over thirty months (3) —D. Grant (Winchester) 1 and champion, 2 and reserve champion, E. KeN land h c. Ram, over sixteen months and under thirty months (6) —E. Holland 1, D. Grant (Winchester) 2, h c and c. Ram, over sixteen months, shorn (3) —E. Kelland 1 and e, D. Grant (Timaru) 2. Ram, under sixteen months (5) —E. Kollond 1 and 2. D. Grant (AVinchoster) h 0 and 0. Ram, under sixteen months, shorn (4) —D. Grant (Winchester) 1 and h c, E. Kchand 2. Two rams, under sixteen months (5) —E. Kelland I. D. Grant (Winchester) 2. Fivo rams, under sixteen months (2)—E. Kelland 1, D. Grant (Winchester) 2. Ewe. over thirty months, with lamb (3)—E. Kelland 1 and champion, 2 and reserve champion and h 0. Ewo over sixteen months and uudor thirty months, with lamb (3) —E. Kelland J, 2 and h o. Ewe. under sixteen months (6) —D. Grant (Winchester) 1. h c and c, E. Kelland 2. Ewe, under sixteen months, shorn (4) —D. Grant (AVinchoster) 1 and Q, E. Kelland h e. Two owes, under sixteen months (5) —E. Kellnnd 1 and 2, D. Grant (AVinchestcr) li 0. Five ewes, under sixteen months (Q) —D. Grant (AVinehester) 1. E. Holland 2. Border Leicester.—Ram, over thirty months (7) —D. M. Sutherland 1, T. Dowthwaito 2,, •T. Dowihwait* h c. D. Grant (Timaru) c. Ram, over sixteen months and under thirty months (s)—Donald Grant (Timaru) 3,2 and h c. Ram, over thirty months, shorn (5) — D. Grant (Timaru) 1. 2 and li c. Ram, under sixteen months (10) —D. M. Sutherland 1, T. Dowthwaite 2 and h c. D. Grant (Timaru) c. Two rams, under sixteen months (S) —D. M. Sutherland 1, T. Dowthwaito 2 and c, N. M. Orbell h c. Ram. under sixteen months,, shorn (7) —J. Dowthwaite 1, N. M. Orbell 2 and c, J. Dowthwaito h c. Five Tams, under sixteen months (2' —N. M. Orbell L D. Grant (Timaru) e. Ewe, over thirty months, with lamb (4) —D. M. Sutherland 1, D. Grant ITimaru) 2 and h c. Ewo, over - sixteen months and under thirty months, with lamb (7) —J. Dowthwaito 1. D. M. Sutherland 2 and h c, D. Grant (Timaru) c. Ewe, undor sixteen months (8) —J. Dowthwaite, 1,2 and reserve champion, D. Grant (Timarn) li c, D. M. Sutherland c. Ewe, undor sixteen months, shorn (6) —J. Dowthwaite 1 and 0, D. M. Sutherland h c and c. Two owes, under sixteen months (5)—E. M. Sutherland 1. D. Grant (Timaru) 2. J. Dowthwaite h c. Fivo owes, under sixteen months (I)—J. Dowthwaita 1. Lincoln.—Ram, over thirty months (I)—J. AVithell 1. Romney.—Ram, over thirty months (2) —D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and 2. Rain, over sixteen months’ and undor thirty months (4) —D. Grant (Timaru) 1,2 and reserve champion, P. Studhoime h c. Ram. over rixtoen months, shorn (2)—D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and 2. Ram, under sixteen months (4) —D. Grant (Timaru) l, 2 and h c. Two rams, under sixteen months (2) —D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and 2. Ram, under sixteen months, shorn (I)—D. Grant (Timaru) 1. Two rams, under sixteen months (1) D. Grant (Timaru) 1. Ewe. over thirty months, with lamb (5) —D. Grant (Timaru) 1, 2 and champion and h c. Ewe, under sixteen months (4); —D. Grant (Timaru) 1. Two ewc-s, under sixteen months (31—D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and 2. P. Studhoime 3. Shropshire.—Ram, over thirty months (1) R. Parry 1. Ram. over sixteen months and under thirty months (2)—K, Parry 1 end 2. Ram, under sixteen months, shorn (1) —R. Parry 1. Ram, under sixteen months (3) — K. Parry 1,2 and c. Two rums, under sixteen months (2)—R, Parry 1 and 2. Five' rams, under sixteen months (I)—R. Parry 1. Ewe, under sixteen months (3)—R, Parry 1 and 2 Two ewes, under sixteen months (2) —R, Parry 1 and 2; Southdowns.—Ram, over sixteen months (2) Mfl-thias 1 and 2. Ram, under sixteen months (I)—L. Mathias 1. Ewe, over sixteen mon.hs, with lamb (2) —L. Mathias 1 and 9. Ewe under sixteen months (I)—L. Mathias 1. .Downs.—Ram OVC r sixteen months •TT i , h , el over sixteen months, with lamb (I)—J. AVithell 1. Ryclands.—Ram over sixteon months (2)— J. AVitholl 1 -and 2. Ewe. over sixto6n months, with lamb (2)—J. AVithell 1 and 2. Corricdales —Ram over thirty mouths (1) F. Grant. (Timaru) 1, champion and special. RRin over sixteen months and under'thirty months (I)—D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and reserve champion. Ram, under sixteon months (2)— D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and 2. Two rams, under sixteen months (2)—D. Grant (Timaru) 1 and 2. Ram, under sixteon months, shorn (2) D Grant (Timaru) 1. Ewe, under sixteen months (2) D. Grant (Timaru), 1,2 and champion. Two ewos, undor sixteon months (1) —D. Grant (Timaru) 1. Cross-bred and Half-bred (for breeding purposes)—Five half-bred ewe hoggets, by Down, Ryoland or Longwool ram from Merino owe (1) —J. Brosnohan 1. Five ci’ossbred ewe hoggets, by Down, Ryoland or Longwool ram (5) —S. Cain 1, A. Garland 2, J. Brcsnahan c. Five merino ewes, with first-cross lambs (2)—J. AVithell 1, J. Brosnahan ’2. Five half-bred ewes, from Merino ewes by Down, Ryoland or lopgwool ram, with lambs (2)—J. Brosnahan 1. Five crossbred owes, by longwool ram, with lambs (1) — 3. Brosnahan 1 i Fat Sheep, shorn—Five wethers, any breed or age (4)—J. AVithell 1, T. J. Stcvons 2, J. Cain 3, J. Brosnahan 4. Five three-quarter and upward wethers, twe-shear or under, by any English rain (2) —J. Brosnahan 1. Five ewes (5) —D. Grant (AVinchoster) 1, R. Balfour 2, D. Grant (Timarn) 3. Five wethers, any breed or age (7)—T. J. Stephons 1, D. G. Cain 2. Fat sheep, woolly.—Five wetliors, any breed or age, tho property of farmers owning not, moro than two hundred acres (3) —H. H. Cain 1, A. F. Bennetts 2, Mee 3. Five cross-bred?, suitable for freezing (14) —R. Parry 1, J. AVithell 2. T. J. Stephens 3. Five wethers, any breed or ago (8) —J. AVilhr.ll 1, Brown Bros. 0, T. J. Stophens 3, ■I. Brosnahan 4. Fivo hoggets, suitable for freezing (13) —R. Parry 1, J. AVithell 2, J. Brosnahan 3. Fivo sheep suitable for export trade, minimum weight not less than 471 b freezing weight, maximum weight 021 b freezing weight (15) —J. AVithell 1, R. Parry 2, T. ,T. Stephens S. Fat Lambs,—Thrco lambs, by longwool rams (4) —,T. Brosnahan 1, AV. Simpson 2, T. Scott 3. Thrco lambs by Down or Ryelnnd rams (2) —J. Brcsnaban 1, T. Scott 2. Three lambs, suitable for butchers’ purposes (2)—J. Brosnahan 1, T. Scott 2. Three lambs, suitable for freezing (61 —J. Brosnahan 1 and 2, T. Fitzgerald 3. Three lambs, bred by exhibitor (5) —I. Brosnahan 1, J. Fitzgerald 2, AV. Simpson 3. Three lambs, owned by farmers holding not more than two hundred acres (2) A. F. Bc-nnttts 1, D. Foley 2, 11. H. Cain h c. FARM PRODUCE. Butler, with ealt (9) —Mrs A. Russell 1, Mrs M. M'Dowcll 2, Mrs M. Jameson h c. Butter, salted (19) —Mrs A., Russell 1, Mrs M. M’Dowell 2 and c, Mrs C. Bassett he. Potted butter (2)—Mrs M. M’Dowell - and 2. Fancy butler (3) —Miss C. Belcher 1 and 2, Mrs AA. H. Munro c. Factory-made butter—Fresh butter—Canterbury Alpino Dairy Company 1. Honey, extracted (2) —C. J. Clayton 1, A. Gibson 2. Display of honey, bccswßX, etc. (1) —O. J. Clay ten 1. Hens’ eggr, (13)—Mrs E. H. Poarso l; Mrs W.' n. Husband 2. A. Gibson h c, Master D. T. Caswell c. Ducks egga (B)—T. M. Kcofo 1, Mrs Thorne 2, AA. Norton h e, Mrs G. M’Cullough c. COOKERY. Homo-mado bread (20) —Mrs J. AYilson 1 and 2, Mrs M. Hogg h c and c. Home-mooe scones (Q2)-Miss I. Belcher 1 and 2, Mrs AY. H. Mjmro h c, Mrs C. M Cullough c. Homo-mado brown bread ( u ) T 7 ilrs , u M’Cullougli 1 and 2, Mrs M Hogg h o. Home-made girdle scones (ll)-Mrs 1Belcher 1 and 2, Mrs. AY. H. Munro h c, Mrs A. Russell c. Oat cr.kc (11)—Mrs J. Muir 1 Mrs R Grant 2. Miss I. Belcher h c and I’. Fruit calm (17)-Miss R. J. Cuthbcr eon I. Mrs R. Grant 2, Mrs G. M Cullough lie, R-ed cako (14)— Miss I. Belcher 1 and 2. Mrs R.' Grant h c. to J- C Venning c Marolo /-in \r r n G. M,Cnllougli 1 and 2. Mi^s C.% ( iUieshc Mrsß. Grant c Sponge cake (15) —Miss I. Belcher 1 and 2, Mrs G. M’Cullough h c, Mies B. J-Hcme-madn jams (B)—Miss I- BelchcrL ---

G. M’Cullough h c and c. Home-made fruit 1 jellies (&)—Mrs R. Grant 1, Mrs A. Russell | 2, Mrs C. M’Cullough 3, Mrs ’AV. He Munro ■’ h c, Miiss I. Belcher c. Collection of bottled ! fruit (6)—Mrs AV. H. Munro 1, Mrs R. Grant 2, Mrs McCullough li c, Mrs J. G. Venning o. Scones, cakes and pastry, school children only (36) —Miss L. Smith 1, Miss N. Treasuro 2, Miss M. Berry 3, Mis 3 E. Lairdi c. | CURED AND PRESERVED MEATS, f: Two sides smoked bacon (2) —New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association (Christchurch) 1. Two sides unsmoked bacon (2) — New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association (Christchurch) 1. Two smoked bams (2) —New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association (Christchurch) 1. Two unsmoked hams (2)—Now Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association (Christchurch) 1. Two sides rolled bacon, smoked (2) —New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association (Christchurch) I. Two sides rolled baoon, unsmoked (2) —" New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Associa- i tion (Christchurch) 1. Sido unsmoked bacon j (4) —Mtb L. Rooke 1. H. Akroyd 2. Un- j smoked ham (S) —Mrs A. Russell 1, Mrs T. Rooko 2, H. Ackroyd h c. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. Short-berried wheat (5) —J. Maze 1 and 2, AV. Hayman h c. J. Munio c. Long-berried wheat (3) —M. O'Connor 1, S. Bee 2, AV. Hayman h c. Long oats (1) —J. Norton 1. Short oats (4) —G. Cross 1, M. O’Connor 2, J. Maze h c. Potatoos (7) —E. AVaite 1, J. Maze h o and c. Yellow mangels (1) —J. Norton 1. Long mangels (1) —Squire Bros. 1. Swede turnips (7) —J. Mazo 1, AV. Hayman 2 and h c. Short carrots (3) —Squire Broß. 1. Linseed (2) —S. Bee 1, S. E. BasBett 2. Peas (2) —W. Hayman 1, S. Bee 2. Beans (1) —AV. Hayman 1. RyegTass (3) —AV. Hayman 1, S. 800 2 and h e. Collection of produce grown in school grounds by scholars (1) Milford School 1. HORSES. Harness Horses. —Championship—H. T. Rosendalo's Bess. Twc-year colt (1) —A. Cruickshank 1. Two-year-old gelding or filly (2) —G. Robinson 1, A. S. Palmer 2. Yearling (3)—AV. J. Stone 1. J. Burke 2. Mare in foal or with foal (2) —J. C. King 1, J. Burke 2. Buggy pair, 15.2 bands or under (2) —R. A. Dixon 1, J. Nolan 2. Single buggy horse, 15.2 hands or under (1) —R. A. Dixon I. . Dogcart horse, over 15.2 hands (3) —Mrs H. G. Bricn 1. G. AVard 2. Single-harness horse, 15.2 hands or under (S) —H. T. Rosendale 1. G. S. M r Lachlan 2, H. A. Glcnie 3, A. S. Palmer 4. Lady’s turnout (8V —Mrs G. Kerslake 1, Mrs H. A. Glenio 2, Mrs H. G. Brien 3 Single-harness horse, not a previous winner (6) —A. S. Palmer 1, H. A. Glenie 2, AVareing Bros. 3. Tandem team, 15 hands or over (1) —R. A. Dixon 1. Hunters.—Fourteen stone, over fences (6) — C. L. Orbeil’s Lagmhor 1, E. J. Edgar’s Dreadnought 2, P. Studholme’s Tolstoi 3. Eleven and a half stone, over foncos (12)— Mrs F. A. SaviH's Clarence 1, Miss I. Rutherford’s The Chief 2, J. J. Mazo’s Donation 3. H. C. Bennett’s Nelson 4. Three-year-old (2) —T. Tait 1, AVareing Bros. 2. Cobs and Ponies.—Pair buggy ponies. 14.2 hnnds or under (2) —Mrs J.. B. Bowker 1. AVareing Bros. 2. Pony tandem team. 14.2 hands or under (2)—AVareing Bros. 1, R. A. Dixon 2. Harness pony, 13.2 hands or under (7) —Master T. Riley 1, A. Brown 2, E. A. Oliver 3. Harness ’ pony, over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 11.2 hands (6)—D. Grant (Timaru) 1, G. T. Cochrane 2, Mrs Cochrane 8. Polo pony, not exceeding 14.2 hands (4) — 11. Elworthy 1, P. Elworthy 2 and 3. AVOOL CLASSING. Class I—J. K. Melton 1, A. Logan 2, D. H. Crooko 3. Class 2—J. AVithell, jun., 1.

MANAWATU. 1 [Per Press Association.] PALMERSTON NORTH, October 30. j Tho Monawatu show opened to-day iin fair weather. The entries this year are large in all eeutions. They come from Waikato in the north to Dunedin . in the south. Tho show promises to bo by far the most successful one on record. Thero is a fine display of homo industries and juvenile arts and crafts. To-day judging was almost exclusively confined to. those sections. The bulk of the judges’ work will be done to-mor- , row. ’ •

Slicep , 1909. • 955 1610. 210 1911. 260 1012 21S Cattle 85 S3 74 93 Horses . 405 363 374 329 Pigs . . 99 75 44 25 Dogs . . 36 30 53 47 Produce , . 057 207 173 216 Poultry . 56 58 60 53 Totals ' . 1233 1021 1043 1011

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 16074, 31 October 1912, Page 8

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AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 16074, 31 October 1912, Page 8

AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 16074, 31 October 1912, Page 8