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THE GREATER CHRISTCHURCH POLL. THE PEOPLE'S APATHY. STRANGE LACK OF INTEREST. ALLEGED IRREGULARITIES. THE RESULTS. The. ona feature that stood out prominently iii connection with the first election of Councillors for Greater Chriytchurch was the strange and almost unaccountable- lack of interest displayed by the public. A run round the principal booths at about twelve o'clock yesterday showed that the polling up to that time had been exceedingly light. Oue returning, officer said that he had had almost nothing to do, and other officers seemed to be filling in the time by twiddling their pencils, and to be, overcome by ennui, their attitude being that of listless weariness*. There were no clusters of electors around the booths, and no speculations as to the results.

When a reporter went round the booths three candidates were in front of the Provincial Council Chambers, the principal booth of ,-the Central Ward, and three electors were inside. Otherwise, and except for the presence of the returning officers, the place was deserted. At tho Sydenham Borough Council Chambers a candidate sat on each side of the entrance to the Chamber, with a roll in his hand. Not another soul was present except the officers until an elector cycled up leisurely, and created a diversion by recording his vote. Up to noon, about 100 had voted at the Provincial Council Chambers, and about 90 at the principal booths in the other'wards. " Very slack and little interest," was tho tenor of all the reports that came in, and tho plumbers dropped in accordance with • the lessening importance of the booth until almost "nil" wa.s reached.

The only topic that excited much interest was that of alleged irregularities, there being, as is usual at such contests,, discussion as- to tiro possibility of an " upset."- In this instance it was stated that the voting-papers were informal, the candidates being indicated by the, surnames and initials only, and'"no't by their surnames and Christian' names, as required by the. Act. "Who's W. H. Cooper?'" inquired one aggrieved elector last night. " Is he William Henry or Walter Holmes?" The papers certainly violated the word's of the Act, but, it is doubtful whether any steps will be taken in .the matter, as none of the defeated l candidates can claim to have had their interests prejudiced by the error. It was also stated that the fact of the returning officers. neither gumming nor stamping the ftallot-papere was an irregularity. ''Reference to the Regulation of Local Elections Act, however, showed that the officeirs were not bound to do this, it being merelv enjoined that they should mark the paper and place the number m the corner. '. The polls closed at seven o'clock, and: by eight a handful of interested persons hadl collected outside the Provincial Council Chambers. As time went on this crowdgradually increased, but it never musteredl more than one hundred., and did not seem in any particular hurry for information as to tha results. Soon after fen o'clock the. retuniing-officer announced the figures, showing that Messrs C M. Gray, G. Paylin", H. H. Loughnan, H. J. Beswick, W. H Cooper and H. B. Sorensem had been selected to represent .thei Central Ward. He also stated the results of the election in, tiho other Wards, lne crowd received the information m silence, and then dispersed. A few people had collected outside the City Council Chambers, where the results wereposted as they came in, but here, as elsewhere, there seemed to be no excitement over the matter. The returns for the Central Ward were as follow :—•

SYDENHAM WARD. It was not until ten o'clock that the result of the poll was declared in the Sydenham Ward. A fairly large crowd of people had assembled at eight o'clock in- front of the Council Chambers, but many of them, after waiting for some time, left, their patience having , been, exhausted. About sixty waited for the results, and when they were announced, it was found that Messrs Hadfield, Forrester, Ell and Parsons had been elected in the order named. The total number of voters was 1202, of whom 696 voted at tne principal booth in Colombo Street, . 307 at the Oddfellows' Hall, Selwyn Street, Addington, and 199 at the Library, Waltham. There are 2919 on the roll, so that .1717 electors, considerably more than half the number, refrained from-voting.

The details of the voting are as follow :

The successful candidates addressed the electors from the steps of the Council Chamber' where the totals were announced. Mr Hadfield briefly returned thanks, and referred to the fact that the election had been conducted with the utmost good feelForrester said that he had been elected to an honourable and proud position, notwithstanding the Cashel Street and Gloucester Street "rags.' He had placed the whole matter in the hands ot the ratepayers, and they had shown their confidence in him. . Mr Ell said that he had been placed in a position to which he had aspired for many years. An objection had been raised that he would not be able to attend to municipal duties as well as Parliamentary duties. Eight months in the year, , however, he would have to devote to the former, and he hoped to show in those eight months that he was worthy of the confidence placed in him. Mr Parsons said that he fully realised the honour that had been conferred upon him, and thoy would always find him in. the ranks of the progressives. ST ALBANS WARD. The voting at St Albans) for the election.

of the two representatives of that ward was as follows:

The return for the "polling booth at tlio Borough Council Office was available at five minutes to eight. Th-a St Matthew's Schoolroom figure's were announced at 8.15 p.m. Five minutes later Mr J. 11. Morley, the returning-ofhcer, "gave out the totals from the Borough Council Office. The number of voters was 803.

At the call of Mr T. H. Davey, M.H.R., three cheers were given for the successful candidates, Messrs Carey and Neate. Mr Carey thanked the electors for having placed him in a very proud position. He had only one regret, and that was that the gross total of votes recorded, was not larger. It was a- shame that with 1700 electors on the roll a man should top the poll with just over 400 votes. It would be has duty mid his pleasure to do for the ward which had chosen him as one of its representatives, and he would endeavour to be very careful of its interests. lie was also thankful for the very kind feeling that had been shown on all sides throughout the contest. Mr Neate said that he would work 'in the future to conserve the interests of St Albans, and he trusted that he and. his colleague would be able to satisfy the wishes of their constituents. Mr' Newton congratulated the successful, candidates most heartily, .and he also congratulated the electors on the choice of two splendid representatives, who could be relied on to do everything in their power for the welfare of the "district. Mr Hyde, Mr Hobbs and Mr Morgan also thanked'their supporters, and congratulated Messrs Carev and Neate. Mr T. H." Davey, M.HiR., said that he congratulated the two successful candidates, and assured them that they had beaten a very strong field. The district had selected excellent representatives, who had done well in the past as members of the Borough Council, and would, lie could safely say, do very well in the future. St Albans had been one of the most prosperous boroughs in the colony, and he sincerely hoped that it would continue to prosper. If it had remained a borough for ten years longer Christchurch " would not have been in it" with St Albans. They did not owe a. penny, and ho hoped that their position would continue to improve until St Albans became the best plaoe in the colony. Cheers were given for the defeated candidates, for Mr Davey and for the returning officers. LINWOOD. A fair amount of interest was taken in the poll, which resulted in the return of Messrs Pearce and Qfcley. The figures were: H. Pearce . . . .627 H. J. Otley . . . .472 T. N. Horsley . . . 404 W. H. Denton . . .190

LYTTELTON. ! ( The retuming-officar declared the results of the polling at Lyttelton at 10.40 p.m. last evening, as follow:—For Mayor: W. Radcliffo 275 votes, James Grubb '248, W. L. Whitby 179. For councillors: S. R. Webb 587 votes, R. Brown 560, Joseph Garrard' 513, C. Kay 513, G. C. Smith 482, W. T. Foster 478, N. G. Schumacher 445, J. T. Norton 440, J. M'Lean 432. These, candidates were declared elected to a seat on the Council. G. Rutherford 365, W. C. Cleary 304, C. E. Curtis 297 and P. C. Cleaiyt'ls7 were, -the remaining candidates. The total number that recorded votes was 706, ou'b of 1023 on the roll. WOOLSTON. The Mayoralty election resulted as follows :—Mr J. Richardson, 366 votes; F. S. Yates, 106; informal, 3; total, 475. NEW BRIGHTON. The election of nine councillors for the borough, of New Brighton resulted in the. return of Messrs C. Foster 102 votes, W. Edwards 99, W. H. Bellamy 98, J. R. Brunt) 91, C. J. Clayton 90, J. Glanville 90 G. Di Macfarlane 86, H. E. Musgrave 83' and B. Hiudle 75. The remaining candidate, Mr A. H., polled 56 votes. SUMNER. The following are the results of the Sumner polling for Mayor and Councillors, in which 25a persons voted, exclusive of 8 informal votes:—For the Mayoralty: Mr W. Rollitt 157; Mr „W. Pratt 100. For the Borough Council: Messrs D. Wallace 158 H. W. Jennings 152, J. Illingworth 141 T A Wrenn 141, R. A. Bradbury 138, S Johnston 135, J. Barr 118, J. Maffie 111, F. Rawell 105, G. R. Drew 90. The first six are elected. ,'

[Pee, Pbess 'Association.] WAIHI, April 29. Mr \V. Phillips was re-elected Mayor by a large majority. n •> AUCKLAND, April 29.

The Hon E. Mitchelson was elected Mayor of Auckland to-day, defeating Messrs Stichbury. Richardson and- Hewson. NEW PLYMOUTH, April 29. The elections to-day excited unusual interest The retiring Mayor, Mr Docknll, was defeated by Mr R. Cock by 214 votes. The former secured 503 and the latter 717. Including the Mayor, the Council now lias five new members. STRATFORD, April 29. The polling for the Mayoralty resulted : King 284, Monkhouse 197. ° "WANGANUI, April 29. The election of Councillors to-day resulted in tie return of Messrs E. N. Liffiton, \ G. XBignell, E. P'errett, T. H. Battle, T." H. Johns, A. M'Leod, S. Griffiths, G. S Bridge and 5 P. Bell. Three members of the old Council were defeated. There were seventeen candidates. •» NAPIER, April 29. Tie municipal elections to-day caused very little excitement, though the poll was' fairly large. Messrs Lascelles, C. Edwards, M'Grath, Thomson, Cohen, Eagleton, Wilson, Cranby and Spence were elected. The Hastings Borough election resulted in the return of Messrs Maddison, Roach, W. H. Smith, Thompson, Scannell, Braitkwaite, Beecroft, Ebbet and George. MASTERTON, April 29.

The following are the results of the elec* tion to-day:-Mayor, Mr J . M Coradine; Councillors, Messrs Hessey, Keith, Elliott, Magnusson, Eton, Goodail, Cresswell and Pra<*nell. ° PALMERSTON NORTH, April 29. Major Dunk was elected Mayor of Pailmer'ston North to-day by a good majority over Messrs S. Abrahams and R. Edwards. The following Councillors were elected: Messrs H. Haydon, A. Jack, E. J. Armstrong, A. France, J. W. Bunting, D. Pringle, J. M. Johnston, R. Woodger and H. Toley. WELLINGTON, April 29.

Very little interest was shown in the municipal election to-day, despite it being the first under the Greater Wellington amalgamation. For the city, all the outgoing Councillors, with the exception of_ Mr TolJyurst, were re-elected, his place being taken by Mr Wiltshire, late City Engineer. For the Melrose Ward of the city, Messrs Jorgenson, Frost and Keene were returned. At Karori Mr Tisdail defeated the sitting Mayor, Mr Tarr, bv 91 votes. In the borough of Onslow", "Mr Atkinson, M.H.R., and Mr John Huteheson. ex-M.H.R., were at the botom of the poll for the South Ward. ' WESTPORT, April 29.

The Mayoral election took place to-day, and resulted in the return of Captain Riley. Tie polling was as follows :—Riley 434, Larsen 340, Marshall 328. " GREYMOUTH, April 29.

The Mayoral election to-day created unusual interest. The result was :—A. Mathescn (present Mayor) 480, J. Steer 779. The retailt of the election of Councillors cannot

be known till about midnight. There ars fifteen candidates. HOKITIKA, April 29. The Borough Council election created the keenest excitement for many years,} and tha largest number of votes ever recorded. Seven of the old Councillors were returned. ASHBURTON, April 29. ' Very little interest wap taken in the election to-day, only 400 odd voters out of over 800 on the roll going to the poll. There were thirteen candidates for nine seats, and only two or three of them put forth any effort to bring voters to the booth. A con> siderable crowd gathered round the Council Chambers after eight o'clock to hear the result of the poll, but, as time wore on, melted gradually away, and only a few were left when the result was declared at 10.30 p.m., and none of the candidates spoke. The result was :—David Thomas 339, Hugo Friedlander 334, John Davison 317, Charles Reid 257, John Wilson 253, A. W. Whitaker 240, R. Clark 197, J. W. Timmins 196 and G. Wallace 196. These were elected. The other candidates polled as follow: George Andrews 188, J. Thomas 175, 11. Priest 158 and 11. A. Mac Kay 154. WAIMATE, April 29.

Considerable interest was taken in the Borough election to-day. The voting resulted as follows :—Mayor, Mr John Manchester (re-elected); Councillors, W. L. Scott, 11. C. Barclav. N. Francis, W. Coltman, D. A. Morgan, J. W. Freeman, F. W. S. Jones, R. Inkster and J.", Sinclair. OAMAtvU, April 29.

Mr J. M. Brown was elected Mayor by a substantial majority over Mr Hilliker, hia opponent. The poll was the heaviest on. record.

DTJNEDIN, April 29. The Mayoral election for DunedLn Citv resulted:—T. Scott 2870, Maitland 872, "a majority of 1998. For South and Bell Wards the old Councillors were re-elected. Councillor Muir was rejected for High Muir, and Councillor M'Donald, ons of the retiring* members for Leith Ward, only eecured third place, Mr Barnes, a new man, being second. There was a. keen contest for Mornington, Mr Annand, an ex-Mayor, defeating Mr Gow, the retiring Mayor, by 104 votes. For South Dunedin, Mr Chetwin, the re- • ' tiring Mayer, was re-elected. I ' INVEKCARGILL 2 April 29. Mr veorge Froggatt has been elected! Mayor <if Invercargill, the voting being:- ! Froggatt 618, Longuet 592.

% .3"$ m . S a W -S 1-3 eft © a « o "»'§ *2 1.3 1-5 * 8 |tJ Jig £ "v oi •"a fcH 0 o 2 01 H Jl tel 2_d •1 taw *l 8.2 o 13 § -Fl s PhP COW t^o &hP5 o »3 B - .« ,vir. i»o in nai '1(>S3 Payling Louglinaa . 337 1-24 170 102 48 118 899 . 345 . 316 113 103 169 162 87 82 60 55 111 93 8S5 816 Cooper Soreii'Sen Collins Taylor Sitll'PSOlTj , 219 . 384: 225 '. 156 117 113 77 S9 167 151 110 128 127 SS 84 45 63 60 42 26 92 102 73 62 815 796 617 506 . 115 77 110 76 33 56 467 SiTlMlcls . 99 33 79 68 29 34 332

: 3- a 0 3, a B S .9 S.S "■3 < "3 EH Hadfield . . 5H 1S7. 135 838 Forrester • . 500 167 96 772 Ell » . 356 207 114 677 ParEons • . 345 127 137 1 609 Manhire t . 2S1 199 63 493 Jacques r Bubterfield , 202 . 120 91 3U 48 39 311 207 Miller 227 63 51 316 Informal 5 11 G 25

» B. Counc Office. :ll Bt Matthew's. Total A. P. Carey 267 135 402 W. J. Ncato 159 157 236 W. Newton ■ 71 103 . 174 G-. Hydo 32 112 141 A., H. Hob'os C9 71 140 H. E. Morgan , 53 66 119 J?. J. Barlow 82 30 112 C. L-afferty 2G 71 97 Informal 5 6 11

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CIX, Issue 13114, 30 April 1903, Page 5

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MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CIX, Issue 13114, 30 April 1903, Page 5

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CIX, Issue 13114, 30 April 1903, Page 5