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NORTH CANTERBURY. Tlie North Canterbury Poultry, Pigeon and Canary Club's ninth annual show was opened at Hangiora yesterday afternoon in tiio Driil iiall. Tiio entry was a few short of last years number, but the main sections siift'ored littlo in this respect. Tho exhibition being amongst the laet of the season, in fiom.o of the classes there- wore fine collections of exhibits, mostly prizewinners at other shows. Mr J. Maude, of Sydney, judged the whole of thebirds in the show, and got through his arduous duty in good time and 'with satisfactory results. In tho Poultry section tho geese and ducks'catalogued first were a very fine lot. (lame fowls were a smaller class than usual, Mr T. Kennedy not being so largely represented as at previous shows. Tho birds sent from the Sunnyside Mental Hospital scored tho most wins in the Indian breed, and tho prizes for the black reds and piles went to Messrs T. Kennedy and G. Wilson respectively. Andalusians were of only moderate quality. Of the thirteen exhibits, twelve were sent in by Mrs W. Scoon. White Leghorns were an exceptionally good class, tho cockerels and pullets being of high merit. Mr 0. Lucas's pullet was the best bird in th« section, and secured tho principal awards. The brown leghorns were only a, fair olafss, one of which, Mr A. Walker's cockerel, was the most confipicuous for quality. Tho duckwing.s caii for nospecial mention. Tho Minorcas were equal in quality to anything shown' in the South island, and were superior to the North Island exhibit. JS'early nil the Ohristchurch and Invercargill winners were competing, and the premier awards went to Messrs J. Gumming, T. Kennedy and D. Hampton. Langshans and Plymouth Rocks were only small classes, Mr W. Y. M'Cracken being tile only exhibitor in the former. The Wj r andottes were the strong section of tho show, the entries numbering ninety-three, and the exhibits being of high quality. The prize for the silver cock was taken by Mr A. Walker's exhibit, and out of twelve exhibits in the silver hen class Mr T. W. Ambrose secured first. Tliirteen competed in tho class for silver cockerels, and Mr F. C. Hack took tho first prize. Mr It. 0. King's silver pullet was a conspicuous exhibit in a elaa? of fourteen, winning the coveted position of the best bird in the show, besides special prizes and trophies. The classes for the golden, variety were wall filled with meritorious exhibits, the hens and pullet*;, as in the ailver classes, being of excellent quality. The white variety were similarly good. There was a very good show of Orpingtons, the claes being a strong 1 one in point of numbers and quality. Mr T. ti. Hack's lien, which took tho championship at Invercargill, again secured the premier award in the class, and amongst tho buffs Mr J. B. Wilson'e pullet took the firist prise trophy and special. Dorkings and Hamburgs wore only of fair quality. Tho selling classes were well filled with a number of cheap birds. The Pigeons were not a large show, but there were eomo exhibits of fine quality. Mr Drummond Bailey won the special, for the best bird in the section with an especially good blue dragon hen, and Messrs Macquarie and Smith won the trophy for the best tumbler. The Canaries, outside of the first-prize birds, were not very good. There was a small but interesting show* of pets, and some very good scones and cakes were exhibited, and were judged by Messrs J. Sansom and R. Hughes. Messrs Blackott and Son showed a comprehensive collection of appliances for the poultry-keeper, including an incubator in which -the chicks were hatching out. The general arrangements for the show were excellently carried out, and Mr C. W. Bell discharged tho duties of secretary in a capable manner. Last evening the customary supper was held at the Oddfellows' Hall, and was largely attended. A number of toasts were honoured, and songs were given. The show, which' was well attended yesterday, will remain open until this evening. The following is the prize list: —■ POTJLTE.Y.

Gees*.—Gander (2)—Jonathans Bell 1, ißs-s A. Browu 2. Goc-xe (3)—Jonathan Ball 1, G. Butters 2, Miss A. Brown 3. Turkeys.—Cock (I)—J, E. Croft 1.

Ducks.—'Aylesbury Drake (3)—Mrs W. Sooon 1 and 3, Misis A. Brown 2; duck (3) —■ Miss B>. Brown 1. 'M« W. Scoon 2 and 3. Rouen drako (-1) —W. Smith, Jinn.. 1,2 and 3; duck (2)—W Smith, Jun., 1 and 2. Pekiu drake (4) —A. T. Chapman 1, G. Butters a, Miss A. Brown 3. Duck (4) G. Butters ■l, A. T. Chapman 2 audi a. Indian_ Jtunner drake (2)—"W.. Mann 1 and: special" O. Naukiveli 2; duck (2)—'C. Nankive-M. 1, W. M'ann 2. Any other Tariety drake (2)—Miss A. Brown 1; duck (8)—-Miss A. Brown 1, C. Ntonkivell 2. Selling' class drako (2>—Mrs W. Scoon 1 and % ■Game Fowls.—Black 'Red; . hen (I)—T. Kennedy 1; pullet (1) —T. Kennedy 1. Pile: cock or oookere': 1 (1) —Gilbert Wilson 1; hen oc pullet (1) —Gilbert .'Wilson 1. Indian: cock (1)— Sunny side- Mental Hospital 1; hen (2) —Sunny side Me-nttal Hospital 1 and 2; cockerel (3) —Sunnyside Mental .fAOspital 1; pullot (2) —Sunnyside Mental Hospital 1 and a. Andalusiaa. —-Cock (3) —Mrs W. S'coort 1,2 «nd 3; hsn 1 (3) —Mrs W. ficoon 1,2 and 3; cockerel (3) —Mrs W. Scoon 1,2 and 3; pullet <4)—Master L. M'Cracken 1, Mra W. Scoon 2 and 3.

Leghorn.—White: cock (o> —H. Cogan 1, H. Hear&eld 2, W. Robinson 9. \Y\ Weaver h.c.; hen (6) —Finlayison and Brown 1 and 2, H. Hearfield 3; cockerel (11)—W. Robinson 1, J. Hai-ris, Jun., 2, C. Lucas 3, Finlayßon and Brown h. 0., E. Taylor c.; pullet {10)— J C. Lucas 1, special, club tropkv and 3, W. Weaver 2, H. Hearfield h.c, Finlayson and Brown h.c, J. Harris, Jun., h.c, H. 0. Brown: cock (1) —F. Brea,eh 1; hen (3)— A. F. Anderson 1, E. Parkin 2; cockerel (s') —A. Walker 1 and special l , F. J. Breach 2 and 3, B. Parkin h. 0.; pullet (2)—iE. Parkin li A. F. Anderson 2. Duckwing;! cock or cockerel (I)—Gilbert Wilson 1; hen or pullot (I)—Gilbert Wilson 1. Buff:, cock or cockerel (2) —T. Rattray 1. Any other variety cook or cockerel (2)—W. Harlem 1, P. Jaok 2; hen or pul'let (3)—P. Jaok 1, W. Harley 2 and' 3. Minorca.—Black: cock (1) —J. Cumraings 1; hen («)—T. Kennedy 1, ]>. Hampton 2, J. Tindall 3, W. H. Amoa h. 0.; cockerel (4)— T>. Hampton 1, trophy and 3, T. Kennedv 2; pullet <B)—J. Cuminihgs 1, spoaial and h. 0., D. Hampton 2, T. Kennedy 3, h.c. and c. Langahan.—Blaok: cock (I)—<W. Y. M'Cracnii h S- a iVr™- Y - 1; cockerel (1)— W: 1. M'Cracken 1; pullet <1) —W. Y. M'Cracken 1 and special:. Plymouth Rock.—Barred: -cock or ccckorel (2)—Bryant and Boa.ven 1 and 2; hen or pullet (2)—W. W. Patterson 1, Bryant and Beaven 2. Any other variety: cock or cockerel (2)—W. W. Patterson 1. W L Hardio 2: hen or pullet (I)— W. W. Patterson 1,2 and 3.

Wyandotte—Silrer: cock (3)—A. Walker 1 F. C. Hack 2, T. W. Ambrose a; hen (12)~ T. W. Ambrose 1, K. O. King 2 and c P Jack 3. A. W. Adams h c, P. C. Hack o-' cockerel (13)—P. O. Hack 1 and hc, A / Clothier 2, T. W. AnibTos© 3. A. F. Anderson c; pullet (14)—B. O. King 1,2, special and trophy for best bird in show, T. Kennedy 3, J. Tindall h o. A. WaJ'.kesr o. G-olden: co"Tc (5)—A. V. Clark 1, W. G. King 2, A. Kerr 3; hen (3)—F. C. Hack 1, A. iverr 2 and 3; cockerel (12)—J. H. Chegv/in 1 and special, W. Taylor 2 and li c, G. Jeffreys fl. A. Kerr h c. and c, *F. C. Hack li c, A. Walker c; pullet (B)—A. Kerr 1 and special, G. E. Jeffreys 2. .1. H. Cfcepviaii S. Whito: cock (1) —J. C. Wil-on 1; (4)—G. E. Smith 1 and 3, E. Dennis 2. Mrs JcL. Frost h o; oockere'l («)—H. W. Woodham 1. P. J. Smith 2. J. P. Bell i); ' pullet (B)—J. O. Wilson 1, 2, 3 and. special,, Mrs H. Frost h c. T. Kennedy hc. Partridge-: cock or cockerel (1) W. G. King 1; hen or pullet (2)—W. G. King; 1 and 2.

Orpington—Black: cock (4)—J. Tindall 1, IX A. Bonn 2. T. Hajman. S; hen (B)—T. G. Fox. 1. J. Tindall 2. 'G. Bollinson 3: cockerel (10) —B. Baker 1 and special, F. Hickmott 2. J. B. WiUon 3. F. J. Praith. h c. T. G. Fox h c, J. Tindall c; pullet (12)—J. Balcli 1 and 2, T. Ha.rmarv 3, J. Tindall h c. Bryant and Benven c. Buff or Cinnamon: cock (2) — Avlward Bros 1, R. Bay 2: hen (4)—J. B. Wilpon 1 and 2. P.. Dav 8; cockerel (6)— J. B. Wilson 1. W. Balch 2. Mrs Latter 8;

pullet (12)—J. B. Wilson. 1,2, trophy and spcoial, F. D'. Smith 3. Dorking. Hen (I)—Mrs Adam Smith 1, cockerel (I)—Mrs Adam Smith 1; pullet (1) Sirs'Adam Smith 1.

Houdan.—Cock (I)—J. Walls 1. Hamburg—Cock (1)—!.• A. Hooper 1; cockerel (I)—J. A. Hooper 1. Bantams.—Cockerel (I)—W. Barman 1; pullet (I)—W. Harmon 1. . Selling Classes.—Brahmas, Langshans and Orpingtons: cock or cockerel 1 (9)— Master L. M ; Craeken 1, G. H. Bradley 2, A. Gapes 3, J C Wilson h o; hen or pullet (7) —Master L. M'Crackon 1, T. Harman 2, J. Tindall 3. P. Jack h o. Wyaiidottes, Plymouth Rocks and Cochins: cock or cockerel (10)—A. S,. Thompson 1. A. Walker 2, T. W. Ambrose 3 and c, J. Tindall h c; hen or pullet (9)—J. Tindall 1, F. C. Hack 2. A. Walker 3, W. W. Patterson h c. Minorcas, Spanish,' Andalusians and Leghorns: cock or cockerel (8) — W Austin 1. J. Tindall 2. W. H. Amos. 3,. W H. Robinson h c, A. Walker o; hen or pullot (6)—W. Austin 1, T. D. Kennedy, jun., 2 J. Tindall 8. Bantams: cock or cockerel (I)_W. Harman 1; hen or pullet (I)—Eric Bell 1. Any variety of poultry: cock or cockerel (9)—A. W. V. Clark 1 and 2. A R. Thompson 3, T. W. Ambrose h c, A. Walker h c: hen or pullet (9)-J. Tindall 1. A. W. V. O'-ark 2, h o, *nd c, F. O. Hack 3, A. Walker h o. j PIGEONS. Carriers.—Cock or hen (I)—F. Hickmott 1, Dragons.—Blue or silver (3)—Drummond Bailey 1. 2, 3 and special. Any other colour (3)—F. Hickmott 1,2 and 8. Flying Homers. —Cock (4)—E. W. Smith 1, B. Valpy 2, J. A. Brown 3. Hen (4)—J. A. Brown 1, E. W. Smith 2, B. Valpy 3. Tumblers l.—Longfiaced, beard (I)—F. Hickmott 1. Cleanblack (5)— Maoquarie and Smith 1, 2 "and trophy, A. Fraser 3. Red or yellow 1 (3)—F. Hickmott 1 «nd''3, Macquane and Smith 2. Rose-wing or mottled (3) —F. Hickmott 1, Macqua-rie and Smith 2, F. SemmOTis 3 Long-faced, muffed: self colour (I)—Boyns and Zimmerman 1. Bluo or silver (2)—Boyns and Zimmerman 1 'and 2. Mottled or rosewinf? (I)—Boyns and Zimmerman 1. Any other colour (l)-Boyns and Zimmerman 1. FanUiU (2)—W. Smith, jun., 0. and 2. Jacobins (3)—F. Hickmott L 2 and 3. CANARIES. Norwich, non-cayenna fed: clear.yellow (2) —S P. Calvert and Son 1, trophy and special. Clear buff (3)—J. P. Calvert and Son 1. F. W Hope 2. J. J. Wilson 3. Ticked yellow (2)—F. W. Hop© 1. Variegated yellow (2)— J Cuminings 1, J. J. Wilson 2. Variegated buff (2)—J. P. Calvert and Son 1. or buff, clear, dark or grey-crested ff)—J. J. Wilson 1. Cinnamon, variegated (3)—£. VV. Hope- L J. P. Calvert and Son 2, J. J. Wilson 3 Any other variety pure-bred canary {D— J J. Wilson 1. Cage of four oanaorw, any variety (2)—J. J. Wilson 1 and 2. PETS. Ma."-me (2)—Miss M. Evans 1, Hiss G. Wise 2 Parrot (2)-D. and L. Blake 1, B. Nottingham 2. Dove (7)—Miss E Wilson 1 ano: 9 Miss E. Sinclair 3 and h o, Miss A. Brown h' c Cage bird, other than canary (5) —Miss E. Wilson a* 2 and 3. Guinaa-pig (4)—F.. J.

Breach 1, Ellice Foster 2, Miss A. Brown 8. Hedgehog (I)—Miss E. Wilson 1> •SCONES AND CAKES. • Plain scones (7)—Miss L. Ramssj V.Mjs J. Marshall 2, Mrs G. Allingtoa $, Miss F. Wall h c, Mrs W. • CryselL o. Plain girdle scones (3)—Miss L. Ramsey 1, Mrs W. CryseJl 2, Mrs J. Brown 8. Oat cakes (2)—Mrs j.' Brown 1, Miss L. Ramsey 2. Fruit coke {l\ Mrs J". Marshall 1 and special. Best dozej^ of eggs'—W. Macfarianei 1 and 3, T. Kennedy, 2 W Y. M'Cracken h c, Mrs Ad&nt Smith a.\

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14432, 24 July 1907, Page 5

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POULTRY SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14432, 24 July 1907, Page 5

POULTRY SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14432, 24 July 1907, Page 5